Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Geeta Jayanti Celebration at Kamrup Vibhag
Gita Jayanti Celebration was organised by Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Kamrup Vibhag on 3rd December at "Geeta Mandir". The program began with three Omkar & mangalacharan followed by "Karmayoga Shlok Sangraha". About 96 karyakartas attended this program. Nayan - a Karyakarta of Aanandalaya project informed about Aanandalaya activities. Sri Dilip Sharma spoke on Gita. Mananeeya Meera Didi, Pranta sangathak discussed on "Gita in every day life".
Activities Update from Mysore
1. Yoga Satra started for class 10th students of J S S High school, Lakshmipuram, Mysore from 29th November. Total 51 students are attending.
2. Bhagavadgita recitation competition was organised on the occasion of Gita Jayanti on 29th November, in which 42 students from 7 schools and 38 parents also participated.
3. Swadhayaya examination conducted for Karyakartas, 12 karyakartas wrote.
Book: Ma. Eknathji- Uttama Manava.
4. Swadhayaya examination conducted for Samskara varga students in which 80 students from 5 samskara varga attended.
Book: Ma. Eknathji- Uttama Manava.
5. Gita Jayanti celebrated in all Samskara vargas- 7 places.
6. Kutumba Probodhan was organised on the occasion of Gita Jayanti. Prof. K Keshavamurthiji, Retd. Principal talked on this occasion.
7. Swadhyaya examination was conducted at Amrita Vidyalayam in which 146 students participated. Smt. Katyayani Didi co-ordinated the examination.
Book: Incidents from the Life of Swami Vivekananda.
8. Swadhyaya examination was conducted at Deepa School, Roopanagar in which 48 students participated. Smt. Geeta Didi co- ordinated the examination.
Book: Swami Vivekananda Jeevana & Sandesha.
9. Swadhyaya examination was conducted at Samskriti Gurukula, Mandya in which 55 students participated. Kum. Sindoora Didi co-ordinated the examination.
Book: Incidents from the Life of Swami Vivekananda.
Talk on Sister Nivedita at VKIC
A talk on Sister Nivedita was organised by Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture at Assam Institute of Management on 4th December at 11 A.M. Mananeeya Shraddha Vays Patil from Mumbai delivered the oration which centered on the subject- "Sister Nivedita and Indian Women"
Sixty eight management students along with four karyakartas took part in the event.To spread the message of Swami Vivekananda the book "Vijay Hi Vijay" was given to the students.
Geeta Jayanti Program at VKIC
Gita Jayanti was organised in VKIC on Thursday, November 30 in its own auditorium full to its capacity. Sri Govindramji Sharma from Belda, Haridwar delivered the oration which centered on the subject – What Gita tells about Karmayoga. The elder Gita Pracharak mentioned that although many physical developments were happening all around us, there was no peace. “People are doing Karma, but is that in accordance with what the Gita says?”
The development we see around us has not contributed to the welfare of all. Working for one’s own narrow interest is not Karma yoga. Our saints and visionaries make us learn that one has to go much beyond. They are remembered and worshiped because they worked for the good of others, the welfare of society and the nation. Swami Vivekananda had said, “Expansion is life. Contraction is death,” and we have to abide by this.
Karma yoga also entails that whatever is performed is in tune with Swadharma. Equanimity is one of the greatest of quality that the Gita upholds. The wise person sees no difference among various life forms. The behaviour may vary according to the relationships they have, but they will perceive everyone as equal. From this viewpoint of equanimity they try to work with no attachment and seek to bring in welfare for all.
A VKIC publication on Sister Nivedita – the ardent disciple of Swami Vivekananda – was released on the occasion. The Editor of the book, Dr Mukunda Rajbongshi spoke briefly about the life of the great Indian nationalist who also made significant contributions to girls’ education.
Geeta Jayanti Program at Kadapa Nagar
From 12 Schools More Than 500 Registrations for Bhagavadgita Recitation Competition, STEP CEO Mamatha garu, Ramakrishna Mission Saha Aacharyulu Swami Achintyananda Maharaj, attended as a Chief Guests, Amogha Group M.D Sri Sunkara Sreenivas Sir attended as a Guest Of Honour, Vivekananda Kendra Telugu Pranth Sanghatak Aa.Sujatha Nayak garu, Vivekananda Kendra Rayalaseema Vibhag Pramukh Sri Maruthi Mohan Reddy garu and Other Deligates Sri Byreddy Ramakrishna Reddy garu, Sri Bhaskar Bharadwaj Garu, Sri Siva Kumar Reddy garu, Sri Obulesh garu,Mamatha garu, Jyothirmayee garu, Sri hari degree College Chariveti team, and all Karyakarthas and Nagar Samithi Made this Program Successful and Tried their level best to Promote Srimad Bhagavadgita into People.
भागलपुर में युवा सम्मेलन
विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा-भागलपुर द्वारा दिनाँक 26 nov को सुन्दरवती महिला महाविद्यालय में युवा सम्मेलन का आयोजन किया गया जिसकी कुल उपस्थिति 40 रही | दिनाँक 27 nov को भागलपुर विभाग के नौगछिया जिले के गौरीपुर सत्यदेव महाविद्यालय में युवा सम्मेलन सम्पन्न हुआ जिसकी कुल उपस्थिति 30 रही...! दिनाँक 28 nov को भागलपुर विभाग के मुंगेर केन्द्र द्वारा 2 स्थानों grs कॉलेज मुंगेर और brm कॉलेज में युवा सम्मेलन का आयोजन किया जिसकी कुल उपास्थिति 70 रही....!
Bihar, India
विवेकानन्द केन्द्र द्वारा एकनाथजी फिल्म का क्रिस्टल पार्क में प्रदर्शन
विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा-भागलपुर द्वारा दिनाँक 26 नवम्बर को सुन्दरवती महिला महाविद्यालय में युवा सम्मेलन का आयोजन किया गया जिसकी कुल उपस्थिति 40 रही | दिनाँक 27 नवम्बर को भागलपुर विभाग के नौगछिया जिले के गौरीपुर सत्यदेव महाविद्यालय में युवा सम्मेलन सम्पन्न हुआ जिसकी कुल उपस्थिति 30 रही...! दिनाँक 28 नवम्बर को भागलपुर विभाग के मुंगेर केन्द्र द्वारा 2 स्थानों GRS कॉलेज मुंगेर और BRM कॉलेज में युवा सम्मेलन का आयोजन किया जिसकी कुल उपास्थिति 70 रही!
किशनगढ़ । आज विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में किए जा रहे सेवा कार्य जहां स्वार्थ पर आधारित हैं वही हिंदू धर्म विश्व में एकमात्र ऐसा माध्यम है जो निस्वार्थ भाव से सेवा करता है तथा जिसका मूलमंत्र ही सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः है। स्वामी विवेकानंद ने अमेरिका में वेदांत को बहुत साधारण शब्दों में समझाते हुए कहा था कि नर सेवा ही नारायण सेवा होती है। भारत में रंतिदेव, स्वामी अखंडानंद और ऐसे अनेकों संतों ने अपने जीवन को सेवा के लिए समर्पित कर दिया। एकनाथ जी स्वामी विवेकानंद के हनुमान कहे जाते हैं। एकनाथ जी के जीवन पर आधारित फिल्म केवल मनोरंजन करने का साधन नहीं है अपितु कार्य में जुट जाने की प्रेरणा लेने के संकल्प का माध्यम है। आज किशनगढ़ नगर का यह सौभाग्य है कि जिस नगर ने स्वामी विवेकानंद की चरण धूलि प्राप्त की थी वहीं आज उनके नाम पर बने कन्याकुमारी में शिला स्मारक के निर्माता एकनाथ जी के जीवन का चित्रण यहां किया जा रहा है। स्वामी विवेकानंद युवाओं का आव्हान करते हुए कहते थे कि आगामी 50 वर्षों के लिए यदि समस्त देवी-देवताओं को छोड़ कर केवल भारत मां के स्वरूप की ही पूजा की जाए और उसकी ही वंदना हो तो भारत फिर से विश्वगुरु बन सकता है। एकनाथ जी ने यह सिद्ध कर दिया केवल चित्र की पूजा ना करके श्रेष्ठ चरित्र का अनुसरण एवं आचरण की आज आवश्यकता है। बंकिम चंद्र चटर्जी ने वंदे मातरम गीत में त्वं ही दुर्गा कहते हुए भारत मां के स्वरूप को ही सब कुछ माना है। उक्त विचार राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के क्षेत्र कार्यवाह श्री हनुमान सिंह राठौड़ ने विवेकानंद केंद्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा किशनगढ़ द्वारा आयोजित क्रिस्टल पार्क सिनेमा में एकनाथजी फिल्म के प्रदर्शन के अवसर पर उपस्थित युवाओं को संबोधित करते हुए व्यक्त किए।
इस अवसर पर किशनगढ़ के विधायक श्री भागीरथ चौधरी ने बोलते हुए कहा कि विवेकानंद केंद्र संपूर्ण भारतवर्ष में मनुष्य निर्माण से राष्ट्र पुनरुत्थान के लिए कार्य कर रहा है। किशनगढ़ में विवेकानंद केंद्र का कार्य सराहनीय है और इसे जन-जन तक पहुंचाने की आवश्यकता है। विवेकानन्द केन्द्र की विद्यालय संपर्क प्रमुख मृदुला व्यास ने इस अवसर पर क्रिस्टल पार्क सिनेमा को इस फिल्म हेतु निःशुल्क उपलब्ध कराने के लिए ललित हासानी एवं एवं अजय विशनानी का विशेष आभार व्यक्त किया। संयोजक राजेंद्र सिंह खंगारोत ने बताया कि इस अवसर पर विवेकानंद केंद्र कन्याकुमारी राजस्थान प्रांत के प्रशिक्षण प्रमुख डॉ. स्वतंत्र शर्मा सहित शहर के गणमान्य नागरिक भी उपस्थित थे। कार्यक्रम में मोहन कृष्णानी, लाजवंती भारद्वाज, हेमराज, अंकित सोनी, विष्णु मालाकार सहित केन्द्र के सभी कार्यकर्ताओं ने सहयोग दिया। कार्यक्रम का संचालन दीपाली शर्मा ने किया।
नवम्बर माह की गतिविधि - दिब्रुगढ
साधना दिवस
विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी की शाखा-दिब्रुगढ़ केन्द्र कार्यालय में मा० एकनाथजी की जयंती 19 नवम्बर को साधना दिवस के रूप में मनायी गयी। कार्यक्रम की शरुआत तीन ॐकार एवं शांति पाठ से की यी। उसके बाद केन्द्र प्रार्थना के सभी पंक्तियों को क्रमशः पढ़ते हुए उसकी अर्थ सहित व्याख्या की भी गयी। चर्चा में कार्यकर्ताओं ने प्रार्थना के भाव को हृदयंगम करते हुए अपने दायित्व को शरीर का एक अभिन्न अंग मानते हुए उसे पूरी निष्ठा के साथ पालन करने का संकल्प लिया। साथ ही साथ एकनाथजी के उस वाणी को भी स्मरण किया कि हमारा भारतवर्ष में जन्म क्यों हुआ ? हम इस संगठन में क्यों आएँ? अतः हमारे मानव जीवन का कुछ निश्चित ही अद्वितिय उद्देश्य हैं!
