Saturday, April 16, 2022

कन्या पूजन - विवेकानन्द केंद्र भोपाल

 विवेकानन्द केंद्र कन्याकुमारी, शाखा : भोपाल द्वारा चैत्र नवरात्रि पर आनंदालय में आने वाली बहनों का पूजन किया।

आनंदालय के सभी भाईओ ने बहनों के पैर धोये एवम तिलक लगाकर आशीर्वाद लिया और उनको मिठाईया खिलाई ।

Karyakarta Milan at Manipur

Karyakarta Milan is organized by Vivekananda Kendra Manipur Vibhag on 3rd April 2022 with Karyakartas from 1978-1987 Kendra Karya period in Manipur and present batch starting from 2011. Nineteen Karyakartas attended the meet today.

The former team fondly shared the memories of Kendra work and first Sangathak here, Late Vivekananda Royji. It was happy and emotional sharing.

In Kendra parichay, present works of Vivekananda Kendra in various fields and states were briefly delivered. It was followed by open ended discussion on future plan of work in Manipur bivhag.

Karyakarta Milan concluded with shantimantra followed by sahabhojan.

All expressed deep sense of satisfaction on restarting of Kendra work in Manipur.

Vivekananda Kendra NARDEP - Best NGO Award

 Vivekananda Kendra NARDEP receiving Second prize award in Best NGO Category. Shri.G.Vasudeoji, Secretary, Vivekananda Kendra NARDEP receiving the award from the hands of Honourable Jal Shakthi Minister Shri.Gajendra Singh Shekhawat. Kudos to the entire team of Vivekananda Kendra NARDEP Kanyakumari and the well wishers.

Young India -Know Thyself - Vivekananda Kendra - Delhi Branch

 Vivekananda Kendra, Delhi Branch organized its first orientation of Young India: Know Thyself -2022. Shri Nikhil Yadav, Prant Yuva Pramukh, Uttar Prant informed that students from Swami Sharadhanand and PGDAV evening college participated.

We started our orientation with three omkars and Shanti Mantra. We did a small introduction with the participants where we got to know that many participants traveled a long way to attend the orientation. Further, Akriti Didi made an introductory remark to make the participants ease and provide a road map of the orientation. Then we switched to Geet, and it was a patriotic geet, and the energetic participation of candidates made a great environment.

After introduction and Geet, all the participants were divided into four groups, 1. Aryabhatt  2 . Srinivas Ramanujan  3 . Raman primal  4. Shakuntala Devi was led by Himanshu Ji, Atul Ji, Akriti didi Shruti didi, respectively, and we moved out of the conference hall for the game and further activities. The first game we played was Hathi Goda Pal Ki - Jai Kanhiya Lal Ki (an action game where we get to know each other and make the participants comfortable with the environment ). Afterward, all the participants were divided into groups ( Because further, all the activities had to be held in the group only ).

 Additionally, we played three-game Agni Kund, Bhasmasur, and Alphabet, their respective groups. The purpose of these games was to build team spirit and group dynamics among the participants.

Further, we moved on to our next activity, i.e., skit presentation, where one theme, i.e., Digital India or Atmanirbhar Bharat, was given to each team. Everyone actively participated and picturized many ideas( such as Vaccination, Indian export, Defence, manufacturing of goods in India, in Atamnirbhar Bharat, and practical implication of technology in the different sectors under the theme of Digital India .)

After we sat for our group discussion, The topic of GD was Need to Know Thyself. It was a very fruitful discussion; we came to know the different perspectives of the youth. If we summarised our discussion, we could say that it is essential to know ourselves because only we can know the ultimate objective of our life. The process by which we can know ourselves is the self implication in the different situations and introspection. Finally, the session was concluded by Mananiye Shri Manas Ji ,Prant Sangathak, Uttar Prant and Shri Nikhil Yadav, Prant Yuva Pramukh, Vivekananda Kendra, Uttar Prant. We went for group photography, and the orientation was over by providing refreshments to the participants.

