Sunday, September 30, 2012

"बढ़ो युवा! गढ़ो भारत!!" युवा प्रेरणा शिविर, राजस्थान

Yuva Prerna Shibir at Rajesthanविवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी, राजस्थान प्रान्त द्वारा आयोजित "उठो! जागो!!" युवा प्रेरणा प्रतियोगिता २०१२ में राजस्थान के सभी महाविद्यालय से ८७९० विद्यार्थीयो ने भाग लिया। इनमें से ३६७ प्रतिभागियो ने राष्ट्र सेवा में सक्रिय भागीदारी के लिये इस पांच दिवसीय निःषुल्क "बढ़ो युवा! गढ़ो भारत!!" युवा प्रेरणा शिविर में राष्ट्रप्रहरी होने का प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त किया। जिसमें १२५ बहने, २०६ भाई व ३६ कार्यकर्ता उपस्थित रहे। शिविर दिनचर्या प्रातः 5 बजे से प्रारम्भ होकर प्रातःस्मरण, योग, गीता पठन, श्रम संस्कार, बौद्धिक सत्र, मंथन, विविध खेल, गीत, भजन संध्या, प्रेरणा से पुनरूत्थान, हनुमान चालीसा आदि गतिविधियों को सम्मिलित करते हुए डायरी लेखन पर जाकर रात्री 10.00 बजे दीप निमिलन पर पूर्ण होती थी।

प्रथम दिन दिनांक १९ सितम्बर को राज्य के विविध जिलो से आये प्रतिभागियों का पंजीयन सांय 6.00 बजे प्रारम्भ हुआ, जिसमें शिविरार्थियों को ३ मण्डल व १८ गणों में विभाजित किया गया।

द्वितीय दिन नियमित दिनचर्या के साथ प्रथम सत्र में मुख्य वक्ता श्री महेष चन्द्र षर्मा अध्यक्ष, दीन दयाल ट्रस्ट एवं निदेषक, एकात्म मानव दर्षन सेवा संस्थान दिल्ली द्वारा ‘‘बढ़ो युवा-गढ़ो भारत’’ विषय पर उद्बोधन देते हुये कहा कि सभी युवाओं को साथ लेकर बढ़ने का प्रयास ही समाज उन्नति और खुशहाली लायेगा।
तीसरे दिन श्री भरत कुम्हार, क्षेत्रीय मंत्री, विद्या भारती संस्थान ने वर्तमान चुनौतियों का समाधान “स्वामी विवेकानन्द” विषय पर कहा कि सबसे बड़ी चुनौती पाश्चात्य संस्कृति का आक्रमण है। इसका सामना करने व भारतीय संस्कृति को समझने के लिए राम के चरित्र को पढ़ने की आवश्यकता बताई। विवेकानन्द के कथनानुसार आज की नारी का आदर्श सीता, सावित्री व दमयन्ती को बताया। द्वितीय सत्र में केन्द्र के जीवनव्रती विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कार्यकर्ता व प्रान्त संगठक रचना दीदी के ओजस्वी उद्बोधन से शिविरार्थियों ने राष्ट्र के प्रति अपनी जिम्मेदारी को समझा व देश के लिए कुछ करने का संकल्प लिया।

चतुर्थ दिन के प्रथम सत्र में प्रताप गौरव विवेकानन्द केन्द्र  के संगठक  श्री ओम प्रकाष जी भाई साहब ने वीर सावरकर, भगतसिंह, गुरू गोविन्द सिंह मदन लाल धींगरा के जीवन के त्याग एवं बलिदान के प्रसंग सुनाते हुये मार्गदर्षन किया। द्वितीय सत्र में केन्द्र कार्यकर्ता श्री किर्ती भैया ने विवेकानन्द केन्द्र का परिचय, कार्यपद्धति व विभिन्न आयामों के बारे में बताते हुये  केन्द्र कार्यो से जुड़कर राष्ट्रपुनरूत्थान में सहभागी होने का आव्हान किया जिस पर सभी षिविरार्थियों ने इससे जुड़ने का संकल्प किया।

Yuva Prerna Shibir at Rajesthanपंचम व अन्तिम दिन शिविरार्थियों ने अपने संकल्प की कड़ी में एक साथ बिना रूके १०८ सुर्यनमस्कार किये। तत्पष्चात् अन्तिम व पूर्णाहुति सत्र में मनुष्य निर्माण से राष्ट्र पुनरूत्थान के इस पुनीत यज्ञ में समर्पित होने के संकल्प के साथ आहुतियां प्रदान की।

समापन समारोह में समारोह की  सभापति रामकृष्ण मिशन की अध्यक्षा श्रीमती मंजुलाजी बोरडिया ने शिविरार्थियों को "स्वामी विवेकानन्द के अमृत पुत्र" के नाम से सम्बोधित कर उन्हें स्वंय को स्वामी विवेकानन्द की तरह ही श्रेष्ठ बन समाज को श्रेष्ठ बना कर भारत को विश्व गुरू बनाने की प्रेरणा दी। समारोह के विशिष्ठ अतिथि राजस्थान लोक सेवा संघ के सदस्य श्रीमान परमेन्द्रजी दशोराह ने शिविर के उद्देश्य "उठो युवा और गढो भारत" पर प्रकाश डाला। समारोह में बच्चो ने शिविर के अपने अनुभवो को सुनाया एवम जोश भरे राष्ट्रीय गीतो से अतिथियो का मन लुभाया !

केन्द्र प्रार्थना एवंम वन्देमातरम् के गीत के बाद सभी शिविरार्थी प्रसाद ग्रहण कर यहां से पुनः अपने कार्यक्षेत्र की और प्रस्थान किया।

Saturday, September 29, 2012

"विवेक सन्देश" - पोलीटेकनिक महाविद्यालय, हरदा

Vivek Sandesh polytechnic college, Hardaविवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा हरदा द्वारा दिनांक २१/०९/२०१२ को स्थानीय शासकीय पोलीटेकनिक महाविद्यालय, हरदा में ‘‘विवेक संदेश’’ कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया । कार्यक्रम में स्वामी विवेकानन्द  के जीवन कि रोचक घटनाओं पर आधारित चित्र प्रदर्षनी लगाई, जिसमें महाविद्यालयों के छात्र-छात्राओं ने स्वामी विवेकानन्द जी के जीवन कि विभिन्न घटनाओं से जूडी चित्र प्रदर्षनी पर हर्ष जताया व सभी ने विवेकानन्द केन्द्र द्वारा आयोजित इस चित्र प्रदर्षनी व पुस्तक मेले के महाविद्यालय में आयोजन पर केन्द्र कि सराहना भी कि, पुस्तक मेले में स्वामी विवेकानन्द के विभिन्न साहित्यों के लगभग 100 प्रकार की  पुस्तकों व नावेल्टीस का प्रदर्षन किया गया,  साथ ही महाविद्यालय के छात्र-छात्राओं व षिक्षकों ने पोस्टकार्ड पर स्वामी विवेकानन्द जी के उध्धरण लिखकर 200 पोस्टकार्ड अपने परिचितो व रिष्तेदारो के पते पर पोस्ट भी किये ।

कार्यक्रम का उद्घाटन महाविद्यालय के प्राचार्य श्री व्ही. के. तिवारी, विवेकानन्द केन्द्र के नगर व्यवस्था प्रमुख श्री सुनील जी बागरे, श्री घनष्यामदास जी सोमानी, श्री कमल बागड़, ने भारत माता के सम्मुख दीप प्रज्वलन कर किया। साथ ही चित्र प्रर्दषनी का अवलोकन कर अपने परिचितो को स्वामी जी के उध्धरण वाले पोस्ट कार्ड भी लिखे व केन्द्र द्वारा आयोजित किये गये विवेक संदेश कार्यक्रम की सराहना करते हुए कहां की इस तरह के कार्यक्रम महाविद्यालय के युवाओं में एक सकारात्मक जागृति पैदा करते है इसलिए ऐसे कार्यक्रमों का नियमित आयोजन होते रहना चाहिए।

