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Friday, January 30, 2015
Vimarsha : Recalling Swami Vivekananda’s vision of Dharma
The eternally debated ‘Dharma’ was the topic for the two lively discussions organized by Vivekananda Kendra at Hyderabad on 19th and 20th January 2015. Stimulating the minds of the young and the old alike, these discussions urged them to see beyond the commonly accepted definitions and understanding of Dharma. And what could be a better guide for them than its vision of Swami Vivekananda?
Based on the thoughts of Swami Vivekananda, Amrutha Bhashini Smt. Auna Devi questioned the prevalent understanding of Dharma and recalled the immortals words of Swami Vivekananda for awakening oneself to the true nature of Dharma and having faith on its validity. Quoting profusely the scriptures, she stated that what keeps the order in the creation is Dharma and what destroys it is not. The talk was followed by her interaction with the aroused audience.
In a second such interaction, Acharya Kasireddy Venkat Reddy - the renowned writer, poet and academician – enlightened the audience with his keen understanding of Dharma expressed lucidly to the mixed audience of young and old. Acharya Reddy recalled Swami Vivekananda’s forceful illustrations during his speeches in the West, which had compelled the audience there to rethink Dharma. The same he said is the need today in India and elsewhere, to rethink and return to the basics of Dharma – the oneness - with the help of Swami Vivekananda’s vision. The highlight of his talk was the frequent applause from the excited youth audience. The interaction that followed gave more clarity of the discussed subject.
These interactions are part of the “Vimarsh” programs which are being organised on the occasion of the Birth-centenary of founder of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari Late Sri Eknathji Ranade. This nationwide program was set rolling by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 9th Novembar at Delhi last year. At these Hyderabad programs, Sri Dipok Barthakur – National Chairman of Eknathji’s Birth Centenary Committee, Justice C.V. Ramulu – Vice Chairman and Sri M.G.K. Murthy IAS (retd) – Vice Chairman of Andhra-Telangana Committee, and several dignitaries and enthusiast from all walks of life were present. During these programs, two new Telegu books - Swami Vivekananduni Jeevitanloni Sanniveshaalu and Yoga - Ekatva Drkpadam Aadhaaranga Jeevana Vidhaanam were released.
Swami Vivekananduni Jeevitanloni Sanniveshaalu | Yoga - Ekatva Drkpadam Aadhaaranga Jeevana Vidhaanam |
[Incidents from the Life of Swami Vivekananda] | [Yoga - The Way of Life Based on the Vision of Oneness] |
written by Sri KP Shivakumar translated into Telugu by Sri Rangasai [Reprint] | Written by Nivedita Didi and translated by Sri Tippavarapu Kondala Rao [First Edition] |
Price Rs.30/- | Price Rs.30/- |
These programs were held at Ameerpet and Nagole. The next series of this “Vimarsh” interaction will be held in June 2015 and the topic will be “Seva”.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
01/30/2015 10:30
You are cordially invited for the
Releasing function of the
Special Cover
on the occasion of
Mananeeya Eknathji Janma Shati Parva
Ms. Anjali Devasher IPoS
Member (PLI) Chairman & Investment Board
Postal Services Board, New Delhi
30th January 2015 at 10-30 a.m.
- Invocation
- Lighting the Lamp
- Welcome Address : Sri P Krishnaswami
- Chief Guest : Shri.Pon Radhakrishnan, Minister of State for Road Transport and Highways, Government of India, New Delhi
- Release of the SPECIAL COVER & Address by : Ms.ANJALI DEVASHER, IPoS Member(PLI) &Chairman,Investment Board,Postal Services Board, New Delhi
- Felicitations : Shri T.MURTHY IPoS, Chief Post Master General, Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai
- Presidential Address : Mananeeya Sri A Balakrishnan, Vice-President, VRM & VK
- Film on Mananeeya Ekanathji
- Vote of Thanks : Sri M Hanumantarao
- National Anthem
Venue: EKNATH A.C.Auditorium, Vivekanandapuram, Kanyakumari.
Friday, January 23, 2015
chosen path : Vivekananda Kendra News
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युवा सम्मलेन : वर्धा
विवेकानन्द केन्द्र वर्धा द्वारा 11.01.2015 को शहर के NEW ENGLISH हाई स्कुल में एक दिवशीय अनिवासीय युवा सम्मलेन का आयोजन किया गया।
यह युवा सम्मेलन भारतीय संस्कृति परीक्षा के बाद का चरण था, जिसमे 80 युवाओं ने सहभागिता की। समय रविवार प्रातः 8 से 12 बजे था .