Dainik Yoga Abhyaas - Jodhpur

 विवेकानंद केंद्र के जोधपुर के गीता भवन कार्यालय में प्रतिदिन सुबह 6:30 से 7:30 तक योगाभ्यास होता है। इसमें शिथिलीकरण, सूर्य नमस्कार, आसन और प्राणायाम के नियमित अभ्यास होते हैं और साप्ताहिक ध्यान का अभ्यास भी होता है। विवेकानंद केंद्र के योग वर्ग प्रमुख पंकज व्यास ने बताया कि प्रतिदिन लगभग 20 साधक इसमें सहभागी होते हैं और स्वास्थ्य लाभ करते हैं। विवेकानंद केंद्र के विभाग प्रमुख प्रेम रतन सोतवाल ने कहा कि विवेकानंद केंद्र की योग गतिविधियां पिछले दो दशकों से गीता भवन में निरंतर चल रही है और अनेकों ने इसका लाभ उठाया है। जीवनव्रति दीपक खैरे ने कहा कि विवेकानंद केंद्र राजस्थान के अनेक शहरों में नियमित रूप से इस तरह के योग वर्गों का आयोजन करता है। ‌युवा प्रमुख शाम मालवीय ने कहा कि विवेकानंद केंद्र समय-समय पर जोधपुर शहर के विभिन्न पार्कों और सार्वजनिक स्थलों पर योग सत्रों का आयोजन करता है जिससे कि अधिकाधिक लोगों को इसका लाभ मिले। राज भूतड़ा ने बताया कि वे पिछले 5 वर्षों से केंद्र के योग वर्ग में आ रही है और इससे जीवन में अनुशासन लाने और स्वस्थ रहने में उन्हें बहुत मदद मिलती है। जुगल किशोर अग्रवाल ने बताया के योग से जीवन में आनंद प्राप्त होता है और वे पिछले 5 वर्षों से नियमित योगाभ्यास करते हैं। अनीता बोराना दीदी ने बताया कि वह वजन कम करने के लिए नियमित आती है और उसका उन्हें लाभ भी प्राप्त हो रहा है। उन्होंने कहा कि बच्चों को भी नियमित रूप से योगाभ्यास करना चाहिए। प्रिया अग्रवाल बताया कि उन्हें यहां योग सीखने और सिखाने में मदद मिलती है। नियमित अभ्यासी प्रकाश भाटी, भगवान पंवार, विनीत कपूर, अनुराधा दीदी, मनीष चौहान ने इस योग वर्ग को अत्यंत लाभप्रद बताया और सभी को इसमें सहभागी होने का आह्वान किया।

Samskar Varga Sammelan at VK Madurai

 On 13th March 2022, Vivekananda Kendra Madurai organised Samskar varga Sammelan at TVS Higher Secondary School, Lakshmipuram from 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Totally 80 Samskar varga children participated and the organising team consisted of 20 Karyakarthas.

The Sammelan started with prayer at 10 a.m. and it consisted of song practice, aagnyas practice, games, activity session, group discussion and paper drapery like national leaders. All the participants had involved themselves in these samskarvarga activities.

The parents of the participants were invited to the concluding session in the evening. The children presented few samskarvarga activities in front of their parents through which parents were also able to understand the importance of Samskarvarga and Vivekananda Kendra in moulding their children's personality.

The camp concluded with Sarve bavanthu by 5.45 p.m.

योग सत्र । भागलपुर नगर

 विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी, शाखा-भागलपुर द्वारा योग सत्र का आयोजन सोमवार, 7 मार्च 2022 से बुधवार, 16 मार्च 2022 तक प्रातः 6:00 - 7:00  बजे सबौर कॉलेज, सबौर, भागलपुर में किया गया।  जिसमे प्रतिदिन औसतन १० की उपस्थिति रही।  

