Monday, January 30, 2023

सिंहनाद प्रतियोगिता - पटना शाखा

विवेकानंद केंद्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा पटना द्वारा आठवीं, नौवीं और दसवीं के छात्रों बीच चल रही तीन दिवसीय सिंहनाद प्रतियोगिता का आज सफलतापूर्वक समापन किया गया | इस प्रतियोगिता के प्रथम चरण में सिंहनाद पुस्तिका के ऊपर  जिसमें स्वामी विवेकानंद जी के बहुत से सुविचार लिखे हुए हैं  छात्रों द्वारा इन सुविचारों को याद करके प्रस्तुत किए गये  और उनकी प्रस्तुति के आधार पर उनका चयन एकदिवसीय कार्यशाला के लिए किया गया| इस प्रतियोगिता के तृतीय चरण में तीन दिवसीय व्यक्तित्व विकास कार्यशाला का आयोजन 27 से 29 जनवरी कमला नेहरू शिशु विहार विद्यालय,  पाटलिपुत्र कॉलोनी,पटना  में किया गया|

शिविर में छात्रों के सर्वांगीण विकास के लिए कई प्रकार की गतिविधियां हुई,यथा- मंत्र उच्चारण, राष्ट्रभक्ति गीत, सूर्य नमस्कार ,प्राणायाम, वैदिक गणित आदि| शिविर में तेजस कार्यशाला का भी आयोजन हुआ| जिसके अंतर्गत हम अपने अंदर के  दिव्यता को कैसे पहचाने ,सामूहिक रूप से कार्य करने की क्षमता में वृद्धि ,नेतृत्व क्षमता में वृद्धि ,समय पालन करने,आदि को सिखाया गया| शिविर का सफलतापूर्वक समापन 29 जनवरी 2023  को अपराह्न 3:00 बजे  हुआ |जिसमें मुख्य वक्ता मुख्य अतिथि सी ए श्री आर. एन मिश्रा रहे| समापन सत्र में प्रतिभागियों द्वारा सूर्य नमस्कार ,सामूहिक गीता पाठ ,शिविर का अनुभव कथन, व्यवहार में राष्ट्रभक्ति, नचिकेता की कहानी नाटक रूप में प्रस्तुत किया गया | मुख्य अतिथि सी ए श्रीआर.एन मिश्रा ने कहा कि यह गतिविधियां जो हमने शिविर से सीखा है, यह सिर्फ छात्रों के लिए नहीं  हम सभी के लिए भी प्रेरणास्पद है| संघर्ष का कोई मोल नहीं होता| यह दिनचर्या हमारे सर्वांगीण विकास के लिए सब कुछ है |अपने लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के दौरान कई रुकावटें आती हैं, हमें उनसे डरना नहीं है, हमें उनका सामना करना है |शिविर के समापन सत्र  में प्रतिभागियों के अभिभावकों की विशेष उपस्थिति रही|

Students Workshop Pathanamthitta

310 participants attended Students’ Workshop organized by VK Pathanamthitta at National High School, Vallamkulam Thiruvalla on 30-01-2023.
Vivekananda Kendra Pathanamthitta branch organized Students’ Workshop at National High School, Vallamkulam Thiruvalla on 30-01-2023. 300 students 8 teachers and 2 karyakarthas – a total of 310 participants attended the workshop.
Dakshin Prant Sangathak Aadharneeya Radha Devi Didi gave them an overview of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Vivekananda Kendra and explained about Swami Vivekananda’s life & message. She also answered various questions asked by students.

Interaction session with students – VK Pathanamthitta

VK Pathanamthitta organised an interaction session with the students of Sree Vijayananda Vidya Peedom CBSE School, Aranmula on 30-01-2023. 91 people participated.
Vivekananda Kendra Pathanamthitta organised an interaction session with the students of Sree Vijayananda Vidya Peedom CBSE School, Aranmula on 30 Jan 2023. 75 students, 12 teachers and 4 karyakarthas – a total of 91 people participated in the session.
Dakshin Prant Sangathak Aadharneeya Radha Devi Didi interacted with the students on the topic of ‘Swami Vivekananda's Life and Message’. Sri. Vivek Ji gave an introduction about VRM & VK and its activities, he also explained to the students and teachers about the Jeevanvrithi Cadre.
Along with the karyakarthas of VK Pathanamthitta, Vyavastha Pramukh of VK Thiruvananthapuram Shri. Shyam Kumar Ji and Shri. Balamukumdanji from Kollam, who came in contact through Vimarsh conducted at Guruvayur also joined the function.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Interaction with Balagokulam children at Koipuram

