In Yogabhyas, Breathing exercises, Suryanamaskar, Asanas and Pranayama were practiced. Also amongst the Shatkriyas, Jal Neti, Waman Dhauti, Tratak, Kapalbhati and Agnisar Kriya were practiced.
During the Camp, lecture sessions were held on : Concept and types of Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnan Yoga, Bhagavad Gita, Swami Vivekananda, Eknathji Ranade, Story of Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Kendra Prarthana, Indian Culture, Challenges before Yoga way of life, Pursuit of Happiness, Vivekananda Kendra movement and its activities. A Special session was held on the forth coming: Sardha Shati Samaroh – 150th Anniversary of Swamiji.
Daily Manthan was held on the Lectures or from the Book : “ Rousing call to the Hindu Nation” and participants did presentations.
During Geet Abhyas, practice of Bhagavad Gita Chanting, Shlokas, Stotras, songs, bhajans was held. Also the meaning of some prayers and stotras were explained.
Omkar Dhyan and Cyclic Meditation were practiced.
Devotional session – Bhajan Sandhya - with melodious music was a daily practice in the evening.
Happy Assembly at night was the time for unwinding and sharing the talents by the participants. Many games were held then. Also participants presented a beautiful Drama from Ramayana. Also Yoga demonstrations.
During the camp, visits were made to Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Kanyakumari Temple, Suchindram Temple, Bharat Gramodaya Darshan Park, Vivekananda Pictorial Exhibition, Gangotri and Wandering Monk Exhibition. Participants’ also visited Marut Malai hill, trekking to the top.
In all the Camp was organized in a congenial atmosphere with moderate discipline. Many participants have expressed their desire to work for the society, for the Sardh Shati Samaroh through Vivekananda Kendra.
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