योग सत्र दिनचर्या के अनुरूप 1 घंटे अभ्यास एवं 30 मिनट थ्योरी निमायित चला।  योग सत्र के समापन में मुख्य वक्ता के रूप में आदरणीय मुकेश कीर, बिहार झारखंड प्रांत संगठक जी की उपस्थिति रही। उन्होंने कहा कि ---
योग के विषय में कहा कि योग 24 घंटे चलने वाली प्रक्रिया है, यह केवल 1 या 2 घंटे करने वाला व्यायाम नहीं है, परंतु शारीरिक व्यायाम से ही हमारी मन बुद्धि और शरीर शक्ति का विकास होग।  इसीलिए हर सुबह योगासन का अभ्यास करना चाहिए साथ ही साथ उन्होंने "बनो और बनो" के विषय बताते हुए कहा कि हम योग अभ्यास करते करते अन्यो को भी अभ्यास कराएं।

होली मिलन । गया नगर


विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी, शाखा- गया द्वारा होली मिलन का कार्यक्रम सोमवार, 14 मार्च 2022 को प्रातः 7:00 - 9:00 तक धर्मशाला भवन, रमना, गया में मनाया गया ।  जिसमे कुल उपस्थिति 55 की रहा ।  

कार्यकर्ता का शुभारम्भ तीन ओमकार प्रार्थना एवं गीत से हुआ।   उसके बाद भजन एवं होली गायन हुआ।  कार्यक्रम का अंत शांति मंत्र एवं गुलाल लगा कर हुआ।  

Sampark with Sri La Ganeshanji - Manipur

 Sampark with Sri La Ganeshanji, Honourable Governor, Manipur, during Prant Sangathak Ad Rupesh Bhaiya's 4 days visit in Manipur bivhag, from 1st to 4th March 2022. Honourable Governor enquired about our activities and next planning in Manipur.
We presented a copy of our book Indian Culture to him.
S. Rupachandraji, our Kendra associate and Additional Advocate General, Manipur accompanied during the visit

Book launch of “Samidha”

 Book launch of “Samidha” by Marathi Prakashan Vibhag, Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, at Tilak Smarak Mandir, Pune on 8th March.

On 8th March, Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Marathi Prakashan Vibhag, organized the Book Launch of “Samidha”.

The book is authored by Shirish Ambulgekar and published by Marathi Prakashan Vibhag, Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari. “Samidha” is based on the inspiring biographies of 12 Indian women warriors who sacrificed their lives during the Indian Freedom struggle.

The book was launched by the Chief Guest of the ceremony, Dr Smita Ghaisas (President, Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Sanstha), Ma. Nivedita Bhide (Vice President, Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari) and Aa. Kiran Kirtane (Prant Sanchalak, Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Maharashtra Prant).

Ma Nivedita Bhide mentioned that the book with 12 inspiring biographies of women warriors would inspire the future generations to imbibe the qualities of courage, bravery and the 7 “shakti” of women as mentioned in Bhagwad Gita. It will instill the concept of Jagadjanani (Creator of Universe) for the readers. We should not forget the concept of “Rashtra” as Nation building. We have to be instrumental in making the Nation prosperous and set an example to the world. We should not forget the task set to us by Swami Vivekananda, of nation building.

Though the book launch coincided with International Women’s day, in India every day is a day of celebration and respect for women, which is our culture. She wished that in the 75th year of Swaraj of India, and 50 years of Vivekanand Kendra, many more such inspiring real stories, which have been forgotten, will be published by the Marathi Prakashan Vibhag!

Smita Ghaisas revealed that apart from courage and bravery, many other qualities of the women in the books can be emulated. She hoped that the book would prove to be an inspiration for the coming generation and make them aware of the rich patriotic, cultural heritage of India. She appreciated the work done by the Vivekananda Kendra in creating awareness about the concept of “Rashtra”, Nation.

Shirish Amburlekar explained that “ Samidha” means ultimate offering of “tyag” (sacrifice). He expressed that the purpose of writing this book was to remember the forgotten history of courage and bravery. It represents our rich heritage and culture. It should provide inspiration to the masses to understand what we can achieve.

The book launch ceremony was introduced by Shailendraji Borkar. Swati Kulkarni compered the ceremony, with vote of Thanks by Vasudhaji Karandikar. Among the dignitaries present were Ma Bhanudasji ( General Secretary, Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari) and Aa Sujata Dalvi ( Prant Sanghatak, Maharashtra, Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari).

