On 21st August 2016, a Karyakarta Baithak was organized at Vivekananda Kendra Kaushalam. Almost 70 karyakartas from the city, including Prant Sanchalak Justice Ramuluji, Prant Sah Pramukh Sri Prasanna, Prant Sanghatak Ku. Sujatha Nayak, Prant Vyavatha Pramukh Sri Bhaskar Sharma, Vibhag Pramukh Sri Sudhakar Reddy and Vibhag Sanghatak Sri Deepak Khaire participated in the program. Nagar Samiti members from Dilsukh Nagar, Ameerpet Nagar, Kukatpally Nagar and Baghlinghampally Nagar were present in good number.
The program was highly informative and inspiring as Ma. Balakrishnanji, in the course of his formal and informal talk, spoke on variety of subjects including the vision of Vivekananda Kendra, the work of Kendra in tribal areas, the need to strengthen the work amongst children and youth, the vision behind its Kaushalam Project and the need of dedicated full time and local workers for this noble mission. On a question of use of technology in spreading Kendra work, Balakrishnanji said we must embrace technology with changing times because change is permanent, and so are the values. We must be updated. He also briefed the time tested chatusutri in expanding the work. Ma. Balakrishnanji said we must find and solve the problems the society is facing, proactively, without depending on the government.
Responding to what inspired him to join Vivekananda Kendra, Balakrishnanji recalled his pre Kendra life when he was in Indian Air force which was though challenging enough, he was looking for greater challenge and responding to Mananeeya Eknathji’s call, resigned his well paying job to join as Jeevanvrati of Vivekananda Kendra. He said his forty-four years in Kendra have been extremely challenging and satisfying, and would like to be a Jeevenvrati of Vivekananda Kendra in his next birth too.
The program concluded with Shanti mantra and Kendra Prarthana, followed by Lunch during which the karyakartas interacted informally with Balakrishnanji and also with each other.