VKNARDEP : Newsletter September 2012
How to design an Eco-Education? Is that merely scientific facts and methods or something else along with all these? In an excerpt from his article on the problem Prof. Christopher Uhl ponders over the problem: What do these students—indeed, what do all of us need to know to become environmentally literate and know to become more ecologically conscious?" And proceeds to answer. Read about designing a course in eco-education in this excerpt presented in the newsletter.
Azolla is getting a coverage in Andhra Pradesh. A leading Tamil TV channel has also given good coverage to this technology. Varma workshop has been conducted this month. SHG members from a neighboring district came to VK-nardep to learn sustainable technologies... these are just some of the happenings reported in our newsletter this month. We are presenting the book 'Beneficial Herbs' which are actually herbal plants that usher in health. This book is a good introduction to beginner as well as professional as to how to use common plants for common household ailments. This book has been in great demand since its publications. Good pictures, crisp narrative and practically useful information - all that explain the popularity of the book. This is also the first death anniversary of Wangari Mathai - a great African eco-feminist. We remember her in this newsletter
In the wisdom section we share how a scientist, seer and a mystic view the planet, evolution and nature.Joan Maloof the ecologist sees the planet as conscious. Swami VIvekananda sees the evolutionary process as having involuted consciousness expanding back into consciousness and Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram sees the entire nature as conscious.
You can download and read all these in our newsletter HERE
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