Saturday, July 31, 2021

गुरु पूर्णिमा कार्यक्रम बांका नगर स्थान

 विवेकानंद केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी, शाखा-बैंक के द्वारा  गुरु पूर्णिमा का कार्यक्रम प्रत्यक्ष रूप से  शनिवार, 24 जुलाई 2021 को प्रातः 7:00 - 8: बजे केन्द्र कार्यलय, परिसदन रोड, बैंक में मनाया गया। कुल उपस्थिति 11 लोगो की रही। 

कार्यक्रम का प्रारंभ तीन ओंकार, शांति पाठ, ऐक्य मंत्र एवं गुरु के भजन के साथ हुआ। इस कार्यक्रम में मुख्य उपस्थिति विभाग संगठक धर्मदास भैया का रहा। कार्यक्रम में गुरु गुरु पूर्णिमा के महत्व पर विभाग संगठक जी द्वारा मार्गदर्शन मिला। कार्यक्रम का समापन शांति मंत्र, केंद्र प्रार्थना  एवं पुष्पांजलि के द्वारा हुआ। 

विवेकानन्द केंद्र गुरु पूर्णिमा उत्सव के माध्यम से समाज में गुरु के प्रति आदर की भावना की अपेक्षा करता है।

गुरु पूर्णिमा कार्यक्रम गया नगर

 विवेकानंद केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी, शाखा-गया के द्वारा  गुरु पूर्णिमा का कार्यक्रम प्रत्यक्ष रूप से  शनिवार, 24 जुलाई 2021 को प्रातः 7:00 - 8: बजे मां मथुरासिनीमनाया गया। कुल उपस्थिति 17 लोगो की रही।

कार्यक्रम का प्रारंभ तीन ओंकार, शांति पाठ, ऐक्य मंत्र एवं गुरु के भजन के साथ हुआ। इस कार्यक्रम में मुख्य उपस्थिति नगर संचालक डॉ विजय कुमार करण रही। कार्यक्रम में गुरु गुरु पूर्णिमा के महत्व पर नगर संचालक जी द्वारा मार्गदर्शन मिला। कार्यक्रम का समापन शांति मंत्र एवं केंद्र प्रार्थना के द्वारा हुआ।

विवेकानन्द केंद्र गुरु पूर्णिमा उत्सव के माध्यम से समाज में गुरु के प्रति आदर की भावना की अपेक्षा करता है।

VK-AICYAM 7th International Yoga Day

 Due to the dire circumstances of the COVID-19 Pandemic VK-AICYAM has celebrated 7th International Yoga Day on 19th and 20th June 2021 in a virtual mode. Webinar On 19th June topic was "YOGA IN PANDEMIC SITUATION".

Speaking on the Topic “Yoga a way of life” as the first speaker of this webinar Dr Subash Chandra Dash, Associate professor, Head Department of Sanskrit, Utkal University, said “The land of India is a sacred since time immemorial and Yoga is the greatest contribution to the world. The world has learned a lesson in this pandemic and has acknowledged Yoga as a way of life. Dr. Dash mentioned the three kinds of sorrows adhyātmika, adhibhautika and adhidaivika. He also explained the six  SadhakaTattwa on the Path of Yoga- Enthusiasm (Utsah, Courage (Sahas), Perseverance (Dhairya), Discriminative knowledge (Tattvajnana), Determination (Nischaya), Aloofness from company (Janasanghaparityaga).

The Second speaker Professor Rabindranath Pati, department of anthropology Mekelle University East Africa, on the Topic “Yogic way of Energy balancing” mentioned about on Chakasand Ajapa Japa meditation.

The third speaker Dr.SANJIB KUMAR PATRA, Associate professor Yoga, Central University, Rajastahan on the topic“Yoga and Stress management” said “Stress is a threat to ourbody’s homeostasis. He discussed the sources of stress, fight and flight condition, stress hormones, how to identify the stress and manage the stress through Yoga”.

The 2nd day webinar was on 20thJune.Mananiya Sri Hanumantha Rao ji, All India Vice President of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari has delivered lecture on “Yoga a Path towards Man-making”. Speaking on the topic Hanuji said “Yoga is the only path for man making because we can get good samskar through yoga. Man making is what is shown outside, should be what we are inside. Freedom from negative emotions e.g.  Kama (lust/craving), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed), Moha (delusion), Mada (arrogance, vanity) and Matsarya (jealousy) is man making. Vrittis are the cause of our problems. MaharshiPatanjali point out how to transformation the vrittis. ChittaVrittinirodha is man making. Man making need a long time practice (dirgha kala nairantarya) with tapas (which will reduce our comforts), Asana (for bring stability in body and mind) and Pranayama (for capable the mind to remain focus our activity, work and attitude). Man making means develop the positive qualities, attitude and guna by inculcating four primary virtues i.e. Maitri (Friendship) ; Karuna (Compassion) Mudita (Joy) and Upekshanam (Indifference). As per Bharatiya sanatana Samskritithe world is one family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam) and human being is a part of creation. So for the benefits of others through Seva yoga is Man making. Swami Vivekananda who is a Nabayuga Patanjali says Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy - by one, or more, or all of these - and be free. This is man making.”

The two days’ live webinar witnessed  through youtube over  600 viewers. Prof. Dr. Basudev Chhatoi gave well come address, Prof. Dr. Nirmal Chandra Das presented the concluding remark with vote of thanks and Sri Ajaya Kumar sahoo co-ordinated the two-days webinar.