The Book Launch held at Tilak Smarak Hall, Pune, was well attended. It was also broadcast live on face book.

5th Yoga Sastra Sangamam held at Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari

 The fifth Yoga Sastra Sangamam was held at Vivekananda Kendra, Vivekanandapuram, Kanyakumari from 25th to 27th February 2022.

In all 216 delegates and 11 guests participated in the deliberations. The National Conference was organised with the collaboration of Centre for Yoga and Naturopathy, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala and supported by Indian Yoga Association. Dr Jayaraman Mahadevan of IndicA Yoga explained in four sessions the depth of Hatha Pradipika Text. His sessions were highly appreciated by one and all for the scholarly exposition of this important Yoga Sastra in detail. On 25th evening there was a grand cultural fete by the students of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Kanyakumari.

The Yoga Sastra Sangamam was inaugurated by the Honourable Governor of Kerala Sri Arif Mohammed Khan. He in his inaugural address traced the roots of Yoga in Vedas, Upanishads, Astavakra Gita and the traditional texts. He summed up with the message of yoga to the modern age. Honourable Governor also released the ‘Conference Proceedings’ containing all the abstracts of the paper presentations and the Vivekananda Kendra Patrika titled ‘The Saga of Vivekananda Rock Memorial’.

Mananeeya Nivedita Bhide, Vice President, Vivekananda Kendra in her inspiring scholarly address explained the importance of Sastra and Science. She emphasised that yoga is the life based on the foundations of Dharma.

Dr Harilakshmeendrakumar, Director, Centre for Yoga Naturopathy, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala expressed his happiness for collaborating with such a unique national conference on Yoga Sastra.

Simultaneously three multi track paper presentation sessions were held at three different venues in which 70 scholarly papers were presented by Yoga Professionals, Phd. Research Scholars, Doctorates in Yoga and Sanskrit. There are 10 foreign delegates, seven from Afghanistan and three from Nepal. Three key note addresses were given by Dr K Subrahmanyam of Svyasa, Sri NV Raghuram from Yoga Bharati, Bangalore and Dr TV Padmanabhan from Mahatma Gandhi University. The Yoga Sastra Sangamam was concluded on 27th February with Patanjala Yoga Sutra Parayanam led by Dr Jayaraman Mahadevan.

Republic Day At VKV Kanyakumari

 On the auspicious morning of 26th Jan 2022, we celebrated Republic day in our school premises with great splendour and grandeur to commemorate the enforcement of the Indian constitution on 26th Jan 1950. The event started sharply at 8.30 a.m. with Vandematharam. Mann.Hanmantaraoji, Vice president of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Vivekananda Kendra presided over the function and unfurled the tricolour flag followed by the National Anthem. The pledge was taken by all the participants. The welcome address was delivered by our teacher Smt.E.Sumathi. Some of our teachers brought out their patriotic fervour & delighted everyone by a Bharathiyar song. Our teacher Smt.Jaya Lakshmi delivered a speech on the importance of the day. In her speech, she pointed out the development of Mother Bharath in various fields and also highlighted the Honorable Governor of Tamil Nadu, Sri. R.N.Ravi’s oration about “what could be Bharath in 2047 by the time India completed 100 years of celebration”.  Mann. Hanumantaraoji emphasized that the pride of our National flag lies in the hands of the soldiers who have sacrificed their noble lives for the nation and are still at the frontiers safeguarding from foreign invasions. He insisted us to respect the army men whom we meet in our daily lives. He also put forth his wish that the students should be motivated in such a way that they serve the nation by being an army man and bring pride to our school. Our teacher Shri. R.Sundarakumar proposed the vote of thanks. Finally the celebration came to an end with Kendra Prarthana and the distribution of sweets to all 240 participants.

Swami Vivekananda Jayanthi At VKV Kanyakumari

 Swami Vivekananda, born on 12th January 1863 was an Indian Hindu monk and philosopher.  His was the life devoted to national regeneration and he motivated many young minds to work towards Nation building.  As a mark of tribute to his legendary hero, his birth anniversary is celebrated as National Youth Day across the Country.