Vivek Sandesh polytechnic college, Hardaजैसा कि आपको विदित है विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी द्वारा वर्ष २०१३ में स्वामी विवेकानन्द  के १५० जन्म वर्ष होने के उपलक्ष्य में संपूर्ण देश, प्रांत व नगर में  "भारत जागो विश्व जगाओ" सार्ध शती समारोह का आयोजन धूमधाम से किया जाना है, पूर्व माह जनवरी में दिनांक २१ को केन्द्र द्वारा स्थानीय नेहरू स्टेडियम पर ५००० से अधिक स्कूली छात्र-छात्राओं द्वारा सूर्य नमस्कार महायज्ञ में सहभागी होते हुए ६५,००० से अधिक आहुतियाँ दी थी, इसी कडी में हरदा जिले में भी तैयारी चल रही है और वर्तमान में ‘‘विश्व बंधुत्व दिवस’’ के उपलक्ष्य में हरदा जिले के समस्त महाविद्यालयों में इस प्रकार के कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन किया जाना है । जिसमें स्वामी जी के जीवन से जुडी चित्र प्रदर्षनी, साहित्य प्रदर्षनी, व अन्य महाविद्यालयीन प्रतियोगिताएँ आयोजित कि जाऐगी ।

इसी क्रम में सितम्बर के अंत तक हरदा आर्दष कालेज में भी विवेक संदेश का अयोजन किया जायेगा। आज के इस विवेक संदेष कार्यक्रम में महाविद्यालयीन स्टाफ, पत्रकार बंधु, नागरिक गण, केन्द्र कार्यकर्ता रवि अग्रवाल, अमित पुरोहित, हेमंत मोराने, निलेष, सुदिप, डाली माहेषवरी, मोनाली ऐषकर, प्रियका यादव, व छात्र-छात्राएँ बडी संख्या में उपस्थित हुए । 

Vinayaka Chathurthi at VKV Valliyoor

VKV Valliyoor Vinayaga chathurthi celebrationThe birthday of Lord Ganesha was celebrated by preparing the idol of Lord Ganesha with the help of IX & XI students.The celebration lasted for 10 days (12.09.2012 to 21.09.2012) with each class performing daily poojas. Chanting of Mantras and songs by students was the main atraction. The 10th day pooja was conducted by X & XII students in a grand manner.  After completing the last day celebration of Vinayga Chathurthi, the idol of Lord Ganesha was taken by the students and staff for Visarjanam.

दोन युवा राष्ट्र निर्माते राजे शिव छत्रपती व स्वामी विवेकानन्द

Universal brotherhood Day Program at Nashikविश्व बन्धुत्व दिन के उपलक्ष्य में विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा नाशिक द्वारा युवाओं के लिये राष्ट्रीय कीर्तनकार श्री चारुदत्त आफळेजी की कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया गया। शनिवार दि.15 सप्टेंबर को शंकराचार्य संकुल मे तीन सत्रों में मा. आफळेबुवाने ‘दोन युवा राष्ट्र निर्माते राजे शिव छत्रपती व स्वामी विवेकानन्द’‘ इस विषयपर मार्गदर्शन किया। साधना के साथ साथ सामर्थ्यवान होना भी आवश्यक है ऐसे छत्रपती शिवराय और स्वामी विवेकानन्द दोनो ने बताया है। माता के संस्कारों से ही दोनोका जीवन उज्वल बना। शिवराय को जिजामाता ने और स्वामी विवेकानन्दजी को भुवनेश्वरी देवीने सुसंस्कारित किया था। दोनोने अपने जीवन में बहत संघर्ष किया। राष्ट्र के लिए समर्पण भावना से योगदान दिया। संस्कार ही भारतीय संस्कृती का मेरुदण्ड है। प्रखर देशभक्ती के कारण ही दोनो ने भारत माता का गौरव बढाया। दोनोका चरित्र अगली कई पीढियोंको मार्गदर्शन करेगा। कार्यशाला को विविध महाविद्यालयों से 500 युवक-युवती उपस्थित थे।

Universal brotherhood Day Program at Nashikदिन भर की कार्यशाला का प्रारंभ तीन ओमकार एवं प्रार्थना से हुआ। महाराष्ट्र प्रांत संघटक मा. विश्वासजी लपालकर ने ‘भारतमाता ध्यान’ का अभिनव उपक्रम लिया। संपूर्ण भारतमाता का, वैषिष्ट्यों सहित परिचय करवाया,आजकी दिक् भ्रमित अवस्था की जानकारी दी। आखिर में इस अवस्था से निकल कर पुनः जगत्‍गुरू पदपर आरुढ करने के लिए अपने पूरे सामर्थ्य के साथ राष्ट्रकार्य में सामिल होने का आहवान किया। प्रास्ताविक केंद्र परिचय अभिषेक कासोदेने दिया।  अतिथी परिचय दिग्विजय मगरने दिया, सूत्र संचलन निनाद पाठक ने किया। कार्यक्रम में मंचपर विवेकानन्द केन्द्र महाराष्ट्र प्रान्त संगठक श्री विश्वासजी लपालकर, नाशिक नगर संचालक श्री श्रीकृष्ण विद्वांस, राष्ट्रीय स्वयं सेवक संघके  पदाधिकारी श्री जयंत रानडे उपस्थित थे।  वंदे मातरम से  कार्यशाला का समापन हुआ।

Friday, September 28, 2012

महिला पोलिटेक्निक और संस्कृत महाविद्यालय मे विवेक संदेश, इन्दौर

Vivek Sandesh karyakarmaविवेकानन्द केन्द्र इन्दोर शाखा द्वारा महिला पोलिटेक्निक और संस्कृत महाविद्यालय मे विवेक संदेश कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया | आने वाला वर्ष पुरे भारत के लिये महत्वपूर्ण रहेगा. स्वामी विवेकानन्द की १५० वा जन्म दिवस जो सार्ध शती समारोह वर्ष के रूपमें पूरे भारतमें मनाया जायेंगा। इसके पूर्व तयारी हेतु  विवेकानन्द के विचार सभी युवा तक पहुंचे इस दृष्टि से विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी की इन्दौर शाखा की और से महाविद्यालयों में विवेक सन्देश का कर्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया । जिस मे स्वामी विवेकानन्द के जीवन पर आधारित चित्र प्रदर्शनी, स्वामी विवेकानन्द का साहित्य, युवाओं तथा शिक्षकों के लिये उपलब्ध कराया गया। महिला पोलिटेक्निक और संस्कृत महाविद्यालयों  मे दिनांक १५ सितम्बर २०१२ को इस कार्यक्रम में ४०० से अधिक छात्र-छात्राओ तथा शिक्षकों ने भाग लिया और विवेकानन्द के जीवन को समझा।

Yoga training for teachers at Changlang, Arunachal

Yoga training for teachers at Changlang, ArunachalSamartha - A yoga module for teacher orientation was conducted by Vivekananda Kendra on 22nd and 23rd September 2012 at Changlang. 31 teachers from various Government Schools of Changlang participated in this two day camp which included interaction with Power Point Presentation, some yogic micro-exercises and lighter moments. The two days camp was inaugurated by Shri John Jugli, ZPM of Changlang. Smt. Barnalee Hazarika, a resource person from Tinsukia conducted the interactive sessions. The camp was appreciated by all teachers and they requested Kendra to conduct more such camps to create a positive atmosphere in the society.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Yoga Shiksha Shibir at Nagadandi, Kashmir

Yoga Shiksha Shibir at Nagadandi, KashmirA 15 days (20 August to 3 September 2012) Yoga Shiksha Shibir (YSS) was organized at Nagadandi (Kashmir), an oldest branch centre of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari.
Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari used to regularly organize All India Yoga Shiksha Shibirs here till 1989 and in that year more than 100 had participated. This year’s - 2012 – Shibir was the attempt to resume it after a long gap of 23 years. Total 11 participants from 7 states (Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Mahathanyearshan 100 participantsrashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamilnadu & Andhra Pradesh) turned up with lot of hesitation as the news they were receiving through the media was so discouraging. But the beautiful Kashimir’s attraction was so powerful that the so called disturbed area did not become the blockage in their path.