Mahasamadhi Day of Swami Vivekananda at Madurai

 Vivekananda Kendra Madurai commemorated Mahasamadhi day of Swami Vivekananda on 4th July 2021 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. through Google Meet. Total 35 karyakarthas participated in the program.

The program started with 3 Omkar and Shantipath. Sri. T. V. Prabhakaran ji,  Sah Nagar Pramukh gave the welcome address and introduction of the program followed by 'Bhuvana Mandale' song. Mananeeya Sri. Hanumantha Rao ji, All-India Vice President, VRM & VK gave a lecture in which he briefly elucidated the life and message of Swami Vivekananda. Sri. Subbiah Ji, Murugan Vistar Sanyojak delivered the Happy Address and the program concluded with Shanti Mantra.

Personality Development Camp VK Chanakyapuri

 Personality Development Camp by Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari - Chanakyapuri Vistar

Young India Know Thyself -2021 - 3rd Orientation

 3rd Orientation - Young India: Know Thyself -2021 Students from Ramjas College , Kamala Nehru College, Deshbandhu College, Jesus and Mary College ,Swami shraddhanand college and others participated.

Orientation of Young India Know Thyself - J&K Chapter

 13 students of Central University of Jammu have participated in four hour workshop from different parts of Jammu province. We will make efforts to organise one more orientation for those who missed this one.

संघर्ष टालें समस्या सुलझाएं विषय पर वर्चुअल कार्यशाला सम्पन्न

 संवाद से समस्याएं सुलझाएं : डॉ.दिव्या जोशी

विवेकानंद केंद्र जोधपुर विभाग द्वारा आयोजित वर्चुअल कार्यशाला "संघर्ष  टाले, समस्या सुलझाएं" में सहभागियों को संबोधित करते हुए डॉ.दिव्या जोशी, एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर, डूंगर कॉलेज  बीकानेर , ने खुले मन से संवाद द्वारा  समस्याओं और संघर्षों को सुलझाने का सुझाव दिया।

डॉ.जोशी ने समस्याओं के समाधान के लिए निम्नलिखित बिंदु बताएं। हमें स्वीकार करना चाहिए कि हमें कुछ बातें परेशान कर रही है। सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण हमेशा लाभदायक होता है इसे बनाए रखें। व्यक्ति समस्या और संघर्ष से बड़ा होता है। जीवन के द्वंदो को स्वीकार कीजिए और उसे स्वभाविक समझिए, यह विश्वास रखिए सब कुछ अच्छा है और सब कुछ अच्छा ही होगा।

युवा कार्यशाला की संयोजिका विश्वा शर्मा ने बताया कि इस कार्यशाला के लिए 161 लोगों का रजिस्ट्रेशन हुआ एवं उपस्थिति 45 रही। विवेकानंद केंद्र जोधपुर विभाग इस प्रकार की कार्यशाला का आयोजन हर 15 दिनों मे करता है। इन कार्यशालाओं का उद्देश्य समाज के हर वर्ग, विशेषकर युवा वर्ग को उनके सम्मुख उपस्थित प्रासंगिक समस्याओं और चुनौतियों का सफलतापूर्वक प्रतिसाद देने के लिए सक्षम बनाना है। इससे कई लोग लाभान्वित होते हैं और अपना सकारात्मक अनुभव साझा करते हैं।

इस कार्यशाला का संचालन वैभव सारस्वत ने किया और कार्यक्रम के सफल आयोजन में कार्यकर्ता लिच्छा राम, मगराज चौधरी, गौरी सारस्वत, पुष्पलता, सौरभ आदि का सहयोग रहा।

Baal Shibir at Chanakyapuri - New Delhi

 आज विवेकानंद केंद्र, चाणक्यपुरी विस्तार में बाल शिविर का उद्घाटन सत्र रहा। आदरणीय गौरव आहूजा जी का मार्गदर्शन मिला। आदरणीय दीपा अरोड़ा दीदी विस्तार संयोजिका और आदरणीय राजीव रंजन जी सह संयोजक भी उपस्थिति रहे। आज परिचय के खेल , एक्शन सांग और Gita for Daily Life, Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Tejasvi vyaktitav  पुस्तक सबको वितरित की गई। आदरणीय अमित सोनी जी के घर जल पान की व्यवस्था रखी गई थी। अब कल शाम 5 से 7 बजे यह बाल शिविर 25 जुलाई तक निरंतर चलता रहेगा। निखिल यादव, शिविर प्रमुख । युवा प्रमुख विवेकानंद केंद्र उत्तर प्रांत

प्राणायाम सत्र संपन्न : विवेकानंद केंद्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा जोधपुर

 विवेकानंद केंद्र कन्याकुमारी शाखा जोधपुर, राजस्थान प्रांत द्वारा 11 जुलाई से 15 जुलाई तक प्राणायाम सत्र का आयोजन किया गया। यह सत्र ऑनलाइन गूगल मीट पर तथा ऑफलाइन केंद्र परिसर भवन में किया गया। इस कार्यक्रम में ऑनलाइन तथा ऑफलाइन 52 अभ्यासियो  ने भाग लिया जो 15 से 70 वर्ष आयु के थे।

