Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Yoga Module for Teachers at Arunachal Pradesh
Monday, August 27, 2012
Guru Poornima Utsava at Delhi
On 8th of the July, 2012 Gurupoornima was celebrated at Murthal Village; Sonepat Haryana. It was organized by local karyakarta with inspiration & guidance from Vivekananda Kendra. Speaker Dr. Ashok Batra conveyed a wonderful message on moral and ethical values of the Indians to audience. Dr. Sudhir Garg came out with his powerful thought on importance of real guru which was adorable. 25 people took note and get benefited of these talks.
On 16th July, 2012 with 20 well-wishers Gurupoornima was celebrated at Aryasamaj Mandir, , Paschim Vihar Nagar. The programme was started with prayer; Sri Mahendra Singh Ji, Sanchalak Paschim Vihar had introduced importance of the Grupoornima from the point of view of Kendra. Smt. Savita Vasudev had delivered a lecture on Guru Poornima; After Kendra parichay & a call to join the celebration of Swami Vivekananda 150th Birth Anniversary, Ku. Sruti had presented quotation of Swami Ji. The program was ended with Shanti Mantra & Prasad Vitaran.
Lastly Gurupoornima was celebrated in Red Rose public School, Mohan Garden Vistar of Janakpuri Nagar, on 22nd of July, In presence of Chief Guest-Smt. Prem Agraval & speaker of the day Smt. Savita Vasudev. 42 people have taken benefit of the programme.
The Programme was Stated with 3 Omkars & Prayers, By the theme song of Swami Vivekananda's 150th Birth Anniversary "Sada Vivekanandamayam.." an ora of possitive energy was spreaded. To give Introduction of Kendra's activity to all present people so that they can also contribute in the mission of Man Making & Nation Building a small speech was delivered. A skit was performed by Karyakarta of Samskar Varg, it was about our ancient tradition of Guru & Shishya. The skit was derived from Ramayana & life of Swami Vivekananda & Sri Ram Krishna. Then After Savita Didi make every one understand about the real Guru. She has explained this fact with an example of a Lion; Who has misunderstood his potential & forgotten his real existence. Than another Lion came & pushed him to realize his actual ability. She also narrated many other story from Upanishad & Puranans, then they sung some bhajans collectively & vote of thanks was give by Shri Raj Mongia Ji Nagar Pramukh of Janakpuri Nagar. The Programme was happily ended with Shanti Mantra followed by Prashad Vitaran.
With this celebration Delhi took a one more step towards creating “Vivekanandamayam” environment.
Lastly Gurupoornima was celebrated in Red Rose public School, Mohan Garden Vistar of Janakpuri Nagar, on 22nd of July, In presence of Chief Guest-Smt. Prem Agraval & speaker of the day Smt. Savita Vasudev. 42 people have taken benefit of the programme.
The Programme was Stated with 3 Omkars & Prayers, By the theme song of Swami Vivekananda's 150th Birth Anniversary "Sada Vivekanandamayam.." an ora of possitive energy was spreaded. To give Introduction of Kendra's activity to all present people so that they can also contribute in the mission of Man Making & Nation Building a small speech was delivered. A skit was performed by Karyakarta of Samskar Varg, it was about our ancient tradition of Guru & Shishya. The skit was derived from Ramayana & life of Swami Vivekananda & Sri Ram Krishna. Then After Savita Didi make every one understand about the real Guru. She has explained this fact with an example of a Lion; Who has misunderstood his potential & forgotten his real existence. Than another Lion came & pushed him to realize his actual ability. She also narrated many other story from Upanishad & Puranans, then they sung some bhajans collectively & vote of thanks was give by Shri Raj Mongia Ji Nagar Pramukh of Janakpuri Nagar. The Programme was happily ended with Shanti Mantra followed by Prashad Vitaran.
With this celebration Delhi took a one more step towards creating “Vivekanandamayam” environment.
5 September 2012 - Interaction on "Implications of US Re-balancing to Asia in General and West Asia in Particular"
Interaction with Dr. Jon Alterman of CSIS on "Implications of US Re-balancing to Asia in General and West Asia in Particular"
(By invitation only)
Venue : VIF Conference Room, 3, San Martin Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi (IN)
Karyakarta Prashikshan shibir at Delhi
The KPS was divided into two phases; the theory and practical 2nd to 4th June theory and five and six practical at Kangra .
