Samartha - a teachers orientation camp at Miao
Vivekananda Kendra Arunachal Prant conducted one SAMARTHA, a Teachers Orientation Camp at Community Hall Miao, Dist-Changlang on 2nd December 2012. 34 teachers from various schools of Miao, Kharsang and Bordumsa participated in this orientation camp. The camp was inaugurated by Sri S. Roy, Circle Officer, Miao. In his inaugural speech, he lauded the noble initiative of Vivekananda Kendra and appealed to the teachers to take full advantage of these sorts of opportunities. Resource persons Barnali Hazarika and Dr.D.D.Adhikari from Vivekananda Kendra conducted the sessions. The programme was attended by AEDO, Miao, Sri B.Singh and he assured all possible help from his department to conduct more such camps, especially for SSA teachers of Changlang district. The participants shared their experience in the concluding session. Er.Nampong Ngemu, Vibhag Pramukh (Tirap Vibhag), Vivekananda Kendra Arunachal Prant delivered the concluding lecture, where he appealed to all the teachers to perform their duties with full dedication to make the society more positive and vibrant.
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