प्रथम दिन कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत मां भारती के समक्ष दीप प्रज्वलित कर की गई। शिथिलीकरण की क्रियाओं का अभ्यास श्याम मालवीय तथा पंकज व्यास द्वारा कराया गया । दीपक जी द्वारा शरीर में प्राण क्या है ? प्राणायाम क्या है?  इस विषय को समझाया गया। प्रेम रतन जी द्वारा कपालभाति , खंडिय और पूर्ण योगिक श्वसन का अभ्यास कराया गया।

सत्र के दूसरे दिन श्याम मालवीय और जुगल किशोर अग्रवाल ने श्वसन क्रियाओं का अभ्यास, व्याघ्र श्वसन तथा लघु शवासन कराया। दीपक जी द्वारा पंचकोश का विस्तृत वर्णन और प्रेम रतन जी द्वारा चंद्र अनुलोम विलोम,चंद्र भेदन,सूर्य भेदन, नाड़ी शोधन  का अभ्यास कराया गया।

सत्र के तीसरे दिन श्याम मालवीय और जुगल किशोर अग्रवाल  ने श्वसन अभ्यास,   ॐ  कार उच्चारण के साथ शशांक आसन श्वसन कराया गया। दीपक खैरे जी द्वारा पंचप्राण का विस्तृत वर्णन किया गया । प्रेम रतन जी द्वारा भस्त्रिका, भ्रामरी का भी अभ्यास कराया गया।

चौथे दिन के सत्र में श्याम मालवीय और  जुगल किशोर अग्रवाल ने श्वसन  अभ्यास को मंत्रों के साथ कराया । दीपक जी द्वारा कोविड  महामारी को ध्यान में रखते हुए अधोमुख  श्वसन की जानकारी हरि भैया के  डेमो के साथ दी गई । प्रेम रतन जी द्वारा उज्जायी , शीतली, शीतकारी का अभ्यास कराया गया।

सत्र के समापन दिवस 15 जुलाई को मुख्य अतिथि और वक्ता जोधपुर नगर संचालक अशोक दानी जी ने सहभागियों को  स्वयं को स्वस्थ रखते हुए राष्ट्र को भी स्वस्थ रखने का आव्हान किया । इसके पूर्व राज भूतड़ा द्वारा सत्र परिचय व नगर प्रमुख डॉ अमित व्यास जी द्वारा केंद्र परिचय, श्याम मालवीय द्वारा  सभी का धन्यवाद ज्ञापन किया गया। उसके पश्चात सभी सहभागियों ने अपना अनुभव साझा किया। केंद्र प्रार्थना के पश्चात अल्पाहार रखा गया।

Karyakartha Prashikshan Shibhir at Madurai

 Vivekananda Kendra Madurai organised a one day non-residential Karyakartha Prashikshan Shibir on 11th July 2021 from 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. in which 22 karyakarthas participated.

The camp started with prayer at 10.30 a.m. which was followed by a brief experience sharing session and Sri. Saravanakumar ji, Shibir Pramukh elucidated the aim of the camp. Mananeeya Radha Devi didi, Dakshin Prant Sangathak gave the first session on 'Discipline in Personal and Organisational Life' in which she stressed upon the importance of observing discipline in every aspect of life.  After the session, two teams were formed and Manthan was done on “Watering the Roots” and the discussed points were summed up by Sri. Kameswaran ji, Baudik Pramukh.

In afternoon a short drama on ‘Karyapaddhati’ lead by Karyapaddhati Pramukh - Sri. Natarajan ji, songs practice, game and Kendra prarthana abhyas were there. Su. Sumitra didi, Nagar Sangathak conducted the abhyas satra for which four groups were formed and situation based questions were given for discussion and presentation. Mananeeya Sri. Hanumanth Rao ji, All-India Vice President, VRM & VK gave ashirvachan in Ahuti Satra in which he explained the real meaning of Ahuti which is surrendering one’s whole life for national work. All the participants did pushpanjali to Omkar and took sankalpa to contribute their time and energy to national work more effectively. The camp concluded with Kendra Prarthana.

Green Rameshwaram - Rama’s squirrel calling ……

 Dear Friends,   

‘Padma Shri’ (2019), Jamuna Tudu is an environmental activist. She is called ‘Lady Tarzan’ for taking on the Timber mafias and Naxals in Jharkhand. Tudu is also the founder of “Van Suraksha Samiti’ which prevents illegal felling of trees near her village in Jharkhand.
Jamuna’s quest with forest conservation started in the year 2000. Hailing from Mathurgham- Chakulia village of East Singhbum district in Jharkhand, she noticed that many trees were being illegally cut in the nearby forests by a forest mafia.
It was even more disturbing for Tudu that none from her community were doing anything against it. So, she decided to single-handedly take up the task by herself.
Armed with sticks, Jamuna went after the woodcutters. Within a few years, many women from the neighbourhood also joined. They started patrolling the forests, carrying arrows, bows, sticks to fight the mafia and to protect the 50-hectare forest around the village.
Now with over 60 active women members, the Forest Safety Committee she founded supervise the jungle in the morning, afternoon and evening, in three shifts. Often when the Mafia tries to set fire to the forest in the darkness, they also pay visits at night.
Her efforts have led to great results. The whole community calls her “Lady Tarzan” because of her courage, and supports her in the initiatives. Despite facing death threats from timber mafia and even her village men, she did not stop her efforts in protecting the forests from getting destroyed.Over the last 20 years, she has saved over 50 acres of forest across 300 villages in Jharkhand. The Jharkhand Armed Police works with her in protecting the forests. Considering her initiatives, the forest department has adopted the Mathurgham village, where it now provides water supply and school facilities.
Taking inspiration from Tudu, the village women now consider trees as their brothers. They plant 18 trees when a girl is born, and 10 trees when a girl gets married in the village.
Click the link for listening the story in audio visual form.