The schedule of theory part of the camp started daily at 5 am with prayer followed by Yoga Satra and Gita Pathan. Parichaya Satra, “Dheyagami Jivan” – the story of Rock Memorial and Ma.Eknath Ji, Challenge! And need of collective works, “Samparka Tantra” and Sawmi Vivekananda 150th birth anniversary were the lecture sessions. Having aim to make familiar every Karyakarta with KaryaPadhti, Yoga Varga and sanskar Varga of Mohan Garden Vistar were merged with KPS, so that participant may grasp experience of conducting the same & replicate it at their respective karyasthan.
On last day of theory class, a meeting was held ,many questions were raised and doubt were cleared for The Gram Sampark at Kangra.That meeting boosted enthusiasm in every ones heart.
On the same night the journey started from Delhi to Knagra, Himanchal Pradesh ‘Devbhumi- The Land of Lords’. After having some rest and launch, they visited HPCA Stadium, Bhakshunath Temple, Palace of Dalailama, Aghanjar Mahadev Mandir and Chinnmaya Mission. Everyone felt pride to be a part of the country which is so diverse and so rich in every aspect of diversity. On the first of practical, they had seen geographical diversity and its richness. On second day they felt the prosperity of culture.
To conduct workshops and bookselling campaign, all Karyakarta were divided into four groups, one for conducting workshop for college students of Apex Computer, Two for workshop at GAV school and last one for bookselling campaign 67 college students became a part of Yuva Prarana Shibir, the theme was India’s current challenges and our duty towards the situation. There were Yoga Session, games, group discussion and also a lecture on same topic. 92 school students had attended PDC. Yoga, games, geet story were the part of PDC. Bookselling campaign was held at bus station which is one of the highly dense area of the Kangra Valley
All groups had come back, taken launch and got ready for other practical i.e. Gram Sampark Abdullapur were allotted for Gram Sampark. Karyakarta were divided into groups of two and allotted a street. they have went to door to door and introduced Swami Vivekananda 150th Birth Anniversary and enquired about their life style, believes, main professions, achievements of village, history of village, festivals, cropping pattern etc.
Within one hour of Gram Sampark, they have got some enthusiastic group which were staring them from windows, behind walls, back yards and following one house to other house. After some ice breaking talks the group converted into demonstration of Samskar Varga. Their chanting of slogans, laughters, roars attracted some more visitors and became medium for more Sampark.
“Some people of Vivekananda Kendra from Delhi have come and doing activities for awakening India.” It was talk of the town on that day.
Lastly there was a public programme of Bhajan Sandhaya at Tanda Medical College Auditorium.
“Let New India arise- let her arise- out of the peasants\' cottage, grasping the plough; out of the huts of fisherman, the cobbler, and the sweeper. Let her spring from the grocer\'s shop, from the oven of the fritter-seller. Let her emanate from factory, from marts and markets. Let her emerge from groves and forests, from hills and mountains.”
During Gram Sampark everyone was touched by this word of Swami Ji, they felt each word is transforming into action.
29 August 2012 - Seminar on Perspectives from China on Af-Pak Situation and Counter Terrorism
Seminar on Perspectives from China on Af-Pak Situation and Counter Terrorism
(By invitation only)
Venue : VIF Conference Room, 3, San Martin Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi (IN)
(By invitation only)
Venue : VIF Conference Room, 3, San Martin Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi (IN)
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Janmastmi Mahotsava at Surat
The celebration started with Prayers followed by Krishna’s Bhajan. Then played the games of Loard Krishna like Hathi Ghoda Palkhi Jay Kanaiya lal ki. An then the main program of “Matki Fod” followed by Ras garaba (Rasotsav).
There were 53 Sanskar Varga children participated and the entire program managed by 10 karyakartas.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Vivekananda Prashnottari Pratiyogita at Delhi
The karyakartas received a very good response from the participating schools, where 1,637 number of students participated in the parikhsa, out of which 524 attended the one day workshop on Personality Development.
The registration for the same started from 4 pm on the 8th of May. The number of participants reached 51 ( 40 brothers and 11 sisters) from the 191 selected students, with 35 karyakartas to guide these emerging young minds. The children soon started befriending each other and a friendly and enthusiastic environment engulfed the camp. After this everyone sat for Bhajan Sandhya and finally the day ended with ratri bhojan.