Though the number was small, but the participants were receptive and all proved to march the path of a Yogi- A Karmayogi. The participants while sharing their experiences narrated how their will was strengthen by following time to time daily routine and how to get the things done when one get their mental blockage of negativities removed by getting the whole out look to see the things in different perspective. This attitudinal change was the outcome of the 15 days YSS.

Yoga Shiksha Shibir at Nagadandi, KashmirAs the Kashmir is the crown of the Bharat, the vibrations can be felt more intensely while one is on the spot. This Ashram (where Vivekananda Kendra is situated) is doubly sanctified by the intensive Tapas of Swami Ashokanandaji, a devotee of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa. So this Yoga Shiksha Shibir is the beginning of the All India activities of Vivekananda Kendra in Kashmir and many more such activities are to come in future.

The Vivekananda Kendra Ramkrishana Maha Sammelan Ashram is situated in Acchabal Distict near Anantnag. This was handed over to Vivekananda Kendra by Swami Ashokanandaji in 1972 to Swargiya Ekanathji, the founder of Vivekananda Kendra. It is a beautiful campus with more than 8 acres of land. Vivekananda Kendra is maintaining it well and also organizing local and all India activities. Though after 1989 Kendra could not organize all India activities as this was militancy disturbed area till recent years, the local activities – Ram Navami, Nag Panchami, Bhandara in Khir Bhavani, helping needy in difficulties were going on without any break. All the people feel free to be part of the activities and also extend help to the Ashram. This Ashram is house to all.

Universal Brotherhood Day celebration at VKV Kanyakumari

Universal Brotherhood Day celebration at VKV KanyakumariVivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Kanyakumari celebrated 42nd anniversary of the dedication of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Universal Brotherhood day celebration. On the first parliament of religions at Chicago , Swami Vivekananda addressed the audience as “Sisters and Brothers of America” which had an electrifying effect on them. His message to the people was to help others and not to fight, assimilation and not destruction to have harmony and peace and not dessension for the first time to westers audience, the message of Universal brotherhood and its proper understanding was given by Swami Vivekananda.

To commemorate the world famous speech given by Swami Vivekananda on 11th Sep 1893, Eknathji the founder of Vivekananda Kendra wanted this day to be celebrated as Universal Brotherhood day.

The program was inaugurated with traditional auspicious lamp lightening by our honourable chief guest. Mr. Kathirvel, Principal of Sun College engineering and technology Erachakulam followed by other dignitaries on the dices. Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Students paid tribute to mother Bharat through the song Vande Matharam.

Shri. S.Abraham Lingom, Principal of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Kanyakumari delivered the address that was like the colourful rainbow adorns the sky on a rainy.

Universal Brotherhood Day celebration at VKV KanyakumariThe Employees who have completed their ten and twenty years of service in Vivekananda Kendra were honoured. Ma. Balakrishnanji, Vice President, VRM & VK, in his Presidential address told about the importance of 150th Anniversary of Swami  Vivekananda and to celebrate it in a grand manner. He also told about, this celebration must reach is each and every person. Chief guest Mr. Kathirvel , Principal of Sun College of Engineering and Technology gives a sweetful speech about the golden thoughts of Swami Vivekananda. He told the younger generation to “Araise ! and Awake !! to achieve their goal."

The speciality of our motherland was known through Hindi Song by the students of 9th std. of VKV, Kanyakumari.

The Book was released by the name of “Swami Vivekananda in London” it was released by Ma. Bhanudhasji, General Secretary, VRM and VK and the first copy was given to the Chief guest.

The ceremony concluded with the cultural program performed by Vidyalaya Students.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Universal Brotherhood Day at VKV Doyang

Universal Brotherhood Day at VKV Doyang110th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s momentous representation in the World Parliament of Religions, 11th September, Universal Brotherhood Day was celebrated with lot of enthusiasm among parents, teachers, students and well wishers of the vidyalaya. Various activities included in the celebration effectively conveyed the importance and significance of 11 September to the ones present in the day’s programme. The whole programme was divided in two parts.

Part A (Seminar) : 10 am to 12:30 – was attended by Selected parents, students of IX and X, Jawans of Assam Rifles, CISF , NEEPCO officials and teachers.
Part B (Cultural Programme) : 1:00 pm to 2:30 – was attended by students of all classes (KG – X), parents and all guests.

Seminar -

A seminar on the topic, ‘Swami Vivekananda’s Message to the Youth of our Motherland for a Stronger India’, was organised. Relevant study materials for the seminar (‘Call Of The Millanium’, ‘Swami Vivekananda’s Message to the Modern India’, ‘Wake Up! India’ and ‘Youth and Swami Vivekananda’) were the books supplied to the 14 selected schools  of Wokha townEleven schools of Wokha town sent their representatives in the seminar with their headmasters and teachers as speakers and viewers. Speakers from six schools presented their papers on the topic.  A. C.  CISF, Sri A Manna, and Sr. Manager Civil, DHEP NEEPCO, Sri J Impang Rakhba were the invited guests present on the occasion. RAO, VKSPV, Sri Kamalakanth Baliarsingha was the moderator in the seminar.

Name of the speakers:-
  • Sri Abemo Kikon (Teacher), Chriastian Model High School
  • Sri Yansathung Odyuo, A G High School
  • Sri Thungcibemo, Mount Sinai School
  • Sri Bidhan Ch Roy, Little Flower School, Assam Rifles
  • Sri Gorokh Nath Sing, Naib Subedar Assam Rifles
  • Sri Vunthungo Kikon, Govt H S School
Other School that attended the seminar are-
  • Bloom Field School
  • Spring Dale School
  • Cistus School
  • Libemo Memorial School
  • Isaiah Ability School
12:30 to 1:00 pm,  during the interval a video on Sri Sri Ramakrishna’s message and memories related to Belur Math was shown.

Cultural Programme-

Bhuvana Mandale….. was the welcome song presented by a group of students. After the welcome address from the Principal, the tiny tots of KG presented an action song singing various rhymes.

An instrumental recital was presented by a group of trained students.

Surya Namaskar Demonstration : A group of students from various classes gave a demonstration of various postures of suryanamaskar in the rhythm of tabla. Regular chanting of mantra was continued during the demonstration in an exceptionally serene atmosphere.

Universal Brotherhood Day at VKV DoyangGroup dance - With a backdrop of patriotism two group dances were performed by students both in the rhythm of patriotic songs. The emotion of patriotic farvour generated with the performances much added to the already created atmosphere of serenity in the hall.

Prize Distribution - A brief prize distribution ceremony was arranged. Prizes for various CCAs’ held during the session were given away by the distinguished guests.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

24 September 2012 - Vimarsha on National Security: Challenges and Response

Vimarsha on National Security: Challenges and Response by General V K Singh PVSM, AVSM, 
YSM, ADC (Former Chief of the Army Staff)

Live broadcast at :

Venue : VIF Auditorium, 3, San Martin Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi (IN).

View VIF India in Larger Map

48 Hills Dr. Belle Mead, NJ 08502

48 Hills Dr. Belle Mead, NJ 08502

Speaker : Ma. NiveditaDidi, Vice President, Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari.