We at Rameswaram also would like to emulate the example of Smt.Jamuna Tudu by increasing the green cover as a carbon sink in the coming years.

This month’s newsletter has the following highlights:

  • Dr. Sanjay Banerji in his blog wants the role of Nature as Stakeholder in the development paradigm.

  • Shri.Rangarajan, Chennai writes about a rare book – ‘Dhevaiula’ on Ramanathaswami.

  • Regular Solid waste management work by - Hand in Hand Inclusive Development Services, Chennai.

  • Dr.A.Abirami, Programme Officer of C.P.R. Environmental Educational Center writes about the herbal plant – Adhatoda .

  • In Social capital our service to the community during the 2nd wave of the pandemic continued by way of distribution of Kaphasura Kudineer, Nilavembu Kasayam to villagers and online yoga class for the elders to increase their Innate Immunity and finally 'Green Rameswaram newsletter’ by the students and for the students of Rameswaram. 

Click here for this month’s newsletter.

With best wishes,
Editorial Team
Green Rameswaram Project
Mahabeer Dharmasala
Rameswaram - 623526
Ph: 04573 - 222296(office)

Friday, July 30, 2021

Atma Deepo Bhava - VKVVF

 Vivekananda kendra Vedic Vision Foundation started a unique programme titled as "Atma Deepo Bhava"  which is a workshop to mould ones own life. Four eminent personalities will be conducting these classes and they will be guiding by answering the questions and answers. There by bringing about self transformation in ones own lives.  Srimad Swami Hari Brahmendranandaji  Man. Lakshmi Didi, Sri Raghunandan and Sri Shoukat will be dealing with the classes.  Classes  will he held on zoom platform. In all 100 people have registered for the programme.  Sri Anil K.N. and  Sri Jaya Sankar and Sri Raghunath will be coordinating the programme.

Report For The Month Of June - Mysore

 Yoga Satra And Pranayama Class ( Online) Report :  5 Satras

Vivekananda Kendra Mysore conducted 3 pranayama  satra from 04.06.2021 to 12.05.2021,  Morning 6.00 to 6.45, noon 10.00 to 10.30 and evening 6.00 to 6.45. All together 22 participated.
Yoga Satra:  Morning and evening , started on 14th to 27th June, Practice given to Protocol of International  Day of Yoga , Breathing , loosening exercises, Surya namaskara, Asanas, pranayama, Bhajans taught to participants. 32 people participated. 

Yoga varga: everyday 6 karyakartas from Mysore.

Kendra varga ( online) : on every Sunday 6.00 am to 7.15 am . 20 karyakartas attending regularly. Prayer, Shubashita, Bhajan, Viveka vani, Patriotic song, Yogasana, Games, Boudhik on Kendra Prayer. 

Bhajan Sandhya: on every Sunday 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm .( Guru, Ganesha, Shiva, Devi, Rama, Krishna, Mishra and Nirvanashatak)  24 people attending . Assam-7, Bangalore-7, Udupi-2, Mysore-7 , Maharastra-1  , Kerala- 3, and  4 families from Mysore are attending .

Morning Prayer on everyday 5.45 to  6.00.  6  karyakartas  attending
Vishwa parisara diwas on 5.6.2021 , saplings planted and distributed. 100 banana sapling planted at Yelwala . 
On Ekadashi day Vishnusahasranama chanting in online. 

Vimarsha: on 12th June Sri Ravi Kumar talked on the subject Hanuman – ideal for Karyakarta. 31 people attended in this vimarsha. On 26th Su. Soumya Didi given guidance on the subject Goal for Life. 16 attended. 

Covid Assistance: Provisions worth Rs. 3,800/- for 5 families of  Smt . Rangamma, Smt. Jayamma, Smt. Shivamma, Smt Rama bai, Sri Bassanna . weekly vegitables distribution for 9 families worth Rs. 100 per family.

Ananadalay: 2 places- One in Mysore 4 students . Bagalkote- 7 students  and  2 in online.
Paper bag making : 42 kgs bag prepared and sold @Rs.30/-.

Special Report

Vivekananda Kendra, Mysore conducted Sthaniya Karyakarta Prasikshan Shibir from 12th June 2021 to 23rd June 2021. Due to pandemic the KPS was held virtually on Google Meet. All the esteemed speakers guided our karyakartas with their invaluable knowledge on various topics.

On 12th June Sri Ravi Kumar spoke on the topic “Hanuman, The Ideal of a Karyakarta”. He characterized Hanuman and added why it is so important for a karyakarta to inculcate those in their life. 

On 14th June Sri Ramesh talked on “Ma. Eknathji and Vivekananda Rock Memorial”. He emphasized mainly on how Ma. Eknathji faced the challenges during construction of the rock memorial. And also he presented a video of the vrm construction. 

On 15th June Rishikesh Kumar spoke on “Swami Vivekananda’s life with patriotic dimension”. He talked about how swamiji built a broader picture of India and its spirituality. Adding swamiji’s work in uprising Indians in various ways and inspiring many patriots.