इस युवा सम्मलेन में रजिस्ट्रेशन के उपरान्त प्रार्थना, गीत, खेल उसके बाद " उद्देश्यपूर्ण जीवन और मै कौन ? " इस विषय पर मंथन हुआ। "सफलता से सार्थकता और कृतिशीलता " इस विषय पर विदर्भ महाविद्यालयीन प्रमुख का उत्साहपूर्ण मार्गदर्शन शिविरार्थियों को प्राप्त हुआ।
भारतीय संस्कृति परीक्षा में प्रथम,द्वितीय और तृतीय स्थान प्राप्त करने वाले JUNIOR & SENIOR COLLEGE के विद्यार्थियों को पुरुस्कार वितरण New English School le Principal श्री विजय व्यास और भरत ज्ञान मन्दिरम् की पूर्व प्राचार्या श्रीमती हेमा बोरकर द्वारा किया गया।
इस सम्मलेन में विदर्भ विभाग संगठक सुश्री प्रियंवदा पाण्डे दीदी उपस्थित थे।
सम्मलेन में आये युवा मई माह में होने वाले आवासीय युवा प्रेरणा शिविर में आने हेतु उत्साहित थे।
Vivekananda Janmothsov Celebration at Durgapur
Vivekananda Janmothsov O Seve Somiti and Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari Durgapur Branch are celebrating Swamiji's Birthday by organizing some cultural Program .
Total Attendees : 575
Total Karyakarta : 53
This program was continued for 3 days.
On 9th January Our program was started with Masal run called Vivek Jyoti. In this run we have covered approx 15km with 105 participants.
Then on 11th January we had conducted some cultural program those are
Drawing Competition: Total 333 participators participated in this Drawing competition. We have divided this competition into 4 groups according to the class division.
- Surya Namaskar Competition: Total 40 candidate participated in this competition
- Quize on Swami Vivekananda : Total 20 Candidate participated in this competition
- Sanskrit Sloke Competition : Total 29 Candidate participated in this competition
On 12th January from morning puja, yagya were held. Then 2 more competition were held on this day .Those are
- Story Telling of Swamiji Childhood : Total 20 children participated in this competition.
- Bhakti Geeti Competition : Total 43 Candidate participated in this competition.
The main attraction of the day is that "Dharma Shabha". Our main guest Prof. Janardan Ghosh (Professor of Vivekananda University of English Department) was present in this program and delivered his valuable speech . Along with Vivekananda Kendra Karyakarta Sri Biswanath Chakrabartty (Shantiniketan Bhibagh Promukh) also present . And also some of delegates personality of our society were present in this program .At the end of the program was the Prize distribution ceremony .
The whole Program was organized by Mr. Ruhidas Ghosh (Durgapur Branch Promukh)
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Swami Vivekananda Jayanti Programme at Nagpur
"If our youngsters work according to Swami Vivekananda's thoughts, India will become great world-power.", Shri Shivarai Kulkarni, a renowned journalist, said when he was talking to the audience on the occasion of Swami Vivekananda Jayanti celebration at Scientific hall, Lakshmi nagar, Nagpur on 13th January, 2015. Swamiji's thoughts will make us forget the differences and unite us to work for the Motherland with great vigour and enthusiasm, he added.
Dr. Vilas Deshpande, (H.O.D. - Applied Physics) Vishveswaiya National Institute of Technology, presided over the function. In his presidential address he paid obeisance to Swamiji and threw light on gigantic work done by Ma. Eknathji as a dedicated worker of RSS, creator of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and founder of Vivekananda Kendra.
Prizes were also distributed in the programme to the winners of Bharatiya Samskriti Pariksha and Geeta Essay competition. In two categories the Bharatiya Samskriti Pariksha was conducted - 1. College students and 2. Open to all. 300 persons participated in this pariksha. 30 persons wrote essays on Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta.
The programme started with Prarthana and ended with Ku. Vande Mataram by Vedavati Kher. A song on Swamiji was presented by Ku. Manasi Deshpande.