कार्यक्रम में नगर व विभाग समिति के सदस्यों के अलावा आनन्दालय तथा VKVए०पी०टी० के सदस्यगण भी उपस्थित रहे । इस प्रकार कुल 30 कार्यकर्ताओं की उपस्थिति में व्याख्यान सत्र का समापन हुआ। उसके पश्चात् भजन संध्या का भी आयोजन किया गया।
मासिक अध्ययन चक्र (एम०टी०एस०)
हर महीने की भाँति इस बार भी एम०टी०एस० का आयोजन केन्द्र कार्यालय में 25 नवम्बर को किया गया। भगिनी निवेदिता के भारतवर्ष के प्रति अतीव योगदान को देखते हुए जैसा कि पिछले माह में तय किया गया था कि आगामी 12 महीने के विमर्ष का विषय भगिनी निवेदिता से संबंधित रखा जाएगा। अतः कार्य क्रम के मुख्य वक्ता डाॅ० महेष्वर हाजरिका जी ने भी विशेषतः भगिनी निवेदिता के बारे में ही व्याख्यान दिया। उन्होंने भगिनी निवेदिता द्वारा स्वामीजी को लिखे पत्रों का स्मरण करवाते हुए यह बात साझा करने का प्रयास किया कि भारतीय संस्कृति को गहनता से समझने के प्रति कितना भगिनी निवेदिता का आग्रह था? भारत में आने पर इतने सारे कष्टों को सहने के बावजूद भी वह अविचलित रहीं तथा स्वामीजी के निर्देषानुसार महिलाओं के उत्थान के लिए हरसंभव योगदान देने में किंचित मात्र भी पीछे नहीं हठी। भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में भी उनका योगदान अवर्णनीय है।
कार्यक्रम में संस्कार वर्ग के 8 बच्चों ने सामूहिकतः ‘चन्दन है इस देश की माटी’ गीत गाकर शोभा बढ़ाया। चर्चा के दरम्यान कार्यक्रम प्रमुख श्री पवन गाड़ोदिया जी ने बताया कि भगिनी निवेदिता के योगदान को अधिकाधिक लोगों तक पहुचाने की जरूरत है। नगर प्रमुख डाॅ० भारती दत्त जी ने भगिनी निवेदिता द्वारा भारत में किए गए कार्यो की विशेष सराहना की। दिब्रुगढ़ व तिनसुकिया के विभाग प्रमुख श्री शान्तनू देब दादा ने धन्यवाद ज्ञापन किया। कार्यक्रम में कुल 40 की संख्या में लोग उपस्थित रहे ।
Assam, India
One Day Leadership Development Program organised at south kolkata
Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Paschim Banga Print organised one day Leadership Development Program at Heritage Group of Institutions Campus in South Kolkata on 3rd December 2017. The Leadership Development Program was attended by 45 Participants from Colleges and Universities all across West Bengal and 13 Karyakartas. The Program started with an inaugural lecture by Dr Rajashree Shukla, Professor, Department of Hindi, Calcutta University. The daylong program was from 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. with included lectures, film shows, sports, yoga followed by lunch and then the concluding lecture was given by Prant Sanghathak Sri Manoj Das.
माननीय एकनाथ जी जयन्ती के उपलक्ष में भागलपुर में कार्यक्रम
विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा भागलपुर द्वारा माननीय एकनाथ जी जयन्ती मारवाड़ी महाविद्यालय के सभागृह में ये कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया इस अवसर युवा सम्मेलन का आयोजन भी किया गया कार्यक्रम में मुख्य वक्ता के रूप में प्रान्त बिहार-झारखंड सम्पर्क प्रमुख आ. विजय वर्मा उपस्थित रहे कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना के विश्वविद्यालय प्रभारी दीपो मेहता द्वारा की गई ! आ.विजय वर्मा द्वारा एकनाथ जी के जीवन पर प्रकाश डाला गया औऱ उन्होंने बताया कितनी विपरीत परिस्थिति होने के बाद भी समाज के सहयोग से एक भव्य स्मारक बन कर तैयार हुआ इस स्मारक को वनबाने में मुख्य भूमिका माननीय एकनाथ जी की रही !
कार्यक्रम का संचालन आलोक बजाज (सह नगर प्रमुख) द्वारा किया गया दीपो महेता जी ने बताया कि एकनाथ जीवन का अनुकरण करते हुए कुछ सीखना चाहिए कार्यक्रम नगर के गणमान्य जन भी उपस्थित रहे |
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Yoga Sastra Sangamam
Yoga Sastra Sangamam at Kanyakumari, three days on the banks of the three oceans is first of its kind.
The Yoga Sastra Sangamam is a National Conference on
Yoga, distinctly different from the usually and normally held Yoga
conferences and seminars. The Sangamam is devoted to the Yoga Sastra
viz. Yoga texts. The Conference will be focussed on topics, ideas,
contents, interpretations of textual contents of various Yoga Texts like
– Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hatha Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, Shiva
Samhita, Yoga Vasistha, Bhagvad Gita, Vasistha Samhita etc. and the
various practices enumerated in these texts. The Yoga Sangamam will
provide an intense discussion and understanding of the Yoga Sastra.
The Objective :
- To bring the pearls of Yoga Sastra close to the humanity
- To understand the Yoga Texts deeply and clearly
- To initiate an interest in the knowledge of Yoga
- To inspire participants to study and understand Yoga Texts
- To develop interest in the comparative study of Yoga Texts and commonly available yoga practices
- To make to understand what Yoga is and what it has been being propagated
The Theme:
Yoga Sangamam – A platform of various streams and practices, concepts and ideas, theories and performances
Yoga Sangamam – A platform of various streams and practices, concepts and ideas, theories and performances
The Methodology:
- Four multi-track presentations
- Common sessions
- Questions and Answers
- Yoga practices and performances
Who can participate:
Yoga enthusiasts, Yoga practitioners, Students
studying Yoga, Sanskrit teachers and professors, Yoga Teachers and
Professionals, Those interested to understand the pure essence of Yoga
Contents of the Sangamam:
- Paper presentations
- Poster presentations
- Panel discussions
- Yoga demonstrations
- Yoga sessions
Invitation for Paper presentations:
The theme and content of all paper presentations is –
elaboration, discussion and understanding of Sanskrit verses from yoga
Kindly send a one page synopsis with a paragraph margin of single space of an A4 size by 1st Dec 2017. The synopsis has to be sent by email in a word file to – yoga@vkendra.org
Kindly send a one page synopsis with a paragraph margin of single space of an A4 size by 1st Dec 2017. The synopsis has to be sent by email in a word file to – yoga@vkendra.org
Venue :
Vivekananda Kendra, Vivekanandapuram, Kanyakumari
Vivekananda Kendra, Vivekanandapuram, Kanyakumari
The Atmosphere :
Most beautiful, salubrious, green, natural, calm, serene and peaceful On the banks of the musical waves of the ocean Witness Sun Rise with Surya Namaskar and Meditation
Most beautiful, salubrious, green, natural, calm, serene and peaceful On the banks of the musical waves of the ocean Witness Sun Rise with Surya Namaskar and Meditation
Food and Accommodation:
Simple vegetarian food. Accommodation on sharing basis is provided within the campus.
Simple vegetarian food. Accommodation on sharing basis is provided within the campus.