On 16th June all India general secretary of Vivekananda Kendra Ma. Bhanudas Ji addressed the meeting about “The problem that the society is facing and need of organized work”. He very presented the current situation of the society and its adversities. Further he guided all the karyakartas for working in an organized way to overcome all those adversities. 

On 17th June Sri Ravi Kumar briefed about “The Pariposhak Yojana” of Vivekananda Kendra. He clearly explained why subscriptions are made and how to make patrons.

On 18th June Dakshin Prant Sanghatak Ma. Radha Didi guided all the karyakartas on “Methodology for Conducting various Programmes and Baithaks”. She well explained each and every subtle aspects of conducting any programme. She spoke of the post programme activities like report writing and its importance. 

On 19th June Ma. Priyamvada Didi gave her talk on importance of “Anushasan” (Discipline) in one’s life. She guided everyone saying as banks of river help the stream to reach the ocean, so does discipline in our life. Her experience inspired all the karyakartas to be more disciplined.

On 20th June Sri Pravin Ji briefed about “Kendra Parichay”. He talked about Vivekananda Kendra objectives and explained all the service activities being done by Kendra. All karyakartas got a clearer picture of Kendra.

On 21st June Sri Shreenivasiah Ji expatiated about “Yoga – A way of life”. He educated everyone on Patanjali Yoga Sutras, and also spoke briefly on Ashtanga Yoga. It was a very knowledgeable session as all karyakartas learnt the history and importance of yoga in daily life.

On 22nd June Sri Nirag dave Ji guided on “Skill development for conducting Samskara Varga”. He gave his new ideas and techniques for planning and conducting Samskara Varga. Overall main objective being character and personality development of kids.

On 23rd June Ma. Lalitha Didi explained the “Meaning of Kendra Prayer and Shanti Mantra” in simpler way. All karyakartas understood the meanings and were made to sing with the very essence of the prayers.

International Yoga Day 2021 - Dakshin Prant - Tamil Nadu Vibhag

 Vivekananda Kendra - Tamil Nadu Vibhag celebrated International Day of Yoga 2021 through online as well as in actual in which around 2000 people participated.

For the International Day of Yoga program, 2551 registrations were received from people all over Tamil Nadu till 18th June 2021. Yoga practice sessions as per common yoga protocol were conducted for all the registered participants on 19th and 20th June 2021. The practice sessions were conducted from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. on both days through ZOOM which was broadcast live on YouTube also. The yoga demonstrations and instructions were given by Vivekananda Kendra Chennai Karyakarthas.

On 21st June 2021, the collective online program was organised from 6 a.m. to 7.30 a.m. The program was conducted through ZOOM and was also broadcast live on YouTube [Click here to watch]. About 1100 people joined this program via Zoom & YouTube.

The program started with lighting the lamp and prayer. Sri. Saravanakumar, Karyakartha, VK Madurai sang a patriotic song which was followed by welcome address by Smt. Sariga, Vice Principal, VKV Kanyakumari. Mananeeya Sri. Hanumanth Rao Ji, All-India Vice President, VRM & VK gave the Asirvachan in which he expounded the positive effects of Yoga and stressed upon the continued practice of Yoga.

Then, yoga practice (as per CYP) was done for which the demonstration and instructions were given from VK Chennai. The yoga practice session was completed with Sankalpa which was led by Sri. Natarajan, Karyapaddhati Pramukh, VK Madurai. Smt. Thangalakshmi, YCC Coordinator, VRM & VK gave the vote of thanks with a brief introduction of Kendra activities. The whole program was anchored by Kum. Vedha Vidhya, Karyakatha, VK Chennai and it was concluded with Shanti Mantra.

Apart from this online program, several programs were done in actual also with COVID precautionary measures:

  • VK Chennai – 20 participants.
  • VK Madurai – 32 participants.
  • VKV Kanyakumari Staff & Family - 158 participants.
  • VK RDP – 126 participants.
  • IIT Madras – 45 participants.

 College Programs:

  • NMS Sermathai Vasan College for Women, Madurai – 48 students.
  • Lady Doak College, Madurai – 105 students.
  • S.I.V.E.T College, Chennai -  62 students.
  • Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai – 55 students.
  • Sri Ramachandra Institute for Higher Education and Research, Chennai – 148 students.
  • Tambaram Post office, Chennai – 28 participants.
  • Namaskar Yoga, Chromepet, Chennai - 172 participants.

 Altogether around 2000 people participated in the International Day of Yoga 2021 celebrations in Tamil Nadu Vibhag. Totally 1524 feedback forms were received from the participants and 1539 E-certificates of participation were issued.

Odisha Pranta Krayakarta Shibir

 Odisha Pranta Krayakarta Shibir

As scheduled the Odisha Pranta Krayakarta Shibir was organised  from 09.06.2021 to 13.06.2021. It was decided  to assign the responsibility of Yoga session of the Shibir that falls in the time slot 6.00-6.55 AM to various Nagar Sthans. Accordingly,  the day in which a particular Nagar  Sthan   took Yoga Varga had been given below.