In the coming days of the 19th, 20th and 21st, every morning started off with Prarthana at 5 am which was followed by some exercises and yoga and then Gita pathan in hindi. Soon after, everyone gathered for Shram Sanskar where all the Gans completed the duties assigned to them with great enthuse. After Alpahar, one and all gathered at the Baudhik kakshya for the Satra.
The Satra on the 19th was taken up by Smt. Savita Vasudev, who elaborated to the children about importance of coordination , which was the theme of the day, and Dr. S. V. Eshwaranji also took up a Satra where he enlightened the children of the qualities one must possess to achieve one’s goal in life and take one’s society and nation forward. Savita Didi also took up a Satra the next day on patriotism and one’s duty to one’s own motherland.
Following the Satra, everyone freshened up with a little jalpan and then all ran to the ground on the college premises to play many games which provided them with lessons along with fun. After, everyone sat down for Bhajan sandhya and then after bhojan all the children gathered for Anand Mela in which all enjoyed their fill. The days then ended with Hanuman Chalisa followed by Gan Baithak and Deep Nimilan.
On the last day of the camp i.e. the 21st, everyone started their day with Prarthana wich was followed by the 108 Suryanamaskar Yagya. Bursting with energy and enthusiasm, the children then sat for the Ahuti Satra in which each one took up a proclamation they would adhere to following the camp as they returned home. The parents of the children were also present in the Ahuti Satra which was followed by the closing ceremony in which they were all overjoyed to see their children performing Drama, Songs, a Suryanamaskar demonstration and Chorus. A book stall was installed in the premise for them to look into, and after that everyone sat for Bhojan which led to the completion of the 4 days long camp on a very happy, satisfied and inspired note.
Independence Day Celebration at VKV Kanyakumari
On the 66th Independence celebration of our great nation let us pay homage to all our leader who made large sacrifies to secure freedom for our country.
We celebrated 66th Independence Day in our school at 8.30 am. First the program was initiated by the song “Vandhe Matharam”, it was sung by our school students.
Pledge was presented by VII C Arul Godshini. National Anthem was sung by all to honour our Country. Welcome speech was given by Virushne of XI std. student. The blossoming buds of V.K.V. expressed their strength through mass Drill.
Safana of IX std delivered the speech in English about the importance of Independence day. IX and XI std students exhibited their patriotic spirit through a play “Anchanenjan Prushothaman”.
The body builders of IX and XI exposed their strength by Pyramid. Adithya of XII std delivered the speech in Hindi about the importance of Independence day. VI, VII and VIII std girls entertained the audience with a music dance.
The Chief guest Dr. R. Ramprabhu addressed the importance of the day and spoke about the important leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Lal Bahadhur Sastri and Bala Gangathar Tilak. He also insisted that, we use our freedom for building friendly neighbourhood, providing care and comfort to the needy, using the national resource for the upliftment of the down trodden and above all hold the values of our country at the highest peak of global tower.
Special guest address: Mananneya Nivedita Didi told about the fertility of our ancient India. She also told about the suffering faced by our freedom fighters. VI, VII, VIII and IX std students exposed band display.
Prizes were distributed by our honorable chief guest to the 90 A holders during the academic year 2011-2012. Next, our special guest Mannaneya Nivedita Didi Vice President of Vivekananda Kendra presented a memento to our honorable chief guest.
O.S. Uma of IX std presented the vote of thanks.
