Thursday, April 25, 2013
Patriotism in Action - Personality development camp
The Camp was introduced by Shri. Pai Dawe, SVSSS Yuva
Shakti Aayam Saha Pramukh A.P. He spoke about how we should build
personality through education and set an example for others to follow.
Shri H.A. Ranganatha, Senior teacher VKV Chimpu took a session on “Great
Personality”. In his session he mentioned how great personality faced
trouble in his early life but whatever the problem they faced they
became mentally, spiritually, morally, emotionally and physically
strong. Shri W. Lowang, took session about “Arunachal Ki
Visheshtayein”. He stated that Arunachal is a most important state in
India for geographical situation. Arunachal Pradesh is a “ Land of
Rising Sun “.
Shri Chaphung Wangsupa, Secretary of TIPS gave a
lecture on the topic “Vivekananda Kendra in Arunachal Pradesh”. In his
lecture he informed that Shri. Eknathji Ranade done a tremendous work in
education through VKV. Education is the manifestation of the perfection
already in man. Education is not the amount of information that is put
into your brain and runs riot there, undigested all your life.
Vivekananda Kendra give education life-building, man- making,
character-making, assimilation of ideas.
Shri. Gyati Rana, Head assistant in PWD and Publicity
Secretary IFCSAP took a session about “Our Culture! Our Pride! Our
Life! ”. He advised that it is our duty to preserve our culture in our
day to day life. A culture is a way of life of a group of people. Dr.
V.N. Sharma, State Liaison Officer NSS took session about “Daily
Routine”. He stated that how time is important for student’s life.
Maintaining regular daily routine is one of the best way to work toward
living a more organized and fulfilling life. Dr. Lala Wage took a
session on the topic of “Health and Hygiene”. In his session he spoke
without health, life is not life, it is only a state of languor and
Shri Kalyan Dutta Nagar Pramukh of Vivekananda
Kendra, Branch Itanagar spoke about “Patriotism in Action”. “Ask not
what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your
country”. “Ahuti Satra” was taken by Shri Ashok Atale, Nagar Sangathak
of Itanagar Vivekananda Kendra briefly explain what our country now
wants are muscles of irons and nerves of steel, gigantic wills which
nothing can resist, which can penetrate into the mysterious and secrets
of the universe and will accomplish their purpose in any fashion, even
if it meant going down to the ocean, meeting death face to face. It is
man-making religion that we want and urge the camp participant at least
to practice one or two activity that was taught in the five day camp to
improve oneself, and for the development of the Nation.
विवेकानंद आणि डॉ. आंबेडकर पुस्तकाचे प्रकाशन
स्वामी विवेकानंद यांचे १५० वे जयंती वर्ष आणि डॉ.
बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांच्या जयंतीचे औचित्य साधून हे प्रकाशन होत आहे. रमेश
पतंगे यांनी लिहिलेले हे पुस्तक विवेकानंद केंद्र मराठी प्रकाशन विभागाने
प्रकाशित केले आहे.
संभाजीनगर (औरंगाबाद) येथील डॉ. आंबेडकर यांचे अभ्यासक
रमेश पांडव यांचे व्याख्यान यावेळी होईल. याशिवाय प्रा. विक्रम कांबळे व
प्रा. विलास बेत हे पुस्तकासंबंधी आपले मनोगत व्यक्त करणार आहेत. विवेकानंद
केंद्राचे प्रांत संघटक विश्वास लपालकर यांची प्रमुख उपस्थिती असेल.या
पुस्तकामुळे बहुतेक करून दुर्लक्षित राहिलेले स्वामी विवेकानंदांचे सामाजिक
विचार आणि त्याच पद्धतीने दुर्लक्षित राहिलेले डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांचे
धार्मिक विचार यांचे दर्शन होते, अशी माहिती संयोजक वल्लभदास गोयदानी यांनी
डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांच्या संबंधाने पुष्कळ लेखन
केलेले लेखक रमेश पतंगे यांनी स्वामी विवेकानंदांच्या सामाजिक विचारांचा
आढावा घेणारे पुस्तक लिहिले आहे. तो आढावा घेताना त्यांच्या आणि डॉ.
बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांच्या विचारांमध्ये किती साम्य होते, हे दाखवून
दिल्याचेही ते म्हणाले.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Four Time Tested Formulae for Personality Development
Chidlren usually think that eating good food, putting on weight, wearing
good dress and ornaments are all ways of developing their personality.
This has to be modified with a new programme. Our great rishis with
their deep in-sight into the personality of the human beings have given
us these formule for a wholesome expansion of the human being.
Sareeramadhyam khalu dharma sadhanam
”Children should be made to understand the glorious idea of making use
of the body as an instrument to carryout Dharma. Truth must blossom into
dharma through their lives. So all those activities centred on Truth
like recognising others as our own, serving them, giving up selfish
desires and motivations, carrying out activities for the propagation of
good, etc. can be brought under dharmic activities which will bring
spiritual strength and vigour to the body. Our youth are totally unaware
of this blissful expansion which they can effortlessly achieve.
Vasudhaiva kutumbakam
The above concept centered in the awareness of one Truth, visualizing
the whole Universe as one’s family leads to an unparalleled expansion
of human mind which provides a homely remedy for all the ills which are
creeping into one’s mind spoiling our interrelationships with people and
the environment.
The statement says that ‘the whole universe is one family’. The welfare
of the family rests on the proper exercise of the right sand
responsibilities by all its members individually and collectively.
Respect, regard, love,sacrifice, service – manifold are the expressions
through which those rights and responsibilities are exercised in real
life. In the togetherness,mutuality, each member responsibly carrying
out one’s duties remaining as part of the whole and ever keeping at bay
his individualistic egotism, lie the wholesomeness of a family. To get
at this magnificent cohesiveness what else, but the awareness of the
spiritual solidity of the whole, could be the basis?
This formula works at the mental level and is the most important factor
in deciding the total health of a person including his out-look on life.
Here the mind is made to expand absorbing unto itself everything around
with a feeling of one’s own. This helps to eliminate all the negative
vibrations and bad qualities like jealousy, hatred, etc. from the mind
which obstruct the expansion of one’s personality. With such an
expansion one finds the whole universe as one’s friend aiding and
also bestowing blessings. Peace, happiness, achievements are all
by-products of one’s attunement with the cosmos.
Unity in Diversity
The third level of expansion concerns the intellect which is presently
used by us togather only information for achieving material benefits
like name, power and pelf etc. Intellect should be used for better
purposes,to detect the Infinite in the finite, to see God in everything,
living and non living.
To see Unity in diversity is the formula ideally suited for this
expansion in our under-standing at the intellectual level. That
automatically keeps one aligned on the path of seeking Truth. Intellect
becomes subtler and sharper and it starts, like a torch light, revealing
knowledge deeply hidden or long for-gotten in the depths of our being.
Each soul is potentially divine
Last but not the least guidance for expansion comes
from Swami Vivekananda’s famous observation “Each soul is potentially
divine”. This is the ultimate source of knowledge and energy which can
illumine all the layers of human personality from body to the Self
within. This formula brings into the grasp of every human being that he
is Divine and the goal in his life is to manifest that divinity. This
can be done only by controlling nature external and internal and the
first three formulae are ideally suited to bring about the control of
nature external and internal which in turn leads to real expansion
of the human personality. Such an expanded personality is a blessing
unto himself as also to the whole world.
Children Competitions at Delhi
There was a fancy dress show in which children came in dress of Swami
Vivekananda and Mother Bharat which was great attraction to the
audience. After program there trophies was given to the deserving
children in respective events of the program.Prizes were distributed to
winner of each competition.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
अनुशासित और नियमबद्ध जीवन जीने से सफलता मिलती है
शिविर का उद्घाटन विवेकानन्द केंद्र शाखा जबलपुर के विभाग प्रमुख
नारायणचन्द्र घोष जी नें किया। अपने उद्घाटन सत्र में उन्होनें युवाओं से
कहा कि जीवन को सफल बनाने के लिये हमारे अंदर स्वामी विवेकानन्द की तरह
दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ती की आवश्यकता है। शिविर में बौद्धिक और शारिरीक खेल,
बौद्धिक सत्र, राष्ट्रभक्ती गीत, मंथन और प्रस्तुतीकरण हुआ। खेल, गीत और
कहानी के माध्यम से युवाओं ने त्याग, संगठन शक्ती, राष्ट्रभक्ती ,
युवाशक्ती के महत्व को समझा। स्वामी विवेकानन्द के जीवन संदेश को पी.पी.टी
और विडियो क्लिप के माध्यम से युवाओं तक पहुचाया गया।
समापन सत्र में विवेकानन्द केंद्र की मध्यप्रांत की प्रांत संगठक शीतल जोषी
दिदी नें कहा कि व्यक्तित्व का विकास सकारात्मक विचारशक्ती पर निर्भर है
व्यक्तित्व का विकास का आधार बाह्य नहीं अपितु आंतरिक जीवन शक्ती से है।
चुंबक में आकर्षण इसिलिये है क्योंकि उसके एक-एक कण आपस में बहुत ही
व्यवस्थित, अनुशासित और नियमबद्ध है हमारे व्यक्तित्व में आकर्षण ऐसे ही
अनुशासित, नियमबद्ध जीवन जीने से आता है। इस शिविर को संपन्न और सफल बनाने
हेतु नगर समिती के सदस्य मनीष नाजवालजी , ड़ा. अखिलेष गुमाष्ता जी, हेमंत
मोघे जी, रवि नौग्रहरिया जी, विक्रम सिंह, मोहन चक्रवैष्य, महेष गुप्ता आदि
ने सहयोग किया।
Outlook towards Life: East and West
The lecture was delivered by Prof. Nagen Saikia, Noted Scholar &
Former President, Asom Sahitya Sabha on Jibon Bikshya: Prachya aru
Paschattya (Outlook towards Life: East and West). In his lecture, Prof.