All the people who were present for the programme liked the short film on Ma. Eknathji. Vivekananda Kendra activities were presented before the audience by Shri Chintan Magia and Shri Vaibhav Joshi. Sau. Gauri Kher, Nagar Pramukh, proposed vote of thanks. Sau. Gitanjali Kelkar and Sau. Gauri Shastri Deshpande conducted the programme.
On 12th Jan. a programme was conducted at Ishwar Deshmukh College of Physical Education, Nagpur. Principal of the college Dr. Anil Karwande presided over the function. "Swami Vivekananda has given a very important message of Strength - physical as well as mental. All of us should be ready and alert always for the service of our Motherland." , he said while talking to the students.
Shri Lakheswar Chandravanshi, editor of a Hindi weekly Bharatwani deliberated on inspiring story of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Ma. Eknathji.
Shri Roketso Mam and Ku Tanushri Koshal, both students of the college expressed their thoughts on Swamiji.
Vivekananda Kendra activities were presented by Shri Shubham Jais and the programme was conducted by Shri Bharat Rai. 30 students attended the programme.
In another gathering of 10 Karyakartas on 12th Jan. at Ramnagar Visthar, there was reading and discussion on Swamiji's elevating thoughts. The focus was on internalizing the message of Swamiji and rededicating to the cause.
Different competitions like elocution, patriotic songs, Ekatmata stotra chanting and Swamiji's quotations were conducted for Samskar Varga children on 11th Jan, 2015 while celebrating Swami Vivekananda Jayanti at Shivaji hall, Shivaji Nagar, Nagpur. prizes were distributed to the winners. Children enjoyed various interesting games and patriotic songs. A special appreciation and prize was given to the kids - the twins of the age 10 - who saved an 8 year old girl who was sinking in a pond. Their mother feels that they could do this because they attended Samskar Varga and came in contact with Swamiji's thoughts. 40 children from Ram nagar, Trimurti nagar and Pratap nagar vistars with their parents attended the programme.
A youth convention was arranged on 11th Jan., 2015 at New English School, Wardha. 85 college students who participated in Bharatiya Samskriti Pariksha attended the convention. There were sessions on Swamiji and Ma. Eknathji's life giving message. Group discussion session was based on these thoughts and a student from each group presented the gist of their discussion. Prizes and certificates were distributed by the Principal of the School, Shri Vyasji and Shri. Borkar.
Kendra Karyakartas participated in 5 more programmes arranged by various institutions on 12th January.
Safal Yuva - Yuva Bharat Presentation in West Bengal
Vivekananda Kendra kanyakumari, Kolkata Mahanagar celebrate the Swami Vivekananda jayanti (national Youth Day) as Safal Yuva Yuva Bharat Yuva Samelan at Camellia Institute of Technology, Madhyam gram, Kolkata on 12 January 2015.Total 86 students, 15 faculties and 7 karyakartas of Vivekananda kendra was presented. This program inaugurated by the Director of the institute and Prant Sangathak of Vivekananda kendra, Paschim Bang Prant. Prof Rakesh Das was gave the power point presentation of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial story for inspiring the students to achieve their goal. Dr. Arun Upadhyay motivated the students with some outdoor activities and meditation. Prof Debashish Ganguly was coordinate all over the programme.
