माननीय मोहनराव जी भागवत ने अपने उदबोधन में
विवेकानन्द जी के जीवन पर बोलते हुए कहा कि स्वामी विवेकानन्द जी की जो
दृष्टि थी तथा जो उन्होंने बताया वही कार्य आज संघ कर रहा है।
उन्होंने बताया कि स्वामी जी ने कभी जाति, धर्म, समुदाय के आधार पर मनुष्य
में भेद नहीं किया। स्वामी जी के विचारों से अवगत करवाते हुए उन्होंने
बताया कि आपमें शक्ति होना बहुत आवष्यक है, सनातन धर्म में होते हुए भी
स्वामी जी ने लोगों से कहा था कि गीता पढ़ने से अच्छा है फुटबाल खेलना,
जिससे शरीर बलषाली हो। उनका मानना था कि कमजोर राष्ट्र कभी सर उठाकर नहीं
खड़ा हो सकता इसलिए दुनिया के सामने अपने को सक्षम बनाने के लिए हमें शक्ति
अर्जित करनी चाहिए। उनका यह भी मानना था कि हम भटकी हुए दुनिया के साथ
खड़े होने के लिए नहीं हैं अपितु भटकी हुए दुनिया को सही मार्ग व दिषा देने
के लिए बने हैं। उन्होंने बताया आज की सभी समस्याओं का हल व्यक्ति के
संकल्प पर टिका है, बुराइयों को समाप्त करने की पहल मैंने करनी है, अपने
परिवार से करनी है, ऐसा संकल्प सभी लेते हैं तो कोई समस्या नहीं रहेगी।
उन्होंने बताया कि विवेकानन्द जी की 150वीं वर्षगांठ का यह वर्ष देष के
उत्थान तथा दुनिया को दिशा देने का महत्वपूर्ण वर्ष होगा तथा भारत जागो
विश्व जगाओ के उदगोष को सार्थक करेगा।
Thursday, January 17, 2013
स्वामी विवेकानन्द सार्धशती समारोह का भव्य रूप से उदघाटन
भारत जागो ! विश्व जगाओ !! से गूंजी संतरा नगरी
इस अवसर पर सार्धशती समारोह महाराष्ट्र राज्य के
उपाध्यक्ष श्री विलास काले, राष्ट्र सेविका समिति की प्रमुख संचालिका
वन्दनीय शंताक्का, नागपुर के महापौर अनिल सोले, शैक्षिक आमदार नागो गाणार,
कमलाताई मुखर्जी, रा. स्व.संघ के नागपुर महानगर संघचालक डॉ. दिलीप गुप्ता,
नागपुर विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति डॉ.विलास सपकाल, शोभायात्रा के संयोजक एड.
रमण सेनाड, सार्ध शती के संयोजक सोमदत्त करंजेकर, विवेकानन्द केंद्र के
विदर्भ विभाग प्रमुख आनंद बगड़िया मंचासीन थे। शोभायात्रा में अनेक विधायक,
मंत्री, लोकप्रतिनिधि, शिक्षाविद व गणमान्य नागरिक प्रमुखता से उपस्थित थे।
शोभायात्रा में कुल 61 झांकियां थीं, जिनमें सेवा कार्य करने वाली 155 संस्थाओं के कार्यकर्ताओं ने भाग लिया।
शोभायात्रा में अनेक आकर्षण के केन्द्र थे, जिनमें अंध विद्यालय के
छात्रों तथा विभिन्न विद्यालयों के विद्यार्थियों द्वारा लेजिम पथक, युवाओं
द्वारा खड्ग युद्ध तथा दांड पट्टा प्रात्याक्षिक के साथ ही विद्यालयीन
छात्र-छात्राओं द्वारा बैंड पथक प्रमुख थे। झाँसी रानी चौक पर राष्ट्र
सेविका समिति की बहनों ने तलवारबाजी तथा लाठी युद्ध द्वारा के माध्यम से
समाज में स्वरक्षण, शीलरक्षण व समाज रक्षण का संदेश दिया। स्वामी
विवेकानन्द के विविध चित्रों तथा विचारों पर आधारित 61 झांकियों थीं। झांसी
रानी चौक पर बर्फ से बनी स्वामीजी की मूर्ति भी इस यात्रा का आकर्षण का
केंद्र रहा। इसके साथ ही चलते रथ पर सूर्यनमस्कार का प्रदर्शन, मेहाडिया
चौक पर दही हांडी का प्रात्यक्षिक तथा मार्ग के विभिन्न स्थानों पर अनेक
संस्थाओं द्वारा पथनाट्य प्रस्तुत किये गये। यात्रा में विविध संस्थाओं
द्वारा 61 चित्ररथ के माध्यम से समाज परिवर्तन व जागृति का संदेश दिया ।
शोभायात्रा में नागपुर महापालिका द्वारा संचालित शालाएं तथा निजी विद्यालय व
महाविद्यालय के छात्र-छात्राएं भारी संख्या में सम्मिलित हुए। शोभायात्रा
को सफल बनाने के लिए मनपा ने पूर्ण सहयोग किया। महेश्वरी समाज द्वारा 10