Address : 6 Hickory Road, West Orange, N.J.07052

Contact person: Prakash Waghmare

29-Sept : 11 to 1:15 PM : 48 Hills Dr., Belle Mead, NJ 08502

Monday, September 17, 2012

Hindu Students Council, Detroit

Hindu Students Council, Detroit

Speaker : Swami Tyraganandji and Ma. NiveditaDidi, Vice President, 
Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari.

Address : 3318 Windshadow Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105

Contact Person : Renu Malhotra

27-Sept : 5.30 to 8.00 PM

Hindu Temple, Lemont, Greater Chicago

Hindu Temple, Lemont, Greater Chicago

Speaker : Ma. NiveditaDidi, Vice President, Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari.

Address : 14 -C 1040 North Lake Shore, Chicago, Illinois

Contact Person : Ramesh Krishnan & Renu Malhotra 

Sept 23 - 9.00 AM to 12 Noon

Reception session of Hindu American Foundation, Washington DC

Reception session of Hindu American Foundation, Washington DC

Speaker : Ma. NiveditaDidi, Vice President, Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari.

Address : 525 New Jersey Ave Northwest, Washington D.C. 20001

Contact Person : Renu Malhotra

19-Sept : 5.00 to 8.00 PM 

विश्व बंधुत्व दिन कार्यक्रम : नाशिक

Universal brotherhood Day Program at Nasikविश्वबंधुत्व दिना निमित्त विवेकानंद केंद्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा नाशिक तर्फे नानाराव ढोबळे सभागृह,शंकराचार्य संकुल येथे श्री.शशिकांत मांडके, पुणे यांच्या व्याख्यानाचा कार्यक्रम  9 सप्टैंबर 2012, आयोजित केला होता. विश्वबंधुत्वाची भावना आपल्या भारतीय संस्कृती मध्ये पुरातन काळापासुन रुजलेली आहे. चराचरात परमेश्वराचे अस्तित्व आहे. फक्त आपलाच धर्म नाही तर सर्वच धर्म श्रेष्ठ आहेत. फक्त आपलीच उपासना पध्द्ती योग्य अन्य उपासना पद्ध्तींना अस्तित्वात असण्याचा अधिकारच नाही अशा प्रकारचे एकांगी तत्वज्ञान आपण शिकवत नाही. तर सर्वांना बरोबर घेऊन आपण आपली ऐहिक प्रगती करतो.असे विचार माननीय श्री.शशिकांत मांडके यांनी मांडले. चित्तरंजन देव लिखित “दीपस्तंभ नेतृत्वाचा” व डॉ.अशोक मोडक लिखित“स्वामी विवेकानंदांचे विचार आणि सद्यस्थिती” Universal brotherhood Day Program at Nasikह्या दोन पुस्तकांचे प्रकाशन मा. शशिकांत मांडके यांच्या हस्ते झाले. कार्यक्रमाला 75 श्रोते उपस्थित होते. श्री.शशिकांत मांडके यांचा सत्कार नाशिक नगर संचालक श्री श्रीकृष्ण विद्वांस यांनी केला.कार्यक्रमाचे सूत्रसंचालन निनाद पाठक याने,गीत रामवाडी संस्कार वर्गातील मुलामुलींनी,प्रास्ताविक अभिषेक कासोदे, व्याख्यात्यांचा परिचय दिग्विजय मगर यांनी केले. कार्यक्रमाची सांगता कु.छायामणि फुकन यांच्या वंदेमातरम ने झाली. धन्यवाद छायामणी नगर संगठक विवेकानंद केंद्र, शाखा नाशिक 

Universal Brotherhood Days Celebration at Mysore

Universal Brotherhood Days Celebration at MysoreInter school Cultural Competition was organized on 8th September at Vivekananda Kendra, Mysore Branch. 202 students from 14 schools participate in different events like Patriotic song, Essay writing on topic My Hero Swami Vivekananda, speech on Chicago speech and drawing – topic swami Vivekananda. Smt. Sreemati inaugurated the function.

Inter college Cultural Competition was organized onn 9th September, at Vivekananda Kendra, Mysore Branch. 124 students from 12 colleges participated in Patriotic song, essay on topic “vision 2020“, speech on “Punya Bhoomi Bharat”, Drawing on Swamiji.

Universal Brotherhood Days Celebration at MysoreLater on 9th September, public function held at Vivekananda Kendra, Mysore Branch. Sri C V Gopinath Ji, Retd. Additional Secretary, Govt of India was the Chief Guest. Smt Nagaratnamma presides the function. Sri Gopinath ji spoke on application of Swamiji’s message in present world and Wake up Bharat and enlightened the world.  172 people attended the function.

On 11th September, public function held at Gopal swamy college. Dr. A S Chadrashekar, Nagar Pramukh, Vivekananda Kendra Mysore presides the celebration. Sri Pradhumna Ji, Sangha Chalak, was the Chief Guest. 78 youths attended the function. Dr. Chandrashekarji spoke on 150th birth celebration of Swami Vivekananda and he invited people to spend their some times in this national cause. Sri Aravinda Prasad briefed the Kendra activities.  Sri Pradhumanaji  inaugurated the “ YUVA BHARATA” activities and spoke on that segment. 

"विवेक सन्देश" भोपाल के महाविद्यालयोमें

Vivek sandesh in colleges of bhopalविश्व बन्धुत्व दिवस के परिप्रेक्ष्य मे मध्य प्रान्त के महाविद्यालयीन अभियान "विवेक सन्देश" का प्रथम कार्यक्रम दिनांक ५ सितम्बर को महारानी लक्ष्मीबाई महाविद्यालय भोपाल मे संपन्न हुआ। उदघाटन संस्था प्राचार्य एवं प्रान्त प्रमुख आ.रामभुवन जी द्वारा किया गया, विवेकानन्द केन्द्र के १२ कार्यकर्ता कार्यक्रम व्यवस्थामें रहे। बड़े उत्साह के साथ  विद्यार्थियों के द्वारा पोस्ट कार्ड लेखन एवं साहित्य क्रय किया गया I  और आगामी संपर्क हेतु सभीने साथ मिलके स्वामी विवेकानन्द के विचारोको घर-घर पहुंचानेका संकल्प के अपना नाम-पता विवेकानन्द केन्द्र को दर्ज करवाया।

Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration at VKV Vallioor

Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration at VKV VallioorChicago address of Swami Vivekananda in the parliament of world religion on September  11, 1863  “ Sisters and Brothers of America”  is celebrated every year as Universal brotherhood day in the world.  As per the Excellency  of the Universal brotherhood day was celebrated on September 11, 2012 at 10.00 a.m. in Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Vallioor. This function was presided over by the Principal Smt. R.Andal. The program was commenced with song which highlights Swamiji sung by our students.

Mr. Sreenivasa Perumal Dept .of English delivered a vibrant speech about Universal brotherhood day. He highlighted all the important incidents which happened in Swamiji’s life while going to introduce the Hindu Vedanta in the parliament of world religion which held in America. He also quoted the words about Swamiji, “he was a key figure in the introduction of India’s Philosophies of Vedanta and yoga to the Western world.” He also added the words of John Henry Wright the professor of Hardvard university, about Swamiji,  “Here is a man who is more learned than all our learned professors put together”.  He asked the students to concern everyone as our brothers and sisters in the world.  The entire speech indicated the purpose of celebrating Universal brotherhood day.

Finally with an enlargement ideas of the Principal about Swamiji and universal brotherhood day concluded with Kendra prayer.

Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration at Sri Aurobindo College, Delhi

Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration in Delhi

Venue : Sri Aurobindo College, DU.

Speaker : Adv. Monoka Arora – Practicing advocate at Supreme Court, Ex-President, DUSU.

26-09-2012 3:30pm-5:00

Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration at Jankidevi Memorial College, Delhi

Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration in Delhi

Venue : Jankidevi Memorial College, DU

Speaker : Adv. Monoka Arora – Practicing advocate at Supreme Court, Ex-
President, DUSU. 