VK Pathanamthitta organised a Kendra parichaya & interaction session with the students of Balagokulam at Koipuram on 29th January 2023. 30 children and 15 elders attended the session.
VK Pathanamthitta organised a Kendra parichaya & interaction session with the students of Balagokulam at Koipuram on 29th January 2023. 30 children and 15 elders attended the session.
The purpose of the session is to give Kendra parichaya and to interact and motivate the children to take part in the Balagokulam regularly. Kendra karyakarthas Sri. Shri Vivek Ji and Smt. Ambili Chechi coordinated the session.

Mathru Sammelan at Erankavu Devi Temple

VK Pathanamthitta organized Matru Sammelan at Thiru Erankavu Bhagavathy Temple, Thiruvalla on 29-01-2023. 300 mothers and temple committee members participated.
Vivekananda Kendra Pathanathitta branch organized Matru Sammelan at Thiru Erankavu Bhagavathy Temple, Thiruvalla on 29-01-2023. 300 mothers and temple committee members took part in the sammelan.
Shri. Ajith ji who participated in YSS at VK Kanyakumari took initiative to organize this event. Sri. Vivek ji, coordinator of VK Activities in Pathanamthitta and Kottayam districts along with Smt. Ambili Chechi coordinated the program.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Mathrusammelanam - VK Pathanamthitta

118 people participated in the Mathrusammelanam organized by VK Pathanamthitta on 28-01-2023 at National High School, Thiruvalla.
Vivekananda Kendra Pathanamthitta Branch organized Mathrusammelanam on 28/01/2023 at National High School, Vallamkulam, Thiruvalla. 100 mothers, 15 teachers and 3 karyakarthas - a total of 118 people participated.
Dakshin Prant Sangathak Aa. Radha Devi Didi gave a session on the topic ‘Mothers' Role In Man Making and Nation Building’. Smt. Ambili Chechi sang a song on the importance of a mother in one's life which brought tears of joy in everyone's eyes.
Shi. Y. Pradeepji, a retired teacher of VKV Arunachal Pradesh also joined the Karyakartas of Pathanamthitta.

Kendra Parichaya Shibir - VK Thiruvananthapuram


VK Thiruvananthapuram organised Kendra Parichaya Shibir for the students of Sri Sarada College Of Nursing on 28-01-2023. 13 students and 2 teachers participated in the shibir.
On 28 January 2023, Vivekananda Kendra Thiruvananthapuram branch organised Kendra Parichaya Shibir for the 3rd year students of Sri Sarada College Of Nursing - a part of Sri Ramakrishna Math, Thiruvananthapuram. 13 students and 2 teachers participated in the shibir.
Aadarneeya Sri. Radhakrishnan Ji interacted with the participants and explained to them about Vivekananda Kendra, its mission and its activities. The participants visited 3 exhibitions - Gangotri, Arise Awake & Ramayana Darshan. Aa. Priyamvada Didi & Su. Kalyani Didi coordinated the shibir.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Republic Day Celebration - Gaya

विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा गया की ओर से 74 वें गणतंत्र दिवस धर्म सभा में मनाया गया इस अवसर पर नगर संचालक प्रोफेसर अरुण कुमार प्रसाद जी द्वारा झंडा फहराया गया
और राष्ट्रीय गीत देश भक्ति गीत एवं सरस्वती वंदना भी किया गया साथ ही गणतंत्र दिवस की महत्ता पर प्रकाश डाला गया. इस कार्यक्रम में 45 कार्यकर्ता शामिल हुए अंत में प्रसाद वितरण के साथ कार्यक्रम का समापन हुआ ।

Republic Day Celebration - Patna

विवेकानंद केंद्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा पटना द्वारा आज गणतंत्र दिवस एवं सरस्वती पूजा के अवसर पर केंद्र कार्यालय पर झंडा तोलन एवं सरस्वती पूजा का आयोजन हुआ| शिव शंकर लाल प्रसाद श्रीवास्तव (सूचना  एवं जनसंचार विभागअध्यक्ष, बिहार सरकार)और अशोक कुमार कार्यालय प्रमुख द्वारा झंडा तोलन किया गया | 

