Total seventeen papers were presented on Oral History of the Jaintias, The papers were well written and well presented on the Sub topics were - Traditional self governing Institutions, Administrative organisation of Seinraij Jowai, God and Goddess of Jaintia community, Divination, Marriage system of the Jaintias, Birth Rituals, Naming rituals and Death rituals, Community Festivals, Creation History of the Jaintias, Traditional healing, Two papers on Traditional knowledge for cultural continuity, Mourning prayers of the War Jaintias, Kopati puja. In the discussion part some addition/modifications were there.
Mananeeya Nivedita Bhide, Vice-President of Vivekananda Kendra (VK) and Dr. Joram Begi, Prant Sanchalak, VK Arunachal Pradesh Prant were present throughout the seminar apart from VKIC Director. Dr Joram Begiji delivered the Keynote address and Mananeeya Nivedita Didi delivered the Valedictory address. She highlighted the commonalities of Jaintia community as to see the Divinity in all, worshiping actually the Divine that is expressed in Nature, respect for mothers, respect and obligation to the ancestors, etc. Didi also cleared some basic confusions. Ma Pravin Dabholkar, Joint General Secretory, VK spoke of the activities of Vivekananda Kendra. Nine Jaintia community elders were felicitated for their outstanding contribution to the community with citations and a Naga shawl in valedictory session .
The discussion on the areas of future joint ventures was discussed with Shri Seinraij President and Kong Waisa Sumer, Joint Secretary of the Seminar team. . The areas before us are culture, health, education, etc. The collaborative participation of Seinraij Jowai was very systematic and organized. The seminar was a very much learning experience for all.
Mananeeya Nivedita Bhide, Vice-President of Vivekananda Kendra (VK) and Dr. Joram Begi, Prant Sanchalak, VK Arunachal Pradesh Prant were present throughout the seminar apart from VKIC Director. Dr Joram Begiji delivered the Keynote address and Mananeeya Nivedita Didi delivered the Valedictory address. She highlighted the commonalities of Jaintia community as to see the Divinity in all, worshiping actually the Divine that is expressed in Nature, respect for mothers, respect and obligation to the ancestors, etc. Didi also cleared some basic confusions. Ma Pravin Dabholkar, Joint General Secretory, VK spoke of the activities of Vivekananda Kendra. Nine Jaintia community elders were felicitated for their outstanding contribution to the community with citations and a Naga shawl in valedictory session .
The discussion on the areas of future joint ventures was discussed with Shri Seinraij President and Kong Waisa Sumer, Joint Secretary of the Seminar team. . The areas before us are culture, health, education, etc. The collaborative participation of Seinraij Jowai was very systematic and organized. The seminar was a very much learning experience for all.
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