26-09-2012 11am-12pm

Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, Delhi

Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration in Delhi

The Occasion Of Commemorating Swami Vivekananda’s Famous Chicago Speech Of 11th September, 1893.

A talk on:  विश्व बंधुत्व: भारतीय संकल्पना

By: Dr. S. V. Eswaran

(Retd. H.O.D. St. Stephen’s College )

Venue : Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, Karmpura, Seminar Hall, DDUC.

21-09-2012 2:30pm - 4:30

Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration at PGDAV College, Delhi

Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration in Delhi

Venue : PGDAV College, Nehru Nagar, Ring Road, DU

Speaker : Adv. Monoka Arora – Practicing advocate at Supreme Court, Ex-President, DUSU. 

25-09-2012  4:00pm - 6:00pm

Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration at Bharati College, Delhi

Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration in Delhi

Venue : Bharati College, Janakpui, DU.

Speaker : Er. Sudershan Ji – Sr. Executive Engineer, Delhi Metro.

26-09-2012  11am - 12pm

Sunday, September 16, 2012

विश्व बन्धुत्व दिन - इन्दौर

Universal Brotherhood Day 2012विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी, शाखा - इन्दौर कि ओर से स्वामीजी के विचार सभी तक पहुचाने हेतु स्वामी प्रबुद्धानन्दजी का व्याख्यान आयोजन किया गया था। स्वामी प्रबुद्धानन्दजी ने कल्याण के दो प्रकार व्यक्तिगत (individual) और ब्र्ह्मांडीय (Cosmic) बताये ।

व्यक्तिगत (individual) प्रकार के लिये हमारे ऋषियों ने सुत्र दिया है सत्यम, शिवम, सुन्दरम, शिवम अर्थात कल्याण, कल्याण सत्य मे होता है और फ़िर सर्वत्र सुन्दर दिखायी देता है. ब्र्ह्मांडीय  (Cosmic) कल्याण अर्थात एक जीव दुसरे जीव से प्रेम से रहे यही कल्याण है । स्वामीज प्रबुद्धानन्दजी ने कहा की आज के युवा को प्रेम नहि मिल रहा है, शिव भावे जिव सेवा से हम उसे प्रेम दे सकते हैं । इसके बाद स्वामी प्रबुद्धानन्दजी ने भारत के उत्थान मे विश्व का कल्याण इस को समझना होंगा तो हमे भारत की दृष्टि को समझना होंगा। आज हम छिपाव और दुराव की संस्कृती को अपना रहे है। जगत को देखने का दृष्टिकोण होता है और भारत के पास एक दृष्टि है जो किसी के पास नही है, वह है "आध्यात्मिक दृष्टि" और बाकी अन्य के पास यह "भौतिक दृष्टि" है। भौतिकवाद याने जो मुझे दिखता है उसे मै मानता हु और आध्यात्मिक दृष्टि याने दृष्य के पिछे की दृष्टि को देखना । जो दिख रहा है वह तो सत्य है ही परंतु इसपर शासन कोई और कर रहा है जो दिखाई नही देता है।

भारत विश्व का कल्याण करेंगा उसके पिछे केवल आध्यत्मित दृष्टि है। इसके पश्चात स्वमी प्रबुद्धानन्दजी ने विकास की संकल्पना को बताते हुये कहा की सोचे बिना हुआअ अन्धानुकरण वाला विस्तात,  पतन की और ले जाता है । आज हम इस प्रकारके विस्तार को ही विकास समज रहे है। आज भारत को अपने आध्यात्मिक विकास का विस्तार करना है । विवेकानन्द केन्द्र के नगर प्रमुख श्री अतुलशेठजी ने आहवान किया की हम सभी को युवा को, समाजके बिच मे जाकर स्वामीजी के विचार पहुचाना होंगा और आने वाल वर्ष यह स्वामीजी का १५० वा वर्ष है तो यह हम सभी के लिये अवसर है । कार्यक्रम का संचालन सुनयना बुग्दे ने किया । 

Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration at Itanagar

Universay Brotherhood Day Celebration at ItanagarVivekananda Kendra Arun Jyoti (VKAJ), Itanagar has Celebrated “Universal brotherhood Day” at VKAJ, Vivek Vihar, Itanagar. Speaking on the occasion, Sri Narayana Yadav, (Vice-Principal, VKV Vivek Vihar), Spoke about the history of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago address of 1893 World Parliament of Religions and briefly explained the actual meaning of ‘Brotherhood’. And appeal to Youth of nation to maintain the vision of Oneness.

Gokulashtami and Rakshabandhan Celebration : VKV Kanyakumari

Gokulashtami Celebration 2012Vivekananda kendra Vidyalaya celebrated two important function Gokulashtami as well as Rakshabandan. Lord Krishna’s birthday which is celebrated as Gokulashtami and Rakshabandan shows us the affection between brothers and sisters.

The program was started with invocation by the students of VI  std. It gave a divine blessing of god. V. Sindhu of class VII  welcomed the gathering. Karshika of VII std delivered a speech on the importance of the celebration. To destroyed the evil of kamsa and maintains peace Lord Krishna came to this world. The story of Lord Krishna was explained by the student karshika. A good and beautiful music combines, body , heart and mind together. There by bring peace to the busy minds. The students of 7th std gave a sweet song to reach god.

Gokulashtami Celebration 2012Raja Yohini, Brahma Kumari Kohila sister was the Chief guest of the celebration. She is an expert in teaching yoga and meditation. She said that we all have to make a promise to maintain peace, calm and sweetness like  such good manners in us. She also said that we all have to take a pledge to thank god in each day morning and night.

Rakhi is a special sacred thread that shows relation between brothers and sisters. A small boy tied Rakhi to the Chief guest. The Chief guest Raja Yohini was honoured by given a memento by the Principal S. Abraham Lingom.

Uriyadi is a traditional pot breaking game. Lord Krishna stole butter from the pot in Brindavan. A small boy was decorated as Lord Krishna and he break the pot which was tied in the tree with butter. The boy appeared like Lord Krishna and we admire him. Nivedhini of 8th std presented the vote of thanks which followed by Kendra Prarthana.

वक्ता प्रशिक्षण शिविर का आयोजन

स्वामी विवेकानन्द सार्ध शती समारोह समिति, विदर्भ प्रदेश की ओर से रविवार दिनांक 16 सितम्बर,2012 को सुबह 8.00 से दोपहर 12.00 बजे की अवधि में वक्ता प्रशिक्षण कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया जा रहा है | धन्तोली स्थित हिन्दू धर्म संस्कृति मंदिर में आयोजित इस कार्यशाला में डॉ. कुमार शास्त्री, डॉ. विनोद आसुदानी, डॉ. शुभा साठे, डॉ. सुरेंद्र गोळे, प्रकाश एदलाबादकर आदि प्रसिद्ध वक्ताओं का मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त होगा |

स्वामी विवेकानन्द के जीवन तथा कार्यों तथा उनके वैचारिक पृष्ठभूमि के विविध पहलुओं को किस प्रकार प्रस्तुत किया जाये, इसपर विमर्श होगा | वक्तृत्व कला के प्रेमी तथा स्वामीजी के संदेशों  को समाज के बीच अपने वक्तृता के माध्यम से पहुँचाने के लिए संकल्पबद्ध 45 से कम आयु के युवा इस कार्यशाला में सहभागी हो सकते हैं |

अधिक जानकारी के लिए 9975055437 इस नंबर पर संपर्क कर सकते हैं |   

Saturday, September 15, 2012

TAPE workshop at IITM, Delhi

TAPE workshop at IITM, DelhiVivekananda Kendra, Delhi Prant has organized a TAPE workshop at Institute of Information-Technology & Management, Janakpuri, Delhi on 30th of August, 2012 with 25 participating professors.