Saikia said that human beings have always been intrigued with the origin
and purpose of this universe and about life itself. Human civilisation
flourished when man learnt to control the forces of nature through his
intelligence and as a result the world has become a global village.
Certain rules, beliefs, faiths, customs, etc. have gradually taken the
form of religion.
Prof. Saikia discussed about the development of both the Oriental and
Western view on life in a detailed manner. According to him, the Indian
view of life is based on the teachings of the Upanishads that
methodologically searched the ultimate cause of creation of the life and
the universe and arrived at “Brahman”. The Indian view of life does not
discard earthly life, but it goes beyond.
On the other hand the Western view of life gives more emphasis on the
earthly life and it teache to serve the beings to make their life
peaceful and free from sufferings. Though there is no conflict between
the two, yet the ways are different in spirit.
Earlier in the evening, Shri Dipok Kumar Barthakur, Chairman, VKIC
delivered the Welcome Address and talked about the background of this
lecture series. The Guest of Honour, Dr. Minati Hazarika also spoke on
the purpose of choosing VKIC for initiating the lecture series and hopes
that this lecture series will be beneficial to the society in the long
run. She also thanked VKIC for its support in this endeavour.
The programme ended with a fruitful interactive session. The Vote of
Thanks was delivered by Smti. Bibha Choudhury, Karyakarta, VKIC
Bal Sevikas Prashikshan Shibir
The Bal Sevika Prashikhan Shibir was started on 30th March and concluded
on 5th April 2013. 123 sisters from Tirap,Longding, Changlang, Lohit
and East Kameng districts of Arunachal Pradesh participated in this
camp. Through many lectures and interactive sessions they were taught to
prepare themselves to be effective Bal Sevikas to serve their villages.
The reporting for Anandalaya Acharya Prashikshan Shibir was on 30th
March and it concluded on 4th April 2013. 19 brothers and sisters from
Tirap,Changlang and Lohit districts participated. Four subjects i.e.
English, Hindi, Maths and EVS were taught by some experienced teachers
in these four days. It is to be mentioned that Anandalaya is a system of
supporting education for primary students of villages and very
effective to pass on Sanskaras to school going children.
The Swasthya Rakshak(Health Worker) Prashikshan
Shibir started on 30th March and concluded on 4th April. 12 Youths from
Tirap and Changlang participated in this camp. Most of the participants
are from very remote places, where road communication is not there. Some
participants had two walk to full days to catch the bus. The main
sessions were taken by Kendra’s own Doctor. Some special health sessions
were taken by Dr.P.R.Paul, Dr.P.Dey and Dr.S.D.Singh, well-wishers of
All the participants were trained to take active part in ongoing 150th birth centenary celebration of Swami Vivekananda.
Incredible India - Love India as Swamiji Loved Her
Every page is an expression of swamiji's message. reading every line
is living in the presence of Swamiji. the book is arranged as - from 1st
january to 31st december. 365 days with swamiji's life and message.the
book is authored by Dr Lakshmikumari, director, vivekananda Kendra vedic
vision foundation.
Personality Development Camp
The Camp was introduced by Shri Taba Tatup, Prant Karyalaya Pramukh, SV-SSS. He spoke about how we should build personality through education and set an example for others to follow. Smti Toku Natung gave a lecture on “Patriotism in practical”. Shri K. Jaishankar, Teacher VKV Chimpu, took session about “Daily Routine”. He stated that how time is important for student’s life.
Shri Tara Dajam gave a lecture on the topic “Vivekananda Kendra in Arunachal Pradesh”. In his lecture he informed that Shri Eknathji Ranade established 07 VKV’S in Arunachal Pradesh in 1977 and at present this has reached 34 VKV’s spread all over Arunachal Pradesh. Vivekananda Kendra Arun Jyoti has working in Arunachal Pradesh since 1993. Smt. Ganga Jerang, Teacher Govt. Middle School Niti Vihar, took a session about “Our Culture! Our Pride! Our Life! ”. She advised, it is our duty to preserve our culture in our day to day life.
Shri W. Lowang took a session on the topic of “Speciality of Arunachal Pradesh”. Shri Ashok Atale, Nagar Sangathak of Vivekananda Kendra, Branch Itanagar spoke about “Karyakarata as a Leader”. “Ahuti Satra” was taken by Shri Rupesh Mathur, Pranta Sangathak of Vivekananda Kendra Arunachal Pradesh briefly explain constructive and meaningful life with the thought “THEY ALONE LIVE, WHO LIVES FOR OTHER, REST ARE MORE DEAD THAN ALIVE” and urge the camp participant at least to practice one or two activity that was taught in the five day camp to improve oneself, and for the development of the Nation.
The way of Eco-Dharma
You can also read about the work we are carrying out at Hanuman Kund Teertham at Rameshwaram. It will be an eye-opener on the degradation of our eco-cultural assets and the need not only to renovate them but also sensitize the entire community to their presence, value and the need to maintain them for the original use they were intended. We also have a small serpent tale associated with our work. So do not miss it.
The month has seen many farmers, students and traditional physicians coming to VK-nardep for exposure visits, training programmes and workshops. We have reports on all the activities that have happened here. There has been workshops on cost-effective construction technology, etno-medicine, bio-methanation and sustainable agriculture. There has also been outreach programmers to various educational institutions.
In our publication section we present an excerpt from our acclaimed work 'Akshaya Vikas' (Sustainable Development) on the principles of Eco-Dharma. In the our wisdom section we present the wisdom of Edward Smith, famous environmentalist on what constitutes the alternate way; wisdom of Swami Chinmayananda the Vedantic monk on the need for the inner change in order to solve the planetary crisis and Buddhist eco-thinker Ikedo on the connection between the inner space and outer ecology.
Read Full Article on :
Blood Donation Camp Organised by VKV Yazali
VKV Tejpur Foundation Stone Layed
Free Surgery Camp at JBM-VK Hospital, Shuklai
On this day a newly set up General Surgery Operation Theatre was
inaugurated by Shri Biswajit Daimary, Member of Parliament from Bodoland
in the presence of large number of dignitaries which included Dr.
Parthajyoti Gogoi, Regional Director, Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare, Government of India, Shri Reo Reeoa Nargery, Executive Member,
Health & Family Welfare, Bodoland Territorial Council and Sei Ganesh
Kachari, Executive Member of BTC & local Councilor, Dr. Bidyut
Goswami, Chairman of the Governing Body of JBM-VK Hospital, Shuklai and
Man. Pravin Dabholkar, Jt. General Secretary of Vivekananda Kendra
Kanyakumari. Other most prominent and integral part of the Camp was the
following Surgeons and Anesthesiologists, who represented REMOTE AREA
MEDICAL CORP. (RAM), Knoxville, USA and came to Shuklai to perform the
surgeries free of cost for the benefit of the poverty stricken populace
of the Shuklai and the adjoining areas.
1.Dr. Gangadhar Sangvai, (General Surgeon) originally from Mumbai, Maharastra
2.Dr. Anuradha .Kulkarni (Anesthesiologist) originally from Aurangabad, Maharastra
3.Dr. Mohini Gehani (Anesthesiologist) originally from Mumbai
4.Dr. Vinayak Kulkarni (Gastroenterologist) originally from Aurangabad, Maharastra
5.Dr. Qutub Nadaf (General Surgeon) originally from Kolhapur, Maharastra
6.Dr. Subhash Puranik (General Surgeon) originally from Mumbai, Maharastra
7.Dr. Harish Pariani (Internal Medicine) originally from Mumbai,Maharastra
8.Dr.(Mrs.) Tina Pariani, General Practitioner from USA
2.Dr. Anuradha .Kulkarni (Anesthesiologist) originally from Aurangabad, Maharastra
3.Dr. Mohini Gehani (Anesthesiologist) originally from Mumbai
4.Dr. Vinayak Kulkarni (Gastroenterologist) originally from Aurangabad, Maharastra
5.Dr. Qutub Nadaf (General Surgeon) originally from Kolhapur, Maharastra
6.Dr. Subhash Puranik (General Surgeon) originally from Mumbai, Maharastra
7.Dr. Harish Pariani (Internal Medicine) originally from Mumbai,Maharastra
8.Dr.(Mrs.) Tina Pariani, General Practitioner from USA
The first speech of the inauguration ceremony was delivered by Dr.