हजार लड्डू, झेप संस्था द्वारा समोसे, बापट परिवार तथा नानिवडेकर सभागृह
द्वारा प्रसाद वितरित किया गया।
विवेक विचार साहित्य सेवा' के रथ के माध्यम से स्वामी
विवेकानन्दजी की जीवनी तथा विचारों पर आधारित हिन्दी, मराठी तथा अंग्रेजी
में साहित्य की भरी मात्रा में विक्री की। शोभायात्रा में बनवारीलाल
पुरोहित, मा. गो. वैद्य निखिल मुंडले, भरत जोशी, संदीप जोशी, मुक्ताताई
पत्तार्किने, सारिका पेंडसे, विवेकानन्द केंद्र की जीवनव्रती कार्यकर्ता
प्रियंवदा दीदी, गौरीताई खेर, अरुणा ताई देशपांडे अपर्णा केसकर, गुलाबराव
वंजारी आदि अनेक गणमान्य नागरिक उपस्थित थे।
Swami Vivekananda 150th jayanti celebrations at bowenpalli - secunderabad
The program was followed by a two wheeler rally with about 150
vehicles. Total Sakhya Tarun 200, Bal 50. Flag off was done by Sri
स्वामी विवेकानन्द की 150वीं जयन्ती पर भव्य षोभायात्रा - नई दिल्ली - 12 जनवरी, 2013
मंच से गायत्री परिवार के प्रमुख डा। प्रणव पण्डया ने
सम्बोधित किया। उन्होने कहा कि स्वामी विवेकानन्द का जन्म गौरव महसूस
कराता है। इस देश की आजादी का आधार स्वामी विवेकानन्द बने
लेकिन सांस्कृतिक आजादी नहीं मिल पायी। स्वामी जी ने आशावाद जगाया,
अद्वैतवाद को पुनः जागृत किया। उन्होने कहा कि स्वामी विवेकानन्द युवाओं के
‘रोल माँडल’ होने चाहिए। जीवन से नकारात्मकता हटाना ही सन्यास है। दिषाहीन
युवा नकारात्मक देश खडा करता है। स्वामीजी के जीवन और संस्कार में
सकारात्मकता के अलावा कुछ नहीं था। स्वामी विवेकानन्द को हरेक के जीवन में
उतारना ही हमारा लक्ष्य होना चाहिये। भारत ही विश्व को दिशा दे सकता है।
हमारा लक्ष्य अपने ज्ञान से लोगों को दिशा देना होना चाहिये। अब वह समय आ
रहा है जब लोग हमें निहारेंगे, उस समय के लिए हम तैयार रहें।
माता अमृतानन्दमयी देवीजी (अम्मा)
ने अपने सन्देश में कहा कि स्वामी विवेकानन्द महान कर्मयोगी रामकृष्ण
परमहंस के ऐसे पुष्प थे जिन्होने सबको सुगन्धित किया। आध्यात्मिकता केवल
जंगल में सन्यास नहीं, समाज का जीवन सुधारना है। समस्त समाज को उठाने का
आधार सही शिक्षा है उसके लिए उचित शिक्षा पद्धति की अपेक्षा है।
कार्यक्रम के अन्त में लालकिले से
स्वामी विवेकानन्द जी के जीवन को दर्शाती भव्य झांकियां निकाली गई जिसमें
स्वामी विवेकानन्द सार्द्धशती के उद्देश्यों को दर्षाती पांचों आयामों
(युवा, प्रबुद्ध भारत, संवर्धिनी, ग्रामायण और अस्मिता) से जुडी झांकियां
भी प्रस्तुत की गई। लालकिले से भव्य शोभायात्रा चान्दनी चैक, खारी बाउली,
लाहौरीगेट, नाँवल्टी सिनेमा, पुरानी दिल्ली रेलवे स्टेषन से होती हुई वापस
लालकिले पर समाप्त हुर्ह। शोभायात्रा का स्थानीय लोगों ने पुष्प वर्षा से
स्वागत किया। शोभायात्रा में बडी संख्या में स्कूली बच्चों, महिलाओं तथा
नागरिकों ने भाग लिया।
स्वामी विवेकानन्द सार्धशती के अवसर पर बड़ोदरा में बाना विश्व रिकार्ड
विश्व विक्रम : दिनांक 12 जनवरी को बड़ोदरा (गुजरात) के अकोटा स्टेडियम में स्वामी विवेकानंद सार्धशती
के अवसर पर आयोजित एक कार्यक्रम में बीआरजी ग्रुप द्वारा संचालित बीआरजी
स्पोर्ट्स कल्चर एजुकेशन फोरम और उर्मि स्कूल - गुजरात पब्लिक स्कूल के
1600 विद्यार्थियों ने मानव मशाल की आकृति बनाई | जिसमे छात्र स्वामी
विवेकानंद की वेशभूषा में थे | मानव मशाल 186 फिट लम्बी और 5
