ed over by commissioner of Amravati Muncipal corporation Shri. Chandrakant Gudewar. Shri. Anand Bagdia, Vidarbha Vibhag Pramukh, was chief guest. The programme was held at Town Hall, Nehru Maidan at 6.30 pm. 100 people attended.
A Medical camp was arranged by Dr Hedgewar Hospital at Ma. Eknathji's birth place - Timtala - from 10 am to 2 pm. Patients from 3/4 surrounding villages visited the camp. They had check-up and were given medicines.
On 21st Nov.2014, Vivekananda Kendra, Wardha branch organised Samidha programme at Bajaj vachanalay. Shri. Satish Mahajan, Head of the Department (Medicine) of Javaharlal Nehru Medical college presided over the programme. Ma. Nivedita Bhide, vice-president of Vivekananda Kendra addressed the audience. She elaborated on the inspiring message of Swami Vivekananda and Ma. Eknathji's tireless efforts to realize it. Shri. Pramod Borkar, Nagar Sanchalak, proposed vote of thanks.
Ma. Nivedita Didi emphasised on Ma. Eknathji's vision in starting the service activities in North - Eastern region of our country, while speaking in Nagpur programme on 22nd Nov. Shri Satishji Wate, Director of National Environmental Engineering Research Institute presided over the function. Dr. Jagadish Hedawoo, Superintendent of Government Medical College and Nagpur Nagar Sanchalak explained the importance of the programme. A book published by Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan Trust - Learning for a Manager - was released and it was well received by the audience.
Vivekananda Kendra Maharashtra Pranta has brought out a 12 pages calendar in Marathi. In this calendar Kendra's service activities are depicted on each page. In each of the Samidha programmes in Vidarbha, the calendar was released. Vivekananda Kendra activities were presented to audience in P Pt. form. Kendra books were also available for sale. A short but very inspiring film on Ma. Eknathji's life and work was liked by all. A beautiful song about Ma. Eknathji added to the beauty of the programme. Programmes ended with Shanti Mantra and Kendra Prarthana.
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