अन्य उपस्थित कार्यकर्ताओं ने भी अपने विचार व्यक्त किए  और अंत में कार्यक्रम का समापन राष्ट्र गीत से हुआ l तत्पश्चात सरस्वती पूजा के अवसर पर विवेकानंद केंद्र कार्यालय पर विवेकानंद स्टडी सेंटर का विधिवत उद्घाटन किया गया| इस अवसर पर केंद्र  के वरिष्ठ कार्यकर्ता शिवकुमार प्रसाद सिंह, शिवशंकर शर्मा ,ज्ञानेश्वर शर्मा मुकेश किर एवं युवा कार्यकर्ता  उपस्थित रहे|

Republic Day Celebration at VKV Kanyakumari

1300 students participated in the Republic Day celebration at VKV Kanyakumari on 26 January 2023. Assistant Professor from S.T. Hindu College Sri. Dr. S. Bhagavathi Perumal and Vice President of VRM & VK Mananeeya Nivedita Didi graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and Special Guest respectively. Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Matric Hr. Sec. School, Kanyakumari celebrated the Republic Day on 26 January 2023. Assistant Professor from S.T. Hindu College Sri. Dr. S. Bhagavathi Perumal and Vice President of VRM & VK Mananeeya Nivedita Didi graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and Special Guest respectively. 1300 students participated in the celebration.

The program started with ‘Vande Mataram’ song at 8.30 a.m. The Special Guest Mananeeya Nivedita Didi hoisted the National flag followed by National Anthem. The Chief Guest Sri. Dr. S. Bhagavathi Perumal addressed the students and spoke about the unsung heroes of freedom movement and their sacrifices. He insisted the students to learn about the freedom fighters like Kattabomman, Shenbhaga Raman, Kudhiram Bose, Chandra Shekar Azad etc.

Mananeeya Nivedita Didi in her special address insisted that the first duty of students is to excel in their studies and to learn about the tradition and culture of our country. She also advised the students to have a higher goal in life and to work hard to achieve it. The celebration also included the cultural presentations like patriotic song, karate, silambam, drama about ‘Major Abhinanthan’, dumbles dance and pyramid demonstrations by the students. The students who won in E.A. competitions were honoured with prizes. The program was concluded with Kendra prarthana.

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Programme - Guruvayur

320 people participated in the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav programme organised by VK Guruvayur on 26 January 2023 at Saraswathi Vidyaniketan School, Engandiyur.
Vivekananda Kendra Guruvayur organized the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav programme on Republic Day (26 January 2023) at Saraswathi Vidyaniketan School, Engandiyur, Guruvayur. 320 people consisting of 300 students, 10 teachers and 10 karyakathas participated in the programme.
After the unfurling of the National Flag, there was a session on the topic ‘Patriotism and Swami Vivekananda’. Dakshin Prant Sangathak Aadharneeya Radha Devi Didi addressed the gathering and there was a question and answer session too.

Republic Day Celebration - VKV Vallioor

Presided by : Shri. S.K. Subramanian (Correspondent VKV School, Vallioor)
Chief guest : Mr. Ramnath Iyer (Advocate, District president Legal Wing in B.J.P  of Tirunelveli)
Participants : 500
“Remember the golden heritage of our country and feel proud to be a part of India”
Republic day is the occasion by remembering each and every  sacrifice made, each and every life lost for the nation.

74th Republic day was celebrated in our school with great eclat. The programme began at 9.30 A.M
Our Chief guest Mr. Ramnath Iyer unfurled the national flag amidst loud cheers.  Following this we saluted the ‘Nation  flag’ and    sang a flag song.
A warm welcome was given by our student.  Bharatham  and Patriotic dance were performed by our students at the beginning of the function.  These were followed by stirring Tamil and English speech where given by our student about republic day, and continuously our school students were performed martial art, Silambam and Karate amidst great applause.

Our Chief guest Mr. Ramnath Iyer addressed the gathering.  He emphasized the importance of Republic Day, responsibility of the citizens, and also he stressed the students concentration by giving Arjuna’s story from Mahabaratha, and he concluded his speech with Swamiji’s thoughts.  His speech was impressed by all. Then our Principal Mr. T. Muthukrishnan gave the  eloquent speech about Republic day.
Next sports winners prizes were given by our Chief guest, Correspondent and our Principal.  Then the momento was given  by our correspondent to our Chief guest. Then vote of thanks was proposed by our student.
Finally the programme was concluded with Kendra Prayer and followed by National Anthem was sung by our students. Sweets were distributed. Our Correspondent  Shri. S.K. Subramanian and Our Principal Shri T.Muthukrishnan arranged the function in a grand  manner.