4 फीट चौड़ी थी | वीर सेनानी विवेकानंद तुम्हे बुलाते है ,उठो जवान ........ के गीत की धुन पर यह मानव मशाल लगातार 15 मिनिट तक प्रज्वलित दिखाई दी | इस पूरे कार्यक्रम में ब्रिटेन से आये गिनीज बुक वलर्ड रिकार्ड के प्रतिनिधि रिचर्ड स्टेलिंग उपस्थित रहे |
4 फीट चौड़ी थी | वीर सेनानी विवेकानंद तुम्हे बुलाते है ,उठो जवान ........ के गीत की धुन पर यह मानव मशाल लगातार 15 मिनिट तक प्रज्वलित दिखाई दी | इस पूरे कार्यक्रम में ब्रिटेन से आये गिनीज बुक वलर्ड रिकार्ड के प्रतिनिधि रिचर्ड स्टेलिंग उपस्थित रहे |
Vivekananda message provides solutions to all our problems
Swami Vivekananda’s 150th Jayanthi celebrations started in Hyderabad
HYDERABAD : Swami Vivekananda’s messages continue to provide solutions to all our problems, but it only needs political will to tackle problems, said Sri Ravi Kumar Iyer, Saha Samyojak, Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh. He was speaking as chief guest at the inauguration event of Swami Vivekananda 150th Jayanthi Celebrations in Hyderabad on January 5, 2013.
According to him, Swami Vivekananda’s life teaches us the basic essentials that our society needs to cultivate are enormous courage, youthfulness and positive energy. Recalling that Swami Vivekananda said he needed hundreds of youth who can change the fate of the country, he said now we are having numerous such youth who have been recognised for their unparallel intelligence and technical know how.
Though the media reports makes us to feel sad about prevailing conditions in the country, he said many young Indians have been achieving unpredictable glory though their immense intelligence through out the world. But the media has no time to look into that brighter side of the Indian icons, he said.
Referring to major outcry in the country following recent gang rape of a 23-yaer-old girl in the national capital New Delhi, Sri Ravi Kumar Iyer said we could have avoided such incidents had we aware of our people about Sita and Savitri.
He said India is completely a different nation in the world after 1998 Phokran nuclear test. The US President Bill Clinton, who had imposed sanctions against India after the nuclear test and practically imposed ban on Indian youth landing in US, was forced with in two years to visit India with a 50-member-old trade delegation to revival relations only to save their own economy.
Recalling that Indians have been purchasing key industries in Europe from the open stock market and Indian brains have been contributing for the technological operations all over the globe, he said that Indians have been proving their upper hand in almost all sectors.
He recalled that India is one among three nations presently stated as registering high rate of development, only after US and China. Countries like Germany, France and Japan are not nearer to us, he added. India is the only democratic country registering more than 6 per cent growth rate continuously besides severe economic crisis, while all the western countries are struggling hard to gain 1 to 3 per cent growth rate, he said.