(Mrs.) Anuradha Kulkarni, who explained the objectives of the REMOTE
AREA MEDICAL CORP. (RAM), Knoxville, USA, which all of her Team members
represent. She said that all her team members are overwhelmed at the
reception, love and care accorded by the organizers. She assured that
they will extend their service for the people of the area not only for
the present camp but also in future.
Speeches were also delivered by Shri Reo Reoa Nargery, Executive Member,
Health & Family Welfare, Bodoland Territorial Council, Sri Ganesh
Kachari, Executive Member, Man. Pravin Dabholkar, Jt. General Secretary
of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari.
List of Doctors who participated in the Surgery Camp
1.Dr. Gangadhar Sangvai, (General Surgeon) USA
2.Dr. Anuradha .Kulkarni (Anesthesiologist) USA
3.Dr. Mohini Gehani (Anesthesiologist) USA
4.Dr. Vinayak Kulkarni (Gastroenterologist) USA
5.Dr. Qutb Nadaf (General Surgeon) USA
6.Dr. Subhash Puranik (General Surgeon) USA
7.Dr. Harish Pariani (Internal Medicine) USA
8.Dr.(Mrs.) Tina Pariani, (General Practitioner) USA
9.Dr. Sunil Godbole (Orthopedic Surgeon) Pune, India
10.Dr. Vishram Dewan (Gynecologist), Nasik. India
Detailed statistics of the Surgeries as well as medicinal treatments done
Srl. No. | Date | Description of services rendered | No. of beneficiaries |
1 | 4-Feb to 9-Feb | OPD PATIENTS ATTENDED | 555 |
2 | 4-Feb to 9-Feb | TOTAL PATHOLOGICAL TESTS DONE | 344 |
3 | 6- Feb to 9-Feb | TOTAL ENDOSCOPIES CONDUCTED | 47 |
4 | 7- Feb to 8-Feb | TOTAL E. C. Gs CONDUCTED | 3 |
7 | 4-Feb to 9-Feb | TOTAL MAJOR SURGERIES DONE | 39 |
8 | 4-Feb to 9-Feb | TOTAL MINOR SURGERIES DONE | 21 |
Food for body, thought and soul
Here in this issue we have presented an excerpt from his lecture that deals with an important concept of involution. Thus every organism we consider 'lower' actually contains all possibilities including humans: Everything is present in its cause, in its fine form. This evolution, or gradual unfolding of grosser and grosser forms, is true, but each case has been preceded by an involution. This Vedantic concept of involution is the basis for Swami Vivekananda's idea of all life as one and that forms the basis of Indian environmental movement.
Rameshwaram Teerthams renovation project has started very successfully. Here we explain how the idea of using the sacred geography to provide water democracy is being translated into action. An elaborate methodology sketch of the project is provided. You are invited to contact us for more details on the project. This project aims at once to renovate the sacred water bodies which are ruined or/and polluted while at the same time empower the local communities and special interest groups in the island to take over the management of the water bodies as stake-holders.
This month happenings have Azolla training for Jharkhand farmers, endeavors in the form of workshops to conserve traditional medical knowledge systems, including an exhibition of ethnic herbal resources, many networking activities, biogas plants installations etc. All these diverse activities have a common chord: sustainable development.
In our prayer we started with the Vedic hymn for food. Why should we venerate food? In our publication section we provide an excerpt from our publication 'Akshaya Vikas'. It explains why preparing food is a culture than a business or mere profession and the philosophy and science behind sustainable agriculture: holistic food production. The wisdom section this month is on 'Food'; Here we see how the food is connected with all life; and thus when you take food meditate upon the fact that almost the entire universe has gone into the making of that food you hold in your hand says a system biologist; An Indian seer explains how the food is more than physical food - it is also a form of Yagna and both the immanent as well as transcendent nature of the food we intake; An eco-poet explains the need and art of mindful eating.
Special Workshop for Students, Arunachal Pradesh
Shri Rupesh Mathur, State Organizer of Vivekananda
Kendra Arunachal Pradesh explained the Concept of exam, confidence
building, memory development, techniques for concentration, importance
of sleep, technique for gaining energy and enjoying the study with
intelligently using of the technique of focusing and defocusing.
In practical session Students benefitted with the
practice of loosing and breathing exercises, Yogaasana, Pranaayama and
Trataka. It keeps body and mind healthy.
It is worth mentioning here that the games for
development of Concentration & Memory were also taken by the
karyakarta of Vivekananda Kendra. The workshop was attended by the
students of D. N. G. Collage.
Spiritual Retreat 25th February to 3rd March 2013, Kanyakumari
For the smooth functioning of the event, the
participants were divided into seven groups named after the sacred
rivers of India: Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri, Saraswati and
The day of the camp started with Pratahsmaran, followed by Gita
Chanting, Yogabhyas, Breakfast, Sharm-Sanskar, Lecture sessions, Geet
Abhyas, Lunch and Rest, Tea, Lecture session-2, Meditation, Towards
ocean, Bhajans, Supper and concluded with Happy Assembly where in the
participants shared their talents and unwinded.
Lectures were held on: Concept of Spirituality, Kendra Prarthana,
Swami Vivekananda’s Life and message, Story of Vivekananda Rock
memorial, Vivekananda Kendra thought movement, Vivekananda Kendra
activities, Upanishads, Purposeful life and Sardh Shati Samaroh.
During the camp, Participants visited Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Devi
Kanyakumari Temple, Saint Tiruvallur Statue, Gandhi Mandapam, Wandering
Monk Exhibition, Vivekananda Pictorial Exhibition, Gangotri exhibition
and Bharat Gramodaya Darshan Park Exhibition. Also the Sunrise and
In all the event went on smoothly, with moderate discipline and congenial atmosphere. Many a participants have expressed their desire to work more intensely for the society and make their lives more happy, useful and meaningful.
In all the event went on smoothly, with moderate discipline and congenial atmosphere. Many a participants have expressed their desire to work more intensely for the society and make their lives more happy, useful and meaningful.
Seminar on Swami Vivekananda at P.S.M Senior Secondary School
Function began with Saraswati Vandana and Swagat geet. Few beautiful
Dance performances were presented by young students depicting the
aspiration of life to reach perfection and momentum of dreams to achieve
the highest realms of human life. Advocate Monika Arora used practical
anecdotes from the life of Sawmi Vivekananda to be fearless by facing
the world squarely. She urged audience to be proactive rather than
blaming others. She quotes the incident where Swami Vivekananda
declares the uniqueness of Bhartiya culture to English gentlemen by
saying that in Bharat
treat every woman as Mother except wife and in western culture every
woman as wife except the biological mother. She used humor to arouse
dormant courage from another incident of Swami Vivekananda and practical
methods to handle injustice in young students by sharing contemporary
incidents happening within country.
Students were totally thrilled by watching the whole program. Function
was concluded with vote of thanks by Dr. Dhanraj Singh and finally with
Vande Matram.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Free Surgery Camp at JBM-Vivekananda Kendra Hospital
Eight Specialists NRI Doctors who are RAM volunteers
participated in the camp, where 39 Surgeries were successfully
conducted. More than 1,000 patients were treated as out patients and
free medicines were distributed. The camp was concluded on 9th February.
Every section of the society appreciated the effort of Vivekananda Kendra and are looking forward for such camp in future.
Suryanamaskar Training completed in Mumbai
Shall India die?
These thoughts brought into focus the advice of
revered Swami Ranganathanandaji Maharaj, way back in 1981. He said that
“the present day society is full of raw wounds, oozing with puss and
blood with hardly any healthy tissue.” It is the duty of those who adore
Swamiji to keep alive these healthy tissues by absorbing unto
themselves Swamijis idealism. Youthful dedicated workers can do that
service, if not anything else – live and work totally devoid of selfish
motivations, with a sense of detachment and love for the country and
countrymen. If we do so we would become the living tissues and can
transform ourselves into centres of active regeneration of values.
Swamijis 150th Birth anniversary should become an
occasion for this regeneration of new, healthy, active live tissues of
idealism. Swamijis is not with us any more but his thoughts are very
much with us which can be used as our tonic for our own regeneration
first. Let us remember Swamiji’s words “Atmano mokshartham jagat hitaya
ca—” that each thought, word and deed should lead to our expansion and
in turn result in the welfare of the society.
One thought which may arise in our mind is what can I
an individual do to change the destiny of the country? When such a
thought comes let us remember the little story from Tagore, ‘when the
sun was about to set, he called out to the world to find out if anyone
could bring some light to remove the darkness.’ No answer came, but a
small fire fly shouted back “I with my small little light shall be going
round in the darkness bringing a little bit of light where nothing but
darkness exists.” Let this small firefly show us the way.
