Shibir started with Bhajans at 6.00pm on 24 Dec 2015 in Eknath Sabhangan, specially erected for the shibir in Vivekanandapuram, Kanyakumari. Sri Soumitra Pujari, Shibir Pramukh welcomed the participants. Importance of the shibir was briefed by Shri Abhay Bapatji, Shibir Adhikari. Film on Eknathji was shown. Total 646 youth from 22 states are participating in this shibir in which 239 are sisters.
Routine of first day shibir started at 6.00 am with Pratahsmaran and Yogabhyas. Formal inauguration was at 9.00 am. Kum Priyamvada lead the national song Vande mataram. Sri Abhay Bapat, Shibir Adhikari introduced the dignitaries on the dias. Sri Soumitra Pujari, Shibir pramukh felicitated the guests. Sri P Parameshwaranji, president of Vivekananda Kendra in his message to shibir participants that Seva for those who deserve is the duty of every human being. For that one has to dedicate one’s life. Such dedication should be regularly practiced. Such dedication comes from identifying ourselves as the embodiment of divinity. Upon their organised dedication depends the future of Mother India and also ultimately of the world.
Sri Hanumant Rao Gayakwad, an enlightened successful entrepreneur from Pune shared his story of fulfilment in serving the nation. A single thought of Swami Vivekananda – Take up one idea, think of it, dream of it, leave any other idea alone, that is the way to success has inspired him to start Bharat Vikas Group during his college days. Today the trust employs more than 65,000 youth and a brand name for quality service. His message for the youth is to serve the nation with quality work.
Mananeeya Balakrishnanji, Vice president of Vivekananda Kendra briefed the life and contribution of Mananeeya Eknathji to the participants and extended invitation to the youth to serve nation under Vivekananda Kendra banner. Programme concluded with shanti mantra at 11.30am.
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