Universal Brotherhood Day celebration at VKV Kanyakumari
Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Kanyakumari celebrated 42nd anniversary of the dedication of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Universal Brotherhood day celebration. On the first parliament of religions at Chicago , Swami Vivekananda addressed the audience as “Sisters and Brothers of America” which had an electrifying effect on them. His message to the people was to help others and not to fight, assimilation and not destruction to have harmony and peace and not dessension for the first time to westers audience, the message of Universal brotherhood and its proper understanding was given by Swami Vivekananda.
To commemorate the world famous speech given by Swami Vivekananda on 11th Sep 1893, Eknathji the founder of Vivekananda Kendra wanted this day to be celebrated as Universal Brotherhood day.
The program was inaugurated with traditional auspicious lamp lightening by our honourable chief guest. Mr. Kathirvel, Principal of Sun College engineering and technology Erachakulam followed by other dignitaries on the dices. Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Students paid tribute to mother Bharat through the song Vande Matharam.
Shri. S.Abraham Lingom, Principal of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Kanyakumari delivered the address that was like the colourful rainbow adorns the sky on a rainy.
The Employees who have completed their ten and twenty years of service in Vivekananda Kendra were honoured. Ma. Balakrishnanji, Vice President, VRM & VK, in his Presidential address told about the importance of 150th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda and to celebrate it in a grand manner. He also told about, this celebration must reach is each and every person. Chief guest Mr. Kathirvel , Principal of Sun College of Engineering and Technology gives a sweetful speech about the golden thoughts of Swami Vivekananda. He told the younger generation to “Araise ! and Awake !! to achieve their goal."
The speciality of our motherland was known through Hindi Song by the students of 9th std. of VKV, Kanyakumari.
The Book was released by the name of “Swami Vivekananda in London” it was released by Ma. Bhanudhasji, General Secretary, VRM and VK and the first copy was given to the Chief guest.
The ceremony concluded with the cultural program performed by Vidyalaya Students.
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