TAPE workshop at IITM, Delhi
Vivekananda Kendra, Delhi Prant has organized a TAPE workshop at Institute of Information-Technology & Management, Janakpuri, Delhi on 30th of August, 2012 with 25 participating professors.
There are two main characters on which whole future of the nation depends - Mothers & Teachers, They are the nurturers of the society, and they have power to influence the whole generation. Even in our cultural literature both are praised more than lord. But today Teaching as profession is to be considered as one of the most averse field, choose as “Plan B” or even “Plan C” for career. Research shows that teaching has become the most stressful profession, leaving behind doctors. In this era Vivekananda Kendra has developed a 6 hrs workshop for teachers to face the situation & to realize teacher’s role in society.
All professors were from higher education; MBA or MCA Department of IITM, as there is a typical problem in higher studies that teachers are experts in their respective fields they have through subject knowledge but no teaching training is provided at higher level.
Institute of Information-Technology & Management; a college of Indraprastha University is associated with Vivekananda Kendra since 2011-Vijay Hi Vijay Youth Camp. Under guidance of Chairman Sh. J. C. Sharma & Director S. Chaturvedi; Kendra & The college has done many programs & celebrations together. On 30th of August, 2012 there was TAPE program; the main contain was Micro Teaching; Invented in the mid-1960s at Stanford University by Dr. Dwight Allen, micro-teaching has been used with success for several decades now, as a way to help teachers acquire new skills. A specialist of Micro Teaching Shri Vishvas Lapalkar, Prant Sangathak, Maharashtra Prant performed key role in the workshop.
The whole 6 hrs program was divided into 3 sessions Role of teacher, Micro Teaching & Question Answer round. There were also some recreational activity like songs, games etc. As Micro-Teaching defines teaching as multi dimensional activity as well as complex & challenging activity. It includes skills like Introduction of the topic, Art of asking questions, Board work, Reinforcement, Stimulus, Audio Visual Aids, Demonstration, Lecturing, Planning, & Closing the topic. Apart from these there were small exercises & workshops games for personal management- work life balance.
In the speech of Vote of thanks Director Sir Sh. S Chaturvedi Ji
mentioned that journey of this relationship will go far ahead & everlasting.
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