                                                              “All power is within you;

                                                     You can do anything and everything”

                                                                                                 - Swami Vivekananda

On the very fine evening of 12th January, we inaugurated the program the lighting of the lamp by Mann. Rekha Didi, Joint General Secretary of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Vivekananda Kendra followed by an invocation by our students.  Mascara of XI Std. offered a red carpet welcome to the participants.  G.Jany Nishmitha of XI std.  sang a melodious song praising the glory of Swami Vivekananda.  T.Vinisha of XII std. presented a very beautiful picture on the importance of the day.  The teachers of V.K.V. exhibited their patriotic fervor through their motivational song.  Man. Rekha Didi, the honourable guest of the day gave an astounding oration about Swami Vivekananda’s unique character, his travel to west, the wave of Sanadhana Dharma that vibrated across the country through his philosophical speech and motivated the youth to work for the nation.  She insisted the participants to read Swami Vivekananda’s lectures and not to touch anything that makes one physically, spiritually and mentally weak.  She advised us to have the ideals of Swami Vivekananda in our minds, spread his message throughout and strive hard to make India the “Jagat Guru”.

            Vote of thanks was proposed by Keerthiga of XI std.  The programme was compered by Naveena of XII std.  Finally, the programme came to a fine end by Kendra Prarthana.

North East Calling Seminar - Thane

 Every year North East Calling Seminar held for raising awareness of importance of that region and development work there. This year the seminar was held on 26 February 2022. Hon. Sanjeev Sanyal, Chief Financial Advisor to Government of India addressed the gathering on ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat and North East’ Hon. NIvedita Bhide, Vice President, Vivekananda Kendra talked on ‘Vivekananda Kendra and North East’.

Hon. Sanjeev Sanyal who is an economist and historian and currently a full-time Member of Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister, narrated bonds of West and especially Maharashtra and North East. He told that when Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj escaped from Agra, Aurangzeb could not fully concentrate on Maharashtra as there was fierce wa

r going on in NE.

Similarly, when Netaji Sibhash Chandra Bose established Govt. of Free India in NE in 1945, there was naval revolt in Mumbai in 1946 when 50 ships were captured by revolutionaries .This put immense pressure on British PM Clement Attlee who decides to free India. Sanyalji rightly referred to Netaji as first PM of free India.

He explained that Atma Nirbhar Bharat does not mean isolating India from the world, but creating infrastructure so that people can develop themselves. He pointed out that the rich countries are rich because they created excellent infrastructure. This year's budget focuses on infrastructure growth. He informed that out of 5 longest bridges in India, three were in NE. He lambasted tendency to rely on Jugad.

It is heartening to know that a person who spent 20 years with Deutsche Bank is on PM's advisory team. He was happily clad in dhoti and kurta and carried it well.

Shri. Suhas Mehta of SMC Infra offered help in creating infrastructure in NE.

Hon. Nivedita Bhide who is Jeevanvrati Karyakarta of Kendra since 1977 recounted work done in NE as per vision of Hon. Eknathji Ranade. She explained how true Indian Culture of Unity in Diversity is preserved in North East. Kendra carries out activities there based on Seva (service), Sanskriti (culture) and Samanvay (coordination). She appealed to all for contributing to Kandra Karya of Nation Building in North East as well as throughout India.

Madhav Nanivdekar proposed vote of thanks and Smita Puranik ably anchored the function.

National Youth Day at VKSSS - Tinsukia

 Vivekananda Kendra Swasthya Seva Sadan, Tinsukia organized one youth Conference on the auspicious occasion of 159th Janma Diwas of Swami Vivekananda. 23 persons participated in the program maintaining all Covid 19 related protocols. The program started with a patriotic song. Su. Sutapa Roy, Karyalaya Pramukh of VK Arun Jyoti explained the significance of the day. Sri Chandra Sekhar Joshi, a former and veteran Karyakarta of Vivekananda Kendra shared his experience of Kendra activities especially in the field of education. Dr.Debashis Dey Adhikary, through a power point presentation, highlighted the Swasthya Seva Activities of Vivekananda Kendra in north east. He appealed the youths to contribute to the society with whatever capacity they have. Sri Kamalakant Baliarsingh gave an insightful speech on Swamiji’s dream of a modern and resurgent India.  The program concluded with Santi Mantra.  