TAPE workshop at IITM, Delhi
There are two main characters on which whole future of the nation depends - Mothers & Teachers, They are the nurturers of the society, and they have power to influence the whole generation. Even in our cultural literature both are praised more than lord. But today Teaching as profession is to be considered as one of the most averse field, choose as “Plan B” or even “Plan C” for career. Research shows that teaching has become the most stressful profession, leaving behind doctors. In this era Vivekananda Kendra has developed a 6 hrs workshop for teachers to face the situation & to realize teacher’s role in society.

TAPE workshop at IITM, DelhiAll professors were from higher education; MBA or MCA Department of IITM, as there is a typical problem in higher studies that teachers are experts in their respective fields they have through subject knowledge but no teaching training is provided at higher level. 

TAPE workshop at IITM, DelhiInstitute of Information-Technology & Management; a college of Indraprastha University is associated with Vivekananda Kendra since 2011-Vijay Hi Vijay Youth Camp. Under guidance of Chairman Sh. J. C. Sharma & Director S. Chaturvedi;  Kendra & The college has done many programs & celebrations together. On 30th of August, 2012 there was TAPE program; the main contain was Micro Teaching; Invented in the mid-1960s at Stanford University by Dr. Dwight Allen, micro-teaching has been used with success for several decades now, as a way to help teachers acquire new skills. A specialist of Micro Teaching Shri Vishvas Lapalkar, Prant Sangathak, Maharashtra Prant performed key role in the workshop.  

TAPE workshop at IITM, DelhiThe whole 6 hrs program was divided into 3 sessions Role of teacher, Micro Teaching & Question Answer round. There were also some recreational activity like songs, games etc.  As Micro-Teaching defines teaching as multi dimensional activity as well as complex & challenging activity. It includes skills like Introduction of the topic, Art of asking questions, Board work, Reinforcement, Stimulus, Audio Visual Aids, Demonstration, Lecturing, Planning, & Closing the topic. Apart from these there were small exercises & workshops games for personal management- work life balance.

In the speech of Vote of thanks Director Sir Sh. S Chaturvedi Ji 

mentioned that journey of this relationship will go far ahead & everlasting.   

Gokulashtami & Raksha Bandan at VKV Vallioor

Gokulashtami & Raksha Bandan at VKV VallioorThe twin festivals Gokulashtami and Rakshabandhan were celebrated with an intense fervour  on 07.09.2012 in Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Vallioor in Tamilnadu. The ceremony started at 10.30 A.M. in the presence of respected and beloved Ayyappanji, General secretary of  Rural Development Program of Vivekananda  Kendra,  respected correspondent of the school Sri. S.K.Subramanian, beloved principal Mrs. R. Andal.

The programme was started by singing the Krishna song by the students in the way of welcoming the Lord Krishna . Following that Mrs.S.Devi, one of the senior teacher of V.K.V School delivered a thought provoking lecture about Krishna Jayanthi and Rakshabandhan. In her speech she pointed out the 10 Avatharas and the greatness of Krishna Avathar. She also said that how the relationship should be maintained between the brothers and sisters.

Gokulashtami & Raksha Bandan at VKV VallioorSri.Ayyanpanji gave an oration about importance of Krishna Avathar and advised the students to get the prosperous future by following good manners.  Besides celebrating the programmes, our students chanted Bakthi yoga slogans from the Bhagavat geetha devotionaly. Dance of Gobikas and Uriyadi by two Balakrishnas were very special and also it beautified the programme. Each class sisters and brothers were asked to tie the Rakhi during the function. Finally celebration concluded by singing Kendra prayer . Truly the entire programme and its performance went of well and inspired the school children.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

26 September 2012 - Seminar on Strengthening Indo-Vietnam Strategic Partnership and the Way Forward

Seminar on Strengthening Indo-Vietnam Strategic Partnership and the Way Forward

(By invitation only)

Venue : VIF Seminar Room, 3, San Martin Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi (IN)

विश्वबंधुत्व दिन समारोह - नागपुर

Universal brotherhood day at Nagpurस्वदेश, स्वधर्म, स्वाभिमान तथा स्वावलम्बन इन चार सूत्रों पर आधारित समाज व्यवस्था को सर्वोपरि मानने वाले स्वामी विवेकानन्द विश्व के आदर्शों में महानतम थे । स्वामी विवेकानन्द ने कहा था कि हमारा राष्ट्र देवता है और धर्म ही इसका प्राण है । इसलिए धर्म को लेकर विवाद नहीं होना चाहिए क्योंकि धर्म का मूल एकात्मता और सर्वसमावेशक होने के कारण धर्माधारित समाज व्यवस्था ही श्रेष्ठ है । इसलिए स्वामी विवेकानन्द के विश्वबंधुत्व की संकल्पना को सही ढंग से समझना आज विश्व के लिए अति आवश्यक है । इस बात का प्रतिपादन करते हुए दत्ता मेघे इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ मेडिकल साइंसेस के उप-कुलपति डॉ. श्री वेदप्रकाश मिश्रा ने स्वामीजी के संदेशों में निहित व्यापकता को विविध उदाहरणों के माध्यम से समझाया । वे विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी की नागपुर शाखा के माध्यम से आयोजित विश्वबंधुत्व समारोह के अंतर्गत आयोजित व्याख्यान में बोल रहे थे ।

डॉ. मिश्रा ने धर्म की व्यापकता को समझाने के लिए रामचरितमानस के अनेक चौपाई का आधार लिया । ‘विप्र धेनु सूर संत हित, लिन्ह प्रभु अवतार ।' तथा ‘हरि व्यापक सर्वत्र समाना, प्रेम ते प्रगट होई मैं जाना ।' के माध्यम से ईश्वरीय अवतार तथा उसके जीवन प्रयोजन का महत्व बताया । उन्होंने कहा कि स्वामीजी ने धर्म के मर्म को समझाने के लिए वैदिक शब्दावली को आधुनिक रूप दिया और अपने ज्ञान, तप और आचरण से संसार को बता दिया कि धर्म आधारित समाज व्यवस्था ही विश्व का कल्याण कर सकता है । धर्म संकुचितता, अंधविश्वास तथा अहंकार का द्योतक नहीं है वरन् धर्म विस्तार, व्यापकता, श्रद्धा और सर्वसमावेशक एकात्मता का परिचायक है । ‘जितने मत उतने पथ'  इसलिए केवल अपने ही सम्प्रदाय को श्रेष्ठ मानकर दूसरों की निंदा करना धर्म नहीं है । मतभिन्नता होने के बावजूद मतऐक्यता होना वर्तमान के लिए आवश्यक है । डॉ. मिश्रा ने बताया कि विपरीत परिस्थितियों में स्वामी विवेकानन्द ने भारत और हिन्दू धर्म के तत्वों को अपने तपस्वी जीवन तथा ओजस्वी वाणी में जागतिक श्रेष्ठता प्रदान की । इसलिए स्वामी विवेकानन्द दिग्विजयी संन्यासी कहलाये । स्वामी विवेकानन्द ने ही अध्यात्म और विज्ञान के समन्वय का सूत्रपात किया था।