India has been emerging as a mighty scientific power in the world through its indigenous Information Technology, Super Computers and rocket technologies. Recently, when India successfully tested its Agni-V which can target intercontinental ballistic missile at range of 5,000 KM, he recalled that China deputed our claim and said it can target at a range of 8,000 KM and above. “That is how our technological capacities recognised in the world”, he added.
He said that Singapore Prime Minister once said that “If China’s growth rate frightens Asian nations; India’s growth rate gives security to other countries”. Sri Ravi Kumar Iyer said Yoga and Vedic knowledge are now spreading like wild fire all over the globe. He said that Swami Vivekananda makes the world to understand that “India is not a geographical entity, but a spiritual land”.
Recalling that an American young women, Tulasi (31) who took oath in their people’s representative house on Gita, first time by any one in the US, he said she is not Indian origin. He predicted in few decades, US may have a President who puts his trust on Hindu ethos.
Pujya Sri] Sithikantananda Swamy, Monk of Sri Ramakrishna Math, Hyderabad, delivering Aashish prasang said that Swami Vivekananda is combination of
Buddhath’s heart and Shankara’s mind. He said that Swami Vivekananda was the first person, who introduced India’s great spiritual strength to the world. According to him, while the western world always struggle hard to discuss on external phenomena’s of the human body, it was only Indian seers discusses on the internal world of the human body. The bedrock of India’s strength is spiritualism, he said.
Stating that youth in the age group of 20 to 28 are being attracted more towards Swami Vivekananda’s teachings and books published on Swami Vivekananda are widely sold presently, he expressed confidence that the future of this land will rest with glory in the hands of these youth.
Sri Hanumantha Rao, life worker of Vivekananda Kendra and treasurer of Swami Vivekananda 150th Jayanthi Celebrations Committee, said that the great
contribution of Swamiji was to realise the people that men is embodiment of GOD and service to humanity is service to Madhav. Besides spiritual
activity, Swami makes us to realise the need to look after the well-being of the humanity, which contributes essential part of spirituality.
Former DGP of Andhra Pradesh and State President of 150th Jayanthi Committee Dr K. Aravind Rao presided over the programme. Stating that Swami Vivekananda is relevant even today, he summarised Swami’s contributions in three fields, namely dharmic, social and political. As these three areas are even now in crisis, he said only Vivekananda’s spirit will help us to come out from this trauma.
The moral courage shown by him is lacking in our leadership, which is
root cause of numerous problems of our society, he added.
150th Jayanthi Utsava Samithi central committee members Justice Ambati Lakshman rao, former Chief Justice of Allahabad High Court; Justice C V Ramulu, former High Court Judge; Sri Pullela Gopichand, former international badminton champion; state committee general secretary Dr C. Umamaheswar Rao, IAS (Rtd.), Former Vice Chancellor of Osmania University and city president Prof T TirupathiRao, city general secretary Sri Balda Ashok and Smt. Gottipati Satyavani, convenor, Bharatiyam, were present. Large number of prominent citizens attended the programme.
HYDERABAD : Swami Vivekananda’s messages continue to provide solutions to all our problems, but it only needs political will to tackle problems, said Sri Ravi Kumar Iyer, Saha Samyojak, Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh. He was speaking as chief guest at the inauguration event of Swami Vivekananda 150th Jayanthi Celebrations in Hyderabad on January 5, 2013.
According to him, Swami Vivekananda’s life teaches us the basic essentials that our society needs to cultivate are enormous courage, youthfulness and positive energy. Recalling that Swami Vivekananda said he needed hundreds of youth who can change the fate of the country, he said now we are having numerous such youth who have been recognised for their unparallel intelligence and technical know how.
Though the media reports makes us to feel sad about prevailing conditions in the country, he said many young Indians have been achieving unpredictable glory though their immense intelligence through out the world. But the media has no time to look into that brighter side of the Indian icons, he said.
Referring to major outcry in the country following recent gang rape of a 23-yaer-old girl in the national capital New Delhi, Sri Ravi Kumar Iyer said we could have avoided such incidents had we aware of our people about Sita and Savitri.