गणतंत्र दिवस समारोह - भागलपुर

विवेकानंद केंद्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा भागलपुर के द्वारा केंद्र कार्यालय में झंडोत्तोलन कार्यक्रम समारोह पूर्वक मनाया गया झंडोत्तोलन नगर संचालक डॉ सुनीत कुमार ने किया अपने संबोधन में उन्होंने कहा कि गणतंत्र दिवस हम सभी को संविधान सम्मत जीने का मार्ग दिखाता है ।
प्रांत संपर्क प्रमुख डॉ विजय कुमार वर्मा ने अपने अध्यक्षीय भाषण में केंद्र के महत्व एवं गणतंत्र दिवस की अवधारणा पर प्रकाश डालते हुए कहा कि हम लोग आजादी के अमृत वर्षा काल में चल रहे हैं आने वाले वक्त में गणतंत्र का अमृत महोत्सव मनाएंगे उसके पहले हमें संविधान सम्मत अधिकार और कर्तव्य का बोध होना चाहिए ।

केंद्र के कार्यकर्ताओं के द्वारा राष्ट्र की जय चेतना का गान वंदेमातरम, मातृभूमि गान से गूंजता रहे गगन जैसे गीतों के द्वारा  प्रस्तुति रही।कार्यक्रम का संचालन सेवाव्रती कार्यकर्ता निर्मला जायसवाल द्वारा किया गया। झंडोत्तोलन कार्यक्रम में मनोज अस्थाना,बिनीत सिन्हा,नरेंद्र अग्रवाल,बॉबी कुमारी,आदित्य सिंह,सूरज कुमार,चंदन सहाय,राजकुमार के साथ 30 की संख्या में कार्यकर्ता भैया एवं बहनों की उपस्थित रही।

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Swami Vivekananda Jayanti - Hebbal Branch

180 students and staff participated in Swami Vivekananda Jayanti & National Youth Day programme organised at Vijaya Vittala Institute of Technology, Kothanur-Hebbal on 25th Jan 2023.
Swami Vivekananda Jayanti & National Youth Day programme was organised at Vijaya Vittala Institute of Technology, Kothanur-Hebbal on 25th Jan 2023. Totally 180 students and staff participated in the programme.
The Principal of the college Sri. Dr. Rajendra presided over the programme. The programme started with lighting of lamp followed by Invocation song by Kum. Vaishnavi. Smt. Satya Akka welcomed the gathering. Sahitya Seva Pramukh Smt. Smita Akka gave keynote address on the topic 'Swami Vivekananda, a source of Inspiration to the Youth'. Smt. Kritika gave the vote of thanks.
Smt, Padma Bhandarkar Akka, Smt. Rajashree Akka and Smt. Padma Srinivas Akka coordinated the programme.

Swami Vivekananda Jayanti at Guruvayoor

VK Guruvayur celebrated Swami Vivekananda Jayanti on 25 January 2023 at Sree Sastha English Medium School in which 75 students, 12 parents and 5 Karyakarthas participated.
Vivekananda Kendra Guruvayur celebrated Swami Vivekananda Jayanti on 25 January 2023 at Sree Sastha English Medium School, Changaramkulam, Malappuram District. 75 students, 12 parents and 5 Karyakarthas participated in the celebration.
Dakshin Prant Sangathak Aadharneeya Radha Devi Didi gave an inspiring session on the topic ‘Incidents from the Life Of Swami Vivekananda’ and all did pushpanjali to Swami Vivekananda after the session.
Smt. Geetha Chechi who came in contact with Kendra through a recent Vimarsha organized in Guruvayur took initiative in organising the event.