Important Dates :
- Last date to submit the synopsis : 1 December 2017
- Last date to submit the final paper : 10 December 2017
- Last date for Registration : 15 December 2017
Participants’ Registration contribution:
For all : Rs. 5,000/-
For students : Rs. 3,000/-
The Dates: January 6th, 7th and 8th 2018
For all : Rs. 5,000/-
For students : Rs. 3,000/-
The Dates: January 6th, 7th and 8th 2018
The Dates: January 6th, 7th and 8th 2018
भागलपुर में भगिनी निवेदिता सार्धशती समारोह का आयोजन
एसएम कॉलेज में मंगलवार को विवेकानंद केंद्र कन्याकुमारी के भागलपुर शाखा की ओर से भगिनी निवेदिता सार्धशती समारोह का आयोजन किया गया।कार्यक्रम का उद्धघाटन तीन ओमकार प्रार्थना,वैदिक मंत्र पाठ से किया गया।अतिथियों का स्वागत डॉ अर्चना ठाकुर ने पुस्तक और श्रीफल देकर किया।केन्द्र परिचय एवं बिषय प्रवेश कराते हुए प्रान्त सम्पर्क प्रमुख डॉ विजय वर्मा ने कहा कि विवेकानंद केन्द्र मनुष्य निर्माण और राष्ट्रीय पुनरुत्थान के उद्देश्य के साथ आगे बढ़ रहा है।उन्होंने कहा कि वास्तविक आध्यात्म मानब सेवा ही है और मानव सेवा ही पूजा है।उन्होंने कहा कि निवेदिता के जीवन के एक आयाम में सनातन धर्म की सत्यता त्याग, सहिष्णुता, श्रद्धा, समर्पण, उदारता ही साधना का मार्ग थी।उनके जीवन के दूसरे आयाम में उत्साह, वीरता, शौर्य और निर्भयता थी।मुख्य वक्ता प्रो. अमिता मोइत्रा ने स्वामी विवेकानंद की मानस पुत्रीभगिनि निवेदिता के सम्पूर्ण व्यक्तित्व विकास पर प्रकाश डाला।वहीं टीएनबी कॉलेज के प्रो. मनोज कुमार ने धर्म और मनुष्यता के संदर्भ में भारत के अतीत, मध्य एवं आधुनिक युग की चर्चा की।किशोर टोकेकर जी(संयुक्त सचिव) ने कहा कि आज भगनी निवेदिता के राष्ट्र निर्माण भाव को बल प्रदान करने के लिए युवाओं को आगे आने की आवश्यकता है। कार्यक्रम में महाविद्यालय की छात्राओं और नगर के गणमान्य जन भी उपस्थित रहे।
Bihar, India
भगिनी निवेदिता की 150वी जयंती के उपलक्ष में लखनऊ में कार्यक्रम
6 नवम्बर को किंग जार्ज चिकित्सा विश्वविद्यालय लखनऊ के कलाम सेंटर में भगिनी निवेदिता की 150वी जयंती के उपलक्ष्य में कार्यक्रम MBBS एवम MD करने वाले 270 छात्र छात्राएं सहभागी हुए। विशिष्ट लोगो मे प्रो. विनोद जैन, डीन, पैरा मेडिकल,विख्यात यूरोलोजिस्ट प्रो.विश्वजीत ,प्रो. राहुल जगत(यूरोलॉजी विभाग kgmu), गैस्ट्रो सर्जरी के प्रो. संजीव रुंगटा KGMU केन्द्र के शुभचिंतक प्रो. मौलीन्दू मिश्र,प्रो. शीला मिश्र,प्रो.आर बी सिंह, डॉ. भूपेंद्र,डॉ.आशुतोष और अन्य केन्द्र युवा सम्मिलित हुए। लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति प्रो.एस. पी. सिंहे ,KGMU के कुलपति प्रो.एम.एल. बी.भट्ट एवं प्रो.विनोद जैन का उद्बोधन हुआ। मुख्य वक्ता-अश्विनि कुमार, संगठक,विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी, शाखा-लखनऊ ने भगिनी निवेदिता के जीवन एवं भारत प्रेम को भावपूर्ण होकर बताया। धन्यवाद ज्ञापन प्रो. विनोद जैन ने किया।
Monday, November 27, 2017
Yoga Pratiman "Pariksha De Hanste Hanste" conducted at Dibrugarh

VK organizing Team conducted the workshop comprising of - Sri Santanu
Deb, Sri Ram Kripal , Sri Biren Saikia and Sri Sumu Gog
oi. The feedback
we received from the participants as well as from the institution are
very satisfactory & encouraging for us as well. The program
concludes with santi mantra.
Free Assessment Camp for Cochlear Implant
Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari in association with Snehalaya, a local NGO of Tinsukia working for disable children, conducted one assessment camp for deaf and dumb children of age group between 2 to 4 years on 5th November 2017 at Tata Referral Hospital, Chabua, Dibrugarh, Assam. Dr. Sanjay Sachdeva, Director and Head of ENT and Head & Neck Surgery, Max Hospitals, New Delhi examined 13 young poor and needy children in the camp and selected 7 children for Free Cochlear Implant at Max hospital, New Delhi. The children will be sending to New Delhi for their free surgeries in a phased manner.
It is to be mentioned that in August 2017, three small girl children from Tinsukia district of Assam got operated and Cochlear devices were successfully implanted at Max Hospital, New Delhi by Dr.Sanjay Sachdeva and his team. Now these three children are getting their regular speech therapies at Tinsukia. Sri Arpan Sarmah, Audiologist from Amplifone(Audiology unit of Max Hospital, Saket, New Delhi) also accompanied Dr.Sachdeva Sir and adjusted the volumes of all the three children and done their brain mapping. The Max Hospital team is very happy and satisfied with the progress of the children and is hopeful that within six months the children will acquire normal hearing and will be able to speak.
It is to be mentioned that in August 2017, three small girl children from Tinsukia district of Assam got operated and Cochlear devices were successfully implanted at Max Hospital, New Delhi by Dr.Sanjay Sachdeva and his team. Now these three children are getting their regular speech therapies at Tinsukia. Sri Arpan Sarmah, Audiologist from Amplifone(Audiology unit of Max Hospital, Saket, New Delhi) also accompanied Dr.Sachdeva Sir and adjusted the volumes of all the three children and done their brain mapping. The Max Hospital team is very happy and satisfied with the progress of the children and is hopeful that within six months the children will acquire normal hearing and will be able to speak.
Vimarsha on Sister Nivedita
To commemorate 150th Birth Anniversary of Sister Nivedita , Vivekananda Kendra Dibrugarh conducted a talk on "Propogation of Women Education in India and Role of Sister Nivedita "on 28th October'17,at VK Dibrugarh branch karyalaya.The keynotes address was delivered by Dr.Alok Sarkar,who is very good orator, poet,a devotee and well versed in Sri Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Sahitya. An introductory briefing on Life & Ideology was also delivered by Smt Moumita Chakraborty,Teacher in Sister Nivedita Highschool,Dibrugarh. It was very resoursefull & inspiring Vimarsa attended 60 nos. of quality gatherings.It started at 4 pm and concluded at 6 pm.
From Greening the Grass Roots to Calorie Nay Colliery
Last year, India celebrated Pt.Deendayal Upadhyaya’s birth centenary. Deendayalji conceived the political philosophy Integral Humanism. The philosophy advocates the simultaneous and integrated program of the body, mind and intellect and soul of each human being. His philosophy of Integral Humanism, which is a synthesis of the material and the spiritual, the individual and the collective. He visualised for India a decentralised polity and self-reliant economy with the village as the base. In this issue we have given a few famous quotes of Pandit Deendayalji.
Shri.N.Krishnamoorthy covers the topic of ‘Greening to the Grass Roots’ by way of the usual dialogue between Srimati Annapurna Duval, Shri Krish Phidal and Professor Jnani Noval. In happenings section, we have covered training programmes in Azolla technology, NPK rich Bio-manure preparation, Bio-gas technology and Networking etc.
In the wisdom section, Winin Pereira & Jeremy Seabrook, Founders of the Centre for Holistic Studies in Mumbai ridicules the present model of development and calls it “Turning the Clock back”, Fritjof Capra, World famous Physicist tells us that humans are just one particular stand in the web of life and finally Dr.H.R.Nagendra, Expert in the field of Yoga mocks at the theory of Calorie advocated by the Britishers. For reading the newsletter, please click here.
Shri.N.Krishnamoorthy covers the topic of ‘Greening to the Grass Roots’ by way of the usual dialogue between Srimati Annapurna Duval, Shri Krish Phidal and Professor Jnani Noval. In happenings section, we have covered training programmes in Azolla technology, NPK rich Bio-manure preparation, Bio-gas technology and Networking etc.
In the wisdom section, Winin Pereira & Jeremy Seabrook, Founders of the Centre for Holistic Studies in Mumbai ridicules the present model of development and calls it “Turning the Clock back”, Fritjof Capra, World famous Physicist tells us that humans are just one particular stand in the web of life and finally Dr.H.R.Nagendra, Expert in the field of Yoga mocks at the theory of Calorie advocated by the Britishers. For reading the newsletter, please click here.
A Conference on FUTURE ENERGY
A daylong Conference on "FUTURE ENERGY" was held on 1st November’17 in the auditorium of Vivekananda Kendra Institute Culture (VKIC), Uzan Bazar; The Vivekananda Kendra Skill Development Group, one of the Pillars of Kendra, organized this Conference on this theme of Global & National importance,
The Programme was well attended by the technocrats from the major Energy Companies operating in the region, students & faculties from select Institutions of Assam and the officials from Assam Science Technology & Environment Council & Assam Energy Development.
A panel of highly knowledgeable experts conducted the Conference. Dr Harsha Bhattacharyya, Medical Director, Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya, Chief Guest in his speech in the Inaugural session encouraged Vivekananda Kendra’s effort to organize a Conference of such magnitude on a very apt theme of “Future Energy”. He also hailed Energy companies, the Institutions, ASTEC & ADEA for their whole hearted support and participation. He hoped that such effort will accelerate the awareness build up process on Future Energy.
Sri Dipok Kr Barthakur, Chairman, Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture & Chairman, VKNRL Hospital, Numaligarh also attended the Inaugural programme, and wishes a grand success of the Conference.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Parimal Bhattacharyya, Director, VKIC told about the contributions of Kendra towards socio cultural development of the region. He highlighted that ;
There were all together seven presentations on Future Energy by the participants and there were very useful interactions among the participants.
Besides OIL India, Numaligarh Refinery Ltd and Guwahati & Bongaigaon Refinery of IOCL, there were presentation on the theme by NIT, Silchar, IIT Guwahati and ASTEC & ADEA.