Safal Yuva - Yuva Bharat at Patna
विवेकानंद केंद्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा पटना द्वारा आयोजित तीन दिवसीय सफल युवा युवा भारत शिविर का आयोजन पटना नगर स्थित कमला नेहरु विद्यालय में किया गया, जिसमें पटना नगर के २१ शिविरार्थी तथा गया नगर से १० शिविरार्थी विभिन्न महाविद्यालयों से सम्मिलित हुए। १९ कार्यकर्ता सञ्चालन चमू में थे। शिविर की शुरुआत शाम ६:३० बजे भजन संध्या से हुई तत्पश्चात उदघाटन श्री राकेश कुमार,सफल व्यवसायी द्वारा दीप प्रज्वलन कर किया गया शिविर की विधिवत शुरुआत ३ जनवरी को ४:३० बजे जागरण से हुई तत्पश्चात ५:१५ प्रातःस्मरण इसके पश्चात योग वर्ग फिर गीता पाठ, श्रम संस्कार, श्रम परिहार फिर प्रथम दिन के प्रथम सत्र स्वामी विवेकानन्द साधारण से असाधारण व्यक्तित्व विषय पर मार्गदर्शन डा.प्रेमनाथ पाण्डेय द्वारा किया गया।
द्वितीय व तृतीय दिन के प्रथम सत्र में क्रमशः संगठित युवा सफल भारत व कार्यकर्ता गुण व विकास पर उद्बोधन डा.डी. एस. पाण्डेय व् आदरणीय मुकेश भैया द्वारा दिया गया। तत्पश्चात स्वाध्याय वर्ग में क्रमशः साधारण से असाधारण बनने के गुण व चमू निर्माण पर मंथन शिवरार्थियों द्वारा प्रथम दिन व् द्वितीय दिन में किया गया। 12:30 बजे भोजन व 2:00 बजे गीत \मंत्र अभ्यास कराया गया। 2:30 नैपुण्य वर्ग में संस्कार वर्ग का प्रशिक्षण व् दुसरे दिन योग वर्ग का प्रशिक्षण दिया गया। 3:30 बजे चाय व 3:45 बजे द्वितीय सत्र में प्रथम दिन "भारत माता (भारतीय संस्कृति )" वव द्वितीय दिन "विवेकानंद केंद्र परिचय व् कार्य पद्धति" पर उद्बोधन क्रमशः डॉ. शिवचंद्र प्रसाद सिंह व प्रभात तिवारी द्वारा किया गया। 4:30 बजे संस्कार वर्ग में आज्ञा अभ्यास ,खेल ,कथाकथन ,जयघोष ,संकल्प आदि कराया गया। 6:30 बजे भजन संध्या व 7:15 पाथेय में क्रमशः सेवा की संकल्पना व आनंदालय विषय पर डॉ. डी.एस. पाण्डेय व मुकेश भैया का मार्गदर्शन मिला। 8:00 बजे भोजन व 8:45 बजे प्रेरणा से पुनरुत्थान में गीत, खेल, एकनाथ जी के संस्मरण, हनुमान चालीसा, आत्मावलोकन, गण बैठक के पश्चात् दिन की समाप्ति हुई। तृतीय दिन शिवरार्थियो द्वारा योग वर्ग में 108 सुर्यनमस्कार लगाए गए। आहुति सत्र मुकेश भैया द्वारा लिया गया। तत्पश्चात भोजन फिर समापन सत्र में स्वामी हरिनारायनानंद जी, अध्यक्ष,भारत सेवक समाज व कमला नेहरु विद्यालय की प्राचार्या डा.सुनीता प्रसाद ने अपने उदबोधन दिया। स्वामी हरिनारायनानंद जी ने कहा की हमारा शरीर पञ्च तत्वों से बना हुआ है। और यहाँ नष्ट होगा ही इसलिय इस तन से कुछ समाज की भलाई हो ऐसा कार्य करो। विद्यालय की प्राचार्या डा.सुनीता प्रसाद ने कहा ही के इतने युवा इस परिसर में 4 दिन तक रहे वहा भी अनुशाशन में यह मुझे विश्वास ही नहीं होता है। शिबिर के सराहन करते हुए उन्होंने कहा की आगे से जब भी आपको अवश्यक हो आप विधालय परिसर का उपयोग कर सकतें है।
शिविर में 10 शिवरार्थियो ने अल्पकालीन सेवाव्रत का संकल्प लिया व एक शिविरार्थी ने १ वर्षा के लिया पूर्ण समय देने का संकल्प लिया है। पटना तथा गया में विभिन्न स्थानों में संस्कार वर्ग ,स्वाध्याय वर्ग व् योग वर्ग की योजना भी बनाई गई। शिविर के शिवराधिकारी का दायित्व आदरणीय विकास जी, शिविर संरक्षक का दायित्व का निर्वहन डॉ. डी.एस.पाण्डेय,प्रान्त पर्व प्रमुख द्वारा किया गया। शिविर मार्गदर्शक का दायित्व आदरणीय मुकेश भैया व् शिविर प्रमुख का दायित्व प्रभात तिवारी द्वारा निर्वाहित किया गया। इसके अलावा अलग-अलग कार्यकर्ताओं ने अलग –अलग कार्यो का निर्वहन किया। शिविर में शिवरार्थियो को चार गणों क्रमशः संस्कार वर्ग ,स्वाध्याय वर्ग ,योग वर्ग व आनंदालय वर्ग में बनते गए, जिसमें सभी गण में लगभग 8-8 शिवरार्थी सम्मिलित थे। शिविर के दौरान नगर समिति के सभी वरिष्ठ कार्यकर्ता व अधिकारीगण उपस्थित रहें, जिन्होंने शिविर के सफल संपादन में अपनी सक्रिय भूमिका का निर्वहन किया।
Friday, January 16, 2015
Makar Samkranti, Bihu, Lohari, Pongal : Vivekananda Kendra News
"We must be highly spiritual and at the same time highly practical. We must be very careful not to lose a sense of proportion."
