The program was started with invocation by the students of VI std. It gave a divine blessing of god. V. Sindhu of class VII welcomed the gathering. Karshika of VII std delivered a speech on the importance of the celebration. To destroyed the evil of kamsa and maintains peace Lord Krishna came to this world. The story of Lord Krishna was explained by the student karshika. A good and beautiful music combines, body , heart and mind together. There by bring peace to the busy minds. The students of 7th std gave a sweet song to reach god.
Rakhi is a special sacred thread that shows relation between brothers and sisters. A small boy tied Rakhi to the Chief guest. The Chief guest Raja Yohini was honoured by given a memento by the Principal S. Abraham Lingom.
Uriyadi is a traditional pot breaking game. Lord Krishna stole butter from the pot in Brindavan. A small boy was decorated as Lord Krishna and he break the pot which was tied in the tree with butter. The boy appeared like Lord Krishna and we admire him. Nivedhini of 8th std presented the vote of thanks which followed by Kendra Prarthana.
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