Dr Arup Kumar Misra, Director, ASTEC & ADEA), Dr V S Moholkar, Professor and Head, Dep of Chemical Engg and Centre for Energy, IITG and Prof P C Baruah, Head, Dept of Energy Engg, ASTU are the Panelist for the Conference.
The Panelist during their turn mentioned that the standard of the presentations are very high and there were fruitful interactions among the participants..
An E-Souvenir was also released as a part of this Conference.
All the participants appreciated the effort of Kendra.
The Programme was well attended by the technocrats from the major Energy Companies operating in the region, students & faculties from select Institutions of Assam and the officials from Assam Science Technology & Environment Council & Assam Energy Development.
A panel of highly knowledgeable experts conducted the Conference. Dr Harsha Bhattacharyya, Medical Director, Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya, Chief Guest in his speech in the Inaugural session encouraged Vivekananda Kendra’s effort to organize a Conference of such magnitude on a very apt theme of “Future Energy”. He also hailed Energy companies, the Institutions, ASTEC & ADEA for their whole hearted support and participation. He hoped that such effort will accelerate the awareness build up process on Future Energy.
Sri Dipok Kr Barthakur, Chairman, Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture & Chairman, VKNRL Hospital, Numaligarh also attended the Inaugural programme, and wishes a grand success of the Conference.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Parimal Bhattacharyya, Director, VKIC told about the contributions of Kendra towards socio cultural development of the region. He highlighted that ;
There were all together seven presentations on Future Energy by the participants and there were very useful interactions among the participants.
Besides OIL India, Numaligarh Refinery Ltd and Guwahati & Bongaigaon Refinery of IOCL, there were presentation on the theme by NIT, Silchar, IIT Guwahati and ASTEC & ADEA.
Dr Arup Kumar Misra, Director, ASTEC & ADEA), Dr V S Moholkar, Professor and Head, Dep of Chemical Engg and Centre for Energy, IITG and Prof P C Baruah, Head, Dept of Energy Engg, ASTU are the Panelist for the Conference.
The Panelist during their turn mentioned that the standard of the presentations are very high and there were fruitful interactions among the participants..
An E-Souvenir was also released as a part of this Conference.
All the participants appreciated the effort of Kendra.
Yoga Sastra Sangamam at Kanyakumari, three days on the banks of the three oceans is first of its kind.
The Yoga Sastra Sangamam is a National Conference on
Yoga, distinctly different from the usually and normally held Yoga
conferences and seminars. The Sangamam is devoted to the Yoga Sastra
viz. Yoga texts. The Conference will be focussed on topics, ideas,
contents, interpretations of textual contents of various Yoga Texts like
– Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hatha Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, Shiva
Samhita, Yoga Vasistha, Bhagvad Gita, Vasistha Samhita etc. and the
various practices enumerated in these texts. The Yoga Sangamam will
provide an intense discussion and understanding of the Yoga Sastra.
The Objective :
- To bring the pearls of Yoga Sastra close to the humanity
- To understand the Yoga Texts deeply and clearly
- To initiate an interest in the knowledge of Yoga
- To inspire participants to study and understand Yoga Texts
- To develop interest in the comparative study of Yoga Texts and commonly available yoga practices
- To make to understand what Yoga is and what it has been being propagated
The Theme:
Yoga Sangamam – A platform of various streams and practices, concepts and ideas, theories and performances
Yoga Sangamam – A platform of various streams and practices, concepts and ideas, theories and performances
The Methodology:
- Four multi-track presentations
- Common sessions
- Questions and Answers
- Yoga practices and performances
Who can participate:
Yoga enthusiasts, Yoga practitioners, Students studying Yoga, Sanskrit teachers and professors, Yoga Teachers and Professionals, Those interested to understand the pure essence of Yoga Texts.
Yoga enthusiasts, Yoga practitioners, Students studying Yoga, Sanskrit teachers and professors, Yoga Teachers and Professionals, Those interested to understand the pure essence of Yoga Texts.
Contents of the Sangamam:
- Paper presentations
- Poster presentations
- Panel discussions
- Yoga demonstrations
- Yoga sessions
Invitation for Paper presentations:
The theme and content of all paper presentations is – elaboration, discussion and understanding of Sanskrit verses from yoga texts.
Kindly send a one page synopsis with a paragraph margin of single space of an A4 size by 15th Dec 2017. The synopsis has to be sent by email in a word file to – yoga@vkendra.org
The theme and content of all paper presentations is – elaboration, discussion and understanding of Sanskrit verses from yoga texts.
Kindly send a one page synopsis with a paragraph margin of single space of an A4 size by 15th Dec 2017. The synopsis has to be sent by email in a word file to – yoga@vkendra.org
Venue :
Vivekananda Kendra, Vivekanandapuram, Kanyakumari
Vivekananda Kendra, Vivekanandapuram, Kanyakumari
The Atmosphere :
Most beautiful, salubrious, green, natural, calm, serene and peaceful
On the banks of the musical waves of the ocean
Witness Sun Rise with Surya Namaskar and Meditation
Most beautiful, salubrious, green, natural, calm, serene and peaceful
On the banks of the musical waves of the ocean
Witness Sun Rise with Surya Namaskar and Meditation
Food and Accommodation:
Simple vegetarian food. Accommodation on sharing basis is provided within the campus.
Simple vegetarian food. Accommodation on sharing basis is provided within the campus.
Participants’ Registration contribution:
For all Rs. 5,000/-
For students: Rs. 3,000/-
The Dates: January 6th, 7th and 8th 2018
For all Rs. 5,000/-
For students: Rs. 3,000/-
The Dates: January 6th, 7th and 8th 2018
- Download the Yoga Sastra Sangamam Brochure in English
- योग शास्त्र संगम हिन्दी विवरणिका यहाँ से प्राप्त करें
Monday, November 6, 2017
Sister Nivedita 150th Janma Jayanti at VKV Tezpur
Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya venerated Sister Nivedita on her 150th Birth Anniversary by organising different events concurrently at school and Khelmati High School, Tezpur. A team of four teachers and twelve students went to Khelmati High school, Tezpur where they first had an interactive session with the students of that school followed by Geet Abhyas session, thought explanation of Swamiji and Sister Nivediata and a power point presentation on the edifying and ‘Sarthak’ life of Sister Nivedita. Smt Bivarani Deka Baruah, principal, Khelmati High School delivered a speech on swamij and Sister Nivedita. Mandira sing Das, Teacher, VKV Tezpur gave the overview of the program. The program was decorated by around 200 attendees.
At school drama competition for class III, quotation writing competition for class IV, open Speech competition for class V and Nibandh Lekhan Saprdha for class VI, VII and VIII were held. Student’s participation in all the competitions was commendable.
At school drama competition for class III, quotation writing competition for class IV, open Speech competition for class V and Nibandh Lekhan Saprdha for class VI, VII and VIII were held. Student’s participation in all the competitions was commendable.
Inter-college declamation competition at Ludhiana
Inter-college declamation competition is organized on the occasion of universal brotherhood day at Vivekananda Kendra Ludhiana, Lord Mahavir homeopathic college, on 13th oct. 9 students participated in the competition. Dr Vinay Sofat chaired and chief judicial magistrate was the chief guest of the program. Principal of LMC was the special guest.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Shri Vasudeoji is honoured by Gandhigram Trust
Vivekananda Kendra NARDEP is working in the field of development and
conservation of Natural resources since last 1986. Cost effective
constructions, Holistic Health, Renewable Energy, Sustainable
Agriculture, Water management. Shri Vasudeoji, Secretary, Vivekananda
Kendra, NARDEP is honoured by Gandhigram Trust in their Annual Day
function on October 7, 2017 for his special contribution in Environment
VK NARDEP September 2017 NewsLetter
T.N. Khoshoo in his unique book “Mahatma Gandhi – An Apostle of Applied Human Ecology” writes “Gandhiji’s entire life and work is an environmental legacy for all humanity. This was not because he wrote a big treatise on the environment, or led a movement to stall a dam or any industry, or clean a river, or whatever. This was because he was a practitioner of sustainable development in the real sense of the word. Here then was a Man who was in harmony and peace with the environment and with himself”. In this issue we have given a few famous quotes of Mahatma Gandhi.
Shri.N.Krishnamoorthy covers the topic of ‘Climate Change - Green Solutions’ by way of the usual dialogue between Srimati Annapurna Duval, Shri Krish Phidal and Professor Jnani Noval. In happenings section, we have covered training programmes on Enriched Fish amino preparation, Azolla technology, Organic farming practices, Terrace Gardening, Bio-gas technology, Water management, Traditional Siddha Varma Bone setting Practices and Networking etc.
In the wisdom section, Peter Wohlleben Author of the famous book – “The Hidden Life of Trees” reinforces that the plants have feelings which was first told earlier by our Sir J.C. Bose. Otto Ulrich, An Engineer and Sociologist and contributor to The Development Dictionary informs us about the collapse of the euphoria of western technologies and finally Sraddhalu Ranade, Scientist, Educator and Scholar at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry tells us about the right attitude towards work. For reading the newsletter, please click here.
For reading the newsletter, please click here.
Shri.N.Krishnamoorthy covers the topic of ‘Climate Change - Green Solutions’ by way of the usual dialogue between Srimati Annapurna Duval, Shri Krish Phidal and Professor Jnani Noval. In happenings section, we have covered training programmes on Enriched Fish amino preparation, Azolla technology, Organic farming practices, Terrace Gardening, Bio-gas technology, Water management, Traditional Siddha Varma Bone setting Practices and Networking etc.
In the wisdom section, Peter Wohlleben Author of the famous book – “The Hidden Life of Trees” reinforces that the plants have feelings which was first told earlier by our Sir J.C. Bose. Otto Ulrich, An Engineer and Sociologist and contributor to The Development Dictionary informs us about the collapse of the euphoria of western technologies and finally Sraddhalu Ranade, Scientist, Educator and Scholar at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry tells us about the right attitude towards work. For reading the newsletter, please click here.
