Gold Medal to Mananeeya Balakrishnanji:
It was a great moment for all of us when the His Excellency Governor Lt. General (Retd) Nirbhay Sharma in the presence of Hon’ble Chief Minster Sri. Nabam Tuki awarded the Gold Medal to Mananeeya Balakrishnanji on 20th at IG Park during the State Hood day celebrations. It is indeed a great recognition of 39 years of Kendra’s work in Arunachal Pradesh.
Principal Meet:
The second Principal Meet for the session 2013-14 was held on 2nd March, 2014 at VKV Nirjuli. The meet was graced by Kendra elders and other dignitaries. Mananeeya A. Balakrishnanji, Vice President, Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari, Kum. Aparna (Didi) Palkar, All India Vyavastha Pramukh, Sri Pravin Dabholkar, Secretary VKVAPT and Joint General Secretary, VK, Kanyakumari, Dr. Joram Begi, Prant Pramukh, Arunachal Prant Sri Rupesh Mathur, Prant Sangathak, VK Arunachal Prant and other members of VKVAPT were present in the meet. The meeting was held in a very important juncture: after finishing the year long mega events related to Swami Vivekananda Sardha Shati Samaroh (SVSSS) and in the eve of Eknathji’s Centenary celebration. Kendra elders congratulated VKVs for celebrating SVSSS programs in a grand manner and thereby leaving an impression among the people. VKVs also should celebrate Eknathji’s centenary celebration in the same manner by considering Eknathji’s special affection towards Arunachal Pradesh and initiating the works of Vivekananda Kendra in the state. The whole year’s activities conducted in VKVs were shown with Power Point presentation. In addition to the Kendra elders illuminations there were also sessions on: Effective Administration,Resource Mobilization and Effective Utilization,Presentation of academic resolution, Directory for Alumni and the follow up so far Government schemes Implementation–Discussion and action plan, Role of Communication in Administration.
Varshik Baithak:
The Varshik Baithak of Vivekananda Kendra, Aruanchal Prantwas conducted on 1stMarch 2014. The Daityavan Karyakartas of the three projects namely Arun Jyoti, VKVs and VKIC ((Aruanchal Chapter) were present in the meeting. The main theme of the Baithak was discussion on Mananeeya Eknathji Janma Shati Parva (Birth Centenary of Mananeeya Eknathji).
Releasing of Arohi:
The XXII edition of Arohi, the house magazine of VKVAPT, has been released with the theme ‘Extract the nectar’ having myriads of articles from alumni, guests, teachers and students from entire VKVs of Arunachal Pradesh. The online edition of the same is also available in our website
Felicitation of Principal and teachers:
Three Principals and one teacher were felicitated for outstanding performance in conducting Vivek Utkarsh Written Quiz conducted in all the districts of Arunachal Pradesh by enrolling 8095 students from 184 Govt and private schools. The felicitation program was conducted during the Principal Meet on 2nd March, 2014. The conduct of the quiz has been acknowledged as one of the milestones achieved during SVSSS. The details of the same have been given below:
S.No | Name of the Principal/Teacher | Citation |
1 | SriShyamalChakraborty Principal, VKVKharsang | For enrolling highest number of students among all the districts. For motivating the staff to conduct the quiz in the remotest corners of Changlang district. |
2 | Sri Madan Kr. Sarkar, Principal, VKV Basar | For exhibiting systematic approach in conducting and evaluating process of the Quiz. |
3 | Sri K.V. Dineshan, Principal, VKV Tawang | For co coordinating the work by involving the alumni and well wishers |
4 | Sri Keshab Upadhyaya, Teacher VKV Kharsang | For going and conducting the quiz at Vijaynagar by travelling 10 days on foot surpassing many hurdles. |
Visit of Dr Varda Mohan Nikalje, NCERT:
Dr Varda Mohan Nikalje, Assistant Professor, NCERT, Delhi visited VKV Balijan, Itanagar and Nirjuli from 21 to 24 March, 2014. This is her initial visit in relation to English Language Development Program in VKVs of Arunachal Pradesh which is in the pipeline.
Kishori Vikas Anuvartan Shibir:
Sneha Vardhini Group of VKV Oyan conducted Kishori Vikas Anuvartan Shibir on 26th Feb 2014 which is the follow up programme of the Krishori Vikash Shibir conducted in the month of August 2013. 40 out of 70 Girls participated in the Anuvartan Shibir. They have shared their experiences and also the differences which they could make after attending the camp.
We could conduct matrupooja in all the secondary schools except Sher and Jairampur. The response was overwhelming as most of the parents attended the pooja. Many parents opined that the blend of Value based and modern knowledge is the uniqueness of VKVs and they feel contented as they made right choice by admitting their wards in VKVs. Mananeeya Balakrishnanji was present in VKV- Balijan to witness the matrupooja.
Remarkable performance of Students in NTSE State Level Examination:
Out of 25 students selected in the State Level National Level Talent Search examination 14 are from various VKVs. The performance of VKV-Vivek Vihar was remarkable as 4 of their students were qualified. The National Level examination will be held on 11th May at Itanagar.
NSS Award to VKV-Teacher:

APS at Kanyakumari Acharya Prashikshan Shibir would be starting on 6th April at Kanyakumari. 240 Participants are expected from Andaman, Assam, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh. Shri Anand Dutta (VKVAPT) and Smt. Jutika Saikia (VKV, Ziro) have volunteered to be part of the organizing team for this important event VKVAPT set up.
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