Universal brotherhood day at Nagpurइसके पूर्व समारोह के मुख्य अतिथि स्पेसवूड फर्निचर्स प्रा. लि. नागपुर के प्रबंध संचालक श्री विवेक देशपांडे ने स्वामी विवेकानन्द तथा टाटा उद्योग के संस्थापक जमशेदजी टाटा से संबंधित प्रसंग सुनाया । उन्होंने बताया कि जमशेदजी टाटा को भारत में शिक्षा, अभियांत्रिकी, उद्योग तथा अनुसंधान संस्थानों के निर्माण की प्रेरणा स्वामी विवेकानन्द ने ही दी थी । कार्यक्रम के अध्यक्ष कॉन्फीडरेशन ऑफ ऑल इंडिया ट्रेडर्स, नई दिल्ली के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री बी.सी. भरतिया ने अपने अध्यक्षीय भाषण में आगामी वर्ष में स्वामी विवेकानन्दजी की १५०वीं जयन्ती के प्रासंगिकता पर जोर देते हुए कहा कि हमारे देश के विद्यालयीनशिक्षा प्रणाली में स्वामी विवेकानन्द के संदेशों को छात्रों तक पहुँचाने की योजना होनी चाहिए । उन्होंने शिक्षा संस्थानों के प्रबंधकों, शिक्षकों और अभिभावकों से अपील की कि आगामी वर्ष में स्वामीजी के संदेशों को घर-घर पहुँचाकर ‘विवेकानन्दमयम' वातावरण बनाएँ । विवेकानन्द केन्द्र के विदर्भ विभाग प्रमुख श्री आनंद बगडिया तथा स्वामी विवेकानन्द सार्ध शती समारोह, नागपुर महानगर के संयोजक श्री सोमदत्त करंजेकर समारोह के दौरान मंचासीन थे ।

कार्यक्रम की शुरूआत दीपप्रज्जवलन से हुई । प्रारंभ में कु. वेदवती खेर तथा दीप्ति पिकले ने ‘सदा विवेकानन्दमयम' नामक संस्कृत गीत प्रस्तुत किया । अतिथियों के स्वागत के पश्चात् ‘ब्रेल लिपि' में प्रकाशित ‘कथा विवेकानंदांच्या' नामक पुस्तक का विमोचन मंचासिन अतिथियों के करकमलों द्वारा किया गया ।

सामाजिक क्षेत्र में उत्कृष्ठ सेवाकार्य के लिए सिकलसेल सोसायटी ऑफ इंडिया, नागपुर के  श्री सम्पतराव रामटेके तथा जीवन आश्रम वृद्धाश्रम संस्था, नागपुर के श्री विकासजी शेंडे का इस अवसर पर स्वामीजी की प्रतिमा एवं साहित्य प्रदानकर उन्हें सेवाव्रती सम्मान से सम्मानित किया गया । साथ ही विवेकानन्द केन्द्र में कार्यरत १२वीं तथा १०वीं के गुणवन्त  छात्र-छात्राओं को स्मृति चिन्ह देकर सम्मानित किया गया, जिनमें सौमित्र दाभोलकर (१२वीं), ऋषभ अग्रवाल (१२वीं), कु. प्रियंका शिरखेडकर (१०वीं) तथा ओंकार लपालकर (१०वीं) शामिल थे ।

कार्यक्रम की प्रस्तावना श्रीमती अर्चना लपालकर तथा श्रीमती गितांजली केलकर ने संचालन किया । श्री आनंद बगडिया ने आभार व्यक्त किया तथा सुश्री पल्लवी गाडगील के वन्देमातरम् से कार्यक्रम का समापन हुआ । 

VKVs Arunachal Pradesh : august 2012

Workshop for computer Teachers

A Three day workshop for the computer teachers was held from 6th to 8th August at VKV- Nirjuli with a view to streamline the computer education in our schools. 15 selected teachers from various VKVs attended the workshop. The wider dimensions of the concept of  Flow chart, HTML, MS-Access and Algorithms were  given in addition to the training in Software installation and Hardware maintenance. The workshop also finalized the effective teaching plan of computer science. The need of E- communication for better administration- computer teachers taking the lead was also discussed. Resources Persons were Smt. Kalpana didi, VK-Shimla, Shri. Premarajan & Shri. Krishna Kumar of VKVAPT, Dibrugarh and Shri. Sushant Rakshit, VKV-Jairampur.
Feathers on VKVians
It is really a matter of great happiness to share the news that three VKVians who were serving Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh as Circle Officers have been promoted as Extra Assistant Commissioners. All of them have excellent service record working in the interior parts of the state earning lot of reputation from the local populace for their hard work and sincerity. Kudos to Sri Lekhandu Thugon, Kum.Lui Chiba and Smt.Jayanti Pertin!
Prerana Shibir
A Three day residential camp for class VII day scholar students was conducted in VKV- Ziro, Yazali, Itanagar, Jairampur and Vivek Vihar. As per the report the average attendance of the camp in all places is 99%. The students of class VII are mostly the age of group of 12 to 13 yrs. That means they are on the transition period to adolescence from Latency.  In this important stage, bio-psycho-social forces are at work vigoursly. No matter how one has been raised, one’s personal ideologies are now chosen for oneself.The camp is meant to give the experience of systematic daily routine, to stay together with their class mates, to give motivation to excel in studies and to lead value based life at this very important period of their life.

Sessions “on Inspiration from Swami Vivekananda, Pariksha de haste, a parent’s view on his son/daughter, importance of Prayer, how to be an organised student and group discussions on time management, Characteristics of a healthy personality, My role as a promising youth of this great nation, Pratasmaran, Yogasana-Pranayama, Kridya Yoga, Bhajan Sandhya” etc were the important activities of the camp. In VKV- Itanagar many parents attended the valedictory function and expressed their happiness on the enthusiastic feedback of their wards.
Programme by Primary class students
There were two colorful programmes worth mentioning by primary class students of VKV- Nirjuli and Roing.  It is our resolve for this year that there would be at least three School level programmes in which one would be a science exhibition exclusively by the Primary class students. The Primary class students of VKV Roing presented a Talent Show which was witnessed and appreciated by 156 parents. VKV-Nirjuli prepared number of tableaus to depict the life of Lord Krishna on the occasion of Janmashatami. 1000 parents enjoyed the programme.
Winners in State Level Quiz
VKV – Itanagar and Banderdewa bagged First and Third respectively in the state level quiz competition conducted by  Derek O’ Brien , the famous quiz master of the country as a part of Arunachal Pradesh Energy development Agency’s state level celebration in connection with Rajiv Gandhi Akshaya Urja Diwas on 20th August. The participants of state level quiz were selected on the basis on District level quiz competition conducted in all the Districts by APEDA. VKVs Oyan, Jairampur, Kuporijo, Shergaon, Sunpura & Sher are the winners in their respective districts and participated in State Level Competition.
Banderdewa marched to victory
Banderdewa won the prestigious trophy for the best    contingent in the March past in the State Level Independence Day Celebration at IG Park Itanagar. Most of the schools have participated in District level celebrations at District Head quarters and displayed Band, PT display, Lezim, dumb-bells and won the appreciation from all. VKV- Dado for its maiden appearance in Nyapin captivated the minds of all by their unique performance of Suryanamaskar and Pyramid. The chief Guest of the programme announced 8 computers and other support to compliment the performance of the students.
Health Check-up
Schools are the dynamic settings for promoting health and wellness through various activities, and we have resolved to implement Health Education Programme in our schools. . Health Check up is a prime activity that we need to undertake it at frequent intervals for all the students. To attend their medical needs in time and to plan general strategy for healthy living, we have decided to conduct at least two general health check-up in all of our schools. VKV- Ziro, Tafrogam, Sunpura and Bana have conducted the general health Check-up as per the report received.

Smt. Anjalee Bellai,an alumnus of VKV- Tafrogam volunteered to teach a Mishmi song on Swami Vivekananda   to the students of VKV- Tezu.  Tears came in the eyes of the Principal and other two teachers who are also the alumni of VKV Tafrogam, as the song made them reminiscent about Swargeeya Mandakini Didi. This song was composed and taught with the guidance of Didi. She was a good singer and taught many songs to the students which they cherish even now. The team of VKV- Tezu decided to popularize the song on Swami Vivekananda to all the neighborhood schools within a short period.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

VKNARDEP : Newsletter August 2012

Dear Friend of VK-nardep,
This month newsletter brings you the concept of an eight-fold platform for deep ecology and its implications for society and environmental protection. This is an excerpt from eco-philosopher Eric Katz's article titled, 'Deep Ecology: Faith, God and Nature' . He expresses wonderfully thus: " Because I identify with the rest of the natural world, I care for the rest of creation. I expand myself outward to include an interest in the value and flourishing of the entire natural environment. I come to understand that I can only fully realize myself through the flourishing—the Self-realization—of the entire natural universe."