For reading the newsletter, please click here.
Youth Motivational Camp at Madurai
3 Days youth motivational camp was organized at madurai. 47 students were participated from various colleges. Camp was organized at the same place where Swami Vivekananda delivered lecture while his madurai visit. Participants inspired to celebrate the Swami Vivekananda Jayanti at grand manner along with Samarth Bharat Parva.
“VIJAY HI VIJAY”- Youth Leadership Camp at VKV Chimpu, Itanagar
Vivekananda Kendra Arunachal Prant organized “Vijay Hi Vijay” - A 3 days Residential Youth Leadership Camp with the theme “Safal Yuva Samartha Bharat” from 29th September to 2nd October, 2017 at VKV, Chimpu, Itanagar for the selected youth of Arunachal Pradesh to celebrate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sister Nivedita. The participants were selected through Two-Step screening programmes viz. Essay Writing Competition and One Day Leadership Workshop at their respective institutions. In all 518 students from 28 Colleges/University of Arunachal Pradesh took part in essay writing competition out of which 277 students have participatedin the camp which included 175 sisters and 102 brothers. Moreover there were 93 Karyakartas in total which included 42 sisters and 51 brothers as organizing team.
The shivir was inaugurated in the gracious presence of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Sri. Pema Khandu as the Chief Guest on 29 Sept. 2017. In his address, the Hon’ble Chief Minister emphasized that “The Future of Arunachal depends on the educational exposure and strength of the youth of Arunachal”. The daily routine of the shivir was scheduled from 5:00am to 9:45pm, in which the participants were involved into various activities like Yoga and Pranayam, Group Discussion and presentation on various socially important issues, Practice on Patriotic Songs, Games, Community cleaning etc. “Pariksha de Haste Haste” workshop was also conducted in which the participants learnt about preparing for the exams scientifically, with smile in the face and without any worry or fear.
Apart from these for motivation and inspiration, Resource persons were called upon from various fields to conduct sessions on different subject. To name few of them, Dr. Joram Begi, Vivekananda Kendra Prant Sanchalak and Chief Information Commissioner, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh pointed out the importance of the communal harmony. Whereas in another session taken by Dr. Gyamnya Baki Garam, Senior Veterinary Officer, Nirjuli, the similarities between the various tribes of Arunachal Pradesh were highlighted. Both the speaker has also appealed the youth to preserve the culture of Arunachal Pradesh. Speaking on “Bhavya Bharat Divya Bharat” topic, Shri. Sushil Pandit, Media Person cum Social Worker highlighted the glorious past of our motherland India. Sri. Santosh Takale, Sr. Scientific Officer (Scientist- G), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai had thrown light on the science behind the origin of earth, origin of life, human beliefs and practices, etc while addressing on the topic ‘Understanding the Universe with Scientific Temperament’. Er. Pai Dawe, EE, WRD spoke on ‘Need of Organized Work’ and he explained that we need to discover ourselves by understanding our capabilities and strength. He pointed out that one should recognize one's own potential. Advocate Radhilu Chai Techi, Vice-Chairperson, VKV Alumini Association highlighted the life and messages of Sister Nivedita.
A special session called “Vijay Kshan” meaning “winning moment” was also conducted in which participants got the opportunity to get interacted with the great living personalities/examples like Dr. Joram Beda, IAS, Secretary, Tourism and Planning, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Dr. Tadang Minu, the first Lady Doctorate in Physical Health Education, RGU and Sri. Dekio Gumja, Dy. S.P., Where they shared their academic and life time experiences which inspired the participants to have determinationand hard work to achieve their goals. All opined that one should recognize one's own potential and field of interest to conquer the goal of life.
On 2nd October 2017, the shivir was concluded in the gracious presence of Sri. Padmanabha Balakrishna Acharya, Governor of Arunachal Pradesh as the Chief Guest. He stressed the role of youths in shaping the society and the nation. He emphasized about the rich culture of the state "Unity in diversity"and protect and preserve it's richness. Shri Gomar Basar, Shibir Pramukh presented the report of the Shibir. Shri Taba Tatup, Shibir Adhikari in his vote of thanks address suggested that the Shibir would be successful only if all the activities and information of the sessions are practiced in real sense.
The shivir was inaugurated in the gracious presence of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Sri. Pema Khandu as the Chief Guest on 29 Sept. 2017. In his address, the Hon’ble Chief Minister emphasized that “The Future of Arunachal depends on the educational exposure and strength of the youth of Arunachal”. The daily routine of the shivir was scheduled from 5:00am to 9:45pm, in which the participants were involved into various activities like Yoga and Pranayam, Group Discussion and presentation on various socially important issues, Practice on Patriotic Songs, Games, Community cleaning etc. “Pariksha de Haste Haste” workshop was also conducted in which the participants learnt about preparing for the exams scientifically, with smile in the face and without any worry or fear.
Apart from these for motivation and inspiration, Resource persons were called upon from various fields to conduct sessions on different subject. To name few of them, Dr. Joram Begi, Vivekananda Kendra Prant Sanchalak and Chief Information Commissioner, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh pointed out the importance of the communal harmony. Whereas in another session taken by Dr. Gyamnya Baki Garam, Senior Veterinary Officer, Nirjuli, the similarities between the various tribes of Arunachal Pradesh were highlighted. Both the speaker has also appealed the youth to preserve the culture of Arunachal Pradesh. Speaking on “Bhavya Bharat Divya Bharat” topic, Shri. Sushil Pandit, Media Person cum Social Worker highlighted the glorious past of our motherland India. Sri. Santosh Takale, Sr. Scientific Officer (Scientist- G), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai had thrown light on the science behind the origin of earth, origin of life, human beliefs and practices, etc while addressing on the topic ‘Understanding the Universe with Scientific Temperament’. Er. Pai Dawe, EE, WRD spoke on ‘Need of Organized Work’ and he explained that we need to discover ourselves by understanding our capabilities and strength. He pointed out that one should recognize one's own potential. Advocate Radhilu Chai Techi, Vice-Chairperson, VKV Alumini Association highlighted the life and messages of Sister Nivedita.
A special session called “Vijay Kshan” meaning “winning moment” was also conducted in which participants got the opportunity to get interacted with the great living personalities/examples like Dr. Joram Beda, IAS, Secretary, Tourism and Planning, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Dr. Tadang Minu, the first Lady Doctorate in Physical Health Education, RGU and Sri. Dekio Gumja, Dy. S.P., Where they shared their academic and life time experiences which inspired the participants to have determinationand hard work to achieve their goals. All opined that one should recognize one's own potential and field of interest to conquer the goal of life.
On 2nd October 2017, the shivir was concluded in the gracious presence of Sri. Padmanabha Balakrishna Acharya, Governor of Arunachal Pradesh as the Chief Guest. He stressed the role of youths in shaping the society and the nation. He emphasized about the rich culture of the state "Unity in diversity"and protect and preserve it's richness. Shri Gomar Basar, Shibir Pramukh presented the report of the Shibir. Shri Taba Tatup, Shibir Adhikari in his vote of thanks address suggested that the Shibir would be successful only if all the activities and information of the sessions are practiced in real sense.
One Day Youth Workshop held at Vivekananda kendra Prashikshan va seva Prakalp
A one day youth camp was conducted on 27th Sep. 2017 at Arts, Commerce & Science College at Tryambakeshwar. 22 students participated in the camp. All of them have appeared for an examination on the book ‘Peranadeep’ which contains lives and messages of Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Phule, Gadge Maharaj, Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil and Dr. Ambedkar. The camp started at 8.30 am with prayer. It was followed by a game. While playing, they got introduced to each other. After a patriotic song and a session on the Message of Mahatmas, they participated in group discussion and shared their thoughts.They also learned the suryanamaskarars.
Now all are willing to participate in Kendra activities as well as the camp to be held at Kanyakumari from 25th to 27th Dec, 2017.
Now all are willing to participate in Kendra activities as well as the camp to be held at Kanyakumari from 25th to 27th Dec, 2017.
Two days yoga workshop organized at shivsagar - assam
A special yoga module for students - "Pariksha de hasate hasate" was organized in VKV Shiva-Sagar on 9th and 10th oct. 34 students participated in the workshop. There was presentation on special on - Scientific method of Study. Also included guidance of preparation. Memory games and yogaabhyas were also conducted.
Power Point Presentation & Wall Magazines competition at shivsagar, assam
On 08-Oct-2017, a competition on the occasion of "Sister Nivedita's" 150th birth anniversaries (1867 to 2017) was held at the Sibasagar Girls College Auditorium in collaboration with the NCC & NSS wings of the college in two different categories of Power Point Presentation & Wall Magazines competition on the topic of Sister Nivedita's work & services for the people of India & world as a whole. The competition was organised by the Vivekananda Kendra, Sivasagar Sakha, Assam, India.
The competition started at 10.30 am and concluded at 4.30 pm. Many schools and colleges were a part of that competition and featured their innovative ideas and creativity in front of the respected judges. There were 4 judges in the chair to evaluate the whole competition and they were namely 1) Dr. Rajiv Baruah (Member, VKV-Sivasagar Managing Committee) 2) Shri Dambhedar Tai (Member, Vivekananda Rock Memorial) 3) Smt. Bunty Bhuyan (Principal, KVM School,, Joysagar & coordinator VK, Gaurisagar) 4) Smt. Eva Goswami (Saha Nagar Pramukh, Vkendra, Sivasagar).
Among all the dignitaries the Principal Shri Poresh Ch. Loying, VKV-Sivasagar & in charge Shri Ratul Kalita (Amolapatty VKV-Sivasagar) were also present on this occasion. In Power Point Presentation 1) Dikhowmukh College 2) Demow College begged the 1st & 2nd position respectively in the category. The position secured in the Wall Magazine category were 1) Demow College 2) Gaurisagar H.S. School & 3) Demow College as 1st, 2nd & 3rd position holder respectively. Shri Vishwas Lapalkar, lifeworker of Vivekananda Kendra, delivered a talk on Swami Vivekananda and Sister Nivedita. In the concluding function prizes and certificates were distributed to the participants.