He said India is completely a different nation in the world after 1998 Phokran nuclear test. The US President Bill Clinton, who had imposed sanctions against India after the nuclear test and practically imposed ban on Indian youth landing in US, was forced with in two years to visit India with a 50-member-old trade delegation to revival relations only to save their own economy.
Recalling that Indians have been purchasing key industries in Europe from the open stock market and Indian brains have been contributing for the technological operations all over the globe, he said that Indians have been proving their upper hand in almost all sectors.
He recalled that India is one among three nations presently stated as registering high rate of development, only after US and China. Countries like Germany, France and Japan are not nearer to us, he added. India is the only democratic country registering more than 6 per cent growth rate continuously besides severe economic crisis, while all the western countries are struggling hard to gain 1 to 3 per cent growth rate, he said.
India has been emerging as a mighty scientific power in the world through its indigenous Information Technology, Super Computers and rocket technologies. Recently, when India successfully tested its Agni-V which can target intercontinental ballistic missile at range of 5,000 KM, he recalled that China deputed our claim and said it can target at a range of 8,000 KM and above. “That is how our technological capacities recognised in the world”, he added.
He said that Singapore Prime Minister once said that “If China’s growth rate frightens Asian nations; India’s growth rate gives security to other countries”. Sri Ravi Kumar Iyer said Yoga and Vedic knowledge are now spreading like wild fire all over the globe. He said that Swami Vivekananda makes the world to understand that “India is not a geographical entity, but a spiritual land”.
Recalling that an American young women, Tulasi (31) who took oath in their people’s representative house on Gita, first time by any one in the US, he said she is not Indian origin. He predicted in few decades, US may have a President who puts his trust on Hindu ethos.
Pujya Sri] Sithikantananda Swamy, Monk of Sri Ramakrishna Math, Hyderabad, delivering Aashish prasang said that Swami Vivekananda is combination of
Buddhath’s heart and Shankara’s mind. He said that Swami Vivekananda was the first person, who introduced India’s great spiritual strength to the world. According to him, while the western world always struggle hard to discuss on external phenomena’s of the human body, it was only Indian seers discusses on the internal world of the human body. The bedrock of India’s strength is spiritualism, he said.
Stating that youth in the age group of 20 to 28 are being attracted more towards Swami Vivekananda’s teachings and books published on Swami Vivekananda are widely sold presently, he expressed confidence that the future of this land will rest with glory in the hands of these youth.
Sri Hanumantha Rao, life worker of Vivekananda Kendra and treasurer of Swami Vivekananda 150th Jayanthi Celebrations Committee, said that the great
contribution of Swamiji was to realise the people that men is embodiment of GOD and service to humanity is service to Madhav. Besides spiritual
activity, Swami makes us to realise the need to look after the well-being of the humanity, which contributes essential part of spirituality.
Former DGP of Andhra Pradesh and State President of 150th Jayanthi Committee Dr K. Aravind Rao presided over the programme. Stating that Swami Vivekananda is relevant even today, he summarised Swami’s contributions in three fields, namely dharmic, social and political. As these three areas are even now in crisis, he said only Vivekananda’s spirit will help us to come out from this trauma.
The moral courage shown by him is lacking in our leadership, which is
root cause of numerous problems of our society, he added.
150th Jayanthi Utsava Samithi central committee members Justice Ambati Lakshman rao, former Chief Justice of Allahabad High Court; Justice C V Ramulu, former High Court Judge; Sri Pullela Gopichand, former international badminton champion; state committee general secretary Dr C. Umamaheswar Rao, IAS (Rtd.), Former Vice Chancellor of Osmania University and city president Prof T TirupathiRao, city general secretary Sri Balda Ashok and Smt. Gottipati Satyavani, convenor, Bharatiyam, were present. Large number of prominent citizens attended the programme.
Unique Programme - Swami Vivekananda's photo in meditation in front
As all of us aware 2013 is Swami Vivekananda's 150 Birth Anniversary Celebrations. Several organisations and institutions the world over will organise programmers as a befitting tribute to this great Patriot Saint of India who was intensely nationalistic and deeply universal. In a special effort initiated by Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari several individuals, organisations and institutions working at local, state, regional, national, international levels will come together to celebrate this historic event. The uniqueness of this effort by the Vivekananda Kendra is that it will be celebrated without any organisational banner. It has at core Swami Vivekananda's thought, National Union in India must be a gathering up of its scattered, spiritual forces. Titled Swami Vivekananda Saardh Shati Samaaroh [Swami Vivekananda 150 Birth Anniversary Celebrations], the programmes will be organised through five segments - Youth, women, policy makers, villagers and the hill-forest
people. For convenience of coordination celebrations in 42 Praants will touch 4 lakh families and an estimated 20 crore people of the country.
people. For convenience of coordination celebrations in 42 Praants will touch 4 lakh families and an estimated 20 crore people of the country.