Special Attraction of this month bulletin :
• Inauguration of Vivekananda Yoga Club
• Aghosa Samity meeting at Panchayat level Geeta Jayanthi
• Sankalpa Divasam
• Matrupuja
• VK Jayanthi Competitions
• 12 th January- National Youth Day and Sobha Yatra
• Swami Vivekananda Jayanthi celebration
• Inauguration of Vivekananda Yoga Club
• Aghosa Samity meeting at Panchayat level Geeta Jayanthi
• Sankalpa Divasam
• Matrupuja
• VK Jayanthi Competitions
• 12 th January- National Youth Day and Sobha Yatra
• Swami Vivekananda Jayanthi celebration
Read full article :
Celebrations 150 and Oneness of all Existence
Water Democracy through Sacred Geography to commemorate the 150 Birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda!
This January saw the nation enthusiastically celebrate the 150th birth
day of Swami Vivekananda. VK-nardep has decided to pay a fitting and
living tribute to Swami Vivekananda by renovating the
ruined/neglected/polluted sacred water bodies in the holy island of
Rameshwaram. The project was launched on January 27 which is the day
Swami Vivekananda returned to Rameshwaram after his victorious and
triumphant tour of the West. The project was launched with the wonderful
Puja at Hanuman Kunda Teertham which is the first to be renovated and
then it was followed by a public function in which dignitaries including
the district collector participated.The project aims to serve the
people and environment and also is based on the age-old heritage. In
Swami Vivekananda tradition and modernity met. In Swami Vivekananda
Vedanta and humanism were harmonized. This project which is both sacred
and ecological and community oriented, is thus a fitting tribute to
Swami Vivekananda's harmonizing and synthesizing vision.
We also are happy to say that VK-nardep has for the
first time published a specialized Varma (an ancient Siddha medicinal
and martial science) chart of human body which presents nodal varma
points called 'Adangals'. This work first of its kind in the history of
Siddha-Varma medical system has been highly appreciated by the Siddha
medical community and also people who want to conserve and revive this
ancient system of indigenous medicine.
Read full article : Click Here :
Reference Link :
Reference Link :
Yuva Prerana Shibir
There is one module Yoga module 'Tejas' (Special designed for students) was also briefly introduced.
At the end, winners from bhartiya sanskriti pariksha were awarded with books on Swamiji.
Science Maths workshop in Gossaigaon
Science Maths workshop in Gossaigaon
To bring peace and harmony to the riot torn
town, a 3 days Science Maths workshop was conducted in Sankar Dev
Vidyaniketan, Gossaigaon from 24th 26th Jan 2013. Students and teachers
of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya,Tinsukia, Tingrai and Majuli conducted
the workshop. 150 students and 25 teachers from 11 schools participated
in the programme. Sri Sobharam Basumatary, EM, BTAD, inaugurated the
workshop. Sri Vinod Seshan, Assistant District magistrate, Gossaigaon,
DFO, Kokrajar were also present in the inaugural programme. Sri Gurujit
Singh, District Magistrate and few more dignitaries visited the
workshop. Concluding programme was attended by Sri Rahindra Brahma,
MCLA, Gossaigaon, Sri Subhashish Das, DFO, Gossaigaon and ADM,
Gossaigaon. More than 500 people visited science and maths exhibition
held on 26 Jan 2013. Programme was organised by Yuvashakti ayam of
SVSSSS, Gossiagaon and sponsored by civil adminidtration, Gossaigaon.
ADM and DFO of Gossaigaon, DFO, Kokrajar and a
teacher participant from Alipurdwar have requested to conduct similar
programmes in their respective places.
A month long domestic wiring training is also started
on 15 Jan 2013 in Gossaigaon. 34 participants are attending the
training. Sri Sandip, Vigyan Ashram Pune is the resource person.
Training is held in ADC office, Gossaigaon.
Rural Development Program - Dec. 2012
Deep Puja at TamilnaduMonthly Deep Pujas were organized in Various
temples in 250 villages in five districts of Southern Tamilnadu, in
which 10,449 women participated and offered prayers for the welfare of
self, family and the society.
Rameshwaram – Reviving the Sacred Teerthams
Hanuman Kundam is the first teertham where the renovation work is to
be carried out. The Puja was performed at the teertham between 8:00 to
8:45 am. The Puja was attended by the head monks of Sri Ramakrishna
movement, District collector, officials of the Rameshwaram temple,
Vice-President of Vivekananda Kendra and a large number of public.
Then the public function was held at Sri Ramakrishna Tapovanam, Rameshwaram. The public programme started at 9:00 a.m. with the lighting of the traditional lamp by the dignitaries and a prayer. Swami Divyananda the secretary of Sri Ramakrishna Tapovanam presided over the function.
Sri. N. Krishnamurthi, senior Kendra worker, gave the welcome address and explained the importance of the Teerthams – the sacred water bodies. He enunciated the importance of water, its sanctity as recorded in our ancient literature and scriptures. He pointed out how water scarcity is becoming a global issue and can trigger many wars if we continue to neglect and abuse this important natural resource.
Sri. A.Balakrishnan, Vice-President of Vivekananda Kendra gave a talk on the importance of Swami Vivekananda’s 150th birth anniversary celebrations. He pointed out that the sacred water body renovation is not a singular event to be done and forgotten but it should be a continuous process to be taken up in a sustained manner.
Sri.K.Selvaraj led an inspiring song on Swami Vivekananda – giving the essence of Swamiji’s mission and message.
The benedictory speech was given by Swami Kamalathmananda, the Head of Sri Ramakrishna Mission, Madurai. He declared that we should work in such a way to make the difference Swami Vivekananda made to the history of our nation, to be felt globally. The global face of India should be identified with the dynamic message and figure of Swami Vivekananda.
The key note address was delivered by Sri.K.Nandakumar IAS, the collector of Ramnad district. He described the importance of water in the protection of the environment. He wanted eco-friendly practices to become part of the daily life culture. A Valedictory speech was made by Sri. Selvaraj, executive officer of Rameshwaram temple. He pointed out how maintaining the sacred water body is very part of our temple culture and should be venerated as sacredly as the temple and God.
Swami Divyananda gave the presiding benedictory address. He appreciated the Kendra taking up such a mass-oriented environment conscious activity as a fitting memorial to Swami Vivekananda on his 150th anniversary.
Then the public function was held at Sri Ramakrishna Tapovanam, Rameshwaram. The public programme started at 9:00 a.m. with the lighting of the traditional lamp by the dignitaries and a prayer. Swami Divyananda the secretary of Sri Ramakrishna Tapovanam presided over the function.
Sri. N. Krishnamurthi, senior Kendra worker, gave the welcome address and explained the importance of the Teerthams – the sacred water bodies. He enunciated the importance of water, its sanctity as recorded in our ancient literature and scriptures. He pointed out how water scarcity is becoming a global issue and can trigger many wars if we continue to neglect and abuse this important natural resource.
Sri. A.Balakrishnan, Vice-President of Vivekananda Kendra gave a talk on the importance of Swami Vivekananda’s 150th birth anniversary celebrations. He pointed out that the sacred water body renovation is not a singular event to be done and forgotten but it should be a continuous process to be taken up in a sustained manner.
Sri.K.Selvaraj led an inspiring song on Swami Vivekananda – giving the essence of Swamiji’s mission and message.
The benedictory speech was given by Swami Kamalathmananda, the Head of Sri Ramakrishna Mission, Madurai. He declared that we should work in such a way to make the difference Swami Vivekananda made to the history of our nation, to be felt globally. The global face of India should be identified with the dynamic message and figure of Swami Vivekananda.
The key note address was delivered by Sri.K.Nandakumar IAS, the collector of Ramnad district. He described the importance of water in the protection of the environment. He wanted eco-friendly practices to become part of the daily life culture. A Valedictory speech was made by Sri. Selvaraj, executive officer of Rameshwaram temple. He pointed out how maintaining the sacred water body is very part of our temple culture and should be venerated as sacredly as the temple and God.
Swami Divyananda gave the presiding benedictory address. He appreciated the Kendra taking up such a mass-oriented environment conscious activity as a fitting memorial to Swami Vivekananda on his 150th anniversary.
Medical Camps at Shuklai, Baksa
Discovering the Self in Ecology: Vivekananda-150 VK-nardep Newsletter this month
In our happenings apart from Azolla training, Bio-methanation plant training and installation of biogas plants, we have also conducted this month Raman Maharshi "“in-plant training in Green Construction Technologies” for college students. It is very essential that eco-awareness is taken to the generation. Also important this month is the news aboutthe participation and contribution of Sis.Saraswathi is providing inputs regarding the pros and cons of eco-tourism in the Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve. The workshop on traditional Indigenous medical systems has also attracted different generations. Clearly need for the conservation of indigenous knowledge is a great leveler of generational gaps.In our publications sections this month, we present one of our earlier and a very innovative attempt. This is a publication of folk-tune based multi-lingual eco-themes with attractive posters and both transliteration as well as translation in Hindi and English. It brings to children (and adults) also both eco-awareness and also national integration. The book also presents musical notations which makes the teacher or instructor provide an approximately correct version of the multilingual songs. This innovative effort at eco-education needs to be revived.