The competition started at 10.30 am and concluded at 4.30 pm. Many schools and colleges were a part of that competition and featured their innovative ideas and creativity in front of the respected judges. There were 4 judges in the chair to evaluate the whole competition and they were namely 1) Dr. Rajiv Baruah (Member, VKV-Sivasagar Managing Committee) 2) Shri Dambhedar Tai (Member, Vivekananda Rock Memorial) 3) Smt. Bunty Bhuyan (Principal, KVM School,, Joysagar & coordinator VK, Gaurisagar) 4) Smt. Eva Goswami (Saha Nagar Pramukh, Vkendra, Sivasagar).
Among all the dignitaries the Principal Shri Poresh Ch. Loying, VKV-Sivasagar & in charge Shri Ratul Kalita (Amolapatty VKV-Sivasagar) were also present on this occasion. In Power Point Presentation 1) Dikhowmukh College 2) Demow College begged the 1st & 2nd position respectively in the category. The position secured in the Wall Magazine category were 1) Demow College 2) Gaurisagar H.S. School & 3) Demow College as 1st, 2nd & 3rd position holder respectively. Shri Vishwas Lapalkar, lifeworker of Vivekananda Kendra, delivered a talk on Swami Vivekananda and Sister Nivedita. In the concluding function prizes and certificates were distributed to the participants.
Yuva Prashikshan Shibir in Odisha
The Yuva Prashikshan Shibir organised in VISWASS campus at Pitapalli, from 23rd September to 26th September, concluded on 26th morning at 10.00 am. 32 selected youth (24 sisters and 8 brothers) from 4 colleges and 2 Universities participated in the training.
Swami Pranarupananda ji of Sri Sarada Ashram, Uttara and Dr Amarendra Das, HOD Humanities Department, NISER inaugurated the camp on 23rd evening.
Swami Aryananda, Seceretary Sri Ramakrishna Math Bhubaneswar; Dr. Dhirendra Nanda, State Secretary Swadeshi Jagaran Manch - Odisha; Dr Tarakant Nayak, Associate Prof. IIT Bbsr; Sri Ravi Naidu, Prant Sangathak - Vivekananda Kendra Odisha and Kumari Rashmita Nayak, Nagar Sangathak - Vivekananda Kendra Cuttack guided the participants in the lecture/group discussion/workshop sessions held during the camp.
In the Group Discussion session, the youth discussed about - 1.) Challenges before the youth and their solutions 2.) Patriotism in Practice.
Apart from the above, the participant trainees were given training in Asana, Pranayama, Meditation and Management games.
Swami Pranarupananda ji of Sri Sarada Ashram, Uttara and Dr Amarendra Das, HOD Humanities Department, NISER inaugurated the camp on 23rd evening.
Swami Aryananda, Seceretary Sri Ramakrishna Math Bhubaneswar; Dr. Dhirendra Nanda, State Secretary Swadeshi Jagaran Manch - Odisha; Dr Tarakant Nayak, Associate Prof. IIT Bbsr; Sri Ravi Naidu, Prant Sangathak - Vivekananda Kendra Odisha and Kumari Rashmita Nayak, Nagar Sangathak - Vivekananda Kendra Cuttack guided the participants in the lecture/group discussion/workshop sessions held during the camp.
In the Group Discussion session, the youth discussed about - 1.) Challenges before the youth and their solutions 2.) Patriotism in Practice.
Apart from the above, the participant trainees were given training in Asana, Pranayama, Meditation and Management games.
Odisha, India
Monday, October 9, 2017
Milestone in Education in North-East
Serve Man Serve God - with this message of Swami Vivekananda, Vivekananda Kendra doing service activities through the nation. Since 1974 Vivekananda Kendra is working in the field of education in north-east India. Along with B Ed college Vivekananda Kendra is now in Nursing school also.A batch of 40 students and dignitaries of NRL and Vivekananda Kendra along with invitees around 100 people present in the program.
Sthanik Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir in Rajasthan
Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari Rajasthan Prant organised 4 day Sthanik Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir from 27th September to 1st October 2017 at 3 places namely Jaipur (Jaipur Vibhag), Jodhpur (Jodhpur Vibhag) and Nasirabad (Ajmer and Bhilwara Vibhag). 208 select youth from Utho! Jaago!! Yuva Prerana Pratiyogita who are ready to work for Swamiji's call through Vivekananda Kendra participated in the camp. The camp routine was from 4.30 am to 10 pm. After Pratahsmaran Yoga Pratimaan 'Pariksha De Hasate Hasate' was introduced. In different bauddhik satras the topics like Swami Vivekananda's Inspiring Life, Story of Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Vivekananda Kendra, Karyapaddhati, Samarth Bharat and Sajag Yuva were dealt. The manthan was planned to introduce Swadhyaya Varga to the participants. The activities like - Letter to Swami Vivekananda, Group Discussion on Rousing Call to Hindu Nation, Skits on Different national issues and their solution by youth were done in this.
In the afternoon sessions different skill development classes were organised like Music, Skits, Photography, Self Defence, Rangolee etc. Participants were free to attend classes according to their choice. Every day, one Prerana Satra was planned wherein students talked with Inspiring personalities through Question - Answer. Different personalities like Swami Samivit Somgiri ji, Athelete Gopal Saini, Social Activist Mahendra Lodha, Sah Prant Sanchalak Bhawani Lal Mathur, Rtd. IAS Shyam Sundar Bissa inspired participants. Everyday Kendra Varga, Bhajan Sandhya and Prerana Se Punarutthan were regular features.
Vivekananda Study circles at different colleges are planned as follow up activity along with Kendra Varga.
In the afternoon sessions different skill development classes were organised like Music, Skits, Photography, Self Defence, Rangolee etc. Participants were free to attend classes according to their choice. Every day, one Prerana Satra was planned wherein students talked with Inspiring personalities through Question - Answer. Different personalities like Swami Samivit Somgiri ji, Athelete Gopal Saini, Social Activist Mahendra Lodha, Sah Prant Sanchalak Bhawani Lal Mathur, Rtd. IAS Shyam Sundar Bissa inspired participants. Everyday Kendra Varga, Bhajan Sandhya and Prerana Se Punarutthan were regular features.
Vivekananda Study circles at different colleges are planned as follow up activity along with Kendra Varga.
विवेकानन्द केन्द्र भागलपुर में योग सत्र का अायोजन
विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा भागलपुर द्वारा दो स्थानों पर योग सत्र का आयोजन किया गया जिसमें से सुन्दरवति महिला महाविद्यालय के छात्रावास मैं योग सत्र आयोजित किया गया जिसमें कुल उपस्थिति 55 की रही ,मोक्षदा बालिका विद्यालय में कुल उपस्थिति_35 रही ये दोनो योग सत्र योग प्रशिक्षक ओम दीदी द्वारा लिए गए योग सत्र के समापन में dr.विजय कुमार वर्मा (प्रांत संपर्क प्रमुख) द्वारा योग का जीवन में क्या महत्व है पर प्रकाश डाला गया केंद्र के सह नगर प्रमुख आलोक बजाज द्वारा केंद्र से नियमित जुड़कर इस राष्ट्र कार्य में अपना योगदान देने के लिए कहा गया !
Bihar, India
Universal Brotherhood Day celebrated at Kangra - Marathon Held
Universal Brotherhood Day celebrated at Kangra - Marathon held KANGRA : SEPTEMBER 11 - The self transformation among all sections of the society, particularly among the youth, was need of the hour in order to see a transformed society grows in days to come and the cherished dream of Swami Vivekananda is fulfilled to have an ideal India.
Vice Chancellor CUHP Prof. KC Agnihotri, who was Chief guest on the occasion of Universal brotherhood day organized by local branch Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari in the auditorium of Dr. Rajinder Prasad Govt. medical College at Tanda to commemorate the historical speech delivered by Swami
Vivekananda in the world religious conference on September 11, 1893. He said that the teachings of Swami Vivekananda were more relevant today than when he addressed the World Religious conference at Chicago and gave call for ' Universal Brotherhood'.
He said that youth should make Swami Vivekananda their icon to lead an ideal life. He stressed on the youth to follow Swami Vivekananda’s teachings which would keep them close to their cultural roots. Major General (Retd) Vishwenter Tandon , Guest of honour also stressed on the youth be close to Swami Ji’s teachings and shared his experiences with the youth. .
Ashok Raina Vibagh Pramuk Vivekananda Kendra Kanya Kumari Himachal Vibagh stressed on adopting the path of righteousness shown by Swami Vivekananda to have better tomorrow for India. He stressed on the self transformation among the youths to see the dream of Swami Vivekananda of a prosperous India in right perspective comes true.
Swami Vishard Chaitanya Achrya Chinmaynand Mission presided over the function. Earlier a marathon was organized by Vivekananda Kendra Kanaya Kumari
branch Kangra which was attended by large number of people from all sections of the societyinculding more than one thousand youths. The registered students both boys and girls from number of schools gathered in the campus of the SDM Kangra at 7.30 am and Kendra workers distributed the T Shirts with Swami Ji's message among the registered youths.
The marathon was flagged off by Sub Divisional Magistrate Kangra Dharmesh Kumar Ramotra and Visharad Chaitanya Acharya Chinmayanand Mission Tapovan from Tehsil Chowk of this town which concluded at DRPGMC Tanda.