आध्यात्मिक शिविर - फरवरी 2022

 विवेकानंद केंद्र का आध्यात्मिक शिविर फरवरी 21 से 27 तक विवेकानंदपुरम, कन्याकुमारी में आयोजित किया गया।

इस शिविर में महाराष्ट्र, राजस्थान, बिहार, पश्चिम बंगाल, केरल, तमिलनाडु, कर्नाटक, तेलंगाना और आंध्र प्रदेश - इन 9 राज्यों से 50 शिविरार्थियों ने सहभागिता की। इनमें 29 बहने और 21 भाई थे। शिविर संचालन के व्यवस्था चमु में कुल 11 सदस्य रहे।

शिविर का पंजीकरण 20 फरवरी को प्रारंभ हुआ और उसी दिन भजन संध्या के साथ शिविर प्रारंभ हुआ। परिचय सत्र में शिविर अधिकारी माननीय रेखा दीदी ने शिविर का विस्तृत परिचय दिया। व्यवस्था चमु और शिविरार्थियों के परिचय के साथ प्रथम दिवस की समाप्ति हुई।

21 फरवरी से सुबह 5:15 बजे प्रातः स्मरण से शिविर नियमित रूप से प्रारंभ हुआ। शिविर की दिनचर्या इस प्रकार रही: 5:15 बजे प्रातः स्मरण, योगाभ्यास, अल्पाहार, श्रमसंस्कार, बौद्धिक सत्र, मंथन, भोजन, विश्राम, गीत अभ्यास, चाय, बौद्धिक सत्र, प्राणायाम-ध्यान अभ्यास, समुद्र की ओर, भजन संध्या, रात्रि भोजन, आनंद मेला और गण बैठक।

शिविर के सुव्यवस्थित संचालन हेतु शिविरार्थियों को 5 गणों को संगठित किया गया : अत्रिगण, अपाला गण, अंगीरसगण, गोधागण, अगस्त्य गण - भारत के ऋषि ऋषिकाओं के नाम पर आधारित यह गण रहे। ‌

शिविर में निम्नलिखित विषयों पर बौद्धिक हुए: अध्यात्म की संकल्पना, केंद्र प्रार्थना, उपनिषदों के संदेश, भगवतगीता, विवेकानंद केंद्र अध्यात्म प्रेरित सेवा संगठन, विवेकानंद केंद्र की गतिविधियां, स्वामी विवेकानंद, कर्मयोगैकनिष्ठा, विवेकानंद शिला स्मारक की कथा और ध्येयमार्गानुयात्रा।

मंथन में बौद्धिक पर आधारित विषयों पर सहभागीयों ने उत्साह के साथ अपने विचार रखे।

योगाभ्यास में अनेक आसन सिखाए गए और प्राणायाम भी सिखाए गए। साथ ही ओमकार ध्यान और आवृत्ति ध्यान का भी अभ्यास हुआ।

गीत-अभ्यास में स्त्रोत, श्लोक और गीतों का अभ्यास हुआ। ‌

शिविर के दौरान शिविरार्थियों ने विवेकानंद शिला स्मारक के दर्शन किए और विवेकानंदपुरम की प्रदर्शनींया भी पूरे उत्साह और रुचि के साथ देखी।

रात्रि आनंद मेला में गीत, खेल के साथ ही कीर्तन और एक पात्री प्रयोग भी हुए। आनंद मेला में ठाकुर रामकृष्ण की कथा माला का श्रवण और आदि शंकराचार्य द्वारा रचित लिंगआस्टकम् का पठन हुआ।

दिनांक 26 फरवरी को अंतिम आनंद मेला में शिविरार्थियों द्वारा उनके प्रतिभा से गीत नृत्य के द्वारा सबको आनंद की अनुभूति प्रदान की।

कुल मिलाकर शिविर अत्यंत आनंदमयी वातावरण में प्रेम भाव के साथ में संपन्न हुआ। अनेक शिविरार्थियों ने विवेकानंद केंद्र के माध्यम से समाज के लिए सेवा कार्य करने की इच्छा प्रदर्शित की है।


The Spiritual Retreat was organized from 21 to 27 February 2022 at Vivekanandapuram, Kanyakumari.