In our wisdom section we have three passages: one from Stephen Jay Gould on how ecology is changing our perspective and laying emphasis on interconnectedness. Then we have a passage of Sri Ramana Maharishi who speaks about the self - an inner-connectedness and then we have Sri Aurobindo who discovers in natural processes anindepth-connectedness with all life.
So as the year celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda begins, we wish all our readers a very happy new year - 2013.
Read Full Newsletter of Dec 2012 : Click Here
Monday, April 15, 2013
भव्य शोभायात्रा से विवेकानन्दमय बना उदयपुर
श्री रामकृष्ण परमहंस शोभायात्रा:-
यह शोभायात्रा पटेल सर्कल से प्रातः 10.45 बजे प्रारम्भ हुई जिसे पुर्व गृहमंत्री श्री गुलाबचंद जी कटारिया एवं आलोक संस्थान के संस्थापक श्रीमान श्यामलाल जी कुमावत ने केसरिया पताका दिखाकर शुभारम्भ किया । यात्रा के संयोजक श्री विनोद गदिया, श्री सुभाष जी जोशी, श्री ऋषभ कुमार जैन, श्री जयन्त जी ओझा, श्री दिनेश जी भट्ट, श्री रविन्द्र जी श्रीमाजी एवं ताराचंद जी जैन व नगर साभापति श्रीमति रंजनी डांगी थे । यात्रा का प्रारम्भ पटेल सर्कल से न्यू रेलवे स्टेशन, उदियापोल होते हुए सुरजपोल स्थल पर महासंगम का हिस्सा बनी । शोभायात्रा में हजारो की संख्या में माताएं बहिनें, बालक-बालिकाएं व विभिन्न समाजों के गणमान्य नागरिक सम्मिलित हुए । विशेषतः मार्ग में 12 गेट, 11 स्कूल के बच्चों के प्रतिनिधित्व सहित शोभायात्रा का विशेष आकर्षण विभिन्न झंाकिया जिनमें स्वामी विवेकानन्द, भारत माता, महाराणा प्रताप, भिलू राजा आदि अनेकानेक झांकिया शोभायमान थी । सम्पूर्ण यात्रा का मार्ग में विभिन्न समाजों द्वारा स्वागत अभिनन्दन किया गया गया जिसमें जवाहर नगर पर सिन्धी समाज एव नटराज होटल परिवार द्वारा अल्पाहार एवं फल वितरण, जलपान आदि कि व्यवस्था थी ।
यह शोभायात्रा पटेल सर्कल से प्रातः 10.45 बजे प्रारम्भ हुई जिसे पुर्व गृहमंत्री श्री गुलाबचंद जी कटारिया एवं आलोक संस्थान के संस्थापक श्रीमान श्यामलाल जी कुमावत ने केसरिया पताका दिखाकर शुभारम्भ किया । यात्रा के संयोजक श्री विनोद गदिया, श्री सुभाष जी जोशी, श्री ऋषभ कुमार जैन, श्री जयन्त जी ओझा, श्री दिनेश जी भट्ट, श्री रविन्द्र जी श्रीमाजी एवं ताराचंद जी जैन व नगर साभापति श्रीमति रंजनी डांगी थे । यात्रा का प्रारम्भ पटेल सर्कल से न्यू रेलवे स्टेशन, उदियापोल होते हुए सुरजपोल स्थल पर महासंगम का हिस्सा बनी । शोभायात्रा में हजारो की संख्या में माताएं बहिनें, बालक-बालिकाएं व विभिन्न समाजों के गणमान्य नागरिक सम्मिलित हुए । विशेषतः मार्ग में 12 गेट, 11 स्कूल के बच्चों के प्रतिनिधित्व सहित शोभायात्रा का विशेष आकर्षण विभिन्न झंाकिया जिनमें स्वामी विवेकानन्द, भारत माता, महाराणा प्रताप, भिलू राजा आदि अनेकानेक झांकिया शोभायमान थी । सम्पूर्ण यात्रा का मार्ग में विभिन्न समाजों द्वारा स्वागत अभिनन्दन किया गया गया जिसमें जवाहर नगर पर सिन्धी समाज एव नटराज होटल परिवार द्वारा अल्पाहार एवं फल वितरण, जलपान आदि कि व्यवस्था थी ।
माँ शारदा शोभायात्रा:-
यह शोभायात्रा प्रातः 11.00 बजे बी.एन. संस्थान से प्रारम्भ हुई जिसे पुजनीय सुरेशगिरी जी महाराज एवं बी.एन. संस्थान के मेनेजिंग डायरेक्टर श्री निरंजन नारायण सिंह जी द्वारा केसरिया पताका दिखाकर प्रारम्भ की गई । शोभायात्रा का संयोजन श्री महिपाल जी राठोड, डा.कोैशल जी शर्मा, गणपत जी लौहार, गोपाल जी सोनी एवं पंकज पालिवाल द्वारा किया गया। शोभायात्रा बी.एन. ग्राउण्ड से प्रारम्भ होकर गुरूद्वारा के सामने पहुंची जहां पर सिख समाज के मुखियाओं द्वारा पुष्पवर्षा के साथ स्वागत किया गया । यात्रा के पुरे मार्ग में अन्यन्य संगठनों द्वारा स्वागत द्वार लगाकर स्वागत किया गया । शोभायात्रा के अग्रसर अश्वधारी दो युवा थे जिनके हाथ में केसरिया पताका थी ।
यह शोभायात्रा प्रातः 11.00 बजे बी.एन. संस्थान से प्रारम्भ हुई जिसे पुजनीय सुरेशगिरी जी महाराज एवं बी.एन. संस्थान के मेनेजिंग डायरेक्टर श्री निरंजन नारायण सिंह जी द्वारा केसरिया पताका दिखाकर प्रारम्भ की गई । शोभायात्रा का संयोजन श्री महिपाल जी राठोड, डा.कोैशल जी शर्मा, गणपत जी लौहार, गोपाल जी सोनी एवं पंकज पालिवाल द्वारा किया गया। शोभायात्रा बी.एन. ग्राउण्ड से प्रारम्भ होकर गुरूद्वारा के सामने पहुंची जहां पर सिख समाज के मुखियाओं द्वारा पुष्पवर्षा के साथ स्वागत किया गया । यात्रा के पुरे मार्ग में अन्यन्य संगठनों द्वारा स्वागत द्वार लगाकर स्वागत किया गया । शोभायात्रा के अग्रसर अश्वधारी दो युवा थे जिनके हाथ में केसरिया पताका थी ।
शोभायात्रा में भगवान एकलिंगनाथ की झांकी, नाराण सेवा की झांकी, अग्नि
शमन, स्वामी विवेकानन्द माँ काली की आराधना , पर्यावरण सुरक्षा , रामसेतु
तोडने का विरोध प्रदर्शित करती, भारत माँ की आराधना करती, पाकिस्तान द्वारा
भारती सैनिक के सर काटने की बर्बरता को दर्शाति झांकी विशेष आकर्षण का
केन्द्र थी । शोभायात्रा में एन.सी.सी. केडेट्स, विभिन्न काँलेजों सहित 27
संस्थाओं के प्रतिनिधियों का प्रतिनिधित्व था । सम्पूर्ण यात्रा का मार्ग
में विभिन्न समाजों द्वारा स्वागत अभिनन्दन किया गया गया यात्रा के प्रारंभ
में अल्पाहार एवं फल वितरण, जलपान आदि कि व्यवस्था थी ।
स्वामी विवेकानन्द शोभायात्रा:
यह शोभायात्रा भूपालपुरा ग्राउण्ड से प्रारम्भ हुई जिसे श्री विजयलाल जी तायलिया, श्री प्रभुदास जी पाहुजा द्वारा केसरिया पताका दिखाकर प्रारम्भ कि गई । यात्रा भूपालपुरा ग्राउण्ड से प्रातः 11.00 बजे प्रारम्भ हुई जो कि शास्त्री सर्कल, देहलीगेट, बापुबाजार होते हूए संगम स्थल सूरजपोल पहुंची। यात्रा संयोजक श्री नेत्रपालसिंह यादव, श्री यशवन्त जी पालिवाल, श्री महेन्द्र जी दोषी, श्री गोपालकुष्ण जी गौड, राजेश जी माली, पंकज जी चित्तौडा आदि थे । शोभायात्रा में आदर्श हिन्दू परिवार, शहिदों को प्रणाम, महाराणा प्रताप, विवेकानन्द जी पर विशेष झाँकियां आकर्षण का केन्द्र थी । शोभायात्रा में अग्रिम पंक्ति में दो अश्वारूढ महापुरूषों की वेशभुषा में युवा थे । सम्पूर्ण यात्रा मार्ग में विभिन्न समाजों द्वारा स्वागत अभिनन्दन किया गया गया जिसमें अल्पाहार एवं फल वितरण, जलपान आदि कि व्यवस्था थी ।
यह शोभायात्रा भूपालपुरा ग्राउण्ड से प्रारम्भ हुई जिसे श्री विजयलाल जी तायलिया, श्री प्रभुदास जी पाहुजा द्वारा केसरिया पताका दिखाकर प्रारम्भ कि गई । यात्रा भूपालपुरा ग्राउण्ड से प्रातः 11.00 बजे प्रारम्भ हुई जो कि शास्त्री सर्कल, देहलीगेट, बापुबाजार होते हूए संगम स्थल सूरजपोल पहुंची। यात्रा संयोजक श्री नेत्रपालसिंह यादव, श्री यशवन्त जी पालिवाल, श्री महेन्द्र जी दोषी, श्री गोपालकुष्ण जी गौड, राजेश जी माली, पंकज जी चित्तौडा आदि थे । शोभायात्रा में आदर्श हिन्दू परिवार, शहिदों को प्रणाम, महाराणा प्रताप, विवेकानन्द जी पर विशेष झाँकियां आकर्षण का केन्द्र थी । शोभायात्रा में अग्रिम पंक्ति में दो अश्वारूढ महापुरूषों की वेशभुषा में युवा थे । सम्पूर्ण यात्रा मार्ग में विभिन्न समाजों द्वारा स्वागत अभिनन्दन किया गया गया जिसमें अल्पाहार एवं फल वितरण, जलपान आदि कि व्यवस्था थी ।