We concluded the programe by “Kendra Prarthana”.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
उठो! जागो!! भाषण प्रतियोगिता
स्वामी विवेकानन्द के ११ सितम्बर १८९३ के “विश्व विजयी भाषण” के द्वारा विश्वको दिया गया “बन्धुत्व” का संदेश पूरे विश्वमें “विश्व बन्धुत्व दिवस” के रूप में मनाया जा रहा है। विवेकानन्द केन्द्र भी हर साल इस समारोह को मनाता है। विवेकानन्द केन्द्र शिमला शाखा हर साल की तरह इस वर्ष भी भिन्न - भिन्न विध्यालयों के मेघावी छात्र-छात्राओं की भाषण प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन कर रहा है, जिसका विवरण निम्न प्रकार है।
१. ““उठो! जागो!!” भाषण प्रतियोगिता” दो गटों में निर्धारित की गई है।
गट १ : कक्षा ८वीं, ९वीं और १०वीं गट २ : कक्षा ११वीं और १२वीं
२. प्रतियोगिता सहभागी विद्यालय से प्रत्येक गट में २-२ (कुल ४) छात्र-छात्राओं को प्रवेश दिया जाएगा। प्रवेश नि:शुल्क है।
३. दोनों गटों के छात्र-छात्राओं को निम्नलिखित तीन विषयों में से एक विषय में ५ मिनिट में अपने विचार हिन्दी या अंग्रेजी में बिना पत्र पढें प्रस्तुत करने होंगे।
गट १ : कक्षा ८वीं, ९वीं और १०वीं
गट २ : कक्षा ११वीं और १२वीं
१) बनो और बनाओ
Be & Make १) योग के द्वारा स्वस्थ समाज
Physically & mentally Healthy Society through Yog
२) चरित्र निर्माण में परिवार की भूमिका
Family involvement in Character Building २) वर्तमान में नैतिक मूल्योंका ह्रास और मेरा कर्तव्य
Moral devolution in current era & My Responsibility
३) क्या मैं स्वामीजी के उन पुत्रो में से एक हूँ? कैसे?
Am I one of the Swamiji's Youth? How? ३) क्या मैं स्वामीजी के उन पुत्रो में से एक हूँ? कैसे?
Am I one of the Swamiji's Youth? How?
४. “उठो! जागो!! भाषण प्रतियोगिता” दिनांक ८-सितम्बर २०१२, शनिवार को दिन में १२ से ४ बजे तक सनातन धर्म वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विध्यालय, गंज बाजार, शिमला के सभागृह में होगी।
५. पुरस्कार वितरण ९ सितम्बर २०१२ रविवार मध्यान्ह के बाद विवेकनन्द केन्द्र, नाभा, शिमला में होगा।
६. हर गट में प्रथम तीन विजयी प्रतिभागियों को पुरस्कार एवं सभी प्रतिभागियों को प्रशस्ति पत्र एवं स्मारिका भेंट की जाएगी।
७. प्रथम आने वाले प्रतिभागियों की विध्यालयको "चलित पारितोषिक" (Running Trophy) दिया जायेगा।
८. नाम पंजीकृत करवाने की अन्तिम तिथि ६ सितम्बर २०१२ है।
९. नाम पंजीकृत करवाने के लिए निम्नलिखित पते पर पत्र या ई-मेल भेजें।
पता : विवेकानन्द केन्द्र, नाभा एस्टेट, शिमला-१७१००४
दूरभाष:(0177)-2835995, 94180 36995, 94180 25221, 94180 15995.
ई-मेल : shimla [at] vkendra.org
Web : http://www.vkendra.org
Blog : http://shimla.vkendra.org
Attachment : Click here to download School Letter
१. ““उठो! जागो!!” भाषण प्रतियोगिता” दो गटों में निर्धारित की गई है।
गट १ : कक्षा ८वीं, ९वीं और १०वीं गट २ : कक्षा ११वीं और १२वीं
२. प्रतियोगिता सहभागी विद्यालय से प्रत्येक गट में २-२ (कुल ४) छात्र-छात्राओं को प्रवेश दिया जाएगा। प्रवेश नि:शुल्क है।
३. दोनों गटों के छात्र-छात्राओं को निम्नलिखित तीन विषयों में से एक विषय में ५ मिनिट में अपने विचार हिन्दी या अंग्रेजी में बिना पत्र पढें प्रस्तुत करने होंगे।
गट १ : कक्षा ८वीं, ९वीं और १०वीं
गट २ : कक्षा ११वीं और १२वीं
१) बनो और बनाओ
Be & Make १) योग के द्वारा स्वस्थ समाज
Physically & mentally Healthy Society through Yog
२) चरित्र निर्माण में परिवार की भूमिका
Family involvement in Character Building २) वर्तमान में नैतिक मूल्योंका ह्रास और मेरा कर्तव्य
Moral devolution in current era & My Responsibility
३) क्या मैं स्वामीजी के उन पुत्रो में से एक हूँ? कैसे?
