The District level Traditional Dance & Drama competition was organized On the occasion of “National Youth Day”. Welcome address was given by Er. S.Sumnyan Co-Convenor of Mananeeya Eknattji Janma Shati Parva Arunacha Prant Dr. Joram Begi highlighted the importance of day and informed that the First National youth day was announced by Govt. of India in the year 1985. Western society thinks that Hinduism is a religion of superstition but after the Chicago address of Swami Vivekananda made the western society to believe that Hinduism is the backbone of Bharat. Mahatma Gandhi quoted Swami Vivekananda as reformer of Hinduism. While Rabindranath Tagore said “if you want to know India, read swami Vivekananda”.
Swami Vivekananda was a great motivator, who has motivated many youth with his words, works and action. One among them was Mananeya Eknathji, the founder of Vivekananda Kendra and man behind the construction of National monument VIVEKANADA ROCK MEMORIAL at Kanyakumari. Vivekananda Kendra stands for imparting quality education, human resource development, rural development through Arun Jyoti project, Cultural and intellectual development through Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture, Arunachal Pradesh Chapter.
Five groups participated in the District level (Papum Pare) Dance and drama competition viz.
a) BALIJAN CIRCLE COMMITTEE lead by Nogen Terang(G.B)
d) R.G.U DOIMUKH AREA CULTURAL TROUP lead by Yamo Lonbi and Nabam Terang
e) CHIMPU AREA TEAM lead by Rechi Yakum.
One of the judges of Dance and Drama competition Sri Tai Tugung, Asstt. Prof. Govt. College Doimukh has given his observation on the performance of the participants that the performance were very good and need proper professional touch .He urge the guiding authority to give guidance to the participants by some trained and known person . Sri Taniyang Ningii and Smty. Likhmoni mein were the other two judges .
The Chimpu area group begged the 1st prize of Rs.10,000.00 in Traditional Dance competition and RGU Doimukh area team begged 1st prize of Rs.10,000.00 in traditional Drama competition. The Chief Guest Shri Pema Khandu distributed the prizes to each team for there participation.
While speaking on the vote of thanks Shri Kalyan Dutta, Mahanagar Pramukh, Vivekananda Kendra, Itanagar informed that through Dance and and Drama and cultural activities Late Dorjee Khandu, formar Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh could develop leadership to climb the ladder of Success in his life .Therefore he appealed all the participating youth to work hard in this field to protect, preserve, promote and practice the age old heritage to become great leader. The competition was organized at 70 places covering 100 circle of Arunachal Pradesh.
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