 Time Table
5.45 - 6.00 AM Pratahsmaran
6.00 - 6.55 AM Yoga Varga
6.55 - 7.00 AM Patriotic Song
7.00 - 7.30 AM Baudhik Satra
7.30 - 7.40 AM Interaction (Q&A)
7.40 AM           Shanti Mantra & KP

 Yoga Varga
Date              Nagar Sthan
09.06.2021   Cuttack
10.06.2021   Kendujhar
11.06.2021   Brahmapur
12.06.2021   Baleswar
13.06.2021   Bhubaneswar

Baudhik Satra
Date              Topic and Speaker
--------              -----------------------------
09.06.2021 "VK Ek Baicharik Andolan": Ma.Bhanuji, Gen. Secy, VRM&VK, Kanyakumari.
10.06.2021 "UddeshyaPurna Jeebana": Ma. Kishoreji, Joint Gen. Secy, VRM&VK, Kanyakumari.
11.06.2021 "Adhyatma Prerit Seba Sangathan": Ma. HanumanthRaoji, Vice President, VRM&VK, Kanyakumari.
12.06.2021 "VK Samastanka Sammilana Sthala": Ma. Laxmi Bhai, Sangathaka Odisha Seba Praklapa and AICYAM,Bhubaneswar.
13.06.2021  "Sangathan: Purna Nistha": Ma. Nivedita didi, Vice President, VRM&VK, Kanyakumari

Prant Pranayam Prashikshan Shivir - Odisha


Gist of the 3 Bouddhik sessions during the Pranayam Prashikshan Shibir :-

 May 24, 2021

Ma. Hanumanth Raoji, All India Vice President of VKK addressed the participants, on VK’s approach to Pranayama practice during which the following points were highlighted:

  • . Mention of Pranayam in Vedic literature like Rig Veda (Shrutis), Shatpath Btahman, Manusmruti (Smrutis), Upanishads, Shankaracharya’s Yoga Tarabali, Yoga Vashistha, Shrimad Bhagabat Gita, Hatha Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, etc.
  • In none of the texts “Kumbhaka” is mentioned, as it is understood nowadays. In Kendra we focus on “Keval kumbhaka”, as experienced after Bhastrika
  • In Nirvana Prakarana of Yoga Vashishtha, the process of slow breathing with awareness has been discussed in detail. In Kendra we follow this Vashishtha system of Pranayama.
  • Controlling depth, length and sound of breathing and observing the changes during both inhalation and exhalation.
  • Observing breathing /Prana – creating awareness. There is connection between the mind and breathing.
  • In pranayam, the role of Prajna is very important. Prajna works only when the mind is calm. Hence mind should be quietened before the practice of Pranayama. Complimentarily, due to the practice of Pranayama, mind quietens.
  • Bhagawad Gita 4.29 talks about Gati Rudhhwa and Patanjali Yoga Sutra talks about Gati Viccheda:.  Both talk about the speed. No need of stopping the speed, but controlling the speed.
  • Hence the practice of Pranayam done by VK, with no focus on Kumbhaka, is in line with Yoga Shastras.
  • Chandra and Surya Anuloma and Viloma, are the contribution of VK to the practice of Pranayam

 May 25, 2021

Sri Laxminarayan Bhai, Prakalpa Sangathak spoke on PANCHAKOSHA in general and Pranamaya Kosha in particular.

• When a man involves in any activity, he uses 5 aspects – the Body (Annamaya Kosha), energy behind (Pranamaya Kosha), Mind (Manomaya Kosha), the thinking faculty (Vijananmaya) and the feeling of Bliss (Anandamaya kosha).

• This is beautifully described in Taiteriya Upanishad – Brigu-Varuni samvad.

• Veda say we have to live upto 100 years. For that the body should be properly utilised. The nearest thing to the Physical body is the Pranic body.

• Pranayama important to balance and activate the Pranic body.

 May 26, 2021

Smt Kalpana Mehta, All India Yoga Certificate Course co-coordinator, spoke on PRANIC BODY:

“At the beginning of the cycle they (Pranic energy) start up, strike upon the Akasha, and out of the Akasha evolve these various forms, and as the Akasha changes, this Prana changes also into all these manifestations of energy. The knowledge and control of this Prana is really what is meant by Pranayama."

— Swami Vivekananda in raja Yoga

अमृत परिवार कार्यक्रम - बिहार-झारखण्ड प्रान्त

विवेकानंद केंद्र कन्याकुमारी, बिहार एवं  झारखंड प्रांत द्वारा रविवार, 27 जून 2021  को संध्या 4:30 से 6:00 बजे "अमृत परिवार : समृद्ध भारत का आधार" विषय पर ऑनलाइन Youtube पर  विमर्श का आयोजन हुआ । वर्तमान परस्थिति को देखते हुए विवेकानन्द केन्द्र ने पूरे भारत मे अमृत परिवार प्रकल्प का आयोजन होना है  बिहार-झारखंड में इस विमर्श के माध्यम से अमृत परिवार प्रकल्प का शुभारंभ किया है । विमर्श कार्यक्रम में कुल 367 परिवारों ने पंजीयन किया जिसमे 200 परिवार कार्यक्रम में सहभागी हुए ।

कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत तीन ओमकार शांति पाठ से की गई उसके पश्चात्  गीत, केंद्र परिचय, विवेक वाणी हुआ । विवेक वाणी के पश्चात् कार्यक्रम की मुख्य वक्ता माननीय निवेदिता रघुनाथ भिड़े ,अखिल भारतीय उपाध्यक्ष ,विवेकानंद केंद्र कन्याकुमारी का "अमृत परिवा"र पर उद्बोधन हुआ । उन्होंने कहा -