The motto is Bharat Jaago! Vishwa Jagao!!! Wake Up India! Enlighten the World!!
Today - 25 December - is the day when Swami Vivekananda commenced his three-day meditation on the sacred Rock off Kanyakumari in 1892 to understand his mission for the future of India. He foresaw that India has to rise with its great spiritual tradition, its cultural values as the foundation and reach out to the world with its message of peace and harmony. To commemorate the same, thousands of people - young and old alike - participated in the Sankalpa Divas programme today. The purpose was to make individual commitments in order to make these celebrations successful. arunachal the program was celebrated at 42. In Arunachal the programme was celebrated in 42
place having more than 7000 participant. In addition to this several programmes were held in educational institutions and other venues in the state. People flocked in a serene atmosphere which saw a unique programme - Swami Vivekananda's photo in meditation in front of which people sat in neat rows and files or semi circles as convenient. Instead of the regular lectures by appointed speakers, a compact disc played a 30-minute message that included two songs, the background to Swami Vivekananda's meditation on the Rock and his message for humanity and specifically to Indians. In the serene ambience, people took an oath - silently, each by himself/herself in their heart - to volunteer their time, skills or resources in whatever way they could to make the
celebrations successful in a way that social values and harmony could be restored. What is also unique is that people cut across narrow regional, religious and community bounds to participate.
place having more than 7000 participant. In addition to this several programmes were held in educational institutions and other venues in the state. People flocked in a serene atmosphere which saw a unique programme - Swami Vivekananda's photo in meditation in front of which people sat in neat rows and files or semi circles as convenient. Instead of the regular lectures by appointed speakers, a compact disc played a 30-minute message that included two songs, the background to Swami Vivekananda's meditation on the Rock and his message for humanity and specifically to Indians. In the serene ambience, people took an oath - silently, each by himself/herself in their heart - to volunteer their time, skills or resources in whatever way they could to make the
celebrations successful in a way that social values and harmony could be restored. What is also unique is that people cut across narrow regional, religious and community bounds to participate.
Sankalp Diwas at Kanyakumari
At Head Quarters, in Vivekananda Kendra Vidhyalaya Kanniyakumari, two Sankalp Din programmes celebrated. One is at morning 11 to 12.30p.m. in the presence of our General Secretary, Ma. Bhanudasji and Vice President Ma. Nivedita didi Sadhana Diwas conducted. In this 79 sisters and 96 brothers, totally 175 karyakartas were there from 48 villages from 21 panchayats of Agasteeswaram taluk. Another Sankalp Din programme for Vivekananda Kendra Staff was conducted in the evening at 6.30pm at VKVKK, in the presence of our Vice-President Ma. Balakrishnanji. In this programme 25 sisters and 65 brothers, totally 90 Karyakartas participated.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
SADHANA DIWAS at Kanyakumari!!
17 Karyakartas were participated. The song on Ma. Eknathji , 'Vandana
Abhi nandana ..... was sung. Sri Muthysamyji, Karyakarta anchored the
whole programme. Sri Rajasekarji, Sayyojak briefed about life sketches
of Ma. Eknathji. From the book of Sadhana of Service, the chapter Live
A Purposeful Life was read and discussed. On this special occasion all
have taken the sankalp to contribute more in Vivekananda Kendra
Activities and Swami Vivekanand Sardha Sathi Samaroha Celebrations.
The programme ended with Kendra Prarthana.
