This year The Republic Day coincided with Swamiji’s birthday in the Indian Calendar and the day was celebrated emphasizing the significance of both. Respected Lakshmi Didi hoisted the flag. After the Rashtra Geet the emphasis shifted to Swamiji.Firstly to acquaint the gathering, which included Sishuvihar children, their family members, a number of yoga participants and our regular team of well wishers, with Swamiji’s life ,a short documentary on Swami Vivekananda’s life was shown. Those who had not seen the Vishwa Bhanu Exhibition were asked to visit the same during the small tea break that followed. After this the elders were asked to pick up small chits containing thoughts of Swamiji, contemplate on it and speak a few words. This was appreciated by many of the participants who felt that the thoughts they chose exactly fitted what they wanted for themselves. The finale was a grand lunch where the variety of dishes were brought by the participants.. The day was a grand success
A two days’ Spiritual Retreat (21 & 22 JANUARY 2011) was conducted with Srimad Swami Nirmalanandagiriji as the Acharya. This was more of an Adhyatmic Study class on the theme “Pravritti and Nivritti” based on Bhagavad Gita. From the morning of 21st to evening of 22nd devotees got the golden opportunity to be with Swamiji. There were five lecture sessions each day from morning 7:00am to night 9:30pm, with short breaks for breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. After dinner usually a question answer session was kept so that devotees could get their doubts cleared. On the 22nd evening the retreat ended with Guru dakshina. About hundred devotees attended. All of them preferred to stay in the campus making it a residential retreat and giving us the confidence to organize more in depth studies of this kind in future.
A whole day programme was kept on the 29 January 2011. The morning session was used to conduct Patriotic Group Song and Folk Group Song competitions. Six schools participated. A total of 80 children took part.In the public programme organized after lunch Prof. Radhakrishnan from Palakad, who has started a vibrant youth forum called Vivekananda Darsanika Samajam and well versed in Swamiji’s literature was invited as the Chief Guest. Dr N,M. Vijayan, Kendra’s long standing well-wisher, presided. The day was also celebrated as the Annual Day of our Sandeepani Sishuvihar. Apart from the main speeches there was also a cultural show by the children of Sandeepani Sishuvihar and Samskar varga. There was a beautiful yoga Demonstration by about twenty two children from HDPY School which won much appreciation.
Two rolling shields were kept for the best school in patriotic song and folk song. The shield for the Patriotic Song was claimed by the H.D.P.Y. Public school and the one for the Folk Song went to Sri Sai Vidya Niketan. Nine meritorious children were given scholarships on the occasion.
For more information about various activities at Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation, Kodungallur (Kerala), please drop an email to vkvvf[at] or call at (0480)-2805780.
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