Fifty participants from following 9 states participated in this camp  : Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Bihar, West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.  Of this were 29 sisters and 21 brothers.  Organising team had 11 members.

The registration for the camp started on 20th February and on the same evening the camp started with Bhajan Sandhya.  In the introduction session, Shibir Adhikari Mananeeya Rekha Didi gave a detailed introduction to the camp.  The first day ended with the introduction of the organising team and the participants.

The camp started regularly from 21st February at 5:15 am with Pratahsmaran.  The camp routine was as follows: 5:15 a.m. Pratahsmaran, Yoga practice, breakfast, Shramsanskar, Lecture session 1, Manthan, Lunch, Geet Abhyas, tea, Lecture session 2, Pranayama-Meditation practice,  Bhajans, dinner and Anand Mela.

Participants were organized into 5 ganas, namely,  Atrigana, ApalaGana, Angirasgana, Godhagana and Agastya ganß- these Gana were based on the names of the sages of India.

In the camp lectures were on the following topics: Concept of Spirituality, Kendra Prarthana, Messages from Upanishads, Bhagvad Gita, Vivekananda Kendra Spiritually Orientated Service Organization, Activities of Vivekananda Kendra,  Swami Vivekananda, Karmayogaikanishtha, Story of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Dhyeymarganuyatra.

In the Manthan,  participants expressed their views with enthusiasm on topics based on the  Lectures.

Asanas were taught in yoga practice and pranayama was also taught.  Along with this Omkar meditation and cyclic meditation were also practiced.

Stotras, shlokas and songs were practiced in Geet abhyas.

During the camp, the participants visited the Vivekananda Rock Memorial and also viewed the exhibitions at Vivekanandapuram with great enthusiasm and interest.

In the Anand Mela, along with songs, games, Kirtan and a play were also held.  In the Anand Mela, the story of Thakur Ramakrishna was told and Lingashtakam by Adi Shankaracharya was chanted.

In the last Anand Mela on 26th February, participants presented Cultural dances and songs.

Overall, the camp had a joyful atmosphere.  Many participants have shown their willingness to do service work for the society through Vivekananda Kendra.

Republic Day Celebration At VKV Kallubalu

 " Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya - Kallubalu."
   73 rd Republic Day was celebrated on 26.1.2022 Wednesday.
   Chief Guest, Smt Veena Srihari -  from Bengaluru,  Vivekananda Kendra Karya Paddati Pramukh, Karnataka Vibhag, unfurled the National Flag and received the Guard of honor. Cultural events like Drama, Patriotic songs, fancy dress representing - Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, etc, were colorful and patriotic activities. A girl from class VI was honored with a certificate and medal for her excellence in sports in the academic year 2021-22. Smt. Veena didi expressed patriotic feelings by quoting the great sacrifice of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose,  Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aravindo, etc for the motherland, and also motivated Karyakarthas by saying,  Give little time to serve people in the society. Ma. Lalita didi- Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya -Kallubalu, Prakalpa Sanghatak, and Sri Mohan Lal Ji, Staniya karyakarta were present on this auspicious occasion. Total attended offline 134 and online 15.k

गणतंत्र दिवस | पटना नगर

 विवेकानन्द केंद्र कन्याकुमारी, शाखा - पटना द्वारा 73वें गणतंत्र दिवस के सुअवसर पर झन्डा तोलन कार्यक्रम का आयोजन बुधवार, 26 जनवरी 2022 को प्रात: 9:00 - 10:00 बजे केंद्र कार्यालय 162, पाटलिपुत्र कॉलोनी, डाक घर के नजदीक, पटना में मनाया गया जिसमे कुल 11 कार्यकर्ता की उपस्थिति रही