National Youth Day - Patna

01 जनवरी 2023 को विवेकानन्द केन्द्र प्रान्त कार्यालय पाटलिपुत्र में नगर समिति सदस्य और अन्य कार्यकर्ताओं ने मिलकर 'कल्प तरु' दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में भजन संध्या का आयोजन किया। इस अवसर पर प्रान्त संगठक श्री मुकेश भैया ने ठाकुर रामकृष्णपरमहंस जी के जीवन और उनकी आध्यात्मिक साधनाओं पर प्रकाश डाला। बाद में, 12 जनवरी 2023 को स्वामी विवेकानन्द जयंती के उपलक्ष में राष्ट्रीय युवा दिवस का आयोजन पटना शहर के विभिन्न स्थानों पर किया गया। श्री अरविंद महिला महाविद्यालय में कार्यक्रम के मुख्य अतिथि शिखा सिंह परमार एवं अध्यक्षा प्रभारी प्राचार्य डॉ. अंजलि प्रसाद जी रहीं। सभागार में उपस्थित छात्राओं को संबोधित करते हुए शिखा दीदी ने बोला कि हमें स्वामी विवेकानन्द जी के आदर्शों के अनुकूल धैर्यवान, चरित्रवान बलशाली और नेतृत्व करने वाले युवा बनकर अपने जीवन को सार्थक करना चाहिए। विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कार्यालय पाटलिपुत्र के पास ही दो जगह पर स्वामी जी के तस्वीर पर माल्यार्पण और पुष्पांजलि की गई जिसमें स्थानीय निवासी तथा राहगीरों ने भी पुष्प अर्पण करते हुए स्वामी जी के प्रति अपनी श्रद्धा प्रकट की। केन्द्र कार्यकर्ता श्री अशोक जी और श्रीमती सुभाषिनी दीदी ने संचालन करते हुए स्वामी जी के बारे में संक्षिप्त जानकारी दी। 
पाटलिपुत्र स्थित नवीन राजकीय पॉलिटेक्निक कॉलेज के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में युवा दिवस मनाया गया जहाँ कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता डॉ. आर.एन. सिंह जी और समन्वय रोमा रानी दीदी ने किया। आईटी के विद्यार्थियों ने परिश्रम से स्वामी विवेकानन्द जी का फोटो और पीपीटी डिजाइन किया। मुख्य वक्ता के रूप में श्री शिव कुमार प्रसाद सिंह, केन्द्र कार्यकर्ता, प्रांत साहित्य प्रमुख विवेकानन्द जी के संपूर्ण जीवन पर संक्षिप्त में प्रकाश डालते हुए विद्यार्थियों को उनके जैसा बनने के लिए प्रेरित किया। अतिथि के रूप में केंद्र कार्यकर्ता श्री विवेकानन्द मिश्रा, रीता दीदी और कविता दीदी उपस्थित रहें। ज्ञात हो कि विवेकानन्द केन्द्र बिहार-झारखण्ड प्रान्त की ओर से 2 महीनों के लिए 'युवा नेतृत्व विकास अभियान' का आयोजन किया गया था। उसी शिविर के कुछ युवाओं ने योजनाबद्ध रूप से विवेकानन्द जयंती कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया। राष्ट्रीय गीत, विवेकवाणी से वहाँ उपस्थित लोगों में देशभक्ति भावना का संचार हुआ। अभियान के चयनित युवाओं को उस दिन गंगा देवी महिला महाविद्यालय ,जानकी देवी महिला कॉलेज, कॉलेज ऑफ कॉमर्स आर्ट्स एण्ड साइंस समेत अन्य कई कॉलेजो में प्रमाण पत्र का वितरण किया गया।

उसी प्रकार से 17 जनवरी को पाटलिपुत्र स्थित 'टूल रूम ट्रेनिंग सेन्टर' में विवेकानन्द जयन्ती मनायी गयी। इस उपलक्ष्य वैसे प्रतिभागियों को प्रमाणपत्र वितरण किया गया जो 'युवा नेतृत्व विकास अभियान' के तहत एक दिवसीय कार्यशाला में शामिल गत माह शामिल हुए थे। कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत और संचालन श्री अशोक कुमार, कार्यालय प्रमुख, विवेकानन्द केन्द्र पटना ने किया। पुष्पांजलि के बाद श्री विनोद सर ने अध्यक्षीय भाषण दिया। एक राष्ट्रभक्ति गीत के बाद मुख्य वक्ता का उद्बोधन हुआ। पटना केन्द्र की नगर संचालक शिखा सिंह परमार दीदी ने युवाओं को संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि विवेकानन्द जी की दृष्टि से 3 प्रकार की शिक्षा की जरूरत है। उसमें से यह कौशल-प्रबंधकीय शिक्षा भी बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है जो यहाँ TRTC संस्थान में दी जा रही है। प्रमाणपत्र वितरण के बाद प्राचार्य श्री अनंत महोदय ने धन्यवाद ज्ञापन किया।

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Samskara Varga - Karnataka Vibhag

