Wednesday, April 4, 2012

VKNARDEP : Newsletter March 2012

This month newsletter brings you an excerpt from a classic. Lady Evelyn Barbara "Eve" Balfour (1899-1990)is a legendary name in organic farming. We present excerpts from her address to International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements conference in Switzerland in 1977. The reader will find the address as relevant today as it was more than 35 years ago. And she points out that our educational system need to teach our children about the ecological problems and philosophy. "It is now urgently necessary that a still wider aspect of ecology should also form part of the regular curriculum of all schools, starting at the primary stage."
The trouble is we have first to teach the teachers, and here, I think, we must be agreed on what we want to teach." The newsletter ends with the wisdom of three great souls of India - Tagore, Gandhiji and Vinoba : each calling for a change in our educational system. Thus in both these features the emphasis is on change in educational system.

In the publication section we have shared one of the important publications that we brought out almost two decades ago. 'Back to Nature' is a wonderful synthesis of science, Indian philosophy and ecological awareness. The book looks at the root cause of our ecological crisis and emphasizes a shift in our value system and way of thinking. It reveals a vision that synthesizes quantum mechanics, systems thinking and Indian philosophy. The book is a treat for your mind and leads you to proper eco-action. Read the review in this newsletter and then make sure to order the book.

As ever this month also we have been a bee hive busy with activity: workshops on sustainable agriculture, traditional bone-setting methods, workshops on Azolla technology and kitchen waste based bio-methanation plant training, installation of kitchen waste based bio-methanation plants - all these have happened. Dr.Kamalasannan Pillai and Dr.Ganapathi have given special lectures at VIT and Pondicherry respectively. Dr.Pillai received his societal innovation award at Mumbai in a grand function. There was also Green Building technology workshop attended by architects and engineers this month. A series of talks were given in All India Radio by VK-nardep staff on organic farming. So we have been spreading the green awareness in our own small steps.

You can read all about these and more by downloading our newsletter here. 

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