Am I one of the Swamiji's Youth? How? ३) क्या मैं स्वामीजी के उन पुत्रो में से एक हूँ? कैसे?
Am I one of the Swamiji's Youth? How?
४. “उठो! जागो!! भाषण प्रतियोगिता” दिनांक ८-सितम्बर २०१२, शनिवार को दिन में १२ से ४ बजे तक सनातन धर्म वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विध्यालय, गंज बाजार, शिमला के सभागृह में होगी।
५. पुरस्कार वितरण ९ सितम्बर २०१२ रविवार मध्यान्ह के बाद विवेकनन्द केन्द्र, नाभा, शिमला में होगा।
६. हर गट में प्रथम तीन विजयी प्रतिभागियों को पुरस्कार एवं सभी प्रतिभागियों को प्रशस्ति पत्र एवं स्मारिका भेंट की जाएगी।
७. प्रथम आने वाले प्रतिभागियों की विध्यालयको "चलित पारितोषिक" (Running Trophy) दिया जायेगा।
८. नाम पंजीकृत करवाने की अन्तिम तिथि ६ सितम्बर २०१२ है।
९. नाम पंजीकृत करवाने के लिए निम्नलिखित पते पर पत्र या ई-मेल भेजें।
पता : विवेकानन्द केन्द्र, नाभा एस्टेट, शिमला-१७१००४
दूरभाष:(0177)-2835995, 94180 36995, 94180 25221, 94180 15995.
ई-मेल : shimla [at] vkendra.org
Web : http://www.vkendra.org
Blog : http://shimla.vkendra.org
Attachment : Click here to download School Letter
Friday, August 17, 2012
Independence Day Celebration at VKV Vallioor
Dr. Sankaran, President of I. M. A., (Indian Medical Association), Former President of Rotary Club hoisted the National flag. Su. AparnaDidi, All India Vyavastha Pramukh, Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari, Shri. Ayyappan, Secretary of Vivekananda Kendra Rural Development Program (VKRDP) & Smt Janaki Pushpam, Vivekananda Kendra RDP, were the special guests. Students from all the level participated in Band Display.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Science & Mathematics workshop at Silchar, Assam
The participants were divided into various groups according to the subject physics, working model and mathematics. The participants students were prepared various models of Science & Mathematics which were judged by the following persons:
1.Sri Shasanka Roy, Headmaster, VKV, Ramnagar, Silchar
2. Sri Sonu Gupta, Maths Teacher, VKV, Tinsukia
3.Supriya Chakraborty, Science Teacher, Kachakanti Vidyamandir, Udarbond
4. Susmita Deb, Science Teacher, Kachakanti Vidyamandir Udarbond
5. Ratna Chakraborty. Kachakanti Vidyamandir Udarbond
6 . Sri Krishna Das, Science Teacher, B.C.Roy Memorial Academy, Silchar.
7. Prithwish Kumar Roy, B.C. Roy Memorial Academy, Silchar
8. Sri Dilip Nath, Science Teacher, Surya Kumar High School, Silchar.
9. Padmini Roy, B.C. Roy Memorial Academy, Silchar.
On 5th August Hon. MP of Silchar Sri Kabindra Purkayastha was visited & seen all the models prepared by the participants.
In the Veledictory funtion Kum. M.S. Lalita shared her experience about the non-formal teaching. Afterwords teachers and students also shared their experiences. The programme was concluded with praying God for world peace – (Vedic Chanting) Shanti Mantra followed by Vivekananda Kendra Prarthana.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
VISHWABHANU - Bimonthly Bulletin of VKVVF : June'12 & July'12
Bimonthly Bulletin of Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation is
released today covering the month June and July 2012.
Vishwabhanu 8
Bimonthly Bulletin of Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation is
released today covering the month June and July 2012.
Vishwabhanu 8
VK-Nardep Newsletter June 2012
Dear Friend of VK-nardep,
This month we bring in our newsletter an excerpt from a concept paper that deals with cultural values and bio-diversity conservation. In their paper ‘Integrating Cultural, Spiritual and Ethical Dimensions into Conservation Practice in a Rapidly Changing World',by Mark Infield & Arthur Mugisha, the authors bring out very clearly how each sub-set of cultural values are closely linked to various aspects of nature conservation. This gives a valuable framework for nature and bio-diversity conservation through culture. For a society like that of Indian society such a framework is very much important and relevant.