  • भारत राष्ट्र में हजारों वर्षों से अनेकों आक्रमण हुए, फिर भी ,इन आक्रमणों के बावजूद भी सनातन धर्म नष्ट नहीं हुआ। भारत ने अपने संस्कार और पहचान को नहीं खोया और भारत का तत्वज्ञान भी नष्ट नहीं हुआ । वह म्यूजियम का विषय नहीं बना l  सनातन धर्म अमृत तत्व का विषय है ,यह अनुभूति का मार्ग दिखाता है। 
  • भगवत गीता में भी भगवान श्री कृष्ण ने सनातन धर्म को अमृत धर्म बताया है। 
  • फिर उन्होंने कहा परिवार में दादा _दादी ,माता _पिता बच्चों के भविष्य के लिए सारा जीवन लगा देते हैं  कि हमारे बच्चों का भविष्य अच्छा होना चाहिए ,सुख _सुविधा युक्त होना चाहिए। ऐसा करके क्या बच्चों को हम सही दिशा दे पाते हैं ,शायद नहीं l आज बच्चों के ऊपर अनेक प्रकार के वैज्ञानिक आक्रमण हो रहे हैं । हम सोचते हैं बच्चे हमारे परंपरा को आगे लेकर जाएंगे लेकिन होता क्या है बच्चे बाहर जाते हैं और ड्रग्स एवं अन्य व्यसनों  के  शिकार हो जाते हैं जिससे वे धर्म से कटने वाले दुराग्रही बन जाते हैं तथा अपने परंपरा से कटने लगते हैं।
  • उन्होंने कहा  इन सभी चीजों से बच्चों को लैमिनेट करना होगा ताकि विपरीत परिस्थितियों में भी उस पर किसी भी प्रकार का कोई दुषप्रभाव ना पड़े।

 कार्यक्रम के अंत में प्रश्नों उत्तरी ,आगामी सुचना तद पश्चात् शांतिमंत्र से कार्यक्रम का समापन हुआ । सुसंगठित परिवार से राष्ट्र समृद्ध की संकल्पना को साकार करने के लिए विवेकानंद केन्द्र ने अमृत परिवार प्रकल्प का शुभ्रम्भ किया है यह कार्यक्रम इस प्रकल्प का शुभ्रम्भ है। आए हम केन्द्र के गतिविधियों में भाग लेते हुए अपने परिवार, समाज, राष्ट्र एवं विश्व को समृद्ध बनाएं।

Yoga Day Celebration - Devagiri Vibhag

 On the occasion of International Yoga Day, a series of online Yoga Satras were organized by Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Devagiri Vibhag of Maharashtra Prant between June 11 to June 20 , 2021 .

No of Yog Satra - 4

Total Registration -371

Average attendance per day - 131

Timing : 6.30 to 7.30 AM

In the Vibhag level Yoga Satra , 3 groups as per age were made .

First group - Age between 16 to 40 years

Second group - Age between 41 to 60 years

Third group - Age 61 years and above

The Yoga Satra included Relaxation Techniques , Suryanamaskar , Asana , Pranayama .

Total 25 Karyakartas from the Devagiri Vibhag were involved in conducting the Yoga Satras .

Personality Development Camp - Telugu Prant - Hyderabad Vibhag

 Vivekananda Kendra Kanya Kumari, Telugu Prant, Hyderabad Vibhag conducted 7 day Personality development camp for children on 12/06/2021 to 18/06/2021, daily for 2 hours from 16:00 - 18:00

The objective of this camp was to instill in the participants self-confidence, strength and courage, skills needed for team work, and to strengthen their sense of patriotism, and love for the timeless culture and traditions of our country.

The activities of the camp included story-telling, virtual games, Yogabhyasa, Suryanamaskar, sloka recitation, and chanting of Mantras such as Shanti Mantra, Bhojan Mantras. The camp concluded with the Shanti Mantra and the Kendra Praarthana.

Mode of conduct: Online
Total Participants: 53

Personality Development Camp - Telugu Prant - Warangal Vibhag

 Vivekananda Kendra Kanya Kumari, Telugu Prant, Warangal Vibhag conducted 7 day Online Personality development camp for children on 10/06/2021 to 16/06/2021, daily for 2 hours from 18:00 - 20:00hrs

Total participated: 20 participants

Objective of this camp was to generate love for our country, culture, tradition through Stories, Games, Chantings, songs, Yogabhyasa (Suryanamaskaras & Yogaasanas), Simple yet effective do-able activities related to our tradition.

Each day of the Week-long PDC had the following themes around which all others revovled:
Self Confidence, Strength & Courage, Team Work, Family Values, Indian Traditions & Patriotism.
Yogabhyasa : Suryanamaskara, Taadasana, Vrukshasana, Natarajasana

Dayitva & Krayakarta
Mantra, Shloka, Geet : shri. Manoja akka
Mantras covered were: Shanti Path, Shanti Mantra, Suryanamaskara Mantra, Suryanamaskara Beeja Mantras, Bhojana Mantra, Janmadina Shloka, Kendra Prarthana

GeetsL Swamiji Vivekudu, Aata kalisi aadudam, Nirmal Sura Gangajala, Jayamu Jayamu Bharata maata..
Yogabhyasa: susmitha akka and sudha sree akka
Stories: Shri.Srinivas Garu
Agna Abhyas: shri. Sudha sree
Games: Shri. Manoja akka

Sessions used to end with Avalokana, Sankalpa, Shanti Mantra followed by Kendra Prarthna
Udghatana satra was addressed by Shri. Ramanuja Rao garu and Shri.Balaram garu.