-- Mananeeya Eknathji {Sadhana of Service : p5}
News Updates from :
Traditional Drama & Dance competition Arunachal Pradesh : Read More
- National Youth Day Celebration at VKVs Arunachal Pradesh : Read More
- Various activities in Tejpur, Assam : Read More
- Safal Yuva Samarth Bharat at Surat : Read More
- Swami Vivekananda Jayanti Programme at Surat : Read More
- विविधता के समन्वय का आदर्श भारत- गुणवन्त कोठारी : विस्तृत
- सामूहिक सूर्यनमस्कार महायज्ञ १०० युवाओं द्वारा १०८ सूर्यनमस्कार : विस्तृत
- Samarth Bharat Parva celebration in Odisha : Read More
- Aanadalaya Yuva Sammelan : Read More
- MEJSP Launching programme at Guwahati : Read More
- VIVEK : Issues & Options for November - December 2014 : Read More
- Swami Vivekananda Joyanti & Dance and Drama Compittion : Read More
- Swami Vivekananda Jayanti Programme at Pune : Read More
- National Youth Day Celebration at VKV Nalbari, Assam : Read More
- National Youth Day Celebration at VKV Balijan : Read More
- National Youth Day Celebration at VKV Roing : Read More
- National Youth Day Celebration at VKV Kharsang : Read More
- National Youth Day Celebration at VKV Oyan : Read More
- Traditional Drama & Dance competition (MEJSP) : Read More
- Swami Vivekananda Jayanti Celebration in Raipur : Read
- VKV shines in National Children Science Congress : Read More
- Cattle Management to Gandhian Economics : Read More
- A Yuva Samaroh was organized at Marioni : Read More
- Join as Teacher in Assam : Read More
- अपने किए हुए सूर्यनमस्कार कृपया सूर्यनमस्कार घड़ी पर अवश्य जोडे ।
Please add your SuryaNamaskar in SuryaNamaskar Clock.
Please register to the SuryaNamaskar clock and daily add how many SuryaNamaskar done by your or your group.The website has been started on Rashtra Chintan Diwas, a First day of Samartha Bharat Parva, and till now 4,37,810 Suryanamskars have been registered.The site gives various statistics like how many SuryaNamaskar done Today, This Month, This Year, with details like Total SuryaNamaskar done, by No. of Person & No. of Group. Please spread the world and regularly add your count in the site.
- Release of The India Pakistan War of 1971 - A History : Read More
- Vimarsha on Naxalite Movement in Chhattisgarh and the Challenges of Governance : Read More
- New Website VKV Nalbari, Assam :
Updates from Prakashan :
कहानियाँ एकनाथजी की
लेखक : शशीकांत मान्डके
प्रकाशन वर्ष : 2014
पृष्ठ : 72
मुल्य : Rs.25/-
Camp | Language | Duration | Age | Contribution | Entry/ Eligibility |
Varishhta Karyaka Prashikshan Shibir | English+हिन्दी | 2 - 11 February 2015 | - | Rs.1,000/- | Only for Karyakarta |
Spiritual Retreat | English | 5 - 11 February 2015 | 18 to 60 Years | Rs.1,500/- | Open for All |
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Swami Vivekananda Jayanti Programme at Pune
In view of celebrating 152nd Birth Anniversary of Swamiji, Hon. Nivedita Didi was addressing Youth Convention in Pune called "Safal Yuva, Yuva Bharat." She said,"our country has in abundance those rich number of Youth who are ambitious, a dream as envisaged by Swamiji, a century back. One has to follow few important success mantras to make one's life Safal and Sarthak which include self-confidence in one's aim, optimistic attitude and finally the most important one is the perfect balance and management of time and efforts.