We bring you the various activities that are happening at VK-nardep including the free medical camps, workshops on the revival of ancient and endangered traditional medical system, Bio-methanation plant training programme and installation of bio-methanation plants in Tamil Nadu. This month as ever has been offering us rewarding experiences in taking sustainable technologies to people in general and rural & student communities in particular. We have given a comprehensive appraisal of our Hindi publications in this newsletter and if you want any of them please do contact us at vknardep@gmail.com
Our page of wisdom this month brings you thoughts of three wise men: two from the west and one from the east. Aldo Leopold the famous ecologist speaks of the planet as one mega-life. Written years before James Lovelock revealed the planet as one dynamic dance of Gaia, the passage is remarkable for the vision it unveils. Physicist George Sudarshan shows how physical science as contemplation on nature, can become meditation and a yoga of uniting us with nature.Henryk Skolimowski, an eco-philosopher from Poland, speaks of ecology as a spiritual Dharma for every individual. These voices across the planet and disciplines give us the same message: a vision of oneness and action emanating from that vision as spiritual sadhana.
That is what VK-nardep is doing through its activities.
This month we bring in our newsletter an excerpt from a concept paper that deals with cultural values and bio-diversity conservation. In their paper ‘Integrating Cultural, Spiritual and Ethical Dimensions into Conservation Practice in a Rapidly Changing World',by Mark Infield & Arthur Mugisha, the authors bring out very clearly how each sub-set of cultural values are closely linked to various aspects of nature conservation. This gives a valuable framework for nature and bio-diversity conservation through culture. For a society like that of Indian society such a framework is very much important and relevant.
We bring you the various activities that are happening at VK-nardep including the free medical camps, workshops on the revival of ancient and endangered traditional medical system, Bio-methanation plant training programme and installation of bio-methanation plants in Tamil Nadu. This month as ever has been offering us rewarding experiences in taking sustainable technologies to people in general and rural & student communities in particular. We have given a comprehensive appraisal of our Hindi publications in this newsletter and if you want any of them please do contact us at vknardep@gmail.com
That is what VK-nardep is doing through its activities.
You can download our newsletter here.
And we wish you a pleasurable reading experience along with wishes for happy Krishna Jayanthi and happy Independence Day.Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Discussion and Release of the book “Historicity of the Vedic & Ramayana Eras : Scientific Evidences from the Depths of Oceans to the Heights of Skies”
Discussion and Release of the book “Historicity of the Vedic & Ramayana Eras : Scientific Evidences from the Depths of Oceans to the Heights of Skies” by Kumari Selja, Hon’ble Union Minister of Cultture
live broadcast at : http://www.vifindia.org/live
Venue : VIF Auditorium, 3, San Martin Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi (IN).
live broadcast at : http://www.vifindia.org/live
Venue : VIF Auditorium, 3, San Martin Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi (IN).
View VIF India in Larger Map
Help to our Bodo Brothers
"Serve Man Serve God"
The violence in Assam appears to have subsided but the rehabilitation and other sewa activities would be a long process.
The Bodos of Assam were already confronting with the incessant rains and were facing lot of hardships. Making this as opportune moment, the illegal migrated Muslims (Ref : http://www.indianexpress.com/news/how-to-share-assam/980438/3) attacked on them and added to their woes and nearly 50 people were killed during these violences. The riots left scores of people seriously injured and lakhs of them homeless. 4 lakh people remain high and dry in relief camps and are forced to live a life of refugees.
Vivekananda Kendra workers went in the Daligaon block and looked into the situation and are working out the relief works that are to begin w.e.f. 8 Aug 2012.
We appeal all kind hearted people to come forward and donate generously for the grief-stricken Bodo brothers who have become the victims of brutal violence.
The bank details to send your financial assistance to our Bodo Bandhus are :
1. Name : Vivekananda Kendra, Guwahati
2. Punjab National Bank, Guwahati
3. Account No 3213000100018977
4. IFS Code- PUNB0321300
Please do communication at
email : relief[at]vkendra.org
The Bodos of Assam were already confronting with the incessant rains and were facing lot of hardships. Making this as opportune moment, the illegal migrated Muslims (Ref : http://www.indianexpress.com/news/how-to-share-assam/980438/3) attacked on them and added to their woes and nearly 50 people were killed during these violences. The riots left scores of people seriously injured and lakhs of them homeless. 4 lakh people remain high and dry in relief camps and are forced to live a life of refugees.