In this month activity we bring you news about our Azolla training, Bio-methanation plants installations and workshop on traditional bone-setting techniques. In the publication section we bring you information on our Varma Points chart. This is the first time such an exhaustive visual documentation which is reliable, clear and attractive has been made in this field. This has helped many Vaidyas to explain to their patients what Varma points they are using instead of making the patient feel bewildered. This increases the respectability and reliability of the system. This chart is only one of the important first milestones in the long journey of traditional medical knowledge conservation and revival.

In our wisdom section we bring you three views on nature, life and peace. An excerpt from the famed article titled 'Nature' by Ralph Waldo Emerson; An excerpt from a talk of Swami Vivekananda which explains the concept of involution and grandoneness of all life and Thich Nhat Hanh on how to cultivate peace.

You can download it all here and VK-nardep wishes you a great reading experience.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

विश्व बन्धुत्व दिवस, शिमला

विवेकनन्द केन्द्र शिमला शाखा


भाषा-संस्क्रुति विभाग, शिमला जिला


स्वामी विवेकानंद जी द्धारा शिकगो उद्र्बोधन

के उपलछ्य पर आयोजित

विश्व बन्धुत्व दिवस

मुख्य अतिथि : श्री अजय मित्त्ल जी
                                     अतिरिक्त मुख्य सचिव हि.प्र. सरकार
आप सादर आमंत्रित हें


८ सित्म्बर २०१२

उठो! जागो!! भाषण प्रतियोगिता
स्थान : एस. डी.व.मा.विद्यलय, गंज बाजार  शिमला
समय :१२:०० बजे दोपहर

९ सित्म्बर २०१२

पारितोषिक वितरण समारोह
मुख्य अतिथि का उद्र्बोधन
स्थान : विवेकनन्द केन्द्र नाभा, शिमला
समय : ३:०० बजे अपराह्र्न
विनीत:                     जिला भिषा अधिकारी
नगर संयोजक                       शिमला जिला
विवेकनन्द केन्द्र शिमला इकाई                   

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Teachers Day Celebration at VKV Vallioor

Teachers Day Celebration at VKV VallioorThe Birthday of Dr. Radhakrishnan, the former president of our country India, is celebrated as Teacher’s Day in order to highlight the specialty   and greatness of the teachers and  their works. As per the gratitude, VKV Vallioor encourages the students to celebrate Teacher’s Day in a special attachment and attention.

Students are motivated and encouraged to act as a teacher with the teacher’s costume and also watched them to prepare lesson plan.After preparing the lesson, they are allowed to teach lesson in the class room.

By celebrating Teacher’s Day students understand the value of teacher and start to give reverence to the teacher.As following that, there are 205 students participated interestingly in the school and acted as a teacher by teaching and handling the classes.  Thus, VKV Vallioor are celebrating Teacher’s Day every year meaningfully.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Talk on The Family: Problems and Potentails

Vivekananda Kendra’s Vice President Kum. Nivedita Bhide is visiting various cities of United State of in occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda in August. In this connection we organized her talk & group discussion and want to invite all our family and friends who are interested in Swami Vivekananda or India. Niveditaji ‘Didi’ has authored several books and also represent India UNESCO International Meeting in Australia in 1999. She will also give brief information regarding Celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.
Venue : Sept 05 Wednesday - 6:30pm to 8pm ( Houston time): Keshav Smruti, 4018 Westhollow parkway, Houston, TX

Talk On the role of Hindu Dharma

Vivekananda Kendra’s Vice President Kum. Nivedita Bhide is visiting various cities of United State of in occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda in August. In this connection we organized her talk & group discussion and want to invite all our family and friends who are interested in Swami Vivekananda or India. Niveditaji ‘Didi’ has authored several books and also represent India UNESCO International Meeting in Australia in 1999. She will also give brief information regarding Celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.
Venue : Sept 06 Thursday - 7pm (TX time): FT Worth Temple, Dallas, TX

Link :

Talk On the role of Hindu Dharma

Vivekananda Kendra’s Vice President Kum. Nivedita Bhide is visiting various cities of United State of in occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda in August. In this connection we organized her talk & group discussion and want to invite all our family and friends who are interested in Swami Vivekananda or India. Niveditaji ‘Didi’ has authored several books and also represent India UNESCO International Meeting in Australia in 1999. She will also give brief information regarding Celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.
Venue : Sept 05 Wednesday - 6:30pm to 8pm ( Houston time): Keshav Smruti, 4018 Westhollow parkway, Houston, TX

Monday, September 3, 2012

Onam Celebration at VKV Kanyakumari

ONAM is the biggest harvest festival and the most important festival of the state of Kerala and is celebrated with joy and enthusiasm irrespective of caste or community. ONAM  is celebrated in the beginning of the month of chingam, the first month of Malayalam calendar (kollavarsham). This corresponds with the month of August-September according to gregoriam calendar.

The word ‘ONAM' or Thiruvonam is derived from the Sanskrit ward shravanam. Thiruvonam is one among the 27 nakshatras  or constellations. Onam festival continues for ten days, starting from the day of Atham aand culminating on Thiruvonam. Popularity and presentation of rich culture of the state during the carnival made Onam the National Festival of Kerala in 1961.
The festival marks the homecoming of legendary king Mahabali. He is also popularly called ‘Maveli and Onathappan’. Mahabali is the son of Virochana and grandson of Prahlad, the devout son of demon king  Hiranyakashipu .Mahabali also belonged to the Asura dynasty but was an ardent worshipper of lord Vishnu. During the reign of King Mahabali, Kerala witnessed its golden era. Everybody in the state was happy and prosperous and king was highly regarded by his subjects. Apart from all his virtues, Mahabali had one shortcoming. He was egoistic. It is believed that on the Thiruvonam day, Lord Vishnu took his fifth avatar as Vamana and sent him to the nether world. However, for all the good deed done by Mahablai, god granted him a boon that he could annually visit his people with whom he was so attached.
The people of Kerala believe that on the Thiruvonam day King Mahabali visits his subjects and hence the day is marked by feasting and festivities. To welcome their reverted king, people lay flower mate (pookalam) and prepare a grand feast (Onasadya). It is a nine course meal consisting of 11 to 13 essential dishes and served on banana leaves and people sit on a mat laid on the floor to have the meal. It showcase the unity among people.
Another enchanting feature of Onam is Vallamkali, the snake Boat race, held on the river Pampa. It is a colourful right to watch the decorated boat oared by hundreds of boatmen amidst chanting of songs and cheering by spectators.
Pulikkali or kaduvakali is another entertaining performance where the performers take the quire of tigers, painting their bodies yellow with patterns of black and red. Kummattikali is another recreational folk dance performed during Onam.
Kaikottikali is an elegant clap dance performed on the occasion of Onam. In this,  women sing songs praising the legendary king Mahabali and dance around the pookalam. Thumbi Thullal is another folk dance performed by a group of women who sit in a circle.
If we try to find out the meaning and significance behind its celebration we will see that according to legends it is this visit of Mahabali that is celebrated as Onam every year. People make all efforts to celebrate the festival in a grand way and impress upon their dear king that they are happy and wish him well.
Onam not only keeps alive memories of a bygone era of peace and prosperity but bring families scattered in distant places to an annual get-together reinforcing the strong family bonds.