In the boys category Arun Choudhary , Rishu Kumar and Aney Kumar all of Dhronacharya PG College Rait bagged first second and third prize in the
marathon respectively, In girls section Rekha from DAV College Kangra, Tamana - Dronacharya College Rait and Seena Devi of Saran College of Education got first second and third position respectively. In the higher age group Dr. Sunil, Hem Singh of Polytechnic Kangra and Sheshi Kumar Dogra from SDM office Kangra got first second and third prize respectively. The winners were given prizes and a certificates.
Dr. Sanjay Sachdeva world famous ENT specialist was honored for his selfless service among deaf and dumb children in this hill state. Charan Singh Thapa 94 year old Freedom fighter and associate of Neta Ji Subhash Chander Bose, in absentia was honoured through his grand daughter Ritika Gurung.
1000 T shirts were distributed free among the participants carrying Swami Ji’s message.
Vice Chancellor CUHP Prof. KC Agnihotri, who was Chief guest on the occasion of Universal brotherhood day organized by local branch Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari in the auditorium of Dr. Rajinder Prasad Govt. medical College at Tanda to commemorate the historical speech delivered by Swami
Vivekananda in the world religious conference on September 11, 1893. He said that the teachings of Swami Vivekananda were more relevant today than when he addressed the World Religious conference at Chicago and gave call for ' Universal Brotherhood'.
He said that youth should make Swami Vivekananda their icon to lead an ideal life. He stressed on the youth to follow Swami Vivekananda’s teachings which would keep them close to their cultural roots. Major General (Retd) Vishwenter Tandon , Guest of honour also stressed on the youth be close to Swami Ji’s teachings and shared his experiences with the youth. .
Ashok Raina Vibagh Pramuk Vivekananda Kendra Kanya Kumari Himachal Vibagh stressed on adopting the path of righteousness shown by Swami Vivekananda to have better tomorrow for India. He stressed on the self transformation among the youths to see the dream of Swami Vivekananda of a prosperous India in right perspective comes true.
Swami Vishard Chaitanya Achrya Chinmaynand Mission presided over the function. Earlier a marathon was organized by Vivekananda Kendra Kanaya Kumari
branch Kangra which was attended by large number of people from all sections of the societyinculding more than one thousand youths. The registered students both boys and girls from number of schools gathered in the campus of the SDM Kangra at 7.30 am and Kendra workers distributed the T Shirts with Swami Ji's message among the registered youths.
The marathon was flagged off by Sub Divisional Magistrate Kangra Dharmesh Kumar Ramotra and Visharad Chaitanya Acharya Chinmayanand Mission Tapovan from Tehsil Chowk of this town which concluded at DRPGMC Tanda.
In the boys category Arun Choudhary , Rishu Kumar and Aney Kumar all of Dhronacharya PG College Rait bagged first second and third prize in the
marathon respectively, In girls section Rekha from DAV College Kangra, Tamana - Dronacharya College Rait and Seena Devi of Saran College of Education got first second and third position respectively. In the higher age group Dr. Sunil, Hem Singh of Polytechnic Kangra and Sheshi Kumar Dogra from SDM office Kangra got first second and third prize respectively. The winners were given prizes and a certificates.
Dr. Sanjay Sachdeva world famous ENT specialist was honored for his selfless service among deaf and dumb children in this hill state. Charan Singh Thapa 94 year old Freedom fighter and associate of Neta Ji Subhash Chander Bose, in absentia was honoured through his grand daughter Ritika Gurung.
1000 T shirts were distributed free among the participants carrying Swami Ji’s message.
Umabhagavati Temple Visit and Cleaning at Kashmir
On the auspicious occassion of Navaratri, A small group of karyakarata of Vivekanada Kendra Nagdandi (Sri Ramkrishna Mahasammelan Ashram) visited Umabhagavati Tample located at Brari Aangan, Umanagari on 24th september, sunday (4th day of Navaratri). The temple was constructed by Swami Syam Anand Ji. The shrine comprises 5 springs which make the form of the divine 'Omkara'. There are two springs which merge to form a single spring. Belief is that this spring signifies the communion of Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti. It was tradition to performed a Maha Yaga is performed every year on the anniversary of Swami Sivananda in the month of Phusa. This tample was dimolised by militants in 1992 after 6th dec.
The krayakartas cleaned the tample, all springs as well as grounds. After cleaning performed small pooja followed by Bhajans.
The krayakartas cleaned the tample, all springs as well as grounds. After cleaning performed small pooja followed by Bhajans.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration at Bhivani
Vivekanada Kendra Bhivani celebrated universal brotherhood day. Program started with shantipath, followed by patriotic song. On this occassion, resitated the lecture of Swami Vivekananda. There was small discussion on it which is lead by Pro. Lalsastriji. Program ended with Shanti Mantra.
Total no. Of participants 117
Sisters 47
Brothers 70
Total no. Of participants 117
Sisters 47
Brothers 70
Universal Brotherhood Day at VKV Tezpur
Commemorating the historic speech of Swami Vivekananda at Chicago the Vidyalaya celebrated Universal Brotherhood Day with the students of Assam Valley Junior College and ITI, Tezpur at KatekibariBibahBhavan, Tezpur. SjtBijoySaikia, Principal, AVJ College, SjtAbhijitKalita, MD, AVJ College, SjtPranjalSaikia, MD, ITI, Tezpur and Dr. R N Pal, coordinator, VKV Tezpur were present. Students presented part of the Chicago Speech, patriotic song, Pyramid and Satriya Dance in front of the gathering. The principal of AVJ College appreciated the program and was positive that his students will surly get influenced to read more about Swami Vivekananda. SmtSangeeta Devi, Headmistress, VKV Tezpur gave a brief yet effective welcome speech, the Significance of the day was delivered by PrzapatiNandanparashar, Computer Teacher, VKV Tezpur and DR. R N Pal conveyed information about Vivekananda Kendra to the students. The event was overall successful with around 350 students.
भागलपुर में विश्व बंधुत्व उत्सव मनाया
आनंदराम ढाढनियां स्कूल परिसर में रविवार को विवेकानंद केंद्र भागलपुर द्वारा विश्व बंधुत्व उत्सव मनाया गया| कार्यक्रम का उद्घाटन कुलपति प्रो.एन के झा,ईएनटी स्पेशलिस्ट डॉ. लक्ष्मीकान्त सहाय ,प्रांत संपर्क प्रमुख डॉ.विजय कुमार वर्मा व मुख्य वक्ता गौतम सरकार ने दीप जलाकर किया | नगर प्रमुख प्रो.राजभूषण प्रसाद ने लोगों को अतिथियों से परिचय कराया | मुख्य वक्ता गौतम सरकार ने कहा कि विवेकानन्द जी ने वेदांत, भारतीय दर्शन, योग को आत्मा के उत्थान के लिए जरूरी माना है| उन्होंने स्कूल कॉलेजों में विवेकानन्द की जीवनी पढ़ाये जाने के लिए स्वामी विवेकानन्द स्टडी सर्किल की स्थापना पर बल दिया | अध्यक्षीय उद्बोधन में डॉ.लक्ष्मीकांत सहाय ने कहा कि विश्व धर्म सम्मेलन में विवेकानन्द ने विश्व बंधुत्व के विचारों को रखकर भारत का मान बढ़ाया |ईश्वर द्वारा रचित समस्त प्राणीयों से स्नेह का भाव रखना ही विश्व बंधुत्व है| डॉ.वर्मा ने कहा की विवेकानन्द केन्द्र अध्यात्म प्रेरित सेवा संगठन है | इसका लक्ष्य मानव उत्थान एवं राष्ट्र का। पुर्ननिर्माण है| विवेकानन्द के विचारों पर चलकर ही भारत विश्वगुरु का दर्जा प्राप्त कर सकता है|
कुलपति एन के झा ने कहा कि विश्व में शांति की स्थापना विश्व बंधुत्व के concept पर निर्भर है|जाती ,धर्म' को हटाकर ही भाईचारे को बढ़ावा देने के बाद ही विश्व में शांति आएगी | कुलपति ने कहा की भारतीय चिंतन समन्वय पर निर्भर है| भारतीय संस्कृति निरपेक्षता और यथार्थवाद को महत्व देता है|
कार्यक्रम में नगर के गणमान्य जन, महाविद्यालयीन युवा और विभिन्न संगठनो की उपस्थिति रही !
कुलपति एन के झा ने कहा कि विश्व में शांति की स्थापना विश्व बंधुत्व के concept पर निर्भर है|जाती ,धर्म' को हटाकर ही भाईचारे को बढ़ावा देने के बाद ही विश्व में शांति आएगी | कुलपति ने कहा की भारतीय चिंतन समन्वय पर निर्भर है| भारतीय संस्कृति निरपेक्षता और यथार्थवाद को महत्व देता है|
कार्यक्रम में नगर के गणमान्य जन, महाविद्यालयीन युवा और विभिन्न संगठनो की उपस्थिति रही !
Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration at Thiruvananthapuram
Vivekananda Kendra Thirivananthapuram celebrated Universal Brotherhood Day and Onam on 10 September 2017. Students of Anandalaya arranged Atthapukalam, a traditional flower arrangement in the morning. Onam Sadya,a special lunch for Onam was arranged for the families of Anadalaya students, Yoga Varga participants and other well wishers of Vivekananda Kendra Thiruvananthapuram. Exhibition of 31 panels on Life & Message of Bhagini Nivedita, Kridayoga, Thiruvathira, Drama, Lecture by Sri Ajit Kumar, State Convener, Sri Ramakrishna Bhava Prachara Parishad were the part of the day long programme. Entire programme was organized in the newly constructed hall in the Vivekananda Kendra premises. Around 100 people participated in the programme.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Universal Brotherhood Day at Tinsukia
Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Tinsukia branch organized Universal Brotherhood Day at District Library, Tinsukia, Assam on 11th September 2017. Sri Diganta Bishwa Sharma, an eminent speaker on Swami Vivekananda, graced the occasion as chief guest and key speaker.