भगिनि निवेदिता शोभायात्रा:-
यह शोभायात्रा ऐतिहासिक धार्मिक स्थल श्री जगदीशचैक से प्रातः 11.00 बजे प्रारम्भ हुई जिसे खास औदी के महन्त परम पूजनिय श्री प्रयागगिरी जी महाराज एवं मेलडी माताजी के महन्त पूज्य विरमदेवी जी महाराज तथा केन्द्रीय उपाध्यक्ष मेवाड क्षत्रिय महासभा के श्रीमान शक्तिसिंह जी कारोई द्वारा भगवान जगन्नाथ स्वामी जी की पूजा अर्चना कर तथा श्री विवेकानन्द जी के चित्र पर माल्र्यापण तथा पुष्प अर्पित कर केसरिया ध्वजा दिखाकर शंख घ्वनि के साथ यात्रा प्रारम्भ हुई| शोभायात्रा के संयोजक श्री हिरालाल जी सोनी, श्री कमलेन्द्र सिंह पंवार, श्री हरिश जी तिवारी, विवेक जी बोहरा, दिनेश जी मकवाना, क्ष्णकान्त जी शर्मा, महेन्द्र जी नागदा, सुखलाल जी द्वारा किया गया । शोभायात्रा जगदीश चैक से प्रारम्भ होकर घण्टाघर, बडा बाजार, सिन्धी बाजार, मुखर्जी चैक, झीणीरेत चैक होते हुए महासंगम स्थल सूरजपोल पर पहुंची । शोभायात्रा में शिव सेना, भारतीय मजदूर संघ, धर्मोत्सव समिति, बजरंग सेना, महाराणा प्रताप सेना, मेवाड क्षत्रीय महासेना, पहल संस्थान, बजरंगबली प्रचार समिति, राजस्थानी भाषा संघर्ष समिति, राजस्थान राज्य कर्मचारी महासंघ, राजस्थान शिक्षक संघ, राष्ट्रीय रामकृष्ण दल, चंादपोल सेवा समिति के साथ ही विभिन्न सकूलों के बालक बालिकाओं सहित समाज के गणमान्य नागरिक मौजुद थे । विशेष आर्कषण का केन्द्र शोभायात्रा के दौरान सजी हुई विभिन्न झाँकिया (महाराणा प्रताप,भारत माता,राधाकृष्ण मॅंा शारदा आदि) अखाडा, अग्रिम पंक्ति में अश्व पर स्वामि विवेकानन्द बने हुए प्रतिरूप थे ।
यह शोभायात्रा ऐतिहासिक धार्मिक स्थल श्री जगदीशचैक से प्रातः 11.00 बजे प्रारम्भ हुई जिसे खास औदी के महन्त परम पूजनिय श्री प्रयागगिरी जी महाराज एवं मेलडी माताजी के महन्त पूज्य विरमदेवी जी महाराज तथा केन्द्रीय उपाध्यक्ष मेवाड क्षत्रिय महासभा के श्रीमान शक्तिसिंह जी कारोई द्वारा भगवान जगन्नाथ स्वामी जी की पूजा अर्चना कर तथा श्री विवेकानन्द जी के चित्र पर माल्र्यापण तथा पुष्प अर्पित कर केसरिया ध्वजा दिखाकर शंख घ्वनि के साथ यात्रा प्रारम्भ हुई| शोभायात्रा के संयोजक श्री हिरालाल जी सोनी, श्री कमलेन्द्र सिंह पंवार, श्री हरिश जी तिवारी, विवेक जी बोहरा, दिनेश जी मकवाना, क्ष्णकान्त जी शर्मा, महेन्द्र जी नागदा, सुखलाल जी द्वारा किया गया । शोभायात्रा जगदीश चैक से प्रारम्भ होकर घण्टाघर, बडा बाजार, सिन्धी बाजार, मुखर्जी चैक, झीणीरेत चैक होते हुए महासंगम स्थल सूरजपोल पर पहुंची । शोभायात्रा में शिव सेना, भारतीय मजदूर संघ, धर्मोत्सव समिति, बजरंग सेना, महाराणा प्रताप सेना, मेवाड क्षत्रीय महासेना, पहल संस्थान, बजरंगबली प्रचार समिति, राजस्थानी भाषा संघर्ष समिति, राजस्थान राज्य कर्मचारी महासंघ, राजस्थान शिक्षक संघ, राष्ट्रीय रामकृष्ण दल, चंादपोल सेवा समिति के साथ ही विभिन्न सकूलों के बालक बालिकाओं सहित समाज के गणमान्य नागरिक मौजुद थे । विशेष आर्कषण का केन्द्र शोभायात्रा के दौरान सजी हुई विभिन्न झाँकिया (महाराणा प्रताप,भारत माता,राधाकृष्ण मॅंा शारदा आदि) अखाडा, अग्रिम पंक्ति में अश्व पर स्वामि विवेकानन्द बने हुए प्रतिरूप थे ।
सम्पूर्ण यात्रा का मार्ग में विभिन्न समाजों द्वारा स्वागत अभिनन्दन अल्पाहार एवं फल वितरण द्वारा किया गया ।
महासंगम स्थल विवेकानन्द मय बना सूरजपोल चैराहा:-
एतिहासिक स्वामी विवेकानन्द की शोभायात्रा का महासंगम सूरजपोल चैराहे पर चारों स्थानों से एकसाथ 12.00 बजे हुआ । एतिहासिक महासंगम समयबद्व अनुशासित रूप से पहली बार इतनी बडी तादाद में शोभायात्रा जिसमें अनेकानेक झांकिया, घुडसवार, समाज के प्रबुद्वजन, स्कूली विघार्थी आदि थे ठीक समय पर हुआ । यहाँ से चारों शोभायात्राओं का एकसाथ टाउन हाँल प्राँगण पर समापन हुआ जहाँ प्रसाद वितरण आदि किया गया । यात्रा के प्रारम्भ स्कूली बच्चे स्केटींग के करतब दिखाते हुए चल रहे थे जिनके पिछे घोडों पर स्वामी विवेकानन्द जी के प्रतिरूप में बिराजित थे साथ ही अखाडा, गवरी प्रदर्शन एवं साहसिक करतब दिखाते हुए युवा चल रहे थे ।
एतिहासिक स्वामी विवेकानन्द की शोभायात्रा का महासंगम सूरजपोल चैराहे पर चारों स्थानों से एकसाथ 12.00 बजे हुआ । एतिहासिक महासंगम समयबद्व अनुशासित रूप से पहली बार इतनी बडी तादाद में शोभायात्रा जिसमें अनेकानेक झांकिया, घुडसवार, समाज के प्रबुद्वजन, स्कूली विघार्थी आदि थे ठीक समय पर हुआ । यहाँ से चारों शोभायात्राओं का एकसाथ टाउन हाँल प्राँगण पर समापन हुआ जहाँ प्रसाद वितरण आदि किया गया । यात्रा के प्रारम्भ स्कूली बच्चे स्केटींग के करतब दिखाते हुए चल रहे थे जिनके पिछे घोडों पर स्वामी विवेकानन्द जी के प्रतिरूप में बिराजित थे साथ ही अखाडा, गवरी प्रदर्शन एवं साहसिक करतब दिखाते हुए युवा चल रहे थे ।
विवेकानन्द बनें युवा व बच्चे,एंकलिगनाथ जी की झाकी,भारता माता की झाकी,महाराणाप्रताप की झाकी,आदर्श परिवार की झाकी,कलश यात्रा की झाकी,राष्ट्रीयसेवा योजना की झाकी, राष्ट्रीयकेडेंट कोर की झाकी,शहिदो को नमन की झाकी, कशमीर के शहीदो की झाकी,स्केटीग दलो की झाकीयो नें भाग लिया। सम्पूर्ण यात्रा का संयोजन जितेश श्रीमाली ने किया।
विवेकानन्द बनें युवा व बच्चे,एंकलिगनाथ जी की झाकी,भारता माता की झाकी,महाराणाप्रताप की झाकी,आदर्श परिवार की झाकी,कलश यात्रा की झाकी,राष्ट्रीयसेवा योजना की झाकी, राष्ट्रीयकेडेंट कोर की झाकी,शहिदो को नमन की झाकी, कशमीर के शहीदो की झाकी,स्केटीग दलो की झाकीयो नें भाग लिया। सम्पूर्ण यात्रा का संयोजन जितेश श्रीमाली ने किया।
Human Torch Guinness record
Massive Shobha Yatra at Delhi
The year long celebrations to
commemorate 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekanand were
inaugurated today by a massive ‘Shobha Yatra’ (Celebratory March) in
which more than 15,000 persons belonging to various walls of life
participated. The march started from Red Fort and covered Chandni Chowk,
Khari Baoli, Lahori Gate, Novelty Cinema, Delhi Railway Station and
back to Red Fort (3.5 km). Thousands of residents of the area, business
establishments, religious organisations, academic institutions etc
welcomed the Shobha Yatra by presentation of bouquets and spreading of
flowers petals, etc. The whole route was decorated with banners and
welcome gates.