 झंडोतोलन कार्यक्रम का स्वागत परिचय से हुआ, उसके बाद आ. ज्ञानेश्वर शर्मा, व्यवस्था प्रमुख ,पटना विभाग  जी द्वारा झंडा रोहन किया गया। उसके बाद राष्ट्र गान हुआ। कार्यक्रम का समापन  "भारत हमारी माँ है" गीत का हुआ है।

पुष्पांजलि कार्यक्रम - स्वामी विवेकानन्द जयंती - बिहार-झारखण्ड प्रान्त

 विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी, बिहार-झारखण्ड प्रान्त द्वारा स्वामी विवेकनन्द जयंती के सुअवसर पर बुधवार, 12 जनवरी 2022 एवं गुरुवार, 13 जनवरी 2022 को पुरे प्रान्त में कुल 220 स्थनों पर पुष्पांजलि कार्यकर्म मनाया गया। जिसमे कुल 2857 लोगो की उपस्थिति रही।

कार्यक्रम का स्वरुप निम्न था -

    स्वामीजी को पुष्प अर्पण
    स्वदेश मंत्र
    प्रसंग कथन
    उदघोष, संकल्प

नगर सह कार्यक्रमो की संख्या एवं कार्यक्रमों स्थान की संख्या की pdf file संलग्न है ---

विमर्श - स्वामी विवेकानन्द जयंती - बिहार-झारखण्ड प्रान्त


विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी, बिहार-झारखण्ड प्रान्त द्वारा स्वामी विवेकनन्द जयंती के सुअवसर पर रविवार, 16 जनवरी 2022 को संध्या 4:30 - 6:00 बजे ऑनलाइन गूगल मीट पर मनाया गया।  जिसमे कुल 277 लोगो ने पंजीयन कराया।  जिसमे उपस्थिति 172 की रही कुल 10 संचालन चमू की संख्या रही।  

कार्यक्रम का शुभारम्भ तीन ओमकार प्रार्थना, समर्थ भारत पर्व परिचय से हुआ।  उसके बाद गीत (भुवनमण्डले नवयुगमुदयतु ) एवं वक्ता परिचय हुआ।  मुख्य वक्ता आ. मोनिका अरोड़ा, अधिवक्ता, सर्वोच्च न्यायालय, नई दिल्ली एवं सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता का मार्गदर्शन स्वदेश मंत्र के बाद हम सबको मिला।  मुख्य वक्ता के मार्गदर्शन के बाद प्रश्नोत्तरी हुआ, जिसमे सब लोगो ने अपनी जिज्ञाषा रूपी प्रश्न पूछे जिसका मुख्य वक्ता द्वारा उतर दिया गया।  उकसे बाद विवेकानन्द केन्द्र द्वारा आगमी कार्यक्रमों की सुचना दी गई।  कार्यक्रम का समापन धन्यवाद ज्ञापन एवं शांति मंत्र से हुआ।

विमर्श - स्वामी विवेकानन्द जयंती - रांची नगर

 विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी, शाखा-रांची द्वारा विमर्श कार्यक्रम का  बुधवार, 12 जनवरी 2022 को दोपहर  1:00-2:30 बजे ऑनलाइन गूगल मीट पर आयोजन किया। गया कुल उपस्थिति 48 की रही। जिसमे 8 संचलन चमू का कार्यकर्ता उपस्थित रही।


कार्यक्रम का संचलन तीन ओमकार प्रार्थना,  केंद्र परिचय एवं गीत से हुआ।  उसके बाद विवेकवाणी एवं वक्ता परिचय के बाद मुख्य वक्ता आ. प्रबल कुमार सेन जी का मार्गदर्शन हम सब को मिला। उसके बाद प्रश्नौत्तरी हुआ; जिसमे मुख्य वक्ता द्वारा श्रोता द्वारा पूछे गए प्रश्नों का उत्तर मिला। कार्यक्रम का समापन धन्यवाद ज्ञापन, आवाह्न एवं शांति मंत्र से हुआ।