Vidyarambha ceremony was performed by Girija Didi of VKV Dhemaji and she was accompanied by Dona Bora who is is selected as the first teacher of VKV Sissiborgaon. After that programme a public meeting was held and it was presided over by Smt. Lavanya Hajarika, the principal of Sissiborgaon Higher Secondary School. Sus Reboti didi, Jt. Secretary, VKSPV, Guwahati , addressed the parents and others regarding the purpose and role of VKVs in the society. Sri R N Pathak, Office Incharge of VKSPV, Guwahati also told regarding the importance of support of parents and well wishers in the growth of the vidyalaya. Sri Mridupavan Chutia, Associate Professor of Sissiborgaon College (Secretary, Prastutui Samiti, VKV Sissiborgaon) introduced the dignitories present in the meeting and also delivered the vote of thanks. Almost 100 people were present in the meeting. Nam Kirtan was also performed by the Vhakats of the village. students of VKV Dhemaji presented patriotic songs and Bhajans on the occasion.
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