Various programmes were arranged by Vivekananda Kendra’s Nagpur branch to pay reverence to the Guru. In a programme at Kendra’s premises at Atre layout, Pratap Nagar, Smt. Savita Ogiral, a noted orator and writer talked on the Guru. She focused on the great relationship of Shri Ramamkrishna and Swami Vivekananda as Master and disciple. The programme began with chanting of Omkar and Bhajans explaining the importance of Guru in human life. All who were present felt the serenity of the atmosphere, while they chanted the Guru stotra and offered flowers to the Guru. The programme ended with Shanti Mantra and Kendra Prarthana.
Similar programmes took place at four more places. Those were arranged by the samskar vargas of Trimoorti nagar, Narendra nagar, Ram nagar and Sakkardara vistars. The children of seven samskar vargas were involved. 260 people witnessed beautiful presentetions including skits, songs and dances by samskar varga children. Shri Ashutosh Pathak, CEO, Shriram Urban Co-op Bank, Sau. Sathe, teacher, Dr. Madhuru Wagh, Ku. Supriya Laturkar and Ku. Asavari Joshi talked to the audience.
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