"रामायण एक्जिहिबिशन" व भारत माता मंदिर के लिये भूमि पूजन
जैसा की आपको विदित होगा ही की अपने विवेकानंदपुरम परिसर में "रामायण एक्जिहिबिशन" व भारत माता मंदिर का निर्माण प्रस्तावित था, जिसका आज पूज्यपाद संत श्री गोविन्द देव जी महाराज के द्वारा भूमि पूजन संम्पन्न हुआ! पिछले कुछ दिनों से वे अपने केम्पस में ही उनके द्वारा भागवत कथा का आयोजन किया जा रहा है जिसका आयोजन महाराष्ट्र से आये हुए उनके भक्त जानो द्वारा किया गया है ! प्रातः ५ बजे से गणपती यज्ञ के पश्चात् ८ बजे भूमि पूजन का कार्य संपन्न हुआ ! मा. बालकृष्णन जी, बुलधान अरबन पारिवार कि संचालाक मंडली, मा. भानु जी, मा. अपर्णा दीदी और मा. मामाजी सहित सभी कार्यकर्ता उपस्थित रहे !
1. SAMSKARA VARGA: 5 places 152 students.
2. SWADYAYA VARGA: 2 places 12 people
3. PLACES- 37 PEOPLE BENIFITED at Jayanagar center. Apart from
Yogasanas morning prayer, karma yoga shloka sangrah, krida yoga and
bhajans in different days .
BHAJAN : Daily at Jayanagar center - 18 children. Every Saturday and Sunday at Kendra- 16 people attending.
SRI RAMKRISHNA ANANDALAYA : DAILY- 22 children from Class 2nd to 9th standard.
MA. SHARADA MATRU MANDALI: Every Wednesday 15 Mothers attending and chanting soundarya lahari, Bhajans, patriotic songs etc.,
SRI RAMKRISHNA ANANDALAYA : DAILY- 22 children from Class 2nd to 9th standard.
MA. SHARADA MATRU MANDALI: Every Wednesday 15 Mothers attending and chanting soundarya lahari, Bhajans, patriotic songs etc.,
NARENDRA BALAK SANGHA : 17 boys from class 2nd to class 10th attending every Sunday. 10 boys attended the sharamadhan camp on 19th. November.
BAGINI NIVEDITA BALIKA SANGHA: 19 girls from Class 2ND to class 8th attending every Sunday. Deepa pooja training given to them.
Kannada Rajyotsava celebrated at Kendra. Smt. Manorama, Retd. Head
Mistress was the Chief Guest. Quiz conducted for the Anandalaya and
Samskara varga students.
EKNATHJI BALAMOHOTSAVA: November 4th sports conducted for Samskara varga students at R B I Vistar. Nearly 85 children took part.
SADHANA DIWAS: On 19th November Sadhana diwas observed at Kendra. Karma Yoga shlokas chanted. Sri Ramachandraji spoke on Ma. Eknathji. 19th morning Shramadhan camp organized near Kendra. Study materials distributed to 20 students.
150th Years celebration programmes
QUIZ COMPETITION: Quiz on Swami Vivekananda , Ramayana and Mahabharat conducted on November 18th for college and high school students.76 students participated.
EKNATHJI BALAMOHOTSAVA: November 4th sports conducted for Samskara varga students at R B I Vistar. Nearly 85 children took part.
SADHANA DIWAS: On 19th November Sadhana diwas observed at Kendra. Karma Yoga shlokas chanted. Sri Ramachandraji spoke on Ma. Eknathji. 19th morning Shramadhan camp organized near Kendra. Study materials distributed to 20 students.
150th Years celebration programmes
QUIZ COMPETITION: Quiz on Swami Vivekananda , Ramayana and Mahabharat conducted on November 18th for college and high school students.76 students participated.
PATRIOTIC SONG AND ESSAY COMPETITION : On 30th December, patriotic song and essay writing conducted for primary, high school and college students. Around 140 students from different schools and colleges from Mysore city participated. SANKALPA DIWAS: On 25th evening Sankalpa diwas observed at Kendra. 23 karyakartas attended the programme.
Inauguration of swami vivekananda's 150th birth anniversary celebration committee, KERALA
The kerala state Inauguration of swami vivekananda's 150th birth
anniversary celebration committee,was held on 18th November 2012 at
hotel woods mannor, ernakulam. The program was inagurated by high court
judge justice. THOTTATHIL.B.RADHAKRISHNAN In that eminent writter
C.RADHAKRISHNAN presides over the function. P.PRAMESWARAN (president,
vivekanandakendram), Justice V.R. KRISHNA
Saha Sanghachalak )etc presides over the function Around 200 delegates
attend the program.
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