The purpose of the year long
celebrations is to spread the message of swami ji amongst all sections
of society, particularly the Indian youth which is the future of the
country. Swamiji’s message deals with comprehensive awakening of the
nation; spiritual, economic, cultural, academic and industrial. Even
though Swamiji is remembered the most through his Chicago “Brothers and
Sisters of America” lecture, but his concerns about India, Indians and
their portion in the world meet much beyond that iconic lecture. It is
not widely known, for example that Swamiji was responsible for
encouraging Tatas to establish Steal Factories to spur the industrial
growth of the nation. Swamiji was also the initiator of the idea of
establishing Indian Institute of Sciences.
The Shobha Yatra was addressed by
prominent spiritual, social and cultural leaders. Some of the prominent
social and spiritual leaders who inspired the march included t
renowned academic and spiritual thinker Dr. Pranav Pandya who also
addressed the gathering before the start of the march. Others who
participated included Shanta Atmanandji (Rama Krishna Ashram), Sh. P
Parmeshwaran ji of Vivekanand Kendra Kanya Kumari, Pramila Taiji Medhe, Swami Vivekanathji of Valmiki Samaj, Swami Raghwanand ji and Swami
Retambhranand ji. The March was blessed by Poojya Amma Ma Amritanandmayiji. All the speakers emphasized the fact that for the reawakening of the nation, Swami ji should be the role model of the youth in the country.
Parmeshwaran ji of Vivekanand Kendra Kanya Kumari, Pramila Taiji Medhe, Swami Vivekanathji of Valmiki Samaj, Swami Raghwanand ji and Swami
Retambhranand ji. The March was blessed by Poojya Amma Ma Amritanandmayiji. All the speakers emphasized the fact that for the reawakening of the nation, Swami ji should be the role model of the youth in the country.
A large number of tablens
depicting various aspects of the life and message of Swamiji (like Awake
India & and Awaken the World, Rock Memorial, Rama Krishna
Paramhans, Chicago lecture, etc) participated in the March. The Yatra
was joined by a large number of schools and students, business
organisations, farmers associations, labour unions, women organisations,
cultural groups, diverse religions groups, artists, etc. More than
hundred delegates from all followers of Swami Vivekanandji also
The nodal agency of the year long
Vivekanand 150 celebrations in the Vivekanand Foundation, New Delhi. The
purpose of the celebrations is to revive the spirit of Vivekanand ji
among all sections of the society across the length and breadth of the
country. Schools and colleges, Universities, Villages, Under privileged
sections of society, women, sc’s/st’s North Eastern States, etc shall be
mobilized to spread the message of swamiji. It is aimed that more than
40 million (4 crore) households are contacted during the year long
celebrations which will conclude on 12th Jan. 2014.
स्वामी विवेकानन्द की 150वीं जयन्ती के उपलक्ष में नगर में विशाल शोभयात्रा एवं विराट आम सभा
डीडवाना 12.01.2013 स्वामी विवेकानन्द की 150वीं जयन्ती के उपलक्ष में
नगर में विशाल शोभयात्रा एवं विराट आम सभा का आयोजन किया गया। जानकारी देते
हुए समिति के सदस्य एवं युवा आयाम के नगर संयोजक महेश टाक ने बताया कि, इस
अवसर पर मध्यान्ह 12.30 बजे स्थानीय श्री अग्रसेन भवन से बाजे-गाजे के साथ
विशाल शोभायात्रा निकाली गई। इसमें वाहन रैली, मंगल कलश यात्रा सहित
स्थानीय विद्यालयों के हजारों छात्र-छात्राओं एवं नगर के गणमान्य नागरिकों
ने अपनी सहभागिता की। इस शोभायात्रा में विशेष रूप से सजाई गई छांकिया एवं
बैनर तथा स्वामी विवेकानन्द के सन्देशों से सम्बन्धित पोस्टर एवं तख्तियां
भी सम्मिलित थी। शोभायात्रा में सम्मिलित छात्र-छात्राओं ने जोशीले एवं
राष्ट्र भक्ति से ओत-प्रोत गीतों एवं नारों से नगर के बाजारों को गुंजायमान
कर दिया। शोभा यात्रा अग्रसेन भवन से आरम्भ होकर शहर के मुख्य मार्गों एवं
बाजारों से होती हुई समरोह स्थल स्थानीय मिर्धा स्टेडियम पंहुची। शोभा
यात्रा का मार्ग में जगह-जगह शहरवासियों द्वारा पुष्प वर्षा के माध्यम से
स्वागत किया गया। मिर्धा स्टेडियम में आयोजित मुख्य कार्यक्रम का शुभारम्भ
अतिथियों द्वारा स्वामी विवेकानन्द के चित्र के समक्ष दीप प्रज्जवलित एवं
पुष्पार्चन द्वारा किया गया। इस अवसर पर राष्ट्रीय स्वयं सेवक संघ के जिला
संघ चालक नारायण प्रसाद टाक, स्वामी विवेकानन्द सार्धशती समारोह के जिला
संयोजक बुद्धाराम गरवा, सह संयोजक डा. सोहन चैधरी, तहसील संयोजक मनरूपाराम
पलसानियां एवं नगर संयोजक शंकर लाल परसावत व नगर संघ चालक एडवोकेट ओम
प्रकाश मोठ मंच पर मंचासीन थे। कार्यक्रम के प्रारम्भ में बच्छराज भार्गव
द्वारा सामूहिक गीत ‘‘देश हमें देता है सबकुछ, हम भी तो कुछ देना सीखें’’
प्रस्तुत किया।
इस कार्यक्रम में सर्वप्रथम अतिथियों का स्वागत एवं उद्बोधन नगर सह
संयोजक रमेश कुमार गौड़ द्वारा किया गया। इस अवसर पर मंचासीन अतिथियों का
माल्यार्पण कर स्वागत किया गया। कार्यक्रम को सम्बोधित करते हुए जिला सह
संयोजक डा. सोहन चैधरी ने स्वामी विवेकानन्द सार्ध शती समारोह के विविध
आयामों क्रमशः युवा आयाम, संवर्धनी आयाम, ग्रामायण आयाम, अस्मिता आयाम के
बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी प्रदान की। जिला संयोजक बुद्धाराम गरवा ने आगामी
वर्ष भर चलने वाले कार्यक्रमों की जानकारी देते हुए स्वामी विवेकानन्द के
आदर्शों को अपने जीवन में आत्मसात करने की बात कही। कार्यक्रम को सम्बोधित
करते हुए रामाकिशन खीचड़ ने अपने जोशीले उद्बोधन से स्वामी विवेकानन्द की
शिक्षाओं एवं देश के युवाओं के लिए उनके द्वारा दिये गये प्रेरणादायी