The concluding programme was on 16th June 2021. Highlight of the programme was

the participants used to express their hidden talents in the break time, practicing geet/sloka and on some days, we have showed them different videos like Kargil war, video on  Hanuman and bheem and motivational and inspirational videos. The concluding programme was addressed by Telugu Prant Sangatak Aadariniya Sujatha didi. Didi explained the importance of the sopana (steps) to achieve  our goal( individual as well as organizational). Didi also included the concept of Amrut parivar and the role of family members in this maha yagna.

The Online camp concluded with Shati Mantra followed by Kendra Prarthana.

Personality Development Camp - Telugu Prant - Godavari Vibhag

 Vivekananda Kendra Kanya Kumari, Telugu Prant, Godavari Vibhag conducted 7 day Personality development camp for children on 12/06/2021 to 18/06/2021, daily for 2 hours from 16:00 - 18:00

The objective of this camp was to instill in the participants self-confidence, strength and courage, skills needed for team work, and to strengthen their sense of patriotism, and love for the timeless culture and traditions of our country.

Shri P. Vishwanatham Garu delivered the inaugural address in which he spoke about the various activities of the Vivekananda Kendra. The activities of the camp included story-telling, virtual games, Yogabhyasa, Suryanamaskar, sloka recitation, and chanting of Mantras such as Shanti Mantra, Bhojan Mantra and the like. The concluding program was addressed by Shri A. Sadasiva Garu, Telugu Praant Sampark Pramukh. The camp concluded with the Shanti Mantra and the Kendra Praarthana.

Mode of conduct: Online
Total Participants: 43

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

International Yoga Day 2021 - Telugu Prant - Hyderabad

 Vivekananda Kendra Telugu Prant, IDY 21st June in Hyderabad, celebrated the Seventh International Yoga Day as per given common yoga protocol

Following are the details:

4 programs conducted
Conducted 3 Offline and 1 online programs
Total participants: 51

VK Kaushalam - Offline - 9 Participants
Gajularamaram -  Online -  20 Participants
Ibrahimpatnam  - Offline - 2 Participants
Dilsukhnagar - Offline - 20 Participatns

Saturday, July 24, 2021

International Yoga Day 2021 - Telugu Prant - Kadapa

 Vivekananda Kendra Telugu Prant, IDY 21st June in Tirupati, Balaji Vibhag celebrated the Seventh International Yoga Day as per given common yoga protocol

Following are the details:

Conducted online
1 programs conducted
Total participants: 28

International Yoga Day 2021 - Telugu Prant - Kurnool

 Vivekananda Kendra Telugu Prant, IDY 21st June in Tirupati, Balaji Vibhag celebrated the Seventh International Yoga Day as per given common yoga protocol

Following are the details:

Conducted online
2 programs conducted
Total participants: 245

Govt Degree College for Men. - 195 particpants
Other - 55 Participants

International Yoga Day 2021 - Telugu Prant - Tirupati

 Vivekananda Kendra Telugu Prant, IDY 21st June in Tirupati, Balaji Vibhag celebrated the Seventh International Yoga Day as per given common yoga protocol by Sri. Maruthi Mohan Ready ji

Following are the details:

Conducted online
Total participants: 35

International Yoga Day 2021 - Telugu Prant - Vijayawada

 Vivekananda Kendra Telugu Prant, IDY 21st June in Vijayawada, Krishna Vibhag celebrated the Seventh International Yoga Day as per given common yoga protocol

Following are the details:

Conducted off-line
Total participants: 18

International Yoga Day 2021 - Telugu Prant - Godavari Vibhag

 Vivekananda Kendra Telugu Prant, IDY 21st June in Godavaari Vibhag celebrated the Seventh International Yoga Day as per given common yoga protocol

Following are the details:

Conducted off line
Total participants: 103

Total 4 programs conducted at different places
Amalapuram  -  Online - 15 Participants
Eluru (Brahmanandagiri)  -  Offline -  30 Participants
Eluru (Janardhanswami)  -  Offline -  08 Participants
Gram (Palakollu)  -  Offline -  50 Participants

International Yoga Day 2021 - Telugu Prant - Parvathipuram

 Vivekananda Kendra Telugu Prant, IDY 21st June in Uttara Andhra Vibhag, Parvathipuram(Niyojitsthan) celebrated the Seventh International Yoga Day as per given common yoga protocol

Following are the details:

Conducted off line
total participants: 30

International Yoga Day 2021 - Telugu Prant - Nagole

 Vivekananda Kendra, Nagole, Telugu Prant, IDY 21st June experienced Yoga both in Virtual and physical. On the request of Nagole division Corporater, Conducted Physical IDY at Subhodayam function hall Nagole simultaneously Virtual.

The objective of this camp was to develop in the participants self-confidence, strength and courage, skills needed for team work, and to strengthen their sense of patriotism, and love for the timeless culture and traditions of our country.

Physical 35 and Virtual 21 participated.
Dr Malathi Syamala, Director, Vemana yoga Research Institute and Nature cure Hospital Telengana Govt was guest speaker for both virtually