Vivekananda kendra kanyakumari, Karnataka vibhag, RT NAGAR  started 2nd samskara varga at MS CONVENT school
children's upasthith -47,
parents -4,
shikshak- 8 ( lokhitha, shalani, likhitha, purushotam ji, Renu didi, Padma didi, Nidhi and Shruthi Sarda)
Today's session started with welcoming all and telling the meaning and importance of samskara varga. Followed by deep prajwalan by our Nagar sanchalak Shri Purushottam ji. Children's were from different school .Children enjoyed the name game and storytelling session.  At the concluding we chanted prayer and Renu didi distributed prasadam.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Yuva Toli Pravas - Hyderabad Vibhag

On 21 Jan 2023, Yuva Toli of Hyderabad Vibhag had a one-day pravas to 200 years old Sitaram Bagh Temple located in Hyderabad. 18 Yuva Karyakarthas took part in the pravas.
Yuva Toli of Hyderabad Vibhag had a one-day pravas to 200 years old Sitaram Bagh Temple located in Hyderabad on 21 January 2023. 18 Yuva Karyakarthas took part in the pravas.
The pravas was graced by the presence of Telugu Prant Sangathak Aadharneeya Sujata Didi, Hydrabad Vibhag Toli Sadasya Sri. Arun Gaud Ji, Kum. Savitha (Sahitya Seva) and Sri. Thirumalesh (Sahitya Seva).
The schedule of the pravas included Mandir & Parisar darshanam, group discussion on the topics of ‘Aazadi ka Amrit Mahotsav & our ideas and commitment for 2047 (Amrit Kaal)’, krida yoga, a practical session on the topic ‘Samskarvarga – Challenges & Solutions’ etc.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Yoga Satra - Shimla

Viveakanand kender Kanyakumari branch Shimla organized one month yog satra at " National Academy Of Audit & Accounts " for newly joined young Indian Revenue Officers

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Swami VivekanandaJayanti - Pushpanjali Program - Ranchi

पुष्पांजलि कार्यक्रम 

राँची नगर :-

कुल संख्या:- 56 

कुल संख्या:- 1430

महाविद्यालय :- 5,  संख्या:- 550

पार्क  + थाना  + संग्रहालय  + कार्यालय+ सार्वजनिक स्थान :- 26, संख्या :- 380

परिवार + अपार्टमेंट  + सोसाइटी :- 21 , 270

कार्यपद्धति के आयाम के स्थान: - 4, संख्या  :- 230

Swami Vivekananda Jayanti 

Friday, January 13, 2023

भागलपुर द्वारा समर्थ भारत पर्व समापन कार्यक्रम

समर्थ भारत पर्व के तत्वावधान में आज विवेकानंद केंद्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा भागलपुर द्वारा  समर्थ भारत पर्व समापन कार्यक्रम ।
स्वामी जी के संदेशों पर विमर्श गोष्ठी का आयोजन भागलपुर केंद्र कार्यालय में समारोह पूर्वक मनाया गया| जिसमें नगर समिति के सदस्यों के साथ केंद्र से जुड़े सभी कार्यकर्ता उपस्थित रहे आयोजन में प्रांत संपर्क प्रमुख डॉ विजय कुमार वर्मा  ने अपने संबोधन में उद्गार व्यक्त करते हुए कहा कि आधुनिक भारत का यदि निर्माण करना है तो हमें स्वामी जी की परिकल्पना के अनुसार भारत वासियों में सही शिक्षा का प्रसार करना होगा उनमें मनुष्य का भाव भरना होगा उनके व्यक्तित्व का विकास करना होगा और प्रत्येक व्यक्ति में अंतर्निहित देवत्व की दिव्यता को जागृत करना होगा| स्वामी जी ने हमें बताया कि चरित्र सेवा त्याग और प्रेम के द्वारा ही हम भारत का उत्थान कर सकते हैं अभिनव भारत को किस दिशा की ओर जाना इसका स्पष्ट संदेश विवेकानंद ने दिया है विवेकानंद वो सेतू है जिस पर प्राचीन और नवीन भारत परस्पर आलिंगन करते हैं विवेकानंद समुद्र हैं जिसमें धर्म और राजनीति राष्ट्रीयता और अंतरराष्ट्रीय था तथा उपनिषद और विज्ञान सब के सब समाहित होते हैं केंद्र के कार्यकर्ताओं के द्वारा इस शुभ अवसर पर पूरे नगर में 111स्थानों पर पुष्पांजलि कार्यक्रम शोभा यात्रा स्वामी जी की प्रभात फेरी का कार्यक्रम मनाया गया जिसमें लगभग 2000 श्रद्धालु सम्मिलित हुए भागलपुर विभाग में कुल 118 स्थानों पर कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया जिसमें 2322  केय संख्या रही नगरों के अलावे ग्राम स्थानों में भी तिलकपुर गौरीपुर कहलगांव  में स्वामी जी की जयंती और समर्थ भारत पर्व धूमधाम से मनाया गया इस सम्पूर्ण कार्यक्रम की योजना में 50 कार्यकर्ताओं की भूमिका महत्वपूर्ण रही।
समर्थ भारत पर्व की विशेषता को बताते हुए जीवनव्रती धर्मदास ने कहा कि विवेकानंद केंद्र 25 दिसंबर राष्ट्र चिंतन दिवस से राष्ट्री युवा दिवस स्वामी जी की जयंती तक अनेक प्रकार के कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन करती है जिसमें युवाओं के बीच भारत की समर्थ-भारत के गौरव गाथा से परिचय कराया जाता है साथ ही साथ हम इस दिन राष्ट्र के पुनर्निर्माण के लिए प्रतिज्ञा लेते हैं कि हम भारत के प्राचीन गौरव को प्राप्त करने हेतु स्वामी जी के संदेशों के साथ समाज के भीतर अंतिम व्यक्ति तक की सेवा भाव से कार्य करते रहना है कार्यक्रम में धन्यवाद ज्ञापन नगर प्रमुख प्रो० मिहिर मोहन मिश्र ने किय।