The speech was oraganised in Abasaheb Garware College, Pune which included more than three hundred youth from various colleges. At the same time two marathi books were released at the auspicious hands of Ms. Nivedita Didi namely Kesari Maratha Vruttapatre ani Swami Vivekananda and Woman empowerment in the light of Swami Vivekananda ! At the same time, the programme included release of documentary on Mananiya Eknathaji and Vivekananda Kendra and prize- distribution ceremony of successful candidates in Bharatiya Sanskruti Pariksha held at Pune area.

The District level Traditional Dance & Drama competition was organized On the occasion of “National Youth Day”. Welcome address was given by Er. S.Sumnyan Co-Convenor of Mananeeya Eknattji Janma Shati Parva Arunacha Prant Dr. Joram Begi highlighted the importance of day and informed that the First National youth day was announced by Govt. of India in the year 1985. Western society thinks that Hinduism is a religion of superstition but after the Chicago address of Swami Vivekananda made the western society to believe that Hinduism is the backbone of Bharat. Mahatma Gandhi quoted Swami Vivekananda as reformer of Hinduism. While Rabindranath Tagore said “if you want to know India, read swami Vivekananda”.
Swami Vivekananda was a great motivator, who has motivated many youth with his words, works and action. One among them was Mananeya Eknathji, the founder of Vivekananda Kendra and man behind the construction of National monument VIVEKANADA ROCK MEMORIAL at Kanyakumari. Vivekananda Kendra stands for imparting quality education, human resource development, rural development through Arun Jyoti project, Cultural and intellectual development through Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture, Arunachal Pradesh Chapter.
Five groups participated in the District level (Papum Pare) Dance and drama competition viz.
a) BALIJAN CIRCLE COMMITTEE lead by Nogen Terang(G.B)
d) R.G.U DOIMUKH AREA CULTURAL TROUP lead by Yamo Lonbi and Nabam Terang
e) CHIMPU AREA TEAM lead by Rechi Yakum.
One of the judges of Dance and Drama competition Sri Tai Tugung, Asstt. Prof. Govt. College Doimukh has given his observation on the performance of the participants that the performance were very good and need proper professional touch .He urge the guiding authority to give guidance to the participants by some trained and known person . Sri Taniyang Ningii and Smty. Likhmoni mein were the other two judges .
The Chimpu area group begged the 1st prize of Rs.10,000.00 in Traditional Dance competition and RGU Doimukh area team begged 1st prize of Rs.10,000.00 in traditional Drama competition. The Chief Guest Shri Pema Khandu distributed the prizes to each team for there participation.
While speaking on the vote of thanks Shri Kalyan Dutta, Mahanagar Pramukh, Vivekananda Kendra, Itanagar informed that through Dance and and Drama and cultural activities Late Dorjee Khandu, formar Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh could develop leadership to climb the ladder of Success in his life .Therefore he appealed all the participating youth to work hard in this field to protect, preserve, promote and practice the age old heritage to become great leader. The competition was organized at 70 places covering 100 circle of Arunachal Pradesh.
The District level competition for the Traditional dance and drama on the occasion of MEJSP and Swamiji Jayanti cum National Youth Day celebration was conducted at VKV-Kharsang as well as various places of Arunachal Pradesh.
There were eight troops for the traditional dance and seven troops of traditional drama competitions.
On 12th January 2015, the Roing township school’s celebrated “ National Youth Day” organised by VKV Roing . As a part of programme, prizes distribution on various activities like eassy writing compitition (topic “Swamiji’s life and message/My dream India”) local drama, local dance compitition ,local short story telling compitition which were conducted on 7/1/15 to 10/1/15 at various schools of Roing town were distributed by the Chief Guest , the commandant of I.T.B.P, Shri Uma kant and Shri.Bashanta Singh.The Principal D.I.E.T was the guest of honour of National Youth Day celebration.
National Youth Day Celebration 2015
Chief guest of programme : Shri M. Loyi (EAC, Balijan)
Guest of honour : Shri T.T. Tara (Principal, Govt. H.S. School, Balijan)
No of parents attended : 600
Pariwar Sammelan was organized on the occasion of the Swami Vivekananda Jayanti. Total 120 participants. Dr R N pal Vibhag sanchalak was the chief speaker on the occasion. Games, family quiz and bhajan were the main programme.
Vivekananda Kendra Tezpur organized Bharat mata pujan at Sigrijan tea estate Rangapara.
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