Vivekananda Kendra workers went in the Daligaon block and looked into the situation and are working out the relief works that are to begin w.e.f. 8 Aug 2012.
We appeal all kind hearted people to come forward and donate generously for the grief-stricken Bodo brothers who have become the victims of brutal violence.
The bank details to send your financial assistance to our Bodo Bandhus are :
1. Name : Vivekananda Kendra, Guwahati
2. Punjab National Bank, Guwahati
3. Account No 3213000100018977
4. IFS Code- PUNB0321300
Please do communication at
email : relief[at]vkendra.org
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Vivekananda Kendra Rural Development Programme : June 2012
Through 75 Balwadis, 1761 rural Children were nurtured. In all the Balwadis, Malt along with hygienically prepared highly nutritive lunch with vegetables was served during the day. And in the evening vitamin-rich cereals were provided to the children.
In our Medicare Programme, 1572 patients were examined and treated for various common ailments, through 14 Rural Medical Centers in Kanyakumari, Nelai and Thoothukudi districts.
Service to the humanity is the highest form of worship - Swami Vivekananda
Under Adopt a Grannie Programme, 23 destitute and old people were provided with monthly solatiums, in the form of rice, dhal, oil, etc., for their livelihood and 48 persons provided rice only, in Southern ive districts of Tamilnadu.
In 202 Samskara Vargas, 6493 students participated. The students were taught about the values of Indian Culture, through games, lectures & lessons. The feelings of oneness were strengthened among participants, through patriotic songs and games.
Eye camps were conducted at 3 places, in Kanyakumari, and Nellai districts in which 550 were treated for their eye ailments and 116 were operated for cataract.
Under Amrita Surabhi Scheme, our Kendra workers collected 1226 Kgs of rice from Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli,Thoothukudi, Virudhunagar and Ramnad districts.
Through various branch centers, including Thoothukudi A.O. and book stalls, literature books were sold for Rs. 26421.50 /-
Vivekavani Subscriptions for 75 for one year collected.
80 women are being benefited in 4 Self Help Groups in Kanyakumari district.
The Perfectly unselfish man is the most successful- Swami Vivekananda
4 tailoring units are functioning well in Nellai & Kanyakumari districts with the total attendance of 84.
Shivalinga Poojas were conducted at 2 places in Kanyakumari District and 104 members participated
Durga Pooja was conducted at 2 places, in Kanyakumari District in which 124 devotees participated.
Guru Poornima were celebrated in Peyankuzhi in Kanyakumari district where 75 people were participated.
The Universe is objectiied God - Swami Vivekananda
This month we are distributing the rice which is collected through Amrit Surabhi and Anna pooja to Balwadi children, old poor people and also the following institutions, educational institutions etc.,
Shri Mavna Gurusamy Madam, Thottiyodu
100 Kg
Avvai Ashram, Sivasailam
200 Kg.
Hindu Middle School, Kalanthapanai
100 Kg
Jeyandra Saraswathi School, Thirumalapuram
200 Kg.
Joni Middle School, Ku mbikulam
100 Kg.
Balwadi children
1,615 Kg.
7 |
Adopt-A-Grannies scheme
730 Kg
Inspiring Incident
G. Krishnammal,
One day I went for shopping. At that time two persons were standing and one person seemed to be a coolie person. That person asked me regarding working in the Balwadi. I replied that I am working for the past 19 years in the Balwadi. Then he enquired me whether I am able to recognise him . With a deep look I was able to recognise him and his name was Suresh who was a studying in our Balwadi. I enquired about his mother and his sister Sutha who also studied in our Balwadi. I told him that his family was well known to me. He was very much astonished to know that I was able to recognise his name and his sister name. He told that he was fearing to talk with me.When I remembered him he was very happy.
T. Sutha. Putha lam Balwadi
Selvan Tharun joined in our Balwadi as a new student. For the first two days he was weeping very much. Later on he became to the normal standard. After one week when his grandmother came to take him to their house he will adamantly told them that he will come along with the teacher only and he refused to go with them which attracted me very much.
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