The programme was started with lighting the lamp and Borgeet, assamese devotional song composed by Sri Sri Madhab Deb followed by Jhumur, a traditional folk dance. The Principal of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Tinsukia welcomed the dignitaries and they were felicitated with Assamese traditional Gamocha. Dr.P.S.Das , Nagar Sanchalak of Vivekananda Kendra ,Tinsukia explained the significance of the day. Sri Debobroto Dey, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Tinsukia spoke a few words about Swami Vivekananda.
Pravin Dabholkar, All India Joint General Secretary of Vivekananda Kendra beautifully spoke about Vivekananda Kendra, its vision and mission and how it is working for the actualization of Swamijis dream to make Bharat Mata Jagatguru.
Sri Diganta Bishwa Sarma, through his mesmerizing speech enthralled the august gathering. His deep knowledge and wisdom was palpable in his speech. He explained how Swami Vivekananda inspired millions of youths across the globe to serve the poor and needy.
Vote of thanks was delivered by Sri Monoj Bajaj, Nagar Pramukh, Vivekananda Kendra, Tinsukia. The programme concluded with Santipath.
The programme was started with lighting the lamp and Borgeet, assamese devotional song composed by Sri Sri Madhab Deb followed by Jhumur, a traditional folk dance. The Principal of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Tinsukia welcomed the dignitaries and they were felicitated with Assamese traditional Gamocha. Dr.P.S.Das , Nagar Sanchalak of Vivekananda Kendra ,Tinsukia explained the significance of the day. Sri Debobroto Dey, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Tinsukia spoke a few words about Swami Vivekananda.
Pravin Dabholkar, All India Joint General Secretary of Vivekananda Kendra beautifully spoke about Vivekananda Kendra, its vision and mission and how it is working for the actualization of Swamijis dream to make Bharat Mata Jagatguru.
Sri Diganta Bishwa Sarma, through his mesmerizing speech enthralled the august gathering. His deep knowledge and wisdom was palpable in his speech. He explained how Swami Vivekananda inspired millions of youths across the globe to serve the poor and needy.
Vote of thanks was delivered by Sri Monoj Bajaj, Nagar Pramukh, Vivekananda Kendra, Tinsukia. The programme concluded with Santipath.
Youth Motivational Workshop at mehsana
After the conducting Open book examination at different collages in mehsana -One Day Youth Motivational Camp was organized under SafalYuva Samarth Bharat programme. Anchoring was done by Shri Aashishbhai Thakar. Games, Songs, Suryanamaskar, Inspirational Lectures, Group Discussion were main activities of the camp.the swadhyay was held on 'Bharat ne Vishvaguru Banavama aapni bhumika'. Shri Lokesh Keshre requested students to be a contributing personality of the society. Shri Monasbhai Thakar delivered an inspirational talk to the students also Certificates were distributed to the students in the august presence of Monasbhai Thakar, yuva pramukh Ahemdavad vibhag and prof. at Babasaheb Ambedkar open university Ahemdabad.
Date: 02.09.2017
Time: 8:30am to 12:00 pm
Vanue: Kamlaba hall, Shree Sharvajanik Pharmacy collage, Mehsana
No. Of participants : 86 (Both sisters and brothers)
No. Karyakartas: 16
Date: 02.09.2017
Time: 8:30am to 12:00 pm
Vanue: Kamlaba hall, Shree Sharvajanik Pharmacy collage, Mehsana
No. Of participants : 86 (Both sisters and brothers)
No. Karyakartas: 16
From ‘Water Green’ to ‘Man-made Ignorance’
E.F.Schumacher was a German statistician and economist who is best
known for his proposals for human-scale, decentralised and appropriate
technologies. His book “Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if
People Mattered” was ranked by The Times Literary Supplement as one of
the 100 most influential books published since World War II. In this
issue we have given a few of his quotable quotes.
Shri.N.Krishnamoorthy covers the topic of ‘Water Green’ by way of the
usual dialogue between Srimati Annapurna Duval, Shri Krish Phidal and
Professor Jnani Noval. In happenings section, we have covered training
programmes on Bio-pesticide preparation, Terrace Gardening, Ferro-cement
technology, Compressed Earth Blocks making, Traditional Siddha Varma
Bone setting Practices, Crop Residue Management and Networking etc.
In the wisdom section, C.Douglas Lummis explains us the real meaning
of ‘Prosper - According to Hope’, Majid Rahnema basically an Iranian
writes about ‘Voluntary Poverty’ based on age old moral principles of
simplicity and finally Dr.Vandana Shiva, World renowned Environmental
thinker says that ‘Man-made Ignorance’ is becoming a new source of
threat to life on this planet.
For reading the VK-Nardep - Monthly Newsletter, please click here
Swami Vivekananda Baudhdhik Pratiyogita Shimla
Vivekananda Kendra Shimla Branch organized two days Swami Vivekananda Baudhdhik Pratiyogita having theme - Know Your Self
First phase : Book base examination on - Life and Teachings of Swami Vivekananda on 2nd sept. 62 students from various depart of HPU, Kotsera, Sanjoli and RKMV college.
Second phase : 4:30 hours Special orientation workshop having group discussion and presentation on subject like Indian culture, modernization, Power of youth and purpose of life. Songs, drama and Yogasana are the part of workshop. : 54 students from various Dept. of Himachal Pradesh University, Govt Degree COllege, Kotsera, Govt Degree College, Sanjauli and Rajkiya Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (RKMV) college.
First phase : Book base examination on - Life and Teachings of Swami Vivekananda on 2nd sept. 62 students from various depart of HPU, Kotsera, Sanjoli and RKMV college.
Second phase : 4:30 hours Special orientation workshop having group discussion and presentation on subject like Indian culture, modernization, Power of youth and purpose of life. Songs, drama and Yogasana are the part of workshop. : 54 students from various Dept. of Himachal Pradesh University, Govt Degree COllege, Kotsera, Govt Degree College, Sanjauli and Rajkiya Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (RKMV) college.
Free Cochlear Implant Programme
The Swasthya Seva Manch(Health Service Forum) of Vivekananda Kendra
Kanyakumari, Uttar Poorvanchal organized a free Cochlear Implant (a very
expensive imported lifelong hearing device) programme for deaf and dumb
children in association with Max Hospital, Saket, New Delhi and
Snehalaya, an NGO of Tinsukia working in the field of differently able
persons . Dr. Sanjay Sachdeva, Head of ENT and Head & Neck Surgery,
Max Hospitals, visited Tinsukia in the month of May 2017 to screen
In the screening camp six children were selected by him for the
surgery. After counseling the parents, it was decided that three
children will be send to Delhi for surgeries in July 2017. Accordingly
Urmi Moran (2yrs.and7months), Ristina Buragohain(4 yrs.) and Arpita
Gogoi(4yrs.and 6 months) were sent to Delhi along with their parents and
on 30th July, they got the approval for surgeries. In next three days,
they were operated at Max Hospital, Delhi by Dr.Sachdeva and his highly
skilled and dedicated team and the internal part of the device were
successfully implanted. After two days, they were sent back home.
After four weeks they had to visit Delhi again to switch on the
device and the 31st August 2017 was fixed for that purpose. Accordingly
they reached Max Hospital on that day and under the guidance of
Dr.Shruti Sahni (Senior Audiologist) and technicians, the devices were
switched on. It was a memorable moment for all of us to watch the
reactions of the children, who were listening to sounds first time in
their life.
The third and very crucial part of this entire exercise is speech
therapy, which will be given to these children very soon at Snehalaya
free of cost.
All these three children are from economically poor families
background. Without the help from Max Hospital, Saket,Delhi, Cochlear
(Australian manufacturer of the device), Amplifone (Audiology experts)
it wouldn’t had been possible to have these implants free of cost. In
this endeavor a major setback occurred due to relentless flood which
disrupted the train connectivity between North-East and the rest of the
country. A moment came when we all despaired that the second trip to
Delhi would be cancelled. At this crucial juncture the most encouraging
incident occurred, when on our request the Prime Ministers National
Relief Fund (PMNRF) immediately reserved flight tickets for children and
parents to Delhi.
After the successful completion of the first phase, we are planning
to organize the second screening camp in October 2017 to find more
economically poor deaf and dumb children. Feeling the need of this area
for more such programmes Dr Sachdeva has offered all possible
assistance to treat more deaf and dumb children and help them to lead a
normal life.
Youth Motivational Workshop at Mehsana
One Day Youth Motivational Workshop "Safal Yuva Samarth Bharat" was organised on 2nd September 2017 from morning 8:30 to 12noon at Kamlaba Hall of Shree Sharvajanik Pharmacy collage, Mehsana. The workshop was organised for student who completed the first stage of Open Book Examination at different collages of Mehsana. From various colleges of Mehsana total 86 boys & girls were selected for this workshop.
Games, Songs, Suryanamaskar, Inspirational Lectures, Group Discussion were main activities of the camp. The swadhyay was held on the subject 'Bharat ne Vishvaguru Banavama aapni bhumika'. Shri Lokesh Keshre requested students to be a contributing personality of the society. Inspirational talk was delivered by Shri Monasbhai Thakar, yuva pramukh Ahemdavad vibhag, working as professor at Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University Ahemdabad. In his august presence Certificates to all 86 participants were distributed. The entire program was co-ordinated by Team of 16 karyakartas lead by Aashishbhai.
Games, Songs, Suryanamaskar, Inspirational Lectures, Group Discussion were main activities of the camp. The swadhyay was held on the subject 'Bharat ne Vishvaguru Banavama aapni bhumika'. Shri Lokesh Keshre requested students to be a contributing personality of the society. Inspirational talk was delivered by Shri Monasbhai Thakar, yuva pramukh Ahemdavad vibhag, working as professor at Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University Ahemdabad. In his august presence Certificates to all 86 participants were distributed. The entire program was co-ordinated by Team of 16 karyakartas lead by Aashishbhai.
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