Total 16 participants (9 sisters & 7 Brothers) from Arunachal, Andhra
Pradesh, Gujrat, Himachal, J&K, Maharashtra & Rajasthan participated
very enthusiastically. They followed the Yoga Way of Life as taught by
Vivekananda Kendra.
realized that the the Yoga is not only Asanas & Pranayam and also not one
of the pathy to cure the physical ailments but it is the holistic
approach to look at the life.
As usual the lectures were conducted on the subjected like - Ashtanga Yoga of Maharshi Patanjali, Bhagawadgita, Bhakti Yoga, Jyanna Yoga, Life and Message of Swami Vivekananda & Mananiya Eknathji, Bharatiya Sanskriti, important aspects of Kashmir,The Story of Vivekananda Rock Memorial etc. The Karma Yoga was explained through the selected Shlokas (Karmayoga Shlok Sangrah) from Bhagavadgita on Kanrma Yoga.
teaching of Yogic Kriyas, the Bhajan Sandhya, visit of important places in
Kashmir Vally etc. was the part of the shibir.
The deepening of the subject was done through the group discussions on the subjects.
Md G.R. Shah, the Asst. General Manager of State Bank of India (Acchabal) Anantanag Dist paid a visit on 23rd and spoke on the holistic spiritual aspects.
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