मार्गदर्शन एवं शिक्षाओं को अपने जीवन में अंगीकार करने की बात कही। अभिषेक
शर्मा ने जोशीली कविता एवं उद्बोधन से देश की युवाशक्ति को स्वामी
विवेकानन्द की शिक्षाओं के माध्यम से देश एवं समाज की भलाई के लिए सतत
प्रयासरत रहने पर बल दिया। कार्यक्रम के मुख्य वक्ता एवं जिला संघ चालक
नारायण प्रसाद टाक ने स्वामी विवेकानन्द के जीवन पर प्रकाश डालते हुए बताया
कि मात्र 39वर्ष की आयु में अप्रतिम प्रतिभा के धनी स्वामी विवेकानन्द ने
देश एवं समाज की वह सेवा की जो कि युगान्तरकारी सिद्ध हुई। उन्होंने बताया
कि प्रिय दर्शन एवं तेजस्वी प्रतिभाशाली शौर्य-वीर्य सम्पन्न पराक्रम के
धनी स्वामी विवेकानन्द ने भारतमाता की प्रतिष्ठा को सम्पूर्ण विश्व में एक
अलग पहचान देकर समस्त विश्व के नर-नारियों को भारत की वैदिक सभ्यता एवं
संस्कृति के उच्चादर्शों से अनुप्राणित होकर विश्वमंगल की भावना को
सम्पूर्ण विश्व में आलोकित किया। उन्होंने उपस्थित समस्त जन समुदाय से
स्वामी विवेकानन्द के आदर्शों को अपने जीवन में उतार कर समाज एवं राष्ट्र
के नवनिर्माण के पुनीत यज्ञ में सहभागी बनने का आह्वान किया।नगर संयोजक
शंकरलाल परसावत ने अपने उद्बोधन में नगर में आयोजित होने वाले आगामी वर्ष
भर के विविध कार्यक्रमों की जानकारी प्रदान करते हुए बढ-चढ कर समस्त
आयोजनों में सहभागिता करने का आह्वान किया। अंत में नगर संघ चालक ऐडवाकेट
ओम प्रकाश मोठ ने समस्त जनसमुदाय का आभार ज्ञापित किया। इस अवसर पर मंच
संचालन महेश टाक एवं रमेश गौड़ ने किया।
कार्यक्रम में नगर के गणमान्य नागरिक गणों के साथ उद्योगपति ओम प्रकाश
मोदी, पूर्व पालिका अध्यक्ष सुरेश चन्द्र वर्मा, बृज मोहन शास्त्री, महावीर
प्रसाद औझा, राजेन्द्र पटवारी, राजेन्द्र दाधीच, कैलाश सोलंकी, विनोद सैन,
भुवनेश कुमार शर्मा, रामावतार सर्राफ, परशुराम वर्मा, रामेश्वर जांगिड़,
मदनलाल चैहान, गोपीकिशन प्रजापति, लालचन्द ध्यावाला, अंशुमान मोठ, बनवारी
मोठ, कमल मोठ, गजेन्द्र गौड़, अरूण न्यावड़ा, द्वारका प्रसाद मल्लावत,
आनन्दीलाल लाहोटी सहित विभिन्न संगठनों के पदाधिकारी बड़ी संख्या में
उपस्थित थे।
कुचामन में शोभायात्रा
12/01/2013 कुचामन शहर आज कुचामन शहर में स्वामी विवेकानन्दजी की 150वीं
जयंती पर "स्वामी विवेकानन्द सार्धशति समारोह समिति" के तत्वावधान में
शोभायात्रा निकाली गई। शोभायात्रा में शहर की 28 शिक्षण संस्थाओं के कुल
4450 विद्यार्थियों ने भाग लिया, इनमें 3100 छात्र एवं 1350 छात्राओं ने
भाग लिया। शोभायात्रा में 17 संस्थाओं ने स्वामी विवेकानन्दजी की सजीव
झाँकियाँ बनाई। शिक्षण संस्थाओं के साथ में विभिन्न सामाजिक संगठनों के
पदाधिकारी एवं कार्यकर्ता सम्मिलित रहे। शोभायात्रा के प्रारम्भ में
श्रीमान पंकजजी (प्रान्तीय महाविद्यालय विद्यार्थी प्रमुख, जोधपुर) का
उद्बोधन रहा, जिन्होंने स्वामी विवेकानन्दजी के जीवन पर प्रकाश डाला। यह
शोभायात्रा राजकीय भोमराजका स्कूल से प्रातः 10:30 बजे प्रारम्भ होकर
स्टेशन रोड़, बस स्टेण्ड, गोल प्याऊ, सीकर रोड़ होते हुए नया शहर समापन
स्थान पर पहुँची। वहाँ सभी को प्रसाद वितरण किया गया व समिति के संयोजक
श्रीमान राजारामजी प्रजापत ने धन्यवाद ज्ञापित किया।
इस अवसर पर सालभर चलने वाले कार्यक्रमों के सुचारू संचालन व साहित्य बिक्री के लिये कार्यालय का उद्घाटन किया गया।
रानीवाड़ा में वीराट शोभायात्रा
12/01/2013 रानीवाड़ा : स्वामी विवेकानन्द की 150वीं जयन्ती के उपलक्ष
में रानीवाड़ा में वीराट शोभायात्रा का आयोजन हुआ। शार्धशती समिति की ओर से
आयोजित शोभायात्रा को संबोधित करते हुए, बड़गांव सुरज कुडं महंत श्री 1008
लहर भारती महाराज नें, कहा कि आज हमें स्वामी विवेंकानन्द के विचारों को
अपनाने की आवश्यकता है। स्वामी विवेकानन्द ने जिस प्रकार हिन्दु धर्म एवं
संस्कृति की रक्षा के लिये अपना जीवन सर्वस्व समर्पित किया उसी प्रकार हमें
भी देश हेतु कार्य करना चाहिए। इससे पूर्व शोभायात्रा रानीवाड़ा शहर के
मुख्य मार्गो से होते हुए खेल मैदान पहुँचे। शोभायात्रा में स्थानीय सांसद
श्री देवजी भाई पटेल सहित रानीवाड़ा के कई गणमान्य नागरिक शामिल हुए।
शोभायात्रा की सामग्री व्यवस्थाएँ स्वामी विवेकानन्द सार्धराती समिती
रानीवाड़ा के कार्यकर्ताओ मंजीराम चैधरी, लक्ष्मीकान्त गुप्ता, हनवंत
शर्मा, सवदाराम चैधरी, चेतदान चारण, विष्णुदान चारण, अमृत कुमार देवासी ,
जयन्तिलाल मोदी, विक्रमसिंह, अशोक कुमार सोलंकी, बाबुलाल राजनट आदि
कार्यकर्ताओं द्वारा की गई।
चैहटन , बाड़मेर स्वामी विवेकानन्द सार्धषती के निमित्त चैहटन तहसील
केन्द्र का उद्घाटन कार्यक्रम की भव्य शोभा यात्रा का आयोजन किया गया
जिसमें चैहटन षहर के रा.उ.मा.वि.चैहटन, रा.बा.उ.मा.वि.चैहटन, आदर्श
वि.मं.उ.मा.,चैहटन, विरात्रा पब्लिक स्कूल, खीमराज डोसी बाल मन्दिर,
कुम्भाराम आर्य शिक्षण संस्थान, शंकर बाल निकेतन, मदर टेरेसा ब्रिलियन्ट
एकेडमी, मारवाड़ पब्लिक स्कूल सहित शहर के सभी राजकीय और निजी विद्यालयों
के पांच हजार छात्र छात्राओं के हाथ में स्वामी विवेकानन्द की शिक्षाओं
वाली तख्तिया अपने हाथ में लेकर चले और शहर के इन विद्यालय की 300 बहिनें
कलश यात्रा में शामिल हुई। वहीं 150 मोटरसाईकिल व पचास विद्यार्थी स्वामी
विवेकानन्द बनकर आकर्षक स्वामी विवेकानन्द का रथ के पीछे पीछे सधे हुए
कदमों से चैहटन की अब तक की ऐतिहासिक शोभा यात्रा जो कुल मिलकर 2 किमी.
लम्बी थी, चैहटन के स्टेडियम से प्रारम्भ होकर आदर्श विद्या मन्दिर उ.मा.
में सभा के रूप में बदल गई। जिसमें मुख्य अतिथि भवेन्द्र कुमार गोयल ने
विद्यार्थियों को स्वामी विवेकानन्द से प्रेरणा लेकर अपने जीवन को उस
अनुरूप ढ़ालने का आह्वान किया । वहीं मुख्य वक्ता रिखबदासजी बोथरा (मा. सह
जिला संघचालक) जी ने सम्बोधित करते हुए स्वामी विवेकानन्दजी के जीवन पर
प्रकाष डालते हुए वर्श प्रयन्त सम्पन्न होने वाले कार्यक्रमों की जानकारी
दी व जिस प्रकार स्वामी विवेकानन्द थे शिकागों से सम्पूर्ण विष्व भर में
हुंकार भर दी। उसी प्रकार आज फिर ‘उतिश्ठित जाग्रत’’ की आवष्यकता है। फिर
से मातृभूमि के लिए जागरूक होने की आवश्यकता पर बल दिया।
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