National Youth Day - Imphal

Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Manipur Vibhag, Imphal Karyastan has celebrated National Youth Day on 12th January 2023 in City Hospital and Research Centre Auditorium, Imphal. 

Oja K. Brajamani Sharma ji, President, Divine Life Society, Kakching and would be recipient of VKIC Sanman 2023 was present as Chief Guest.
People from various walks of society and like minded organizations attended the program. More than 70 people participant attended the program.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Library Inauguration - VK VAYAM, Solapur

On 12 Jan. 2023 on the occasion of Swami Vivekananda Jayanti, a library was inaugurated at Vivekananda Kendra Vedantic Application of Yoga and Management, Solapur. Around 120 people were present in the inaugural programme.
To start a journey a map is always necessary and helpful to reach the destination. It was also said that, ‘a room without books is like a body without soul’. VK-VAYAM project is dedicated to Yoga and management in the pursuit of Vedanta.  Hence in the journey of project there was a need for reference library which was met by the inauguration of this library.

Shri. Ankush Chavan Ji - Regional field officer, Central Beuro of Communication, Ministry of information and Broadcasting, Govt. Of India inaugurated the library and said that this type of library dedicated to Yoga is almost a unique concept, everyone who needs to search references in our ancient and rare books, this library will definitely fulfill their needs.
Rare collection of books from various famous authors and Publications like Bihar School of Yoga, Kalivalyadhama- Lonavala, S Vyasa-Benguluru, Geeta press Gorakhpur, National Book Trust, Govt. Publications are available for reference here. Rare collection of e-books are also accessible through internet facility. All the collections of books on Yoga from all over India will be made available at this library. The process of collecting the books is going on continuously.

Shri. Suhas Deshpande Ji, Prakalp Pramukh VK-VAYAM invited all Yoga aspirants to come and join the library. VK-VAYAM campus facilitates a peaceful environment and comfortable seating arrangement for the visitors. All are welcome to come, register and start the journey of Yoga through this library!

Samartha Bharat Parva Celebration VKV Kanyakumari

Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya celebrated the Samartha Bharat Parva from 2nd January 2023 to 12th January 2023. Classes I to XII were given a chance to enhance their patriotic fervour. To commemorate the meditation of Swamiji,  his mission of awakening India, to remind ourselves the work that we have to do and to begin it with oneself like Swamiji Himself, we celebrate Samartha Bharat Parva. Swami Vivekananda after his wandering all over India, came to Kanyakumari and set in meditation from 25th to 27th December, 1892. Here he felt inspiration to attend and address the World Parliament of Religions at Chicago in 1893. The main motto of this Samartha Bharat Parva is to generate awareness among masses about the greatness of our motherland and feel the pride of being Indian. This Samartha Bharat Parva also aims today’s youth to know the potential of Bharat and work for Man making, Nation building which was the dream of Swami Vivekananda.

Swami Vivekananda Jayanti celebrated at VKV Kanyakumari

On 12.01.2023 Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Kanyakuamri celebrated three important functions, 160th Janma Diwas of Swami Vivekananda, Annual day of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya and National youth day. The program was initiated by lighting the lamp by the Chief Guest and Special Guest. Then our National song “VandeMataram” was sung. The welcome address and the annual report were presented by Principal of VKV, Smt.K.G.Sariga. The students of classes VII and VIII sang a beautiful a Song in Sanskrit.

Principal of VKV, Smt.K.G.Sariga quoted the sayings of Swami Vivekananda and insisted the students to be disciplined. Students have to work hard until they reach their goal. He also mentioned Dr.A.P.J.AbdulKalam and Dr.Sivan, who succeeded in their life because of their continuous effort.  Students also must have determination.

After the special guest’s address, the prizes were distributed to the academic and E.A.toppers.  The house Vasishta which won the shield was honoured by Mann. Rekhadidi.
The chief guest Shri. P.Pandaram, Senior Scientist of KKNPP, delivered the speech. He insisted students to shine like a star and mentioned the steps to become a star. He narrated the abbreviation of star as

S – Stop using mobile phones, watching TV
T – Think
A – Assist your elders.
R – Respect the elders.
Try to do good things and become a great person and follow the path of Swami Vivekananda.

Next the book “The Human evolution of Indian culture challenges and potentialities” written by Mann.Niveditadidi, Vice-President of Vivekananda Kendra and Vivekananda Rock Memorial translated into Tamil by Shri.A.P.Sundar, The book “மானுடப் பரிணாம வளர்ச்சியின் நோக்கில் பாரதப் பண்பாடு, சவால்களும் வாய்ப்புகளும்” was released by our Chief Guest.
Mann.Rekha Davey didi, Joint General Secretary of VRM and VK delivered Presidential address.She told that students must learn many books apart from syllabus. Develop the skills of communication, reading and writing. Devote yourself to do a work or task. Shared few incidents from the life of Swami Vivekananda. The chief guest and special guest were given memento by Mann. Rekhadidi. Vote of thanks was proposed by Shri.S.SanjeeviRajan Sir, Vice-Principal of VKV. The formal meeting came to an end and the cultural programme began.  Our students entertained the audience with their performance. The celebration came to an end with Kendra Prarthana.

National Youth Day Program at Kovilpatti

Swami Vivekananda Jeyanthi day & District level competition going on at Kovilpatti Nadar Hr Sec.School . From 76 Schools 300 students and 115 parents & teachers participating.
Students are joined the competitions as Elocution, story telling, music,drawing , memory ( Thirukural recited) etc...
New book compiled by Ma.Nivedita Didi Bharata Panpadu Tamil Edison released in the prog and received the book by Sri Mathan Manager SBI, Kovilpatti and John Ganesan Head master Nadar Hr Sec School.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Arohana organized by Abhyudaya in S-VYASA University - Bengaluru

Arohana were organized by the organization Abhyudaya  in S-VYASA University, Bengaluru. Dr. Nagendraji and other dignatories delivered motivational speech in the  inaugural session.

Different competitions such as drama, dance, patriotic song, chanting Eakathmata stothra, drawing, pick and speak , essay writing etc. were conducted. More than 100  students from Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Kalkubalu enthusiastically participated in it.

During the concluding programme our students performed Bharatanatyam and enacted a patriotic dance drama on Rani Abbakka Devi. Performance was applauded by the audiance widely. Winners were  appreciated with a memento and Certificate

20 thousand Suryanamaskar in 45 Minutes - New Delhi

On Monday, 9th January 2023, the youth volunteers of Vivekananda Kendra Delhi Branch performed over 20,000 suryanamaskar in a special session organized by the organization at Andhra Education Society School, ITO, New Delhi.
Shri Nikhil Yadav, Prant Yuva Pramukh, Vivekananda Kendra, Uttar Prant, informed that on monday morning, around 200 youth volunteers of Vivekananda Kendra, Delhi Branch who are students of various colleges of Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, and other institutions performed 108 suryanamaskar each. This session was part of the five-day residential camp of Young India Know Thyself: A leadership development program. The participants included brothers and sisters who are doing their graduation and volunteers of Vivekananda Kendra, Delhi Branch. Suryanamaskar, according to Shri Nikhil Yadav, is performed in 10 or 12 postures and is not just a physical workout but also helps an individual improve mentally and emotionally.